The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, March 09, 1904, Page 9, Image 9

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    Wednesday, March 9, 1904
Three Times Sentenced to
Be Hung And Now a
Goldfield Million-
Three times condemned to be
banged for h double murder mid now
a (roe wan, a miuo owner, with every
prospect of becoming a millionaire
much, iu brief, is the transition that
fate baa brought iu tbe fortunes of
Jobu Davis, kuowu hh "Dliuiioudlleld
Jack," according to the New Vork
Herald. Riches huvo como to him
us tho fairylike climax to a life story
as picturesque, us dramatic aud
.spectacular, as auy iu tbe romantic
history of the far west.
Newsboy, jewel hunter, border
lighter aud miner, Jack Darls has
Jiad a career that might furnish
material for a dozen dime novels. It
bas beeu little more than a year since
"this raau was released from tho idabo
penitentiary, by Omen of (Governor
Iluut; today bo Is joiut owner with
two others of a rich gold uilue iu
Nevada, a mine that bas already dis
closed h fourteen feet ledge of 820
Miuiug men from CJoldlleld, the
uew camp near Touopah, declare that
Davis aud his partners will be mill
ionaires before two years more have
rolled away. Davis has beeu rululng
over slnco be was snatched from the
shadow of the scaffold, when death
was so near that he could almost feel
tbe tigbteuiug of tbe noose about bis
neck, lie aud bis associates are now
owueis of tbe Daisy group of mines,
in ono of which tbe strike referred to
was made.
"Dlamondflold Jack" Davis was
oue of the leading actors In the bitter
range war of 1800, aud, so far as
popular iuterest was concerned, be
held tbo centor of the stage until
December, 1002, wbeu he was re
leased from tbe Idabu state prison.
Davis was In tbe employ of tbe
."Sparks-Harrel Cattle company, tbe
biggest stock raisiug concern iu
Nevada, whose cattle fattened on tbe
ranges of that state aud Idaho.
Tbe seuior member of tbe firm was
Jobu Sparks, "Honest Jobu," now
govornor of tbe silver state. The
possessions of the raugo imd long
beeu disputed betueeu tbe cattle
Talsers aud tho hheep meu. Intensely
bittor feuds have beeu sacrificed to
tbe hutred between tho two classes.
(n the spring of '!)() two sheep
herders were found dead aud ho was
.arrested, charged with their murder,
was tried, convicted and thon three
times sentenced to be huii'j.
Wbeu the lust legal resource bud
been exhausted uud wbeu it teemed
that Duvis wus doomed to die, the
influence of Uoverunr Sparks resulted
iu restoring "duck" Duvis to free
dom. A temporary reprieve a day or
two before tbe date set for tbo exe
cution wus followed by a full pardon
aud restoration to citizenship, which
was issued Decombre 17, 1002.
After spending six years Id prlsou,
''Dlumoudlleld Jack' wus free to go
bis way. He chose to go to Kovuda,
to tbe new mining camps surrouud
log Tonopub, aud there be found
tbe fortune that bas set every human
tongue in tbe cattle couutry to wag
ging about his phenomenal lack.
Jack Davis began life for himself
as a newsboy iu London. Later be
stoned away to a salllug ship found
for South Africa. He went to the
diamond fields of tbe Interior aud
met with varying fortune until he at
tracted tho attention of Ceil Rhodes,
then just beuiuuiug his consolidation
of the diamond iuteiests,
Davis became u confidential detec
tive for tbe empire builder. Several
years of tbls life satisfied Duvis, and
he came to this country, seeking the
fure west as affording the excitement
and danger ho hud learned to love.
He drifted about the border far sev
eral years uud then became it cowboy
on tbe Nevada-Idaho ranges.
A Business Proposition.
If you lire going cast a careful se
lection of your route is esseutial to
the enjoyment of your trip. If it is
u busiuess trip time is tho r niu con
slderatiou: If u pleusure tilp, scen
ery uud the conveniences aud com
forts of ii modern railroad. Why
not combine all by using the Illinois
Central, the up-to-date road, run
ning two traius daily from St.
