THE SUMPTBR MINER Wednesday, March 16, 1904 The Sumpter Miner OFFICIAL I'AW-M OP lilt! CITY OP SIIMPTEP I'UHIISHI'II BVB6Y WBtJtrSDAV uv J. W. CONNELLA T. 0. (iWVNM:. EDITOR tnlrr6 l ihr pmlnfttcr In Sumpttr. OrfC"". for 'lintmKilcm iluntjgh llir millt kfConJ clit rutin lodes, leads bucI :.trHlatoral rights. There 1h tin doubt about It this time. Old workings' were found which doubtless ditto buck to Holomon'n time, Clt!0intru also la supposed to tmrc operated tho mines, mid It. In pmhiiljly here who got tlio colu to blow heiself when mIiu entertained Murk Antony. 'n Vi-f ... .ill Mmitht SUHtCMII'TION HATBS ALWAYS II AtlVANi:H. . i.jj WIIII11111 K. Viiniliirhllt says Im ex lieota to tuiikii 11 iiiiln in thirty h('niiii!m with IiIh ihiw iiiitoiiioliilu sumo tlinn tliiHHiiiniiiur. If Will iiim K. Ih tint careful in IiIh record-breaking oiiiIiiiivimh, lin will pull nut for (ho (Irimt. Iloynnd iiuo of those diiyM to lieat iiny mIiu in thirty mim-ciikIh. A Commission composed of ropro tiontHtiviiH from vhtIoiih royul anclotlos of Kuglmid will hi) headed for Amor Ich, H111111 In search of rHdliiin. The Kuropoau mines, it Ih mild, have Klvon out. It might ho well for them to Investigate thn Sumpter din trot. Wn have nil tlio othoi iniiiuriilH, mill it wouldn't Im much of u trick to Himro up 11 rHiliuin deposit. Thoro i'hii hi) no guurauteo girou cm urn not yet HctiiHlly np6ucd,oxcopt 1111 IkiiiiihI effort In disclose It. Thoro en 1 1 lit no guarantee glvon hy iiiIiiIuk tiorporHtioiiH, iixnipt mi honest oirort to uxponil tlio tii-iiHiiry fund tu thu liont HilvmitHuii of HhnroholdorH. DiisIiiohh iiioii ox poet h fulr business rink mid are willing to take ono in mining, Thoy iiHk no guarantee except h fulr run for tholr money. Dally MlniiiK Record. Cumuiissluiier White, of tho Colo ratio bureau of milieu, has Issued his 'wnniiHl'roptirt for IIIO.'I. which ahows thiit ittatii to have produceil 138, 373,0110 worth of preoloiiH mot In last year. Thin roport la mado hy counties, thirty-aix in nuiulior. The ilrat In the alphabetical lint, Arapa iline, iiuiduceil ouly f 105 in gold hiiiI no other iiioIhI. Thu lust on the lint, Teller, Ih the banner county, pro iIiioIiik II.H10.272 hi (told Mini 22,237 in silver. The totiil mild output Ih 21,005,358; silver $7, (1711,71(1, loud mid zinc ouch nvoi four uiillliiu mid copper ono million '(IlllllllH ninth. It. Ih clniriiclorititlc of uiiuliiu moil, 'specially prospectors, to keep mov ing along; to join In HtiininodeH; to believe IIiiiI distant HoIiIh are green because thoy look ho, A rolling htono in the mining business gathers no inure moss tlinn in miy oilier. It pii.VH to ntiiy with it promising pros pect, rutlior tlinn to abandon It, In thu hopo of (hiding ii much hotter ono. These roiiinrkH tiro culled forth )iy tho iliHpiiMltlou manifested hore jiint lit prii'out liy Home to Hiicrillce nil they tut vo thnl thoy miiy go to the new iiHinpo In Nevudti, frnui which otiiiiii glnwl.ig stories of rich HtrikcH mill fortunes made In ii titty. Those reports hIiouIiI he discounted. Solomon's Ophlr oIhIiiih In upper Kgyt hiivo limit n lioou rediscovered mid re-located. An Knglish mining engineer umdo the Iiud,- iiud Iihh proved tieyuud tiny iueHllou (hut Sol omon litta Hllowed thu assessment work to lapse. Jle, therefore, HtHkod out the iirouuil mid hint tukon posses sion of it, together with hII dipt, -spurs, angles, inclinations, apexes, Amhor Ih ii fossil resin: the jren ernl f (leu ii rf lo its oriuiti Ih Hint it wiih ii1 iiud 1 1 mo ii mini or renin from ii treo rcHomhllnu n modern pine tree, mid (hut It wiih Hoft 'h i j II ret formed Ih ileinotiHtiiited hy thu pros eiiL'u of infects within thu iiiiihh. It wiih pOHHlhly cliemlciilly chunitRil hy the ncllon of Hulphuili! imid. The hunt known Identity for ninlier Ih iiIoiik tho fen nhoreH of thu tiornmti mid KuhsIhii prnvlucPH iiIoiik tho liiiltlo. It Iihh iiIho hoen found oil the Ilrlt inli Hint coiihI, hii1 In soverHl pliiceH iiloijtt the New KukIhuiI ccbhI. SiihiII Hpet'init'iiH lire of little