VOL. V. SUMPTER, OREGON, MARCH 2. igo NO. 29 MINE OWNERS AND MANAGERS ORGANIZE Quiet Conference in Baker City Last Night To Secure Mutual Protection. It la understood throiiKh reliable sources tbat tbo ninjorlty of the nil no managers aud operators of tbo dis trict met iu conference Id Maker City last night. It whh also understood that tbo purpose of tbo meeting wbb to bind tbo managers, operators Hud, miue ownora together for their mu tual advancement, beuollt and protec tion, that the prluolpal mines of the district, having a unaulmlty of In forests mny act together to seouro uuy desired end. Messrs. Km 1 1 Molzer, manager of the North Pole, J. A. Howard, man ager of thi Uolconda. Frank S. Hull lie, manager of the Columbia. James Wyatt, managor of thu Eureka and Excelsior, Albert (ielser. ouo of tho owners of tho Tabor Fraction and Midway, J. N. Ksselstyu, consulting engineer of tbo (lolsor-Heudryx prop erties, II, M. Cake, ouo of the own ers of tbo Mountain Vlow, and several others, were present. It Is not known If the strlko'sltn atlon camo up for discussion or not. Manager Howard, who returned this morning, when questioned ns to whether sunh a mooting was held, smiled In n knowing way and ack nowledged having met somo of tho people mentioned on thu streets of IJakoi, but t of need to either conllrm or deny tho report ns to whether any discussion of tho strike camo up, or what, waa dono. lie speedily branched off into a discussion nf tbo relative strength of the .lap and Russian navies, and tinio waa too valuablo to give him ear. Ho may bo talking yet. ACTIVITY IN THE GREENHORN CAMP Tbo I. X. I,., it la understood la preparing to sink from '200 to .TOO feet deeperdnriug tho coming season. This property baa recently shown up somo lino nro of exceedingly high quality, aud the company feels justlliod In operating on a more ex tensive scale. The capacity of tho mill, as has beon stated before by Tbo Miuer Is to be doubled, -aud otbtr Important Improvements made at tbo property. Tho geuoral conditions existing iu tho Ureonhorus district are en couraging. Those returning from there say there la u better prospect now than has ever been before at tbia seaion of the year aud that tbla year will Bee more work accomplished than any former year iu the history of the camp. The Virginia mill will be running In a few day. Tbla is a new mill which takes the plaoe of the old I'aker mill which failed to give satis faction, fvtjfi Tom Kounorly la buck from tbo east and Is making active prepara tions to carry on exteuaivo work at thu Hold Coin group. llesldes these tbo New York has all tho machinery on tho ground aud la making preparations to Install a hoist at oueo.and various other prop, ortles are pushing ahead. SNOW CREEK STARTED UP ITS SAWMILL. A report from tho Suow Creek states that the snmwmill ou Iho property was atarled up yesterday The oompauy la getting things in readiness for the lustHllatiou of ita hoist to go iu at an early dato. It la stated further tbat the mill is working right along and giving the best of satiifaction. The management ia blocking out a floe lot of itopea, and there is sufficient ore Id sight, It Is stated, for a long run. In ad dition to, bis preparations are being made to operate tbo placers acquired by tho company lust year. SINKING PLANT FOR CHATTANOOGA AMERICAN MINING CONGRESS MEETING Susanvlle, Macrh 21. -I Charles (Irabani, superintendent of tho Chat tanooga mine, which la controlled by the Dixie Meadows people, reports Hint hn tiiiu it nniv mad unified all the way to the mine and also has the' shaft building already for tho recep tion of the deep sinking machinery . which bo expects to get iu as soon na tho roads permit. Simpson A: Spuuldlug are running tbulr thirty ton capacity mill sutuily and are now ready to accept ore for custom work; they made a lost run of tholr tailings and It waa satisfac tory In every way. James Saunders la horn looking after bis interests In tho Monarch, which la showing up extremely well. He la having bla 010 treated at Simp son's custom mill. Tho lilue Channell Gold Placer Mining company on lilg creek has sot up its machinery and Is now working day aud night and expects to bo in pay dirt In a fow days. PREPARING TO INSTALL MILLS P. A.llrody, Miporlntondout of tho liolchor uu lied Lion, returned today from aud extended trip to New York, Montreal aud other eastern points, aud went ou out to tho tlreon'iorns. Arrangements nro being made to install milling maohlunry at both these properties, and operations will be started jsut as soon as the weather will permit. Oregon Ores For St. Louis. J. A. Howard, who luturuod from I linker City this forenoon, suvh that , .,,,, tho Oregon ore exhibit for tho St. , Units fair was snipped iuhi uigni ,j(.Kt).Hin on a special car. It consists of 1 IIS i .. u.'.i.,.,. , ... . . a. I ' -.....".. ....-- cases and will occupy a car to itsoir. The exhibit is a good one. It contnliiH fine specimens ot all the rl liferent ores of the state, and each specimen la properly labeled, showing what It la, where it waa found aud tho numo of tbo mine from which It was taken. A major portion of the exhibit cornea from Raker county mines. The whole state however, is well represented In the shipment aud will receive benefits aooordlng to its mineral wealth. Of course, Uaker county is Ibe riches of all and will receive the greatest benefit. To piepnro for tho annual con vention of tho American Mining congress, to be held at Portland, August '2'2 and 27, inclusive, Irwin Mnlion, of Carlisle, Pennsylvania, tho secretary, Is in Portland, and will establish headquarters within a fow days. President J. II. Klohurds, of llolse, and Colonel ThoniHH Kwlng, of Los AugeltiH, California, membera of the executive committee, will arrive in Portland next Sunday. Mr. mid Mrs. Mation are at tho Hotel Port laud. It U probable that tho head quarters of thu congress will bn established In thu olllces of the sec retary ol tho Oregon Miners' Association, In the Oregoulau build in Thu American Mining congress 1h tho largest organization of thu kind iu tho world and its membership comprises tuiiio owners In both North and South America. Several thousand persons arc expected to visit Portland during thu conven tion. Cno of thu principal questions to bo discussed will lie permanent headquarters for I lie congress, Deliver and Salt Lake City aro ou reunnl aa aspirants for tho honor. Many delegates are said to favor either New York or Chicago, Secretary Malum fajs lie ia ' not In position to discuss thu mutter at tho present time. "One thing wo desire very much," said thu seciulnry this morning, "is uniformity of mining laws, aa fur as Is practlcnblu. We, as mum burs of Iho Ameilciiu Mining con gress, are uiideavoring to promote thu interests of mines and mining throughout thu world, arm with that object iu vlow hold these conven tions. Wo liavo Invited the gov ernors of thu various slates aud tenltorles, thu commercial bodies) thu mayors of cities aud thu corumissiouors to appoint a number of tbo prominent business men and visited dilfereut parts nf thu city today. Ho has been iu Portland before, but this is Mrs. Journal, Matron's llrst visit. Tibet a Second California. A dispatch from St. Petersburg SBys that Novosti declarestkiireal secret of the Ilrltish Tlbetaoleipedl tion is the discovery of Iruuieusely rich gold deposits, Tibet, iu fact, being u second California. u