THE SUMPTER MINER SINKING PLANT FOR THE SNOW GREEK MN E. Plans Now Being Prepared to This End And Machinery to go in At Once. Fred I). Smith, general manager of tlio Snow Creek company, returned thlH morning from mi extended visit to Now' Vurk slate, whoro, lit Until, ho attended h mooting of tlio stockhold ers of tho coriiputiy aud transacted othor uiihIiiuhm connected with (tin niuiiUKOuiniit of tlio pruporty. Tlio hiiiiuiiI HtuckhnlderH mill directum mooting wan hold iHHt inoiitli mill tlio following ulllnara wore elected: President, . .1. Davison, of lint It, re-elected j vloo president, John llowlliy, llntli, re-elected; secretary mill troiiHiiror, WIIIIhiii llallonk, llHth; directors, 11. II. Hmltli, Hay City, Michigan; 1. A. Muxwoll, WllkoHlnirro, Pennsylvania; Krcd Smith, Humidor, director mill general manager. Tim iotiiiiiiiy whh well ploiiHod with tlio condition of tlio property hik) tlio showing iimde, mill bus decided upon extensive Improvements. A aluklug plant, with h ilopth capacity of fiOU fet, hiiiI accompanying equip mout, Ih to bo IiihIhIIoiI nt ouco. IMana to thlH onil hi-0 now IihIuk pro pared. Mr. Hinllh atateri'ttiHt h hiiihII amount of exploratory work will ho iievoajtary hoforo h decision Ih reached an to the oxaot locality wboro sinking' will lie begun. TIiIh, howovor, will Im completed hoforo thu pIhiih ar- Mulshed mid the equipment arrives, In Hddltlon to thin the sawmill Ih hooii to he started and arraugemouta urn being miide to atart tbo placora, which were lecoutly purchased of it. L. Farmer. To tlio end of operating thoHO pliicurii, tlio McNauieo water lights mid d Itches were acquired laat yeiir. Tlio hmmiiIII will begin cut ting liimlior i r thin purpose nt au curly dole. While Mi. Smith reserves com- niont on the le"llng of tlio company regarding IiIh ..iiiiiihI report, being h modest until, it nmy lie inferred from IiIh ro-olcctiou lie geuoral manager and the acceptauco of Lla euigcatiuuH iiri to policy and improvement!. Hint his management of the propcity wua warmly endorsed. While awny. Mr. Smith mot Dave Kl lion mid other uiembera of the Hrm In lioth New Vork City and Chicago. He hh.vh they are hlulily encouraged over the comliiK season In the Sump ter district. Regarding tbo eastern situation he says; "The oHHt has almost completely recovered from the paulcky premoul tloiiH of last Hiirumor and geuoral con- fldonco had hoen restored. Id mining uiattem, It eastern capitalists are shown a good propoHitiou, they are reidy to Invest their money." PLANS FOR REDUCTION PLANT AT THE IMPERIAL Cuplulii Paul, malinger of the Im perial, Iihh taken up IiIh residence in Htiinptor. II Ih wife arrived a few daya ugi and t liny huve gnuo to housekeeping. Iiint h. hooii iih au adjustment of tlio poudiug litigation, which origin utod over attempted jumping of cer tain claiuiH hold liy the coiiipuuv, Ih elfeuted, Cuptalii l'aiil nayri Hie pIhiih for the liiHtallatiou of u redout I on plant will Im perfected. Ho hope that thiiigN will iiHMimo shape that work may do started an noon an the weather will permit. Smelt .t for The Tempest. .Maurice llUtiohurd, general 111:111. uger til thu Improved Mineral hiiii. ter, miuouiicoH that ho Iihh uliout closed a deal for a plant at the Tern pent mine, a properly owned hy Spu kano people iu tlio tireeuhorii din (riot. I'ho Hinolter will proluilily lie of a Til). ton oapauity to Mart with. Mr. lllauuhard alo Iihh Hovoral other eouutraota In IiIh pocket which an umiiice the count met Ion of several tuneltara I" Oregon. The principal place where the Mineral smelter U being tented la Iu the Heveu Devils country, where the Ladd Metal com pany Ih putting Iu a ItOO-tun plant. The Mineral smelter Ih something new iu the reduction of refractory oroH. Mr. lilauchard Ih one of tho ! inventor of the Hinolter he la now introducing In the Northwest. The inveuloin claim com pact noun, terriiln heat, economy and eillcleucy aa tho principal polnta of excellence for their plant. Spnkauo correspondent of Daily Milling Itccnrd. OVER 100 MILES UNDERGROUND WORK IN EASTERN OREGON MINES Very few people who are advocat ing the merits of eastern Oregon iih 11 milling country and few people who have actually invested In miucH in eastern Oregon are aware of the ac tual amount of development work Iihh taken place here iu the past twenty yearn, moot of It during tlio past ten yearn. The United