w 7 THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, March 2$, 1904 The Sumpter Miner OFFICIAL IWER OF THE CITY OF SUMMTIR pumiMttn vir widnmoav by J. W. CONNELLA T. O. CSWVNNE, EDITOM fcntrrea at Ihr poitofflce In Sumpter, Oregon, lor trafiimlttlon through th mills ttconi li ttttr. tUHSCHIPTION BATHS Cm Vm , Ii.oo all Monitu 1,15 ALWAYS IN AUVANCR. It Ih announced (hut 11 81 nil, 000 building, with ntiiili) laborutory e(iiliuiuii(, Ih to lit) erected lit Cold Iliirlior Springs, Long ImIiiiiiI, under thn auspices of tin) Carnegie IiihIIIii tlon, where tliri'it Chicago piufcssors Will CflllflUl'.t investigations Into thu origin of lift. Those savants will wrestle with tint irnlilt)iii mill show whoro til it u came frmii ami which way tin Ih Itt'iiilittl. May lit) so limy will. TiihIii Ih iiiiw winking (in it scheme Hint will put thn tlnlly newspapoM mi tint Iiiiiii, lly moiitiH tif 11 gigeu tit) transmitting power lit) Ih erecting (ill Long lMlliUil,liiossHgcs limy hi) sent tt) (lit) iitliiriniiHt pnrts tit lilt) globe. A mini mny stand In thn niliMlii tif Kuliiirii 11111I with it small, Inexpensive piuikiit I tint rtiinoiit , lit will hi; t'linlili'il to know what (Ih going on In Now Vork, if tht HyHlmn workH. Thn touching Htory liv thu Seattle Times tif 1111 honest trump who found 81 0,0(10 lost from a (I rent Northern trnlii In thi) Cascades, Iiiih Iiuuii badly pmitittirid. It tutiiH out Unit tin) until wiih not h trump lit iillf lint mi timpltiyii sent nut to locate thu missing coin. Fuels uru cruel things. It huh 11 much better Htory with lilt) llOUOHt I10I10 hero, mid It hIiiiuIiI Iiiivii been hIIoiiI to ii'innlll hm Thu Times originally hud it. Ilmiltfi Commissioner Darlington, of New Vork, Ih conducting Itivcitt I -KiitloiiH relative to thu spread of tinutitgintis iIIsiuisoh through thu handling of i'oIiih and paper money. Hi) t'liiluiH to Iiiivii discovered that thu iivoragii'plofit of inoiii.y in I'iri'uliitinu Ih 11 regular I'littleshlp.mauuod by nil HtirtH of ticntli dealing germ. TIiIh may nil ho true, but It Ih also true 4 tin t tint t'W'iy tiny citlon will eon tliiuii It Ih ouilriivnrs to t'liptiirti (lit) iiutimy, icgiirdlcss of bin butteries. Tim fauiilftil tlintiry Iiiih been nt 111 tiil ut HI. t'ctcrshurg that thu lupnucso inn thu lust Tun 1'r I Imh of iHraul. Thu bleu, while lutllcriiiiit, Iiiih limiu scl'etl iipiiu by thu nut I Humltitt press mm a melius of stinting n now uutl-.iculsli outbreak. $ Thu Noviiu Vriimyn wantonly tieats It seriously, and thu Dully Drckrcs says tllU JtlWH Of RllSsIa lilt' Subscribing largo sums to aid tholr ncw-found lirutluuu In thu fund mil of Urn war. It Ih feared thu contention will lu thu cause of a renewal of thu Klhlil nt'lf massacres during Easter. It Ih n littlii uurioiiH, says thu Chi oagn Trltitiuc, that whllti hoiiiu womuu 11 ru starting crusades agnlust splttcia and other masculine monuoors of tho pulillo health, still others should by the wearing of Iouk skirts spread dis ease and disseminate dirt. Tho hhimu vromaii who shrinks fastidiously from thu mlcrubo-bearlng rags of thu beg. gar at t tic door Ih frequently knowu tu oirur resting place ou her skirts to the udih despised genu. She re fuses tu allow ber imagination to sink ro low as tbo hem of her iiown, Hurl her liiRiinltHry rale Ib assumed In Ignorance riither than In deflRUce. Vet on tbe other liHtid, It la Htated that no He rrn formidable 'enough to stilxlue a woman's faulty has yet been discovered, aud that the only way to net rid nf the long street skirt Ih to boycott its wearer. ''Hut the women apparently will not do thin, mid tho men, of course, dart) not. Arthur Ilorublow, in The Critic, duclarefl that llulwer-Lyttou foretold thu discovery of radium tlfty yours ago In his novel entitled "The Com ing Knee." Whllu it may not bo