-1 COVERS THOROUGHLY THE GOLD FIELDS of the INLAND EMPIRE EASTERN INVESTORS IN OREGON MINES Pay for AND READ IT HOIST SOON TO GO IN AT THE BLACK BUTTE. Machinery Will Arrive as Soon as Roads Will Permit Its Being Hauled. IM C. A I Ion, uroln(ondeut of tlm Itlm.'k Hullo, whl oh wiih taken over limt fall liy Wheeler X Cumpiiny, of Now Vork, came In .vttstunliiy to con-fin- with .Manager (). (J. Wright mill lofl on t lit h niiirnliiUH' (ruin. Active prupiirntluiiH, Mr. Allon hiij'm, urn being iiiihIii toward thu In Htiillntlnii of a sinking iiliinl. Tim machinery Ih expected tn arrive In alinnt hIx weeks, which Ih pnrhnpH iih sunn iih llio rninlH will iiilinll (if itx trauwforronoo friini Wliltnoy In tlio properly. Ily till time thu Imllil Ingn will ho completed hiuI romly for thu liifliilliillnn nf tint plant. It wiih thu uiiglual intontliin In. nt In a MMI font ilotph capacity hoist, lint tlio plann Iiiivh been nhiiugoil mill It will Iiiivh it depth capacity nf H.'O foot.. .. Tlio property Ih already equipped with it Ion tdauip mill, which will ho npouiloil ih hiiiiii im Hinklin; Ih begun. The llliick llntto Ih IiiciiIoiI In tlm John Day country, mid Superintend out Allon llilnkh mi tlio mime vein hjhIoiii iih tlm Dl.xiu Meadows. It's un tint siimii porphyry holt which ho hiij'h Ih easily triiL'ciihlo from inio to thu other. During thu early oporatlon thu iniuu Ih accredited with thu produc tion nf nvur 8250,000, and thu deop cHt wnrkhiK Ih only 100 fcut. A great deal nf rich oro wiih takmi nnt, hoiihi, It Ih stated, going lit) high as 81 tn thu pound. Much of UiIh ore, it Ih hiiIiI, wiih hIoIoii. pounded and panned. Olio man wiih declined nf having luken away thirty poundH from which ho gnt i'M. Mr. Alien liiHtiilled thoHtiimp mill and wiih run ning It at n protll when tlio dull tiuiuH ciiiiio un, creditor rushed III mid the mine wiih forced In clone on account nf litigation. The way appears clour now, ami with sinking uiiichiuery tlio property will mioii lie In the produc ing oIiikh ngiilii. INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT ASBESTOS. One of I ho Most Wonder- foul Subttincios Dug Out of The Earth. .Wheel of, one ol Hie uinxl wonder ful HiilictiiufCM dug mil nf the eiiith, Iiiih lioou much In the pulillc oyntdnoo the lroiiiolr tlieatio illt-iiMcr. Now, 11 Ih repniled, the hulk of the world's Mipply fur many years tn come Iiiih lieeii nooiiiod liy tlio Standard Oil InlercrtH, fur the purpoi-o nf making lire proof "tliiilier"aud luiinol t-hoiithlng. The supply nf indn'ston Ih limited. Mnxt of II cuuies from Canada, and it in found InOieiion, Idaho California, mid other 'vestern slaton. It also In milled In thu Itiillau Alp, whence muht nf thu supply came liefore It whh discovered In Cmiiulii. Hut except In thu littler country, the thIiih of thu greasy- feullug silky like Huron stuff are tun thin to he worked with profit, fur the problem of mining absuntos is found lu thu disposition of thu foreign umtter lu which the iihIiokIuh Ih oiituiiihed. lu i tlm Canadian iiiIiioh only tiluuit I pur , colli of the material ipmriled Ih an i licHtie: the rent Ih iiiihIii up nf ruck mid othr refuse. Asbestos ucctiiH in voIiih varying Iriiiii hair an inch lu four Inchon llliick hetweeii layers of horiililouilo orydnls. Tlio lunger, toughnr libers hue fniiuil in the deepest diggings (ho Ioch uiluaulc nxhohtUH -that Ih, llio . clini t, easily pulvoiled llhros- im I found near llio t-urtiicc. The minim: i Ih much liku ruck quarrying. Moles I in itt 1 1 lft I mill dynamite exploded In lilaxt mil a lnyoi, which falls to the llnur of the working, Thu workmen : In i ak nut iih much of the pure iih- hoi oh in iih liuue Iiiiiiih iih possible, j load llio lumps Into tulm or kipn Hind tend it In Hie mrface, where I hoys and young men "coh" orciiim- hie the rock awiy from thu iihIibhIoh. The lumps ill iisbosttiH me packed In rough ImlcH mid shlpppeil to this country to ho manufactured Into the llnlfliod product. The nsbcstuH iih it comes from the mine Ih of u yellowish or greenish color, thu edges furred with lose tlher. Thu host grades of asbestos are white, ami thu line II her Ih long enough to lie carded ami spun Into yarn ami then woven Into a greasy -feeling, dirty white oloth, which Is lire proof, ucld proof mid went her proof. When the lumps of raw asbestos reach (he factory ttiey are placed In machines, which crush them uuttl the fibers are loosened into fluffy, cottony masses. From the crushing mill the fibers pass luto another machine which separates the Ioiik and nhort flbersnitthe same time throwH out any stones or other refuse matter. The short 11 hers are ground up luto pulp or powder, according to the use for which they arc luteuded, while the loiter libera are gathered together to be woven luto clntb. It Is this oloth which Is used for making fireproof drop curlnlUH for theaters. The asbestos yarn is also made into gloves mid mittens for glusH and iron workers aud a llnor cloth Is woveu for acid lllters. To catalogue the lines of--asbestos would be a long tack, for withiu twenty years Kb applications bare multlpllel I so rapidly that It now can be re gurded as one of the most versatile tof manufactured products. Corn blued with colors aud oils It makes a paint which makes auythlng it coats either flreproonf or nearly so. Asbestos combined with canvas, felt or like material, make an excellent roofing or celling material, and tbe roofs of many factories, warehouses, 'docks aud like structures are covered with asbestos treated material. Wood pulp or other substances which cau carry the asbestos is used for cover- lug steam pipes. Ran Francisco Chronicle. 1 HOIFORST.LOUISANDTHEWORLD'SFAIR WILL YOU BE THERE? Q Nature's Art Gallery oi the Rockies in addition to the www Attractions at St. Louis. This can only be done by going or returning via tbe "SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD." U NRIVALED SCENIC ATTRACTIONS NEQUALED DINING CAR SERVICE NSURPASSED IN EFFORTS TO PLEASE Write for Illustrated Booklet of Colorado's Famous Sigh's and Resorts W. C. McBEIDE, General Acnt 124 Third Street PORTLAND, OREGON Tourist Cars East w. Many experienced travelers prefer tourist sleeping cars for the transcontinental journey. The Chicago, Milwaukee 8c St. Paul Railway can ai range for your trip east in tourist cars, offer you choice of routes and save you money. S5322L. '34 Third St., Portland, Ore.