The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, March 23, 1904, Page 11, Image 11

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Wednesday, March 2j, 1904
Dr. P. A. Walters, who name boo
several weeks ago from Stevens
Point, Wisconsin, to famlllarlzo him
self with the situation relative to the
Forest aud Advance companies, iu
which ho is heavily Interested, is
rapidly wearing olf tho rough edges
of his tenderfoot attributes. The
first pass ho made he went aKaiust a
pair of bucking skees and came oif
scatbless, as has been narrated iu
these columns.
Now be Is willing to tacklo almost
anything, even courting dangerous
encounters. Sometimes it would
ueem that ho brings theso about in a
spirit of pure recklessness. Yester
day afternoon he and Professor Eber
man drove up tho Bourne way iu a
cuttor, to have a look nt sotno of tho
Cracker Creek mines. Thcro was
nothing of a peiilous uaturo in this,
and it was perhaps tho tamenoss of
tho situation which stirred Dr.
Walters to action. After having to
atop aud uubltch several dozen times
and wado through tho huow to let
teams puss, the mau of pills was seen
to bo growiug desporato oror such
proslnoss. While driving along tho
(lolcouda road, nt a point whoro tho
declivity offered some of tho olo
miiuts ol dauger, suddenly tho cuttor
overturned. Down went the two
over aud over, tumbling through
snow, agaiust trees and rocks, dis
figuring tho natural scuuery, aud
fetched up some thousand foot bolow.
Dr. Walters was on top with a fiend
Isb smllo ou hi face. Professor
Ebennan bays there was uo occasion
whatever for the cutter overturn
ing, and be is fully convinced in bis
own mind that Dr. Walters did It on
Saw Herd of Elk.
Byron'TurnerJwas out tho Susan
vlllo way yesterday aud reports seo
lug a Uno herd of tou oik iu that
vicinity. They wero. he says, fluo
specimous of tho elk tribe. All ho
could do, howover, was to fix an ad
miring gaze ou thorn, sinco thore is
a Una of 8500 attuohud to tho killing
of an elk, aud the Heaaou Mh never
Sumpter, Oro., Feb. 24, 1004.
Sealod proposals will be received
by the recorder of the city of Sump
ter uutil 8 o'clock p. m. April 1,
1004, for the furnlsblug of all ma
terial for and the construction of a
eewerago system Iu tho city of Sump
ter, Oroguu, in accordance with the
plans and specifications on fllo in the
recorder's office. The total estimated
cost of tho system is placed by the
city engineer at 815,000.
A certified check for the amount
of 2 per cent of the bid, made pay
able to the city treasurer, must ac
company all bids as evidence of the
good faith of the bidder.
The couucil reserves the right to
reject any and all bids.
8. S. START, City Recorder.
Notioe Is hereby given that the
undersigned has been duly apponited
by the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Baker,
administrator of the estate of Samuel
I Jones, deceased. All persons hav
ing claim against said estate are
hereby required to present the same
to me, properly verified, as by law
required, at the office of Chas. 11
Chance, attorney-at-lnw, First Na-
t oual bnuk bulldiug, Sumpter, llaker
County, Oregon, within six mouths
from tho date hereof.
Dated this 24th day of February,
1001. ALV1X P. JONES,
Administrator of the Estate of
Samuel I. Joues, deceased.
Mineral Application No. 287.
United States Laud Office
La (Jraudo, Ore, March .1, 1004.
Notice Is heroby giveu, that Fran
cis S. Slater, of Canyon City, Grant
county, Oregon, has mado application
for patent to what aro known as tho
Hiudman & Slator Placer Mlulug
Claims, the same covering aud being
as follows, to-wit:
S. h of S. E. ii Sec. 8, & E.
of N. E. li & E. of E. ' of
W. U of N. E. H & E. 'e of E. Jjj
of S. W. J4' nf N. E. M & N. E. i
of S. E. .i AK. !tt of N. E. '4 of N.
