The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, March 16, 1904, Page 11, Image 11

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    Wednesday, March 16, 1904
Buildings at the Queen of the West
Mines Swept Away by
Two men were killed and six In
jured, .none fatally, in an avalanche
Thursday night at Queen of the West
mine In Cornucopia district.
The dead are: 11. V. Ilollaud. A',
C. Cox; Injured, W. Estes, Thomas
Smith. T. II. Mills, John Hunt,
Frank Larimer, Nets' Luudstrom.
The crash came a 5:110 o'clock
when the miners wete coming off the
-day shift. The slide raised the
building and bunk boused and swept
the occupants down almost to the
bottom of the cauyon, hundreds of
feet below. The dead aud injured
were recovered with difficulty from
the debris.
The mine Is located In Bonanza
basin, one mile from tho spot where
Superintendent Fred C. Dobler, of
the Cornucopia mine, lost his life hi
a slide a year ago. Tho snow in the
basin was from one 10 to 100 feet
deep. The slide started midway be
tweonQuoou of the West mine aud the
summit, gathering mass aud momen
tum as It thundered down the sides
of the mountain.
With a tremondous roar the ava
lanche struck the surfuco plant of the
mine and lu a twinkling all that was
left to mark the spot was the office
oocupied by Superintendent Bert
Smith. Below tbn mine the moun
tain side is loss steep aud the slide
lost its momentum, to which fact Is
.attributed the saving of the lives of
twelve of the fourteen who made the
wild ride on the top of the Blide.
Every winter an avalanche In Cor
nucopia country claims victims. The
heavy snow fall and steepness of the
mountains make the safety of the
miners almost impossible. All over
the Blue mountains this year slides
have occurred with heavy loss of
property, but this was the first loss
-of life.
The bodies of the dead meu were
reoovered about 4 o'clock yesterday
afternoon aud taken to Cornucopia.
Sumpter, Ore., Feb. SI, 1001.
Sealed proposals will lie received
by the recorder of the city of Sump
ter until 8 o'clock p. in. April 1,
1001, for the furnishing of all ma
terial for and the construction of a
sewerage system in the oily of Sump
ter, Oregou, in accordance with the
plans aud specifications on fllo in the
recorder's office. The total estimated
cost of the system is placed by the
city engineer at 815,000.
A certified check for the amount
of 2 per cent of the bid, made pay
able to the olty treasurer, must ac
company all bids as evidence of the
good faith of the bidder.
The couuoll reserves the right to
reject any aud all bids.
S. S. START, City Recorder.
Notice Is hereby given that the
undersigned has been duly apponlted
by the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Baker,
administrator of the estate of Samuel
1 Jones, deceased. All persona hav
ing claim against said estate are
hereby required to present the same
to me, properly verified, as by law
required, at the office of Chas. H
Chance, attorneyat-liiw, First Na
t onal bank building, Sumpter, Baker
County, Oregon, within six mouths
from the date hereof.
Dated this 24 tb day of February,
1004. ALVIN P. J ONES,
Administrator of the Estate of
Samuel I. Jones, deceased.
Mineral Application No. 287.
United States Laud Office,
La Uraudc, Ore., March II, 1004.
Notice is hereby 'given, that Fran
cis S. Slater, of Cauyou Citv, (Jraut
couuty, Oregou, has made application
for patent to what are known as the
Hiudmau A Sinter Placer Mining
Claims, the same covering and beiug
as follows, to-wit:
S. i of S. E. H Sec. 8, & E. ,SJ
of N. E. ii A E. i of E i of N.
W. H of N. E. ii & E. 4 of E. ii
of S. W. U of N. E. H & N. E. ii
of S. E. li ScE. H of N. E. hi of N.
V. U of S. E. ,l4' of Sec. 17, Tp.,
10, S. R. 30, E. V. M according to
the United States surveys, lu Baker
couuty, Oregon, aud lu no organized
miulug district. Tho said applicaut
applies for pateut for tho same as
Placer Mining land under the laws
of the United States, aud under aud
by virtue of a locatiou made by ap
plicant, under the name of F. S.