Ttiluo, hut Ihiko miinHo-.lf clour, lirloR 814 or 81 Ti per pound, A piece which weighed Hourly twelro poiiudn was once found on the Scottish coavt by n llehorniiui. llrnuilly hiiphMdk, nayn the M lulus Itoportcr, tin; l.chulcal art are many year Ijohlnil HcleutlUc knowlo(lo. It Iihh been nil 'od that it taken about a uenenitlon nr rcieiitillc facln to Ket out of the Hclenlillc iiihhi luto practlciil uhc. Mont of the Iiiuh which K'vorii electricity and applied to arta wore known to Karadiiy, Ilolniholtz, Clark, Maxwell, etc., but thoHo are only juat lieitiK applied. For example, tho uiHKUetlc behavior of mlnerala wan Htuilled and worked out forty ycani iiko. The Ihwh then illocovorod aro ouly juat beluK applied to tho aeparatlon of nrea. Little that la new haa been discovered in regard to tho maKuetlc behavior of miuerala, but only how beat to ap ply the known lawa to obtain com tuerulal reaulta. that it biirua away the foreiitu elem outH, luaviuK hh a precipitate the copper In an almost pure state. Hope of exIiiiKulHhiiiK the flnnicH Iiuh been practically tibHUdntied, and the ouly cudoavnr now Ih to keep them from spread iiiK further. Should they ct beyond the present contr'd there in likely to bo a hot time in the city of llntto. Men who have been operation in eMateru Oregon mines for rcvcrnl yeara pant, those who have had ex perience elsewhere, any that it ia more illtticult to secure capital for development work here than iu auy camp of their knowledKe. Why this condition obtains, it would be futile to dlscsUH. It ia aurely nut liocause ho haven't a ureal, rich, proven Hold benriiiK district, one that possesses all the natural lulvnutHKeu to a re markable extent. That such in the case, however, there is no doubt, mid hccniiho it Ih, eastern Oregon offers better oppottuulties for investment tlinn any other inlnlnn roKlun on iho coiitlueiit, .More can he ncconipllslied with less iiioiicy; hotter Imruains can be M'curcd tin uiiiie favorable tonus, wit Ii Mirer chances of success than any whole else iu the west, lu one respect money bears a striking rocoinj bianco to sheep follows blindly whole another leads. .Seuator Doliver, of Iown, in a re cent address set forth the tJfesliiKH of poverty like (IiIh: "I'm not uiistlnu any Hympnthy on the children of the poor. What little sympathy I have I will Rive to the children of tho rich. If you have one hundred thou sand dollars mid ivo It to a boy to aturt him out iu life, he doesn't atart. I siiKKcst keeping that hun dred thousand mid that boy apart; It will be hotter for the boy. The cabin where Abraham Lincoln was born did not abetter the childhood of a kluR, but some! hi uh better a man. Thin ia the real American type, with Ita background of poverty, discipline and bard work." While not new, this la a pretty sentiment and sounds mighty fine, bt.t it ia hardly borne out iu fact. That there are iudvlduals who have tbe elements to push through pinching poverty' to success and opulence, there can bo uo doubt. And ther are hotter and stronger for the trials they have endured and the victories thoy have won. Hut examples of this kind aro tho exception and not the rule. that past customs will not be strictly adhered to.' ' ' v Rarely in the history" of'thls r public has auy Individual who has planned and tcbemed and plotted for the presidency reached that Roal. The people baro seemed to think that it is so lofty, so honorable, a position that It Ih rank picMimptiou to aspire to it, mid have persistently I limed down all such, notably Clay, HIaiue and Sherman. Hut I lief e had long been iu public life mid had therefore necessarily made powerful foes, who tiided mid led the people In accomplishing their defeat. This, however, is not the chso with Hearst: though he has made hitter enemies in the business world, thruugb his persistent, constant opposition to trusts and other forms of predutory wealth. He will be opposed by tbe same elements that fought and de feated liryan, but will doubtless se cure tbe support of organized labor, which Uryan did