Statea geologist who visited IiIh section lust niimmer maken a report Iu which he states that there are more than 100 miles of underground workings in the east ern Oregon gold Holds. These are large figures when It is considered that this camp la only a liahy camp and that the ground lias hardly yet been scratched, Cairylug out these tlgurea Interest ing aide features cau be developed. Think of the ton aud tout of caps aiid fuse, dynamite aud giant powder used iu hlastlug out the big holes through the earth Id search of the yellow metal. Figure up the tons of ateel rails used In the tunnels, the ore cars, hoisting machinery, big engines, little engines, pumps, pipe lines, water power plants, electric plants, stamp mills, cyanide plants, crusher plants, aerial tramways. transportation lines, tonB of steel tools, thousands of tons of grub aud tens of thousands of brawny men en gaged In the development work and some idea oau be had of the results of labor and capital expended. Those who arfe in a position to know predict that the amount of de velopment work which will be done in this camp during the next rive years will more than double that ac complished in the past ten years. Democrat. EGONOMIG MINING PARAMOUNT POINT Never was so much attoution paid to economic mining In the Coeur d'Alones aa la being dovoted to that important subject now. For tho smost part the mines are relatively low grado properties, with lead val ues of 10 per cout and silver values of from llvo to ton ounces per ton. The loss iu concentrating has been about 'JO per cent ot tho grosa value. That loan is being carefully examiued by V. Clayton Mlllcr.for the Federal Mining AjSmeltlug company, and hy Thomas Ureenougb, for the Morning mine. With the installation of the new W II Hey tables to treat the slinios, tboy hope to reduce the Wednesday, March 16, 1904 losses substantially. At the Daly West mill atParkClty, Utah, a saving of 05 per cent la made in concentrating a much more diffi cult class of lead ore. That result was reached by the intervention of a slime tank device. I The cost of concentration In the Coeui d'Aleues ranges from 18 to SO cents per ton and the cost of trans porting the crnde ore from the mines to the mills varies from 5 to 20 centa per ton. Just now the Coeur d'AIene oper ators have a double reason for want ing to save their lead values,for suits have been started '.against them for hundreds of thousands of dollars by farmers along tbe Coeur d'AIene river. The farmers assert that tbelr land baa been poisoned by tbe over flow from the Coeur d'AIene river, charged with minerals from tbe mines and mills. Of course tbe 20 per cent of the lead values lost iu concentrating goes into tbe tailings aud for the most part Is dumped iuto the creek. Hy cutting down tbo volume of lead iu the refute, the damuage, if any, which the farm ers have sustained would be greatly reduced. Fresh evidence keeps coming to hand to show the wonderful perma ueucy of tbe Coeur d'AIene mines. The great Hercules ore body, for iu stuuee, (iu its piesent deepest work ing, Ih 4,000 feet vertically above tbe bottom of the shaft on Ha neigh boring mine, the Tlger-Poormau. Aa the Hercules Is opened on a similar strong vein, anil as it Iihb one of tbo largest aud richest bodies ot clean ore in the district, there la no teasou to doubt that the Hercules will have ore at a depth of a mile on its dip, which would be on the same horizon tal plane as tbe ore In the bottom of theTigor-Poormau shaft. Spokesman-Review. U4T 15l<$Kta OF SUMPTER Capital Stock $25,000 Surplus, $1000 orriCKR J.W. SCRIBER . . President CD. W. MUELLER, - Viae-President R. H. MILLER - Cashier Safety Deposit Vaults Gold Dust Bought Does a General Banking and Exchange Business WORTH READING YOU CAN MAKE MONEY IF YOU BUY THESE STOCKS VALLEY QUEEN-PRICE 9 CENTS Capital $250,000 The Coming Great Mine nf the Cable Cove District. Recent big strikes show values ol over $181 per ton. A sure Producer. An investment in Vallev Queen will many times double your money, j jt j j BUCK. HORN-PRICE 10 CENTS Capital $500,000. Will be a Greater Blue Bird." It has the ore bodies oi this famous property. An Investment In Buck Horn U like finding money J J J J J J Jt rite today for Prospectus and full information. Men tioa No. 60 acd wc will mail you (ret six months the NORTH AMERICAN MINER WHEELER & CO. lukirs 32 MUIWAY, N. Y.