8 THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, March 16. 6o? a fortnight. This Is partially due to the new and very novel form of tax notice and duplicate voucher form Introduced by Mr. Brown, which saves much time on the part of the tax collector and Is a perfect record in Itself and greatly simplifies the whole system and Is largely due to the unprecedented 'prosperity of the county. Democrat. ADD CYANIDE PLANT TO OLD E. AND E. MILL SSS"SK 1r..ii'l 6-5r? wtmm Milllwriqht Laidlaw Is HIIU OpUMIIMHIUIId IUI Same. It Is understood on roliablo nu thorlty that lthi) ,10. mid E. will install H 100-tou cyanide plHlit lit once. John Laidlaw, tlm millwright, Ih now lit tlm mini) preparing pluns to this olid, mill the work, It Is Hinted, of ooustruotlug tho nouossiu-y buildings will bo iindiir way in a short time, During tho previous operation of Him mill, although tho ft. mid 10. Ih accredited with largo production aud In oiih of the famous eastern Oregon mines, it whs demonstrated that the purt'iiut ol having was not suflloloutly high, mid to the end of remedying this defect, the cyanide treatment will be Installed. Mr. Laidlaw Iihh THIRTY PLANTS THIS SEASON. .Aiitlieullo information from the various mtuulg districts of Oregon Is that more than thirty plants for the treatment of ore will be erected du ring the present year. Of these about a doen will lie In eastern Ore gon, and the rest In the western part of the state. The properties which will biilld reduction woiks in 'the west thus far reported are: At llohemia The Le Hoy, a con cen con centraeor: Oregon Colorado, a stamp mill; (ireat Eastern, a stamp mill, and a plant at the Star mi ne, tho nature of which has not been detei mined. in the lllne Itlver district the pioportiiw that propose erecting plants are: The lliulger, a stamp mill; the Sonnet, a stamp mill; the Ha vena, a stamp mill; the Hig Four, a mill and electric power plant. Farther south, In Josephine and Jackson dilution, many mines are contemplating reduction works, as follews: The Almeda, a 100-tou smelter; Oro Flue, a concentrator; Mllllonarlo mine, a mill for fieu milling and concentrating; the llaliy, a stamp mill; the (intuit Hill mines, ten stamps additional to their plant. Ht, Helens district will erect two plants, one on the property of Mr. II. VV. Coo mid another on the Can ctiiliu, owned by Sessions V Simpson, In Crook county two plants will be erected, one ou the Oregon Kiug and another ou property owned by James 11. Lithcum. lu eastern Oregon there Is a large number (Inuring ou the Installation of mills, mostly all free milling plants. Many mining companies are. Now Preparing Plans cl. p.. tho ooutract of do lldi iir tho plaut, aud'wlll soon Jiavo);t lie plans com pleted. VH Hosldcs this theE. mid E. is rap idly getting Its uiitlro complement of stamps in readiness for commission. Five have urleady beau started, and live others hiivo been lluod up ready to droi. Those ton will bo run eon- tluuously, while the letnainlug ton will be lined up mid gotten In sbapo ' for work its speodlly as possible The entire twenty lire ox pen tod to bo in operation within a few weeks, ' In tho meantime, while tho repair work Is going on and Improvements ( being made, the company Ih steadily shipping Its high grade stuff. "close" corporations, aud have care fully concealed their intentions, but It is stated tiy machinery men that nearly us ninny more plants will bo erected us tiro mentioned above. The cost of putting lu those plants will amount to over gftOO.OOO. -Telegram. GOOD VALUES FOUND AT VANKEE GIRL (iuy K. I'tiMsou aud S. A. Pelkoy are in today from the Yankee lllrl. located in tho Hear (luloh country east of town. They hiivo just re ceived very encouraging returua from three samples sent to Ouray, Colo rado, to be assayed. Tho samples averaged five ounces in gold and twelve ounces lu silver, or consider able over 100. Tho property Is making a gondVsbowlug the owners say. The shaft Is now