not have. It Is estimated bv expertn (hut when thu II res which have been raging for yearn iu the big initios under the llutto hill have burned out, there will bo millions of dollars In pure cupper left behind. Fourteen years ago n cureless miner left a candle burning to a piece of timber lu the lower workings of the St. Lawrence mine. From this tho tire started ami has boon feeding ou tbe sulphur in the ore evei since. of dol lars have been expended to extinguish It. but to no purpose. It still rages. It in, in etfect, an underground smel ter, tbe beat of which la bo J intense The largest total of exports in the history of tho country for a similar period was reached for the seven mouths which ended January 31, says a Waabingtou report. For tbe month of Jauuary alone tboy were 838,213, IMS, while the bigneat January re cord ou any former occasions was for 1000, when tbey reached 135,580, 040. The largest Increase was in manufactured copper, of wbiob tbe exporta in tbe seven -months, ending with Jauuary, 1001, are reported at 31,552.57, against 22,514,843 fur tbe corresponding mouths last year. Holloed mineral oil ia next iu the list of manufactured articlea showing an increase iu export values, belug for tbe seven mouths ending with January, 1904, $4'.029,4G1 against 135,324,700 In the cor responding mouths of last year. Irou aud steel ataud next lu the list of manufactured articles showing au In crease lu exports. Tho total value of Iron mid steel exported iu the seven mouths etidinlg Jauuary, 1004, In ?30, 125,780, against 355,007, !M2 lu thu corresponding mouths ending with January, 1003. For January alone the exnorta of irou mid steel aru 88,117,738. Agrlcltitiiral Im plements also show au increase in ex ports amounting to a lit t lo over 32,000,000 iu the seven months end ing with January, 1004. No longer cau ono doubt that Hearst in going to bo an important factor lu tho democratic national con vent inn; eveii if he Joes not secure the presidential nomination. Ho bun for months past been systemati cally working to that end aud al ready in seeu some successful results of that work. He is said to have captured tbe party machine of Keu tucky aud Rhode Island has in structed ita delegates for bim. All precedent is against his methods, aud that ia a heavy handicap, though tbe democratic party la at preseut iu such a disorganized, demoralized couditiou that it la not improbable The New York Sun estimates that the total world production of dia monds up to date approximates 85, 000,000 carats. As we are not in the habit of weighing our diamonds by tho ton, we are in some doubt con cerning tbe proper system of compu tation, whether troy or avoirdupois, loug tun ur short ton. According to tho system used by those who do weigh their diamonds iu ton quanti ties, the result would bo in the neighborhood of twenty or twenty live tons of sparklers now appearing as factors iu tho joys and the miser ies of a world which has substituted diamonds fur tbe beads aud tbe wam pum of its ancestors. Tbe regions contributing to this supply and the percentage of tholr contrlubtion ap pear as follews: South Africa 81.5 per ceut; Brazil, 18 per cent, and tbe remaining G per cent dividend among Borneo, India, New South Wales and British Guiana, with North America and Russia supplying specimens. Tbe last two of .these countries have furnished just about enough to equip an opera box for a single evening. The deep obligation of society to South Africa is fully apparent. The price of diamond haa been heavily advanced durlug the last year or two; but It is simply ap- phlllng to tblnk what tbe price would have beeu without tbe South African supply. Society American, Eugliab aud continental, should daily thank beaveu for Kimberley aud Jagersfou teiu. We are unable to give tbo cubic measurement of tho total col lection, about so far as weight is con cerned it would muko a load for a medium sized freight cur. Bank of Sumpter Transacts General Banking Business. Interest Paid on Time Deposits Safety Deposit Vaults