Slater, and E. Hiudmau of date April
22, 1808, and recorded May , 1808,
lu book E, page 431 Record of Placer
Mining locations of Baker County,
Oregeu: Also a relocation by said
parties of date October 0, 1001, aud
recorded October 10, 1001, in book
O, Record of Placer Mining Loca
tions of Baker County, Oregou, at
page 101: Also a location by appli
cant of date June 17, 1800, aud re.
corded July 3. 1805, in bonk E,
page .'155 Record of Placer .Miulug
Locations of Baker County, Oregeu:
Also a location of date November 17,
1001, by J. D. Slater and recorded
November 21, 1001, lu book U, page
171 Record of Placer Mining Loca
tions of Baker County, Oregen:
Also a location dated July 8, 1002,
by J. W. Selby aud T. K. Uurnee,
and recorded August 1, 1002, In
book U, page 230, Record of Placer
Mining Lncatious of Baker County,
Oregeu: Also a locatiou dated July
8, 1002, mndo by J. L. Slater, Olivo
A. Slater, W. T. Slater, R. J. Sinter
V. N. Proebstel, J. (J. Voting. Emory
Proobstel aud C. M. Hiudmau, of
date July 8, 1002, and recorded
August, 1002, In book (J, pugo 230,
Record of Plticor Miulug Locations
of Baker County, oregou, the appli
cant being now the owuor aud in
possession of said claims by virtue of
said location and tho conveyance to
him by the said locators aud co
locators of all their interest therein.
There are no adjoining claims.
All persons bavlug adverse claims
thereto are required to presont the
same before this office within sixty
days from the first publication of
this notice, or they will be barred by
the provisions of the statute.
E. W. DAVIS, Register.
First date of publication March 0,
Last date of publication May 11,
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregou for the County of Baker.
The Sumpter Light Jfc Water Co.,
A corporation, Plaiutiff
A. J. Stlusou and
James A. Grainger, Defendants.
To the above named defeudaut, James
A. (Iralnger:
lu the uamo of the State of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear
aud answer to the complaint" filed
against you in the above entitled suit
on or before tho 13th clay of April,
1004, .which is tho last (lay of the
time prescribed In the order made, by
the Couuty Judge of Baker Couuty,
Oregou, for tho publication of this
summons; and If you fall so to
appear aud answer, for want thereof,
the plaiutiff will tatto judgment
against said defeudaut, James A.
Urnlnger for tho rollof prayed for In
tho complaint, to-wlt:
That u decree ot the nhovo entitled
court be eutered adjudging and de
creeing that said plaintiff, and Its
successors, have aud nro entitled to
a perpetual right of way for n pipe
lluo across tho lands of tho said do
feudauta, described iind set forth In
the complniut herein, as the lluo of
said pipo lluo Is now constructed
across said lauds.
That tho plaintiff, and Its suc
cessors, and it and its officers, ser
vants, agents, aud employees have
the right to eutor upon said laud,
aud coustruct aud maintain said plpo
Hue across the samo, and havo the
right at all times in the future while
said pipe Hue Is maintained across
said lauds, to enter upon said lands
for the purpose of repairing, renew
ing, roplacing, malntalug aud caring
for the same, and for that purpose
to dig up the surface of buou land
to such au extent as may be neces
sary. That It be further decreed that the
defendats and eaob of them and any
and all persons sating by, through,
or under them and each and every
peraou be forever restrained and en
joined from In any mauuer interfer
ing with said plaintiff, Ha officers,
agents, sorvants and employes In the
construction, laying, and establish
ment of said pipe line across the said
lands of said defendants, as now laid
out and partially constructed there
on, aud that said defendants and
eaob aud every person acting by,
through, or under them be foiever
restrained and enjoined from in any,
manner interfering with said pipe
line, after tho samo is constructed as
now laid out, or obstructing, or de
stroying tho samo, or doing any act
or thing thnt may interfere with the
free use aud enjoyment thereof by
said plaintiff and its successors.
That plaintilf havo judgment
aganlst said defendants for the sum
of 1500 damages for herntoforo ob
structing said woik and for its costs
nnd disbursements herein, and thnt It
have such other relief as to the Court
may seem meet with justico and
Aud you are heroby notified that
on tho 20th day of February, 1004.
the Hou. W. W. Travllllon, Couuty
Judge of Baker County, Oregon made
an older that service of summons In
this suit be made upon said defend
ant by publication of tbla summons,
and that the date of tlio first
publication thereof Is March 2nd and
the date of the last publication
thereof is April 13tb, 1004.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
UmteJ Sulci Land Office,
i , U Grande, Oregon, March ). 1904. 1
Nolle It htrcby given that E. B. Perrn, whose
postoffic' address 11 Wllliami, Ariiona, bv Henry
Hewitt,' Jr., whose Postofltce addre It Tacoma,
Washington, Jlj, on the rj Jay o( A arch, 1004,
make application to select. unJer the Act of June
4. tMMta tot.. ). 'he folio Ing described tracts:
TheS-JrUof section 1 and the & H of the N E
V and Lots ijand t of section . Tp. 10 south, range
jllw Svr4n Baker county, Oregon.
That the purpose of this notice Is to allow alt per
sons claiming' the selecteJ lanJs under the mining
laws, or desiring to show It to re mineral In charac
ter, an oppnrtumt' to hie objections to such selection
with the officers 'of the U. S. Land Onic at' la
Grande, Oregon, within thlrtv Java atler the first iay
of publlcatlou hereof, so as to establish their
Interest therein or the mineral character thereof.