Paul uud Minneapolis, and from
Omaha to Chicago. Free rcclluiug
chair curs, tbe famous liuffot-Library-Smoking
curs, all traius vestibuled.
Iu short .thoroughly modoru through
out. All tickots reading via the
Illinois Central will bo honored on
these trains aud no extru faro
charged. Our rates aro tbe samo as
those of iuferior roads why not got
your mouey's worth? Write for
full particulars.
B. II. TRUMUULL, Commercial
Agent, Portland, Oregon.
J. C. LINDSEY, T. P. & P. A.,
Portland, Oregou.
A., Seattle, Washington.
I Wholesale
Hay, Grain,
Feed, Salt Meats
Canned Goods
Oranpes and
Farm Produce.
WartbouM on Railroad Tracks
Foot of Cracker Streets.
J. P. Holland
I Bank .
5 of
S Sumpter 1
v Transacts v
General f
J Banking ?
S Business. C
J Interest Paid on Time s
Deposits r
b Salety Deposit Vaults c
Unllf J States LanJ Office.
Li GranJe, Oregon. March j. 1004. (
Notice Ii hereby Riven that E. H. Perr'n, whose
rostofhee aJJress is Williams, Arliona, bv Henry
iirwui, jr., wnose rosiomce ajjress is lacoma,
Washington, JIJ, on the J Jav ol March, 1904,
make application to select, unJer the Act ol June
4, 1847 (t Mat., 36), the following JescrlbeJ tracts: '
The N E ot section 1 anJ the S .4 of the N I:
)( anJ lots 1 anJ a ol section a. Tp. to south, range
jS H w H., In Hiker county, Oregon.
That the purpose of this noticed to allow all per
sons claiming the selecieJ lands unJer the mining
laws, or Jeslrlng to show It to be mineral In charac-'
ter, an opponunit to tile objections to such selection I
with the officers ol the U. S. UnJ Olllce at la '
GranJe, Oregon, within thlrlv da a alter the first Jay
ol publlcallou hereof, so as to establish their I
Interest thrreln or the mineral character thereof. ;
U. W. DAVIS. Register ,
l-lrst publication dated .March y. 19.14.
Unllf J States Land Oltice, I
La Grande, Oregon, Match a, ijj4, 1
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the 1
provisions 01 me act 01 congress or June 1, 1878, en
titled "An act for the sale ot timber linds In the states
of Calllornla, Oregon, Netada and Washington Ter
ritory," as extenJeJ to all the I'ubllc LanJ states by
actol August 4, 1841,
of Sumpter, County of llakei, Slate of Oregon, has
this Jay MeJ In this oftice Ills sworn statement
No . for the purchase ol the Ni NE). NEW 1
Nw( anJ Lot 1 of Section No. 10 In Township No. I
II S. Ranee No. 18 K. W. M.. anJ will oiler i.rnol
to show that the lanJ sought Is more valuable
tor Its timber or stone than lor agricultural
purposes, anJ In establish tils claim to
said lanJ bcture Chas. II. Lhance, U. h. Com
missioner, at hit office at Sumpter. Oregon, on
ThursJay, the loth Jay of May 1001.
He names as witnesses: Ralph MeaJ, Van Ren
salaer MeaJ, Andrew J, Denny, anJ Stephen
Jackson, all f Sumpter, Oregon.
Any anJ all persons claiming aJversely the above
JescrlbeJ lanjs are requested to tile their claims In
this office on or belore salj loth Jav ol May,
104. E. W. DAVIS'Reglster.
Unllf J States LanJ Oltice,
La (iranJe, Oregon, March a, 11104. i
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions ol the act of Congress ot June (. 1878, en
tilled "An act tor the sale of timber lands In the
States ol Calllornla, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
ton Territory," as extenJeJ to all the Public LanJ
States by act of August 4, i8u,
of Sumpter, county ot llaker, slate ol Oregon, has
this Jay MeJ In this oftice his sworn statement No.
alio tor the tmrchai ot the W U N I: M. N W l t
EX and NEK SW Mot section No. i In townsnlp
No. 10 south, range No. ) u w m, and will oiler proof
to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its
timber or sjone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim lo said land belore Charles II.
