The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, March 16, 1904, Image 1

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    VOL. V.
NO. 28
Cut 16-Foot Porphyry Dyke With Veins of
Good Ore on Either
Dr. I-M V. Mnollcr, genorul mali
nger of tint Standard, accompanied
by Mrs. Muollcr, rot u mod from u
visit to tho property ycstordny morn.
in. Things uro InokiiiR prutty good
it tlio Standard, Dr. Muullor says,
mid dovulopmout work, sinco his lust
trip, .has been uttmided witb tlio
f.usual good lesults.i , , .
uio orochunt tn tbo south from
Standard drift No. 1, ho niyc, linn
passed through u sixtcoti-foot ipiurtz
porphyry dyko. Ueyond tho (jimrtz
porphyry (urination tlio crosscut Is
now piirtdnu into mi immotifco Imdy
of low grndo concentrating ore,
uuirylug copper, gold mid silver vul
ni's. This body bus boon entered for
I distuueo .of twenty-one foot mid
t horo It) Htlll oro in tno luce. Its
width Ih, thorcforo, unknown. On
either wnl I of the quint;, porphyry
dyko, veins ot good oro wore cut.
The pre-oneo of porphyry is legurdod
no u highly fiivoiiiblo Indicutloii
nmong mining men, us nonrly nil lingo
deposits of Iiiiho oro nre associated
witb poiphyrlliu intriiHloiiH. Drifting
along tbo dyko into the ninnntinu Ih
being continued witb good oro In tho
t f nee.
In tho Ctovolnnd drift tho rook Ih
hardening, but tinulsdering (IiIh fnot
Reed headway ' being iiinae. Tho
rriiuliir shifts nra holng wnrkcdVlid
100 feet ii iiiiiutb bio being driven.
A loud of mipplicH will be font out
to tho mlnu tomorrow.
The sunw. Dr. Mueller says, bn
yond Flyun's station, is nil cone fiom
tho roads. Around tho Standard on
Hoiithoru exposures also thorn In iiuicb
linro ground. In proof of IiIh stnto
nii'iit, ho exhibited to n Minor mini
fiiinii buttercups which ho mill Mim.
Mueller picked from patches where
the snow bud melted olf. The ori
donees of spring, be cays, me iiipldly
making their appearance, in I hut
It whs prohubly known to nearly
evory Hniiuiu citizen how the mor
tur which cemented the stones of
their biiildliiKti wiih miido, jnt-t its it
Is now known to tlieiiiujoiity ot people
whut the priiiuipul iugredlcnts of
our mnrtnr nre. Hut tbo knowledge
holng general, nobody wrote it
down, mid In time, us th i Romans
shifted their buildings upon bIhvos
eud foreigners, the recipo of their
mortar was lost. Ho far it has not
been discovered, though the seciot
of it would be immensely valuable, for
tbo cement outlasts the very atones
which It joins. India once posset
ed similar secrets. In Lahore there
is, or was. a massive building made
only of brick and mortHr, but (be
builders who erected it in about
li'JO I). V,., ui.ilcistntid lliolr liiifdnos
so wull that tho f iiln In dollod tho en
gineering oirortH of four successive
gnrorumcntH to lonioro it.
luiliii, too, cuu show pliirteied build
lugs wliito iiud shiny liku murblo mid
iih smooth uiul polished us glass.
Whether Indiii leuniod her building
arts from ICgjpt or Kgypt Ix'ih fiom
liidlu is not yet ascertained. Hut
whlchoror it wiih, Kgypt excelled In
this art. The impcilshuhlo uinrtur
they hud. of coiiihu.
They performed feats of engineer
ing which wo co.ild not accomplish
it the present time for example,
the li'illdiug of tho Pyramids and
they could carvo hieroglyphic upon
granite which can uownduys only bo
touched by jewels.
Hut steel has been made wbinh
ootild probably carvo this granite.
Japau bad this secret once, but has
Inst It now. A drill whs on exhibit
some time hack, made from this
Japanese ateel, which went easily
through a standard Hie, and was not
dulled In tbe process. India also
was In possession of a steel secret
onoe, whiob is lost now. This was j
tbe inlaying with gold of steel blndts
In such h manner that, the strength of I
the blades was not impaired nor its
tompor spoiled. ,
Many secrets In uiotallurgy have
l)oon lost In addltlou to those men
tioned above. Nobody has found
nut how the old brass of the ancients
was made that brass which does not
tarnish witb exposure to tho weather.
and which can only bo dlstluuulidicd wman, thoro has been
from mild by tbo application of . Hinumit of underground
ui'ids or by tenting Its sproi'lo grnv-ity.
Hard copper as hard us xtul Ii iih
Susauville, March 14. (Special)
-Despite the hard winter and deep
snow this section experienced thlH
an unusual
work done, while others have taken
iidviiutnuo of tbu good snow roads
and huiiied In quite n ciiiiHldenilile
also been mude, jet nniilysls shows it "mount of machinery.
to lie practically puro metiil, tlio
Impurities being exactly tbe same as
tliuso found in ordinary copper. It
was Unit woiidoiful people, tho
Aztecs, exterminated, or nearly so,
by Coitoz, which possessed this art.
