j - - u ;T"" 1S IWWU5W" Wednesday, March Xh 1904 THE SUMPTER MINER The Storm King Mines Facts Facts Why Mining is the Best Investment of Modern Times V IT How can the Banker guarantee you 8 or 3j per cent interest on your money? Does it not become apparent to you that ho must invest your Money in an enterprise that will pay him not lew than 10 per cent interest ou Your Money in order to be assured a Margin of profit? Business statistics of the entire world conclusively prove this fart, That Your Money in the hands of a Banker, is being placed in first class mining stock, ub it is conceded by financiers that mining stock is a leitl mate company is now one of the Flrat-Clasa securities of the day. There is a method in the Banker's way of doing business. I-ook nt tlie many thousands of dividend-paying mines; they were at one time mere prospects, some of them of uncertain future proscrity, yet perse verance, couplet with an economical life of the stockholders' money, brought their Golden Treasure to the light of day, to be distributed in dividends to the patient shareholders. The production of Gold is now the highest ever reached. In 1002 the production of Gould amounted to (21X1,000,000, and in 11)03 the production amounted to 1310,000,000. And it Ih confidently computed by experts that the production will reach the enormous sum of f'150,000,000 during the present year 1IHH. The above figure aro t bo Facta that determine the Banker in placing Your Money where ho will draw from '-'ft to 1,000 per cent while You are drawing your begrudged 3 per cent on the same money. Now do you still wonder why Bankers are so wealthy, while your nose is oyer on the grindstone? Friend, shake off your old Fogy ideas. Mining is as sate as bank ing; if it were not, Bankers would not invest Your Money in mining stock. You have as good judgment in money matters as the Banker; then why not use your reason, and place Your Money where it will bring you the greatest returns? We nsk you to thoroughly investigate the Storm King group of mines, owned by the Forest Mining Company. Mend your own ex pert, and if we cannot substantiate each and every statement, we will cheerfully pay all of his expenses. Hear in mind, th-ee of the most widely known Mining Engineers and Mineralogists have examined the Storm King Mines, and their opinions and reports will be mailed to you umn receipt of name and address. Forest Mining Company Lock Box 108, Rooms 5 and 7, Bank of Sumpter, Sumpter Oregon REFERENCES BANKS AND BUSINESS HOUSES REFERENCES 100-TON SMELTER FOR JOSEPHINE Colorado People Back of The Enterprise And Will Begin Work Soon. A special from Colorado Springs, dated the 11th instant, to tho Deliver Dally Miuiug Record, says: Messrs. Tutt, Penrose and MucXoill, whoso operations in Colorado liuvo given tho stale tho United States Reduction X Refining company, tho success of which whs followed last year by their udvout into Utah, in connection with the Utah Copper company and tho erection of a 81100, 000 mill, only recontly started in Oiughiun canyon, aro now giving at tention to an important smelter proposition in Jnsepbiuo county, Oregon. Activity in thn later stato bus al ready begun and within n few months it is expected Urn projectors will have their new plant in opera tion. The gentlemen named consti tute tho management of tho Colorado, Utah and Oregon ventures, but tho various enterprises aro being con ducted by distinct corporations. The Takilma Smelting company, receently incorporated undor tho laws of Colorado, to do business In Josephine county, Oregon, has closed contracts with II. C Holtboff, of the Power & Mining Machinery com pany, for u plant to be delivered on board the oars not later than May 1. The company's (smelter will bo erected at Takilma, Oregon, a small own situated forty, five miles south west from Grunt's Pass, tho uoarest railway station and llfty-flvo miles from Crescent City, where there Is u Hue harbor mid a soml-weekly steamer service Too smelter will bavo a rapacity of over 10U tons dally, and will do u general custom business, but will be erected principally to handle the copper and gold ores of tho Waldo Smelting & Mining company. Charles L. Tutt is presidout of the Waldo company, and also of the Takilma Smelting company. Tho long dis tance from transportation of the millet in tho Waldo district has made it imporatlvo that u smelter should afford n market for tho gold and copper ores of tho district, Albort I. Cioodoll, who has been operating large smelters in Drltish Columbia, has acaopted the position of genera! manager. Tho Takilma Smelting company Is In no way con ueutod with tho United States Reduction & Rolliiiug company. WATER WORKS SYSTEM PLANNED FOR GREENHORN Made first Homestead filing Daniel Freeman, who miidn the llrst eurty under tho homestead laud law lo still allvo unci residing on tho land, for which ho rocoivnd a patent under his entry. Mr. Freeman was a soldier in tho volunteer seivlce of the United States and stationed ueur llrownsvllle, siuco changed to Heat rice, Nebraska, whore was lo cated a United States laud office, at jvhinh place he made his entry a little past midnight on the morning of Jauuiry 1, 1803. ills patent Has issued to him on the first day of September, 1809, and bears the signature of President (Jrant. Exchange. Ueorgo A. Carter, assayorat (ireeu- lioiu City, and in charge of tho .cyanide plant lit tho 1. X. L. mine, is in tho city. He reports that the J city of Greenhorn has perfected plans 1 for a water works system anil in a short time tho people of that thriving miuiug town will ho provided with a water system that will furnish plenty of good drinking water and tiro protection. Tho mines of the (Jiccuhornciimp mix in a very prosperous condition and Mr. Carter says that tho coming season will too a largo amount of development work done oti all (he dlfferoiit ptopertius. The l.X .L. mill is mulling and in tho spring it Is the plau of the company to In crease tho capacity of the plant. Tho owners of theWoiley expect to, start up In tho near futourn and it Ih understood that the Tempest will begin actlvn work ugiiln before long. The New Vnrk Ih making u gooil showing and tho Helcher will voiiu begin iiiHtalliug its new mill, which is already on the ground. The Virginia will start work on tho 10th of April "I believo that the (Irnonhnru camp will miikn one of tho greatest mining riiiupH in Oregon or the Northwest, and rapid progress In de velopment will he made during the sesaou of 1004." Democrat. The llrst successful plant for tho HcRHUMorlzing of copper matte wan limit in J,yoiiH. France, In 1HH1, liy Pierre Maiihes. TIiIh process wiih adopted shortly afterward at tho Parrot mine, Montana, whom it wiih greatly Impioved over the French practice, and from that time Its gen eral adaption for the convulsion of I matto into blister copper may hit said to date. Tho process, as now in general use, consists of burning out tho sulphur and allied Impurities in the ooiiverteiH, some of which are of very great capacity, having been built as largo as eighteen tons. TIiIh process Ih completed in one heat, and tho sulphur In the matte is made to work out its own distinction under the Influence of the blind. Tho pro cess is an economical one, hut should he followed liy electrolytic rellnlllK to give a pure copper of high conduct tlvity and iiImi to hivo the preoioiiH uietalH usually contained In Idistor copper. Paclllc. Count Miner. Bcssemerilng Copper Ore. The process of conversion first ap plied to steelmaklng by Bessemer, and now In geueral use in the manufacture of steel, was eventually applied to copper smeltlug, after no little unsuccessful experimenting. Placer Mining In Oregon. Placer miuiug and tho ipicst of vlrulu gold has been the thing, (ho vital thing, among tho majority of gold diggers in southern Oiegon during thn past six weeks. Not siuco tho old days, the golden days, hatt this pursuit been ho profitably fol lowed. Jit is the result of the unabated heavy rains, making water, water everywhere. High benches, dry gulches, old uhaunels, all are being; worked by giant, sluice, "torn" anil rocker. Old miners declare thero will be more virlgn gold taken out of southern Oregou this ueasou than for any five In the past. And tbo old timers ought to know. Minium World.