Wednesday, March 2, 1904 THE bUMPTER MINER WATER CO. SOON TO RESUME WORK To Start on The Power Plant And Pipe Line About April I. The Snropter Light and Water com pany wlllmuaaeopeMtiona-aa.ita power plant and pipe line just as soon as the weather will permit. A. Q. Smith, consulting engineer and one of the officers of the company, who is now at North Yakima, round ing up the work connected with the water system there, controlled by the same people, Is expected here about April 1, to recoinmenco operations if the snow has sufficiently disappeared ut that time to allow work to pro ceed. When t'jo weather forced a suspen sion last fall, tbn power house had been practically completed nnd tbo major part of tbo plpo line laid. The foundations for the mucbiuery are all iu and only a small aniouut of interior work connected with tbo building lonmlnri to be completed. Outsldo of tho plpo lluo exteuslou wbloh the company contemplates making within the city limits, 2,000 feet will cover tbo rost to be laid. . The eugines and boilors at tne old plant will be moved to tbo uew loca tion, but the dynamo now iu use will be held for shipment to some other point, the new ono coming being of sufficient power to furnish light to a much larger plaoo than Sumpter. The arowth of the town was figured on in the purchase of machinery. Tbo new dynamo was ordered some time ago, and Superintendent Dull expects its arrival now any day. LISTEN LAKE WELL FIXED FOR BREAKUP J. Win Wilson, manager of tl o Listeu Lake, returned from the prop erty on this afternoon's train. The shaft, Mr. Wilson says, is now dowu over soveuty five feet, aud is out of tho ledge and iu country rock. At the 100 foot level tbo vein wll agalti be crosscut. Mr. Wilsou says ho is woll fixed fur the break up of snow, when tbo roads will bo almost Impassable. lie has now on bands nlno tons of supplies, which will tido him over until runuers cau bo discarded for wheels. IWNEKAL WOOL NEAREST THING TO ASBESTOS MADE BY MAN. "Mlnornl wool" Is the nearest thing to asbestos which man has been able to make on a commercial scale. At first it was made from slag, tho refuse from blast fournaces, but the "wool" was too brittle and melted at too low a temperature to be used as a substitute for asbestos. Met allurgists took the matter in hand, analyzed asbestos, and made up the proper mixture from sand, fire clay, limestone, kaolin and iron slag to give a product which possessed many of the characteristics of asbes tos. Mow limestone, broken glass, broken dishes, iron slag and pieces of fle brick are melted down In a suitable furnace and blown Into tbo fibrous stuff called "mineral wool." When the mixture Is melted Into a liquid by tbo intenso beat of the furnace a small opening Is made and the molteu stuff escapes iu a stream about an inch Iu diameter. As it falls a jet of steam or compressed air, issuing from flat nozzles, is turned on to It and blows it In a fine spray through a window into an adjoining room. The action of the jets upon tbo stream of molten sand, iron, clay and glass spins it out Into beautiful white fibers, which on cooling look like washed wool. This material Is used largely as a nonconductor-, of .beat. .It is, packed around steam pipes and boilers to retain heat and packed around re frig orators 'to retain cold. San Francisco Chronicle. ADVANCE ELECTED OFFICERS THURSDAY At a special mocetlug of the stock holders of the Advauco Mining com pauy held Thursday aftornnou iu tbo company's offices, for the purposo of Increasing tho directorate from three to five, electing officers aud extend lug their terms of office from ono to two years, and revising tbo by-laws, the following officers aud directors were elected : President Thomas J. Cuatello; vlco president, S. S. Start; secretary and treasurer. Dr. V. A. Wallers, of Steven's Poiut, Wisconsin; directors, G. H. Ulauchard of St. Paul, aud E. P. liorgmau. Tbo compuy operates tho McKln- ley and Roosevelt group iu tbo Cable Cove disrtict, and is controlled by practically tbo same people who com pare tbo Forest company operating tbe Storm King group. Dr. Walters called attention to tbe fact that tbe eastern stockholders get tho terms Forest, Advance, Storm King, etc., mixed -up, and it takes u lot of his timo to sot thorn right. Ho suggested that in tbo company's litoraturo closer distinctions bo made iu this matter. Various reports wero road and things wore fouud to bo in excellent shape. TO START WORK ON NINE STRIKE Juo Mikel, an old timo rcsldout of Sumpter and largely interested iu mluiug proporty iu tho district, ar rived from Suu Joso this morning. Mr. Mikel is hero to look after his mluiug interests aud will probably remain for some time. He Is tbo ori ginal locator of tbe Ibex, aud ono of tbe present owueis of tho NiueStrlko, iu the Cracker Creek district. He will make arrangements to carry on work at this proporty duriug the coming Benson. Mr. Mikol located here about elghtcon years ago, and was among the earliest operators In the dlstrlcrt. Uosides his holdings here be is interested in California and Alaska. M. E. Bain WIN Return Soon. Professor W. S. Eberman has had a letter from M. E. Bain, written from