Electricians feel themselves at
liberty to curso Cortex for being tlio
probublo cause of this prooom holng
lost tn tbo world. To them copper
as bard as steel would menu almost.
us much us a porfect insulator capable
nt Htnudlug heat for an ludolliilto
period nrul Impormeablo to mols
ture. Exchange.
Malinger Tom ,1. L'ostollo has just
come in from tho Storm King ami
reports everything moving alone
iilooly in the dllforout working.
Tbo weather of tho I'lit-t few iIiivh,
Messrs, Simpson an 1 Stevenson
have eroded a tidily ton capacity
mill on Elk creek with which they
Intend workulg over the old tnlliiiRH
of tho Cooper oliilm and also do cus
tom work, which will bo quite n hlop
to this section, as owIiik to tlid onor
mous oxpoiiHii of KuttitiK tbo oro to
tbo Nineltei'H a rot many prospectH
which show viiIihs from $10 to fUO
per ton, are per force lylnu Idle 'and
only iisseusmeut work Ih IicIiik dono.
Thn Mariner uompnuy's mill was
shut down tho most part or tbu full
iiud winter, but Its ore Is so rich that
it was shipped tn the stnoltors fit Tn-
noma (lurliifj'tlio winter. ' " '
The llluo Channel (lold Plnce'r
AllniiiK company, on Ill Cirek, Ih
iiIhii one of thoHo which bus taken nil
vaiitiiuo of tho Mood iillilplilii mid li
hauliuu In machiuoiy fur if h iloo
ilrltllm,' works, which is an old river
chiiuuol, curiyliiK a bluo niavel hIiii
ilar to tho fumoiiH llluo lode of Call
fornlii. Its koIiI Is very coun-n ami
rlcli, koos o(ir 8IH tn the ounce.
This company iiwiin about TiMO ncieri
of placor urouud, pail of which Ih
patented. This niiiunil hns been
uiiiioiikii t-overo on mo iiiviun, wh( lmttll to binary rich over since Hh
liaidly iioliced down ut the uilno. ', Renvoi y. anil quite a num many
Thn shaft mi tho. lesslo mid Ouldi'ii flirt ,U1 1(.0M t-ktn out, lint
Hiilo Ih .iIik ilmui n! a (ood clip. ,mK t m ,,uliiKiiiilslln feelliiK of
us uwIiik to tbo total nUeiice nfj,1(l tl(l.,lllH tt,Ht nn work tunny
water the men can wink to the mini iim,ullt ,stal be ilom,. While ono
eHtndvantuuo; tin. ehniucler of tbe w(1, ,m ul(,,,. rMlt, ,mth,,r
no is showliiK a miiloiiiil chunuo fur mviim thu ,uln, llll( Mllt WIIV
the bolter, which chuiimi flMt ' I-j emliaiii.HM'd the nlher.liut the piCHonl
donco that the num. kiiiu of will llw t H,, Ulsw Vrk muitlenmii,
bo round In (IiIh IcimIo m In tho Storm i,,,, ,, M ,jm ((.Hi'MI, jin inill
KliiK and llunodt Dolli.r. jrtl,t,(r llul llI1(1 lU p,,,,,,,, ,
III! ll'fl-'l 111 lllll .IflPIII It III.. '
cruHbciit is rupbllfy Hliowlim up a Hun
bo ly of oio, anil us tbe delft Ih con
tinued, It becomoH apparent tho oro
will Increase, in width, mid us IIh val
iioh, proven by iihh.vh, uro IncreiiHliiK
us tho woik pronretK-H, it only 10
iiiiiIiih a matter of time when this IviIko
will Jiirtlfy the erection of a mill,
Tho work in the Honest Dollni
drift is K'di'K steadily forward, nln
itiK depth at a most eucouniKluK
rate, and showing a most beautiful
body of galena ore, similar to thut
uucovered in tbe tunnel am shaft on
tbe Eureka end of the llouest pollur,
so all In all, tho management Is
bigbly pleased witb Ibo splnendld
values which are Lilig tepidly
brought to view.
woik tho kiiiiiiiiI tu Its lioxl ml villi
tiiKO Last tall I hoy nink a rhitft
of 1 1 ft feet to lioiliock,iiu which they
urn now iiihlallliii; u stoiim boiler,
pump uud IidIhI with which lo baudliy
tbu pay grurol from tbe old channel,
They have aim now on tho cromi'd
two giiiutH of tho latest Improved
pattern, with about '.',(100 feet of hy
draulic pipe, which they will Install
us soon us tho weather permits.
Hverbyody looks forward foi them to
muko a Hue clean up this summer,
thereby adding cnnrlderable to tbo
credit of this section mid slide.
Ribbons. All colors and widths,,
the very latest effects.