The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, March 23, 1904, Image 12

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of the
Pay for
Roster Made Up of Well Known And Prom
inent Mining And Business
Tho minimi stockholders mooting
of tin Forest Mining (!ii)uitiy was
lntlil In tint niiiupauy'H ollloo over tho
Hunk (if Hitmptor, Momliiy mill
a board of directors elected and
ntlioi iiiiporlanl hinluoss tinusaotcd.
Tho illrootuiato now ooiihIhIh of T.
.1. CnstoMo, S. S. Hlnrl. L. C.
Kri wards, Dr. F .A. Wnlturn. K. P.
llorgmau, (i.ll. Illauoharil, mill II.
V. Fisher. A directors' mooting
followed Immediately, lor orgauiii
(Ion of tliu nuw hoard mill tho oleo
t Itiii of ntllcon. T. J, Cestoid)
wan elected president, H. S. Start,
vlro president, Dr. F. A. Waltera.
secretary itinl treasurer, anil Luniui
Xowhali, assistant secretary ami lib
slslant treasurer.
That t lif h In a stockholders' anil
not a promoter's company Ih nttiiril
liy (hn ini'ti who aro to direct Its
T. .1. ('nstclln, ot tho
company and also pn-sldou of tho
Advance, an allied corporation, has
lirou In Hiimptcr for I ho pant four
tho several ml noral sections of the
Htato, anil whon it comes to a propo
sltlon of mining, bo Ib tborooughly
conversant with tho stiuation. JIo
ciiiiio horo iih a tenderfoot, hut Iiiih
iilri'iidy shed that title. Tho Utilities
of tho company aro assmed with hi in
to look after thorn.
(1. II. lllanchard, director, Ih
connected with tho (lotmulHHion houso
of I). Prod ley & Company, of St.
Paul, MlnnoHota. Ho Iiiih tilled many
responsible poHltloiiH and is honored
mid respected liy all who know him.
II. V. Flnhur, dlrootor, Ih a
respected business man of HoHton,
Massiicliuotts, and one of the Hrst
pooplo to lioooino idontillud with tho
company. Mr. FiMher and .Mr.
Illauchiird have lieon iutororsted in
milling for many years and haro
1 1 rue holdings In tho Forest company
and they, iih well iih several other
eastern sokhnldorH haro interested
thomsclvcH in tho lltiaucliig of tho
empany. Dr. Walton will hooii visit
their respective localities and with
yearn and ovei. Mr. Costello came, tholr assistance place lioforo InvoHtorfl
hero from Portland and llrst engaged i tho Forest company's claims as a llrst
in the mou'iiutilit hu-iiucHH, hut uiih cIiimh investment, one that will hear
soon nt I moled towatil mining. The tho strictest investigation,
proportion In which hn Ih liitoroHted Director L. C. HdwardH la one
are I (icnt ed in tho Cable Cove ( of Siiinptor'H substantial business
district. Ily good iiiiinageiiiout and men, having for tho pant four yearn
a thotoiigh familiarity with the boon the proprietor of the Sitmpter
hltuiitliiii, Mr. ('ostollo, who Drug company, one of tho city's
liuikH after tho active development ' lending onmmorolnl institutions. Mr.
work at his compiiiiy'H holdings, in ; HdwardH Iiiih liullt up a prolltalile
i lipid ly bringing thei-e to a producing' business hero.
basis, i 12. P. Ilorgman, director, i h
S. S. Start, vice prslilont, N a proprietor of a well established
niemlior of tho city government and wholesale and retail grocery husluess
one of Hiitnptei'H Miliidiintiiil citi In Sumpter. Ho chiiio here from
ens. M the Inst iiiiiuU-lpal oleo- l'o-t land over four years ago, aud by
tlou ho wiih ulocteil to the oltlce of correct business iiiothodH Iiiih liuilt up
city lecouloi, which combine- the a luciativo trade.
tho workiuK. I tint end of a slight Im
provement, he found tho face literally
soamod with gold licurltiK inc. He
brought somo of the ore hack to town
ycHtorday, and to nay tho least, it Iiiih
tho appearanco of tho high grade ore
found in the upper workings "' tho
Storm King ledge.
Some of the ore Iiiih been taketi to
a custom assayer, but iih yet no re
turuH Iiiih been made. The result
will bo mailed to the company witblu
u day or two, Of course tho com
pany Ih reasonably certain of a high
average valuo being shown by the
assay, hh the ore is almost Identical
with that expotiod iu tho upper work
Iukd. Latest New Voik Pattern Hate,
new designs in Street Hats, at
Mrs. J. X. Hoffman's.
Manager Costello, of tho Storm
King, today received returns from
the samples which he brought iu the
other day from tho lower workings
on tho ledge. The assays show the
follewing: No. 1, Copper 83.05,
gold 870.40; No. 2, copper, 8U.:i8,
gold, 350.78.
Whilo it was believed thut some
very tine ore was being encountered,
tho values revealed are beyond ex
pectation. The work Is being
steadily prosecuted, aud the ledge at
this point is rapidly widening.
ilutioH (it police judge . Mr. Stmt Ih
mi I'llUvliit utllcer. Ho Iiiih otcuivo
mineral piopeity, both iu thin
district and also In AliiHka.
Dr. F. A. Walton, secretiny,
trensutor and llniiticliil manager, Ih an
cucigctio, honorable pllytdoiiiu and
citieii of SteveuV I'olut, WIhcoiihIu.
Ho Iiiih been IlitereKled in uiiullig for
tho pact tlve ycurH, and Iiiih recently
been gaining a piactlcal knowledge,
vUitlng many propertlen in the
dUtrlct, Houth went Oregon and
California, thus coming In contact
with actual condltlouH aud practical
milling men. Ily this meaus mure
oau be learned iu a few mouths than
iu a much longer time by theoretical
methods. Dr. Walters has visited
Tho Forest mines are constantly
impiovlug. Manager T. J. Costllo
was called out to the mines last Fri
day by telephone, tho mesMige lin
patting the pleasing Information of a
widening of tliu ledge iu the Storm
King adit, which in being run from
the recently completed crostcut. Al
though the Intersection cut a very
nice btieak of rich ore, which the
mauagemeut coutldeutly expected
would improve by drifting, but so
marked mi improvement was not
looked for so soou.
Manager Costello found upon his
arrival u splendid showing, some
thing beyond what be thought be
would Hud, even after being notified
by phono of the change Iu the face of
fSS0i: -3RS3SSSS
Capital Stock
Surplus, $1000
J.W. SCRIBER PrualiUnt
ED. W. MUELLER, Vlc-PrsUnt
R. H. MILLER ... Cashier
Safety Deposit Vaults Gold Dust Bought
Does a General Banking and Exchange Business
Cars East
Many experienced travelers
prefer tourist sleeping cars
for the transcontinental
journey. The
Chicago, Milwaukee 6c St.
Paul Railway
can ai range for your trip
east in tourist cars, offer you
choice of routes and save
you money.
General Agent
134 Third St., Portland, Ore.