The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, March 23, 1904, Page 6, Image 6

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Wednesday, March 2$, 1904
When Work Will be Rushed on His Rail
road to The John Day
K. A. lliilnhliiH, agout of Mujur
BoritH In I:Ih mining hiiiI nil I way
nlurirlHiH, phhhoiI through thin
morning on routu to tliu Oregon
Wondoi mill Will Cloavur groups, to
measure up tho contract work aud piiy
oir tlm nitiii,
Mr. llutdliliiH will go mi to Mount
HasttH to look after tlm work nt tlm
liontii property there. Duvulopont
bHH Imtiii prosecuted on tlm Old
Hill (tli Hroup nil wintur and over 200
feot of ttiumil work uomplutod. lu
driving IIiIh distance throu blind
lodges worn out, ouo of which ineiiH
nrod four mid tliu other two hIx foot
in width, and nil carrying goud val-
Mr. HutoliliiH expects Major lluutii I
back from tlm oiih! liy tho mlddlu I
of April. It Ih dullnltuly known, ho
xays.that tlm IioiiiIh hitvi) all been Hold
for tint rnllroud mid ovory thliiK r
ranged satisfactorily, iih fur as limine
iiifC thu proportion, Ih concerned. It
in Major llouta'H intention to roturu
JiihI iih soon iih tho weather will pur
mil thu cnmmoucumetit of general
work on tho proponed linn.
OVER 50.000 ACRES.
A dam I (XI foot high for a lesoi
voir of sulllcleiit capaully to cover
ft, 000 acies of laud Ih olio of tlm lie
wont Irrigation oiitorpisoH lu thu In
land Kmplto. Thu dam will bu
plai'od lu thu canyon of thu Owyhee
river, almiil olghtoou lulled from
Ontario, and three and ono-hnlf
miloH fioin thu mouth of .Ionian
crook. Civil Engineer C. C.
Stephenson, of llnlse. and bin crow
of HiirvoyciH havu just completed sur
veying thu hIIu for thu dam, and will
ut ouou make thu survey for thu canal,
which will extend fiom thu big ioh
orvoli to thu Mullieiir river below
Ontario, covorlug all thu bunch laud
not reached by thu Nevada aud Owy
hee canals.
It Ih possible thin high-lluu canal
may bu extended across thu .Malheur
river to Dead Ox Flat, opposite
Wuisui. The dam us surveyed will
bu 1 00 feet along anil 1 00 feet high,
uml it Ih piiHHiblu to build a dam at
thai point 200 feet high. but thu
100 foot dam will make a reservoir
of aullluieiit capacity to irrigate all
the arid IiiikIh below.
Mr. Stevenson is not making
puhlio who thu capitalUta are behind
the euteiprlso, but it U learned that
the cuookH Issued in payment of
Mrriciw wuru from promiuout business
aeu ot llolso.
It la evidently the knowledge that
Major HoiiIh Ih going to build bla
railroad Into the John Day valley
from Maker City thnt haaan8tlrrod up
the Sumpter Vulluy people. The
management of that road la telling
Ita business to the nowapapeis now
for the HrHt time in Kb history, telling
them about building all kinds of
Much over into the Isolated Empire.
Ilertofore it Iiiih always been a chso of
thu public, especially tho newspapers,
In) damned. Now. that a tight for
traillc In thu not very dlHtaut future
Ih coiiipiirntlvnly a mire thing, thu
Sumpter Valley Ih taking thu public
Into Itrt cnulldcuce and tollluu wliat
It proposes to do tounrilH biilldiug
up thu country.
In (IiIh connection, Thu Miner wan
informed a fuw dayn since that the
gralu biiyoud Whit noy is of Htaulnrd
gauge aud the luteuliou Ih to make
of such thu whole road at uo dlntaut
datu. Thu Sumpter Valley la evi
dently propurlug for competition,
which Iiiih been alleged to lie tho
life of trade ami Iiiih sometimes
been known to bu IIh death.
Hilly Stewart, thu head repairman
ot thu telephone company, returned
from SiiHiiuvillu last night, (after a
rough passage. Near Whitney, whllu
crossing a small itiviuu which thu
melting snow had lllloil with water,
thu hoises went through, breaking thu
harness and leaving thu sluigh and
Mr. Stewart stranded. 'i'liom was
nothing left to do nut to wadu out
and pull the vehicle, This ho did in
tour or live feet of water.
Mr. Stuunt says thu snow is almost
gouu from thu toads out the Knuin
vlllo way, aud Hleighng Ih dltllcult.
lie miw several dead horses in thu
vicinity of Susvamille, and there
Ih much talk aliuut the HiilferiiiK
among stock.
Tomorrow Fred li. Mollis will
ship to St. Louia the Oregon ore
exhibit, which will bu pluced in tbe
world's fair.
Thu ahipmeut will occupy a full
car aud will represeut an iutriusio
value close to ouo hundred thousaud
dolla-a. That is, tbat amount of
gold is contained in the exhibit In
tbe shape of nuggets, gold quartz and
high grade specimens.