probable that radium will ever ac complish the wonderful results of tho myHteriniiH Vril described In tbo novel, yet the Hlmllarity between tbo real mid imaginary substaucsc la striking. For ilistnucu: "Tin" Htory tells tif human beings that dwell below thu surface of thu earth. Their iincostorH hail takuu rt'fuuu in Hit! IjowuIh of the earth when 11 KH'iit f I nod had ttuviiHtated thu world above. They enjoyed nil thu meuhaiiit'iil luwiiitloiiri known to our uc, niitl fought amoiiK thumselvos JiihI hh tin the iieoplu of upper earth. "At liiHt, however, n now era wiih introduced by the tliHCtivery of n iii.vh terloiiH Hiibstaucu which tlioy culled Viil. It wiih 11 iullity atelier over all forum of mnttur, aulmato and In animate, So potent wiih it for do- Htructiou that war became impoHHible. "Force therofore Kraduiilly vuiilsh ml from polltlcnl HysteniH. Finally A-Vrll beenmu HyuonymoiiH with civilization, and Vi 11 yn hIiiIIIoc1 tho clvlllatlon imtioiiH, iih dlstiuct from those peopleH who know not tho uso of Vrll. "A Htnitll amount of Vrll, accord Iiik to llulwer-Lyttou, could destroy a city ns largo iih London, mid u child could annihilate an army. Science now assures iih that the power of radium Ih almost limitless, two pounds beiuK sulllcieiit to destroy three millions of people and ono ouiiue to blow up a battleship. "Vrll lighted the streetH utiil Iiouhch of Ilulwer-Lytton's tu liter raiieau people. .Science tells us that nullum gives out heat ami light with out waste or diminution, "Vril cured disease, and the rnco of thu novelist depended upon it to Invigorate mid lestoru life. 'It en ables tho physical organization,' ho wrote, 'to rti'CstiihlUh thu equilib rium of its natural powers anil there by to cine itself.' "HNperimeutH with nullum in the hospitals show t hut it will cure cer tain forms of disease. If tlilfereutly used it will hum and will destroy life. Wo have only begun to guess Us power over (lie hotly. "Thus, whether or not radium is ever made by man to do what it ditl in the Illumination of thu novelist, the similarity between the two sub stances Ih Hiilliciently strong to bo decidedly Interesting. " BONANZA MILL HAS RESUMED OPERATIONS i report from the llouauza states that tho repairs at tho mill have beeu completed aud operations re sumed. The mill was closed dowu for a short time to make some ueeded Im provements. These have been Mu lshed aud things a-e going as usual at this well known propeity. BOURNE'S CHARTER MAY BE ANNULLED it Is understood that a quiet etfort is being made by the mine operators of tho Cracker Creek district to de prive Iloumo of its charter. Tbe auimius of tbe situation Is to remove saloons from tho vicinity of tbe mines, siuco the operators reckon these among influences which mili tate against effective service from their employes, if tho town were deprived of its charter, no license could be gruntej according to law for u saloon nearer than one mile of an operatiug inlno. The Huuulliug of the charter hinges ou the constitutionality of tbe act of the legislature delegating to county courts thu power of granting charters ! to towns of this class. It is held by u good many authorities on law that this act of tbo legislature Is in con flict with tbo stnto constitution, in that tbo constitution does not war rant the delegation of any such pow ers to a county court, and therefoie. tiny town charter now hold uuder , such provision could bu annulled. At tho lust general session of the legislature llournu applied for a special charter, but the application, was rejected. Tho county court wiisj then appealed to, and the present ! charter uuder which thu municipality was organized was grauteJ. Tho constitutionality of the law bus never beeu tested, us uo protest has over beeu made, but a great muny lawyers are of tbe