W. Jj of S. E. ii of Sou. 17. I'd..
, 10, S. R. HO, E. W. M., according to
i tho United Statos surveys, iu Hiikur
.county, Oregon, aud In uo orgiuilud
jmiuiug district. Tho mud appllcaut
applies for patout for tho sumo as
iPlnoor Mining laud under the laws
I of the United States, aud under and
by virtue of a locatiou made by up
j pilicaut, under the uamo of F. 8.
1 Slater, aud E. Hiudman of date April
22, 1808, and recorded May !, 1808,
iu book E, page 4 HI Record of Placer
Mining locations of Uaker Couuty,
Oregen: Also a relocation by said
parties of date October 0, 1 001, aud
recorded October 10, 1001, Iu book
U, Record of Placer Milling Loca
tions of Baker Couuty, Oregon, at
page 104: Also a location by appli
cant of dato Juuo 17, 1805, aud ro
corded July 11, 1805, In bonk E,
pago 355 Record of Placer Mining
Locatious of liakor Couuty, Oregen:
Also a locatiou of dato November 17,
1001, by J. D. Slater and recorded
November 21, 1001, in book (J, pago
171 Record of Placer Mining Loca
tions of Bukor County, Oregen:
Also a location dated July 8, 1002,
by J. W. Selby and T. K. (Juruee,
and recorded August 1, 1002, In
book U, page 21)0, Record of Placer
Mlulug Locatious of Bukor County,
Oregen: AIhu a locatiou dated July
8, 1002, made by J. L. Slitter, Olivo
A. Slater, W. T. Slater, It. J. Slater
W. N. Proobstcl, J. (1. Young. Emory
Proobatel aud C. M. Illuduiau, of
dato July 8, 1002, aud reoorded
August, 1002, iu book U, pago 2110,
Record of Pl-jcor Milling Locations
of Baker County, Oregon, the appli
cant being now the owner aud in
possession of said claims by virtue of
said locatiou and the conveyance to
him by the said locators aud co
locators of all their interest therein.
There are uo adjoining claims.
All persons having adverse claims
thereto are required to presout tbe
same before this office within sixty
days from the first publicattou of
this notice, or tbey will be barred by
the provisions of tbe statute.
E. W. DAVIS, Register.
First date of publication March 0,
Last date of publication May 11,
In tbe Circuit Court of the State
of Oregou for the Couuty of Baker.
Tbe Sumpter Light & Water Co.,
A corporation, Plaintiff
A. J. Stlusnu aud
James A. Uraiuger, Defendants.
To tho above named defeudaut, James
A, (Irnluger:
Iu tho uamo of tho Stato of Oregon
you are hereby lequired to appear
aud answer to tho complaint filed
agaiust you In the ubovo entitled suit
ou or beforo tho Ktth day of April,
1004, which is tho last day of tho
timo prescribed in tho order mado by
the Couuty Judge of Baker County,
Oregou, for tho publication of this
summons; and If you fall so to
appear and answer, for want thereof,
the plalutlff will take judgment
against said defeudaut, Junius A,
Orainger for tho relief prayed for In
tho complaint, to-wit:
That u decreo ot tho above entitled
court bo entered adjudging and de
creeing that said plaiutlfr, and its
successors, huve and are entitled to
a perpetual right of way for n pipe
lino across tho lauds of the said de
fendants, described and set forth In
tho complaint herein, as tho lino of
suld pipo lino is now constructed
across mild lauds.
That the plnlutlfr, and ltn suc
cessors, and it and Its nlllcern, ser
vants, agents, and employees have
the right to outer upon said land,
and construct aud maintain said plpo
lino across the samo, aud have the
right ut all times in the future while
said plpo line Is maintained across
said lauds, to outer upon said lauds
for tho purpose of repairing, renew
lug, roplaclug, niaintaing and curing
for tho samo, and for that purpose
to dig up tho surface of such laud
to such an oxtont as may ho neces
sary. That it bo further decreed that the
defeudats aud each of them aud any
aud all persons noting by, through,
or uuder them and each aud every
porsou ho forover restrained mill en
joined from in any manner Interfer
ing with said plalutlff, Its olllcorn,
agents, servanta and employes in tho
construction, laying, and establish
ment of said pipo line across tho said
lands of said defendants, as now laid
out aud partially constructed there
on, aud that said defendants and
each and every person acting by,
through, or uuder them bo foiover
restrained and enjoined from in any
manner Interfering with said plpo
lino, after tho samo Is constructed as
now laid out, or obstructing, or de
stroying the samo, or doing any act
or thing that may interfero with tho
freo use aud enjoyment thereof by
said plaintiff aud Its successors.