Minneapolis, stating that be will return to Sumpter In about ten days and make things bum out at tbe Overland. He bad just returned from a visit to bis old home In Can ada. FINE FIRE OPALS FOUND IN IDAHO Demand For And Price of This Jewel is Constant ly Increasing. Some fire opals have lately been found in tbe opal depolsta near Moscow, Idaho, aud reuewed atten tion is called to tbe district. A few opal were.uncay.ered lastf nil in rook taken from the farm at the' Idaho Ag ricultural college at Moscow. The same rock was used in paving Main avenue at Moscow. Golden stroeta are common in the mining towns of be northwest, where tailings from gold mines are used for paving, aud silver streets havo proven n great success Iu tbe Coour d Alenes. Moscow, however, Is tho first place Iu this district to have an opalescent tboiougbfare. Opals In the Spokane market retail at from 85 to $ 15 a carat. A medi um grado stone Is worth 88 to 01) a carat. Tbore has been an enormous lucrease lately In tho demand for opals, and first class specimens are commuadiug fancy prices. Tho nl'd timo superstition about tbo opal being a bad luck stone is only laugh ed at, aud all kinds of folk are wearing the wonderful little jewel. In compbiuatiou with diamonds, it Is meeting Its greatest success. There appears to be uo reasou why, with an lucrcasingfprico fur tbe npals, the Moscow fields should not become a steady source of wealth In future. Some magnificent opals have been taken out of tho Moscow fields Fire opala were discovered there on tbo farm uf William Leisure In August, 181)0. James Allen, a joweler of Voukers, New York, Is ro ported to havo mado tho flud, looking over some rocks taken from u well twenty- two feet deep. In the last four foet tho opals wero more or loss plentiful In tbo cavities of tbo rock. Tho formation is a basalt, In which most If not all of I bo feldspar uud pyroxene, as well as tbo green mass, uppcar to havo been alterod. Some of tho orlglual constituents appear to havo chugued, but whether or not it is olivino Ih difficult to determine. Thn pieces of opal vary in size from tho size of half n pen to that of u lion's egg. The material Is found lu a vesicular lava. Tho smaller nodules are rich lu color but tho larger ones often havo littlo life. Tho troublo In working them appears to be that tho stones are cracked iu removing thorn from the matrix. Tbo quality of some of the stones Is excellent. One opal, the largest taken from the mine, was about four inches long aud two aud three eighths Inches thick, and It was estimatod to bo worth from 81,500 to 82,000. Tbe mines, however,' are not being worked. Tbo expense of recovering the stone Is so high that tbe product can not be marketed lu competition with tho cheap opals from Australian or ceutral Europe, where they are plentiful and labor is cheap. Spokesman Review. Back From Snow Creek. W. W. Elmer, consulting engiueer for the Snow Creek mine, returned from tbe property yesterday after noon, and will remain In bis office for several days. Mr. Elmer reports tblnga moving along at the mine after the usual satisfactory fashion. SPECIAL NOTICE If you want to read a free nnd inde pendent paper, devoted to the inter est of mining and current events, which Is not controlled by any pro moting concern, such as most of tho papers'in tho east are, send for a free sample copy of NEW YORK BANKER 23 HROADWAY, NFAV YORK THE Lnation&l banker It II U till! It. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS A journal of National crrrvlatlon. la read by bankers, capitalists, in "estors, retired merchants. If you ant to reach a good class of buyers and the moneyed and investing pub lic, advertise In tho National Hanker. Thousand of copies of each issue of the National Ranker goes to investors throughout the Middle West. Eastern and New England states. The heat journal in the country In which to reach Investors. Sample copies free Advertising rates on application. THE SUMPTER BOLD BELT MINING COMPANY OtPITUIUTUnt S100.ON F. C. RROniK, President M. F. MUZZY, - Vlco President F. O. HUCKNUM, Sec. and Trias C. II. CHANGE. Attorney C. 11. FKNNKR, - Engineer wimTiUTs W THE fiREENMRN AND SUMPTER DISTRICTS SvMitir, Origin ATTENTION! Do yon desire to soil stock in your Gold, Copper, Mining or other In dustrial companies? If so, you can not find a letter advertising medium than TNE DIXIE MANUFACTURER IMHIMNAI. KUIIlMi It is tho lending industrial and financial paper published in tho South. It reaches that class of read ers who are interested in financial mid industrial affairs. It is old and established. Published semi-monthly, tiuuranteed circulation 10,000. Subscription price $2.00 per year. Advertising rate reasonable. Send for sample copy and advertising rates. Address, RoHRtree Publishing Compuy BiriiRthiii. Ilitou. a MONTHS, 3 DIMES j 2 To Introduce The BEST MINING NEWSPAPER : Pubilthrd to a lariie number of . r new readers we will send the American Mining News Kvery Week Tor 3 Months 3 Issue For Only THIRTY CENTS In Silver or Sump Reliable Information in regard to mining stocks FHIIK to all Subscribers j jt jt Address, Department 8. AMERICAN WNININEWSCO. 11 Broadway Hew York City. ,