down thirty five feet. It was started ou the hang ing wall aud will be sunk until tho foot wail Is caught, which it Is llgured, considering the dip of tho vein, will take place within the next twenty feet. It is the purpose thou to begin drifting and sloping ou the foot wall, The vein in the upper crosscut showed a width of twelve feet solid ore. Messrs. Pelkey aud Piersnn are very enthusiastic over their mine aud are of the opinion that this Hear (iulcli relgou is going to come to the front with the proper sort of development. It Is is their aim to push the work, thoroughly provlug the vein. Already Paid $60,000 In Taxes. Since the first of March, when Sheriff llrown began tho collection of 10011 taxes, up to the present he hB issued 1U0JI tax receipts aud collected ttiO.OOO out of (207,000 ou tho rolls. Or III nlhnr urnrrla mm.fntirf K t9 fttio I taxes have been collected lu les than nnoiuuii w SMELTER HERE W. W. Lindsay, of Xow Vork, president of the Oregon Smelting and Refining company, was here be tween trains today on business con nected with the smelter. Wbllo neither Mr. Lindsay not the local manngraout had anything of a very definite nature to niako public regarding bis visit, it wad. Incident-, ally gathered from other sources that Its import at this time has a most favorablo significance, and that things of importance to the company and to tho district may bo expected to happen soon. TO ARGUE MOTION FOR A NEW TRIAL. Mayor McColloch left this after noon for liaker City to argue tho mo tiou to set aside the verdict of the jury in the dray's Peak MinlugMltl gatlou and for a now trial. " Tho motion will be, argued before Judgo Eakln tomorrow. Mayor Mc Colloch la attorney for the Gray's Teak company in thoactiou of Cato Johns against tho company for pos session of tho proporty. Phonollte In Slice's Gulch. Ai old prospector named Hugh Salisbury, who has been working for three years lu Stloo's gulch, eight miles or so to the southwest of linker City, camo to town yesterday aud brought with him some samples of phonollte which he struck iu his main tuuuel aud gave them to II. W. Shurtlitf. who placed them on ex hibition iu his place Salisbury says he believes that phonollte indi cates oro similar to that found lu Cripple Creek, aud ho is very much encouraged over tho find. Ho is now drifting on tho ledgo aud ex pects to cut pay rock bofore loug. A rich II nd is reported lu Auburn gulch, the old diggings that made liaker City famou thirty years ago, uot far from Slice's gulch. Mining matters are gniug to boom this sea sou, is the opinion of all who are in touch with the situation. Demo crat. FREE! FREE!! FREE!!! 85.00 Certificate of the best Oil .Slock absolutely given away. Write ut once for plan how to secure Five Dollars' worth of fully paid and iinu-ucsullc Oil Stock without cash. INVESTORS' LISTS NMNNY Room 72!) Turk Itow Hide;. NEW YOKK ceeee II J Only transcontinental line dasaing directly through Salt Lake City iLcadville tCoIorado Springs and Denver 1 1 ' Three splendidly equipped tra ns ; dally TO ALL POINT8 EAST. ', Through Sleeping and Dining Care . and free Reclining Chair Cars. The most Mairniflrent scenery in I America by daylight. Stop overs allowed on all classes of tickets. For cheapest rates and descriptive literature, address :W. C. MolRIDE, Giiiral tint i RIO GRANDE LINES J Portland, Orkoon aty4t fSBk OREGON QjP Shout line and union Pacific TO Silt Lake, Denver, Kansas City. CHICIGQ ST. LOUIS NEW (OIK Ocean steamers between Portland and San Francisco every lire days. Low Rati I TickeU to and from all parta of the United States, Canada and Europe. Through Pullman Standard and Tourist Sleeping Can daily to Omaha, Chicago, Spokane; Tourist Sleeping car daily to Kansas City; through Pullman tourist sleeping can (per sonally conducted) weekly to Chi rago, Kansas City; reclining chair cars (seats free) to the East daily. For particulars, call op r add; H. C. Bowaas, Agent, Bator City, Ore. r :