opinion that it j would take lint little etfort tu estab lish the points of coufllct and, there fore, declare the law void. Iieforriug to this matter, Sam Stott, the lawyer aud mluiug man, who was recorder of Sumpter whou tbo town oporated under n similar charter, says: "When the Viucuut water fran-1 chlse was granted bore, this samo question came up iu connection with I tbe validity of the franchise. I recall having discussed the mutter with Charlie Juhns, who was of the opin ion that if thu law weru tested its constitutionality would not hold. However, vti agreed to graut tbo fruuehiso, Us there was uo opposition to it, and Inter when tho towu was given u charter by thu legislature tu validate thu transaction. This, of course, placed tho franchise ou a secure basis. If any objection had beeu raised it whs my npiulou then, ami I urn stil' of tint same belief, that tlie county court charter of Sumpter could have been tulcn away by t"stlug tliu constitutionality of the law, Iloumo, of course, comes iu this same category." While very little can be learum! WORTH READING YOU CAN MAKE MONEY IF YOU BUY THESE STOCKS VALLEY QUEEN-PRICE 9 CENTS Capital $250,000 Th Coming Grtat Mint of the Cable Covt DUtrict. Recent big itnkci thow values of over $181 per ton. A ure Producer. An investment in Vallev Queen wilt many times double your money, jt j j j BUCK. HORN-PRICE 10 CENTS Capital $500,000. Will be a Greater Blue Bird. It hat the ore bodies of this famous property. An iavestmcot la Buck Horn U like (iading money J J J J J J jt Write today for Prospectus and full information. Men tion No. tO acd we will mail you free six months the NORTH AMERICAN MINER WHEELER & CO. lukirs 32 MUIWAY, N. Y. from tbe mine operators themselves, It is admitted that an'effort is being made in this direction, in order to clear tbe Cracker Creek district of , saloons. OFFICIAL RECORDS. The following instruments were tiled at tbe Dukur county court house during the week ending March 22, 1IHH. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. DKKnF. May 17, '02 U. S. Huntington land wife to Augusta Almqulst, lot D block 25, Huntington; 820. Aug. 28 U. S. A. to Ellen T. Audersou, receipt to S. . i Sec. Ill Tp. 7 It. 42 E; 8400. March 10 C. Sluuot by sheriff to E. Pointer, tax deed to WiO acres In Sees. 25 aud 20 T. 10 R. 40 E. ; 813. March I. 'I M. L. Crawford, aud wife to Jas. W. liuckley,S. E. 30x50 feet iu lot 4 block 2, C. II. Fisher's ndu to linker City; 83,250. Match 12 W U . Jackson and wife to F. II. (iiabner, lota 18 aud 1!) block 5, Stewart's 2nd adu: 8300. March 7 S. II. lleil aud wife to Henry Hewitt, .lr., 120 acres in See. 7 Tp. 10 K. 3(1 E; 8080. March 7 J. C. Miller and wife to II. I'. Kimball, one-third interest Iu 50x48 feet ou Spring (Jartlou nveuue, linker City.; 81. Mnrch 12--lt)sephluo Icon to E. M. Chandler. N. E. H Sec. 27 Tp. 8 R. 30 E; 85.000. March 10 E. Ueiser to John A. Sturm. 50x100 feet of southwest corner Haskell block linker City; 81.000. April 20. '02 T. Drislnuo et a I to F.M.Deau, lot 14 block 41 Paciilu addltlon to linker City; 835. ; Aug. 1(1 (Sep. Urouougli und wife to T. C. Shea taud E. E. La Jirle, 4 8x50 feot mi Spring Harden aveuuo, in Maker City; 81. March 7 Fred Law sou to Win. Lawsou, lots 11, 12 aud 13 block 27, Sumpter; 8300. Muy 21 J. M. Masters and wifo to C. W. Musters, lots 4 aud 5 block 3 iinittiiln aud McCouuis addition to linker City; 850. Mny 12 Frauk It. Areus to A. Vaudordor. E. H N. E. )i Sec. 13 Tp. 7 It. 41 E; 81. MINING MATTERS. UEKDH. March 12 A. J. Stiusou aud wifo to Wm. Stlnsou Handy Andy placer claim; 8500. March 12 Win. Stiusou and wifo to F. II. Itothchild, 1-2 interest iu Handy Andy placer claim; 81. .Inly 27 .Ins. Cuviu mid wifo to D. W. Thornton, '.,' interest In Del incut ami 1-0 interest in Duckhoru quartz, claims: 8500.