That plaintiff hitvo judgment
aganist said defendants for tho sum
of 8500 damages for heretofore ob
structing said wmk aud far its costs
and disbursements herein, aud that It
have such other relief as to the Court
may seem meet with justice and
And you are heroby uotifled that
on tho 20th day of February, 1004.
tbe Hon. W. W. Travillion, Couuty
Judge of Baker County, Oregou made
an oidor that service of summons iu
this suit be made upon said defend
ant by publication of this summons,
and that tbe date of the first
publication thereof Is March 2nd and
the date of the last publication
thereof la April 13th, 1004.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
UnlteJ States LnJ Office,
La GranJe, Oregon. March 1,1904. 1
Notice l( hereby then that E. II. IVu'n. whose
pottofhee aJJrest i Williams, Arltona, bv Henry
Hewitt, Jr., whose I'ostoffice aJJress It Tacoma,
Washington, JIJ. on the rJ Jay ol . arch, 1004,
make application to select, unJer the Act ol June
4. 184, (to Mat., 16), the following JescrlbeJ tract:
The S E ol section 1 anj the S H ol the N I!
H anJ Lois 1 anJ 1 ol section 1. Tp. 10 south, range
pn "iM in murr couni) , uiegon.
That the purpose ol tills nolle li to allow all Mr-
sons claiming the tetecteJ LinJs unje r the mining
laws, or Jeslrlng to show It to be mineral In charac
ter, an opponunlt to hie objections to such selection
with the olllcers ol the U. S. Lanj OMIce at la
CitanJe. Oreeon. within thlrlv Jim atlrr lh first lv
ot publlcallnu hereot, so as to establish their
interest therein or the mineral charactrr thereol.
K. W. DAVIS. Register
I Irst publication JateJ March 9, 1004.
TIMUCR LAND, ACT JUNE 1. i8t8.-koticb ro
UnlteJ States I an J Office,
La dranJe. Oregon, March , 1404,
Notice Is hereby glten that In compliance with the
pro Islons ol the act ol congress ol June 1, i8?g, en
tltleJ "An act for the sale ot timber Ian 1 In Hi !
ol California, Oregon, NevaJa anJ Washington Ter-
mwj , csienjej 10 an toe rupnc Lanj slates by
act ol Augusta, iBu,
ol Sumpter, Count) ot llakei, Stale nl Oregon, ha
mis uay med in mis omcc nis swoin statement
NotBdi, lor the purchase ot the N,S Nl.Jf. NEV
NWM anJ Lot 1 ol Section No. )o In Township No.
11S Range No. 18 L. W. M.. and will oiler kio.iI
to show that the tan J sought Is more valuable
lor Its timber or stone loan lor agricultural
purposes, anJ to establish his claim to
salJ lanj belore Chat. II. Chance, U. S. Com
missioner, at his ullice at Sumpler, Oregon, on
ThuisJay, the lulh Jay ot May 1904.
He names as witnesses, kalph MeaJ, Van Ren
alaer MeaJ, AnJiew J. Denny, anj Stephen
Jackson, all n Sumpirr. Oregon.