Chance, U. S. commissioner, at his nttice at Sump
ter, Oregon, on Thursday, the igih Jay of May, 1904.
He names as witnesses: Van Mead,
Ralph Mead, William A. Green anJ Charles L.
Ferry, all of Sumpter, Oregon.
Any anJ all persons claiming aJversely the above
JescrlbeJ lands are requested to file their claims In
this office on or before said toth Jav of May, 1004.
E. W Davis, Register.
TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 1. iItI-notics for
United States LanJ Oftice,
La Grande, Oregon, I'ebruary , 1904 i
Notice Is hereby given thai In compliance with the.
provisions of the act ot Congress of June 1. t8rl en
titled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing
ton Territory," is extended to all the Public UnJ
States by acl of August a. ils.
of Canyon City: County of Cram State of Oregon,
nas mis day mej in 1111s orece ms sworn state
ment in 1008. for (he purchase nl the S WW S I! U
section No. 6; NEK NWtf and NH N E X of section
No, 1 Tp. No. ia south R. No 17 KWM. and will oiler
proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable
for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish his claim lo said land belore Chas.
H. Chance, U, S. Commissioner at his nltice at
Sumpter, Oregon, on Monday, the gth day of May,
He names as witnesses: Van Rensselaer Mead,
Ralph Mead, of Sumpter, Oregon; Lemuel King,
Lemuel Harnett' of Audrev, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to file their claims In
this office on or before said till Jay of May, 1904.
U. W. DAVIS, Register.
UnileJ States LanJ Office. )
La (iranle, Oregon,
Tebru.try ijth, 1904 '
Notice tt hereby given that in compliance with Hie
provisions of the acl of cungress of June 1, 1878, en
title J "An act fur the sale ol Umber Ian Js In the slates
nl California, Oregon, Nevada anJ Washington Ter
ritory," as estended to all the Public Land states by
act ol August 4, 189J,
of Sumpter, county of Maker, state of Oregon, has
this day filed In this ollice his sworn statement No.
SV9S, for the purchase of the S4 Sw(, Ht'.i Swiff
and SeJ Nwtf ol seci'on No. as In township
No. it south, range No. 17 KWW, and will
offer proof la show that Hie land sought Is more
valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural
fiurposes, and to establish his claim 10 said land be
ore Chas. II. Chance, U. S. Commissioner, at
Sumpter, Oregon, on Tuesday, the aCth J.iy of
April 1004.
He names as witnesses: Peter J. Soarda.
William Keely, Robert I'atterson, Robert W, Riley,
II of Sumpter. Oregon.
Any anJ all persons claiming aJversely the above
described lands are requested to file their claims If
th s oftice on or befote said 6lh Jay of April. 104,
E. W. DAVIS. Register
Only tranxcouthiental I in
Jdasslng directly throuuh
jSalt Lake City
Colorado Springs.
and Denver
t Three niik'Hilitllv enuinpetl tr mf
Tlirmtiih Sleeping ami DinlngCari
I niul free Ret'tining Clinir Cars.
The most Mapulrleent scenery int
America by ilnyllglit.
e Stop overs allowed on all clataot
- til lll'Hl'in.
For clieniH'st rates am) descriptive?
literature, atitiress
W. C. MolRIDE, fiHiral IfNtt
4 T
1 Portland, OrcoonZ
Short Une
D union Pacific
Silt Like,
Dener, Rusts City.
Occiiii Htcainera Itetween Portland
and San Frauciico every fire dayi.
low Rates I
Tickets to and from all parts ol
the United States, Canada and
ThroiiKli Pullman Standard and
Tourift Sleeping Cars dally to Omnlm,
Olilntgo, Spokane; TouriHt Kleer-lng
car daily to KausaH City; through
Pullman tourist sleeping cars (per
sonally conducted) weekly lo Chi
cago, Kiiiimbh City; reclining chair
cars (coats free) to the Kstt dally.
For particulars, call op or addreaa
II. C. Bowims,
Agent, Bailor City, Ore.