E. W. DAVIS. Register
rirst publication dated Marih g, ioa. ,
United Suits LanJ Office, I
, La Grande, Oregon, March t, 1904, (
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the act of congress of June 1. iStl. en
title J "An act for the sale ot timber lands In the states
of California, Oregon, Nevada anJ Washington Ter
ritory," as extended to all the Public LanJ suits by
act ot August a, !&).
of Sumpter, .County of Uaket, State of Oregon, has ,
this dav fileJ In this office his swom statement
MotBit, for the purchase of the N NEX. NEK
NWtf and Lot t of Section No. to In Township No.
u S. Range No. jl E. W. M.. an J will offer proof
to show that the land sought Is more valuable
tor Its timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim to
said land before Chas. H. Chance, U. S. Com
missioner, at hti oltica at Sumpter, Oregon, on
Thursday, the toth Jav of May 1004.
He names as witnesses: kalph MeaJ, Van Ren
salaer Mead, Andtew J. Denny, and Stephen
Jackson, all nf bumpier, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to file their claims In
this office on or before said tglh Jay ol May,
i04. E. W. DAVIS Register.
United States Land Office,
La Grande. Off eon. March a.
c with the
Notice Is htrebv given that In compliance
provisions of the act ut Conireas of June i. ilii. en
titled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
ton Territory," as extended to all the Public Land
Slates by ail ol August a, iHoe,
ol Sumpter. county ol Haker, state of Oregon, has
this Jay filed In this pffice his sworn statement No.
886 lor the purchase nt the W H N I: . N W )( S
E K an J NEK S W X ot section ho. 1 1 In township
No. 10 south, range No. 8 u w at, and will offer proof
to show that the land sought Is more valuable tor Its
timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land before Charles M.
Chance, U. S. commissioner, at his nflice at Sump
ter, Oregon, on Thursday, the 101I1 day ol May, 1004.
He names as witnesses: Van Rennsel er Mead.
Ralph Mead, William A. Gteen and Charles L.
Ferry, all ol Sumpter, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
JescrlbeJ lands are requested to tile their claims In
this office on or before said ilh dav of May, 1004.
K. W Davis, Register.
TIMBER UNO. ACT JUNE 1, iM-noticb ros
United States Land Office, (
La Grande, Oregon, I'ebruary vo, 1904 I
Nolle It hereby given that In compliance with the
firovlslons of the act of Congress of June 1, ilrl en
ItleJ "An act lor the sal of limber lands In the
State of California, Oregon, Nevada anJ Washing
ton Territory," as ealenJed to all th Public LanJ
States by act of August 4,
of Canyon City! County of Crant Stat of Oregon,
hat this Jay filed In this office his sworn state
ment no tool, for the purchase ot the S W V S E Jf
section N0V0; NEtf NWtf and NH N E X or section
No, 1 Tp. No. 1 souih R. No it swat, and will offer
proof to show that the land sought Is mor valuable
for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish his claim to said land before Chas.
II, Chance, U. S. Commissioner at his office al
Sumpter, Oregon, on Monday, the oth Jay of May,
he names as witnesses: Van Rensselaer MeaJ,
Ralph Mead, of Sumpter, Oregon; Lemuel King,
Lemuel llarnell' of AuJrey, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to hie 1'ielr claims in
this office on or before said till day of May, 1004.
E. W. DAVIS, Register.
United States Land Office,
itates Land Office,
La Gran le, Oregon,
I'ebruary ijth, iv4 )
Notice ts hereby given that in compliance with th
provisions of the act ot cong less nf June . ilrl, en
titled "An act for the sale ot timber lands In the sutes
ol Callliirnia. Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory." as extended to all the Public Land stairs tr
act of August 4,ltV
ol Sumpter. county of IteUr, suit of Oregon, hi
this Jay filed in litis office his sworn statement Nu.
soj, lor the purchase of the SH SwX, NeX SwX
and SeX NwX of aectlon No. si in township
No. 11 south, range No. 17 SWM, anJ will
valuable lor Its timber or stone than for agricultural
fiurposes, anJ to establish his claim to sal J land bef
ore Chat. H. Chance. U. S. Commissioner, al
Sumpter, Oregon, on Tuesday, the soth Jay ol
n names wimmn. . mmy??w
William Kaelv. Robert Patterson. Robert W. Riley,
a blMAaa EIaSabv ff . Cabh4W
all ol Sumpter, Oregon. ......
Any anj ail persons claiming jiir mw owtw
,i.jrih.4 laitJ ira reauestad to file their claims la)
th f offic on or befor said 6th Jay of April, is.
c v. VAvia, Register.