Any anJ all persons claiming aJtertrly the above
JescrlbeJ lanjs are re.uesleJ to hie their claims In
this oftice on or belore salJ iglh Jay ol May,
io4. u. w. unvm Kegister,
riMM:K LAND, ACT JUNI: 3, 1878
UnlleJ Stales LanJ Office,
La GranJe, Oregon, .Much a, 1004. (
Notice U hereby given that In compliance with the
prm Islons ol the act Congress ol June 1, 1818, en
illleJ "An act lor ihe sale ol limber lanjs In the
Stales ol l.alllornla, Oregon, NevaJa, anj Washing
ton Teriitiir)," as eaten JeJ to all Ihe I'ubllc Lanj
States by act ol August 4, 1X4',
ol Sumpter, county ot Maker, stale ol Oregon, has
this Jay lilej In this office Ills sworn statement No.
e?86 lor the purchase ot Ihe W J( N I. , N W S
E X "J NI.M SWlfol section ho. 1 j In township
No, 10 south, range ho. ,B u w M.anJ will oiler prool
to show that the lanj sought Is mote valuable lor Its
limber or stone than lor agricultural purposes, anj to
establish his claim to tali lanj belore Charles H.
Chance, U. S. commissioner, at hit office at Sump
ter, Oregon, on ThurtJav , the igth Jay of May, 1904.
He names as witnesses: Van Rennsel er MeaJ,
Ralph AleaJ, William A. Green anJ Charles L.
I erry, all ol Sumpter, Oregon.
Any an J ale persons claiming aJversely the above
JescrlbeJ lanis are requesleJ Iu die their claims In
this office on or before salJ ruth Jav ol My, 1904.
li. W Davis. Register.
TIMIIER UNI), ACT JUNE 1, iB,-Noncn I or
UnlleJ Slates Lanj Office, (
La (iranJe, Oregon, I ebruary vfc, 1904 I
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions ol Ihe act ol Congress ol June 1. i8t8 en
IllleJ "An act lor the sale of timber lanjs In the
States ot California, Oregon, NevaJa anJ Washing
Ion Territory," as eatenJeJ to all the I'ubllc Lanj
Slates by act of August 4, ifcji.
ol Canyon Cllyi County ol Crant State of Oregon,
hat this Jay MeJ In this office his sworn state
ment so g8, lor the purchase ol Ihe SW( S I. H
section No. 6; NEK NW! anj NJi N I! H ol section
No, t Tr. No. ti south R. No it tv, M, anj will oiler
proof lo show that Ihe lanj sought It more valuable
lor Its timber or slone than for agricultural purposes,
anj lo establish his claim lo salJ lanj belore Lhas.
II, Chance, U. S. Commissioner at lis office at
Sumpter, Oregon, on MonJay, the glh Jay ot May,
he names as witnesses: Van Rensselaer MeaJ,
Ralph MtaJ, ol Sumpter, Oregon; Lemuel King,
I emuel Harnett' ol AuJret, Oregon.
Any anJ all persons claiming aJversely the above
JescrlbeJ lanj, are reiuesteJ lo file their claims In
this office on or before salJ tit Jay of May, 1904,
E. W. DAVIS, Register.
UnlteJ Slatct Lanj Office, 1
La GranJe, Oregon, 5
I ebruary 15th, 1904 )
Notice It hereby given that in compliance with the
provisions ot the act ol congtest ol June 1, 1878, en
IllleJ "An acl lor Ihe tale of limber lanJs In the ttatet
ol California, Oregon, NevaJa anJ Washington Ter
ritory," at eatenJeJ to all the I'ubllc Lanj tlatet by
acl ol August a, i9J,
of Sumpter, county ot Uaker, ttate of Oregon, hat
thlt Jay lilej In Ihli office hit tworn statement No.
W for Ihe Purchase ot the Stt Sw, NeX SwW
anj Setf Nwtf of taction No. n In township
No. 11 south, range No. it KWM, anj will
offer proof lo thow thai the tanJ sought It mora
valuable lor lit limber or tlont than lor agricultural
furpoiet, anJ to establish his claim to tali lanj b
ore Chat. H. Chance. U. S. Commissioner, aj
Sumpter, Oregon, on Tuctiay, the aOUi day ol
April 1904.
Ht namet at wltnettet: I'ettr J. Soaria,
William Keely, Robert I'attcrton, Robert W. Ribs,
all ol Sumpler, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming aJversely the abov
detcrlbed landt are rtquetteJ to hie their clalmt kj
th office, on or before talJ 6th day of April, to.
E. W. DAVIS, Register