In tbe shipment la included tho
famous Mollis cabinets, which have
been admired oy millions of people,
having been exhibited at Huffalo,
Charleston, Spokane and other ex
positions. These cabinets could not
be duplicated, aud for that reason
are worth a fabulous figure.
Mellls' own private exhibit has
been enhanced by tbo addition of
scores of tons of ore specimens from
all thu mluea of Oregon, and by gold
nuggota, precious ore specimens, bot
tles of valuable concentrates, assay
buttona'-and solid gold bars.
Tbe exhibit gathered by Mr. Mellls
is expected to eclipse anything in
that line ahown at tbe world's fair.
It will result In a magnificent ad
vertisement of tbe mineral resources
of Oaker uounty Herald.
special dispatch from Waahiug
to tbe Portland Journal, dated
14th iustaut says: Chief For
Hon. Oifford I'iuubot has do-
elded that the following lauds, In
cluded within tbo withdrawals for
the proposed Hluo Mountain forest
reserve, shall be excluded from such
rcsorve In llxiug tbo final boundaries
ot thu same:
All or aectlona 21, 22, 25, 20.
27, 28, :i:i. IH, .'in and :0 in town
ship 10 south, rango 115 $ east; also
all of township 11 south, rango 71ft
east; also sect Ions 111. 14, 24, 2ft and
Ilti, towuship 11 south, rango !I4 east;
also auctions 1, 2 and 12, township
12 south, range lift east, Willamette
Mr. Piuchot further atatea in bla
communication, which is addressed
to ouator Mitchell, that tbo remain
ing lauds iu towuship 11 foutl,
rango lift Sj oast, and In township 12
south, range lift aud lift1... cast, are
practically all held by the federal
government, aud i ro covered with
muichautahlo timber and well suited
tor thu purposes of a forest resorve.
Mr. Piuchot makes u further state
ment as follews: "1 wish to empha
size vury strongly tho fact that iu
casu this reservu is created, the mer
chantable timber will bu sold upon
application, aud that thu policy of
thu government will bo to encourage
iu every way the general development
of thu region."
Thu lauds withdrawn from the res
earvatiou liu along thu proposed lino
of railway from Sumpter to Hums.
Ouo of the greatest mining excite
ments uvcr occurring uear Salt Lake
is now uu.
A great number of wild ducks have
been found dead uear Has in City, aud
Investigation proves that tbo fowls
had beou killed by oatlug small
gold nuggota which lodged iu their
Soon after the discovery dozens
of citizens began to bunt ducks. Tbe
now scheme of mluuig was profitable
to more tbau ono of the hunters.
Dr. Walker, of Hyatville found a
nugget iu a duck's crop worth ill.
80. Other fluda were made, aud the
gold fever is ou. The nuggets swal
lowed by tbe birds, were pioked up
ou the shore of Paint Rock creek.
Prospectorare already on'the ground
staking olaitns. Exchange.
Dr. Walters Bunked Into AH
Kinds of Inclemency
On Trip South.
Dr. F. A. Walters, of Stevens'
Point, Wisconsin, who returned tho
other day from a southern Oregon
aud California trip to look' after bla
mining Interests here before
going east, inclines to tbe belief tbat
tbe weather man baa It in for him.
Whfcii be arrived In Sumpter a few
weeks ago, the worst an.ow storm of
the season was lagiug. With skeea
and w'ebn ho braved tbe Inclemency
of tbo weather aud made n journey
to the Storm King. After spending
several days here he went to south
ern Oregon, where be went against
tbe worst rain storm in history. In
fact, ho saye the rainfall in a couplo
of mouths thoio amounted to more
than it usually does for tbo eutlro
year. To get away from this beastly
brand of weutber, bo tried 'Frisco,
aud bumded into tbo heavy storm
about which the papers were full a
short time ago. He coucludes that
after all tho Sumpter variety is the
best ho has at rock on the Pacltlc
Dr. Walters' advices from homo
atato 'bat WIhcosiiIu haa experienced
tbe coldest weather within the mem
ory of man. Strango birds hihterto
uukuowu in that regiou are plenti
ful, supposed to bnvo beeeu driven
there by the iutonso cold furthor
Dr. Walters la interested iu
the Eutorprlfo Mining company, iu
southern Oregon, which ia allied with
tho Advauco aud Forest companies
iu Sumpter, aud which controls
several properties there. Ho saya
things are looking good and oxtenslvo
work nud will be douo the coming
season. Ou his roturu ho will
arrange to carry ou continuous devel
opment nt the several properties iu
which bis companies are interested.
Mixed Up in Wade Failure.
), S. Hughes, ouo of tho owners of
tho Standard, returned this morning
from n business trip to Peulcton,
aud loft this afternoon for Quartz
burg. Mr. Hughes was slightly mix
ed up lu tho Wade failure, Mr.
Wade having had an optiou on his
Standard stock, aud his mission to
Peudletou was to adjust matters.
Latest New Voik Pattern Hats,
now designs lu Street Hats, at
Mrs. J. N. Hoffmau's.
85.00 Certilicuto of the best
Oil Stock absolutely given away.
Write nt once for plan how to
secure Five Dollars' worth of
fully paid and nou-asscssablc
Oil Stock without cash.
Room 729 Park Row Bldg.