The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, March 16, 1904, Page 9, Image 9

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    Wednesday, March 16, 1904
I)r. r A. Wallers, of Steven's
Tolnt, Wisconsin, nuc of the Lciivy
stockholder lu Konvt mid Aihmico
companies, returned thin iwmiiuK
' from 11 two weeka' trip to southern
Oregon, where his compiitilea lire also
in tores ted lu inlultiR property.
Dr. Walters, It will Lb reineni
tiered, spent some time hete hefore ho
loft for southern OroKou, vUitlug the
Storm King with which he was great
ly pleased, ilia object in returning
-at this time is to attend 11 special
meeting of the Advance company,
which takes place tomorrow, and one
of tbo Forest, which will bo held
March 21.
Dr. Walters is also well pleased
with the company's uouhteru Oregon
The following instruments were filed
t the Bakur county court house during
the week ending Marc!; 8, 1004.
Feb. 29 Jos. A. Palmer and wife
to C. F. ii. Valentine, lotej'21, 22
and 23 block 4, Wilovalo, Baker City;
J 100.
March 9 Harvey U. Edmund to
Alice, wife. 1G0 acres Sec. 29 T. 7
R. 38 E. : II.
March 14 Adolpb Iliman to M.
lloff, block 37 in PacltJc adn to
UakorClty; 190.
Dec. 11 Eliza C. Bowen to E.
XioeolR, lot 3 block 10 Haines;
Sept. Ki S. Osborne and wife to
Wo. MoQuowen, 280 aores Sees. 14
and 23 T. 8 R. 39; 13, ISO.
Oct. 10 Felix Bltcbey to Davit
Wilcox, lota 7, 8 and 0 block "C"
Haines; 750;
Feb. 29 Calvin Knontz and wife
toS. H. Hell, 120 acres in Sec. 7 Tp.
10 R. 30 E; 157 G.
July 9 L. W. Wttugh to C. D.
Ilurd, ii interest i.i lot 15 block 3,
Jots 2, 0, 12, and 10 block 4 Bud
lota 1 and IB nlock 5, St. Louis ad
dition to Sumptnr; II.
Oct. 310. Laudreth and wife to
Jas. T. Hiys, lot 2 block 1, Wllo--vale,
UakerCity; 109.
Sept. 13, '02 Jas. York aud wife
to Kato h. Yaiitis, 03 acres in west
half S. E. 1-4 Sec. 0 T. 9 R. 40 E;
Oct. 28 P. J. Ilronu aud wife to
. L Mnody, ,'8 'Interest In 500
ncres in Sees. 22, 23, 2(1 and 27 T.
8 R. 42: 80,000.
Feb. 27 E. M. fttchary to Heury
Hewitt, Jr., 101 acres Sec. 4 Tp. 12
R. 40; 8700.
March 1 D. W. Yoakum aud wife
to J. S. Llvingstnu, 28x57 rods In
southwest comer of Sec. 21 Tp. 11
R. 43 E; 890.
Jau. 11 R. E. Driscoll to Thomas
Murphy and Johu Millard, lota 1
and 2 block 2, Suuuyslde addition to
Sumpter; 8150.
March 8 N. S. Blauk to Emma
Sullivan, 12 acres in southwest cor
nor of Seo. 19 Tp. 9 R. 40 E; 8000.
Feb. 20 T. T. Mills and wife to
Lora U. Good, S. )i 8. W. 1-4 S.
W. 1-4 Seo. 12 Tp. 9 R. 39 E;
Jan. 11, '02 J. J. Barnea to
Jonb Forngo, lot 1 block 1, Warren
Heights, Sumpter; II.
April 18 Sumpter Townsite Co.
.to John Forongo, lot 7 block 1,
Riverside, Sumpter; 8125.
.Xqv. 18 W. W. StHlketflud.-wifo
to F. A. Dawson, 142 Hcros iu X. W.
1-4 X. E. 1-4 Sec. 17 Tp. 8 R. 40
E; 8155.
Miicrh 11 Jno. Clminliors to Althn
Chambers, Superior group (7) quartz
claims; 81.
j March 7, '02 U. S. A. to Dai barn
Woodwind, to KiH acres iu Sue.
j I9T. 7 R. II E. ; 8421.
I Sept. 11, '02 U. S A. to
Michael 15. Woodward, to 100 acres
lu Sec. 19 and 20 T. 7 R. 44; 8400.
Oct. 1). '02 U. S. A. to A. X.
Uarduer, to 105 acres Sec. 18 T. 7
R. 44 E. ; 8412.
Oct. 9, '02 -U. S. A. to Anun
Gardner, to 100 acres lu Sec. 30 T. 7
R. 44 and Sec. 25 T. 7 R. 43; 8418.
1 March II Lydla llumgaruer and
husband to Chns. Motskor, 140 acres
raucb at Weatherby, Oregon; 82,200.
March 4 J. E. Smith and bus
baud to F. II. Atkinson, lots 14 aud
15, blook 1, J. E. Smith addition to
Baker City; 8150.
Nov. 4 Geo. W. Spltzei and wife
to Mollle Fosunt, lots 17 and 18
blook 12, Pacific addition to Baker
City; 1300.
March 19 Goo. E. Kinney aud
wife to M. A. Seidell, interest iu
Metropolitan aud Spiritual quartz
claims; 81.
March 12 .1. H. Dearmau to F.
Christopher; 13 interset in "Buck
bum" quartz claim; 8100.
Jau. 27 O. C. Stern aud wife to
J. H. Washburn, Ji Interest in Sun
rise quartz claim; 81.
March 8 Jno. aud L. I. Chambers
to Geo. F. Wright, Superior group
(7) quartz claims; 8150.
nrmoro oai r S
$2000 New Ten Room
House, $500 Cish, Balance
Monthly Pay mints..
$800 Two Houses and
Three Lots, $200 Cash,
Rent Will Pay the Rest.
f x t
We have more FURNI
TURE than Money, if you
have more Money than
Furniture come to the
f f T
Case Furniture Co.
Come see my new
Line of Harness,
Collars, Pads just
Received. f !
Expert Repairing
A Specialty
Everything IN e w
Wm. Stringfellow
Oppotltt McEweni Barn
Sumpter, Orr.
For Sale
Six Placer Claims, covering nearly nil ' the
ground on a creek emptying into Burnt River.
This property is neaf to and parallel with 'the
noted placer grounds of Pine and Cow Creeks in
Baker County. All equipped for work, with reser
voirs, ditches, flumes,, pipe and Giant. For particu
lars see the undersigned.
Buvs the most sichtlv ten roomed residence
and ground in the city. Nicely finished inside and I
... A IJ-I U....U. TK! i. Ill lil-.BT
uui. nn iucui lULuwuu. uus pruperiy win leaauy
bring a rental of 1 $ per cent on the investment.
Will buy one of the most desirable Homes in
Sumpter, consisting of an exceptionally desirable
lot 90 by 150 feet, nicely improved, barn, and
house of six rooms with the complete furnishings.
A Piano, and other choice pieces of furniture goes
with this. This property will bring 20 per cent
on the investment.
Will buy another six room house and lot de.
slrably located. This propel ty is now bringing 18
per cent as rental on the above price.
A choice resident lot near the center of town.
For a desirable building lot on the hill.
If you are seeking safe and remunerative in
vestments call and see us, as we have some snaps
in the way of Business opportunities, Mines and
also mine prospects, on which considerable work
has been done, Houses and lots, and also
vacant lots, on whicn good money can be made
by improving the same. If you have not money
enough to build you a home, we will help you,
and put you in a position, to put the rent you are
paying others in your own purse.
Inland Emftire
r.. 8
Investment Co.