The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, March 09, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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    Wednesday, March 9, 1904
Government's Great Irriga
tion Scheme Will be
Started at
Tbo Echo correspondent of tbo
Spokesmuu-Keview writes: Next
Monday morning h force of survey
ors, under direction of E. Duvla,
government engineer, will start work
in this section, with a view of com
pleting h report to the department.
A portion uf thin work was completed
last full, and from that a practical
report was turned in. It will take
but a short time to complete the
work this spring. According to the
report, the scheme for this district
ia about as follews:
Tbo Umatilla valley, starting a
short distance above here uud extend
ing tu the Columbia river, the en
gineers say, Is easily Irrigated. They
claim it will be no great task to
store up tbo waters to be led out over
tho dsltrlct. One massive reservoir
is to bu constructed at some point
near this town. Smaller reservoirs
will bo built at the foot of the Hlue
mountains, to catch tho spring floods.
Long Iron pipes will couuect the
smaller reservoirs near the mountains
with the large reservoirs here.
The valley from here to tho Col
umbia river is comparatively level,
and thousands of acres of desert laud
which give forth nothing now except
sagebrush and weeds could be sup
plied with a sufficient quantity of
water to make the soil highly pro
ductive. The value of irrigation to
this section is shown by the private
irrigation schemes which have been
conducted on small scales. Excel
lent results in growuig alfalfa have
been obtained.
A. Uurcb. of Spokane, came in
this forenoon from the lirauito dis
trict and left ou the afternoon train
for home.
To a Miner man be stated that be
aud bis partner, Mr. fiurbridge, have
decided to buy (be Crane Flat
placers and will work them duriug
tbo coming season ou an extensive
scale, beginning as soon as the
weather will permit.
He stated further that he had re
luctantly forfeited bis bond ou both
the Independence and MhkuoIIh
mines, for the reason that then 1h n
difficult treatment problem Involved,
which he does not care to wrestle
with, believing that no method now
In use will extract the values at a
sufficient profit.
Duriug the coming summer, after
tbo snow has disappeared, he will
tako up another quartz proposition
in eastern Oregon, but will do noth
ing for several months.
Mountain of Topaz In Nevada.
There is u topaz deposit near Lake
Taboe, in Nevada. A whole hill is
covered with pebbles, that when
broken look like so much pure, white
glass. A few smoky pieces are found,
but most of it is nearly white. A
traiuload could be gathered if one
was so iuellued. Thousands of peb
bles are lyiug around, that when
broken, show the same condition.
Some when broken fracture, as does
ice when broken, aud the light etfects
are woudeitul. The material is
nearly as hard us diamond mid it re
quires the best ot lapidary work to
handle the subject. They aie a
thousuuil 1 ei cent better than auy
glass imitntiou, a they do not fade
aud it takes a diamond to scratch
them. A white topaz Is about the
closest relation to the true ottlcle
that bas ever been found in this sec
tion of the world.
Harry Heudryx, of the (JHer Hen
dryx company, returud ft .11 11 trip
east of several weeks today. Ho
visited Sioux Falls, Milwaukee, Chi
cago, aud attended stockholders
meetlugs of the various mining com
panies which the firm represents.
He says that everything is in first
class shape and the situation in the
east is most encouraging.
Search For Pharaoh's Gold.
While studying lu tho llritish Mu
seum a papyrus which was published
4,000 years before Christ, an Egyp
tologist receutly found 11 clear aud
cnuclso account of tho treasures
which the aucieut sovereigns of
Egypt buried in various parts of tbo
Libyan desert, and now an expedi
tion is belug formed in Loudon for
the pui pose of searching for this
wealth. The necessary funds have
already beeeu secured aud lu a short
time a few skilled explorers will
start for the desert, where the tech
nical work will be prosecuted under
the supervision of Messrs. Lake uud
Currie, two English engineers. The
writer of the ancient papyrus says
that the Pbaraobs hid an immeuso
quautlty uf gold and preclouss stones
lu the region which is kuowu by the
uame ot the "Valley of Kings," aud
there the first excavations will be
mad. The task will uot be easy,
since the couutry to bo searched ex
tends over 40,000 square leagues..
Important if True.
The Eastern Oregou Mining and
Milllug company, of Spokane, Wash
ington, owning property near Gran
ite, Oregou, has been reorganized
iuto au assessable company, to be
kuowu us the Royal Climax Clroud
Mining company. Work will bo re
sumed Immediately on the Climax
group aud a largo stamp mill will be
erected upon the compauy's propel ty
in the near future. I'acltlo Coast
Steam Boat For John Day.
Some euterpilsiug people are
thinking ot putting u steamer on tho
John Day river to run 11 fifteen mile
stretch above Cooper's mill. It will
be remembered that iu 1801 Charley
Clarno put a steamer on the John
Day, and it was a payiug it vestment.
The smaitest thing about that schemo
rests iu the fact that Charley built
both the bout aud the engine.
Dalles Chrouinle.
A lady cook wauts position at
miue or mining boaidiug bouse.
Euquire or address Capital hotel.
lu a lecture delivered at a lecent
meeting ot tho Society of Arts, Mr.
Dennett II. IJrnugh traced the history
of the diamond ftom the earliest
times to the picsent, aud, after ie
telling the story of the accidental
discovery of diamonds in the Tunis-
vaal, he gave some inteiestiug pin tit
ulars regaidlug the diamonds of
various cotintiles.
Tim tlnest stones weie those from
India. The oldest known and larg
est, the (ircat Mogul, was seen by
Traveruier iu Delhi, iu 1(1(15. It
was subsequently lost. Its weight
whs '.'80 carats, and the uncut stone
must have weighed 787 carats. The
Orltilf diamond (1DII carats), mount
ed iu the Russian Imperial sceptic,
uud the Kobiuuor (urlgluully 18(1
1-10 carats) were also of Indian or
igiu, aud similar iu form. The hit
tet was rcciit in ItnVJ with a itdue
tlon iu weight to 10(1 l-l(i carats,
The most beuutitul cut brilliant
was tbo Regent or Pitt diamond iu
tho possession of the Fiench goern
ment. which was recut In Loudon in
1717, and theieby reduced lu weight
from 410 carats to lilt)3,. The
Florentine diamond now lu the pos
session of tho Emperor of Austria was
l.'ltl i-ft carats In weight and cut in
the usual manner. The Nussak dia
mond, 8H? carats, was of an irregu
lar trluugular shape. The Pasha of
Egypt diamond wolgbs 40 carats.
Every year they heard ot new dis
coveries In South Africa of diamonds
of remarkable size. The largest, the
Excelsior, was found lu 180U at
Jagersfoutelu, aud weighed 071 ?4
carats. The yellowish De Ileers
diamond, 4t28'i carats, gave when
cut a brilliaut of 288!,. carats.
Of colored diamonds, the Hoe blue
diamoud ( 44 lu carats) aud the pule
green diamond (40 carats) ut Dresden
were the most celebrated.
The quautlty of diamonds the
world has produced up to the end of
1001 might be estimated s follews:
Russia, ''.") carats; North Antorica,
110; llritish (iulaua, 'JO, 000; New
South Wales, 110,000; llorueo aud
ludia, 1100,000; Brazil, K., 000,000,
and South Africa, 08,000,000; total,
83,4'J0,i:i5 carats. The total weight
would be ubout 17 tons Mlulng aud
Euglueering Review.
A Business Proposition.
If you are going east a careful se
lection of your route is essential to
the enjoyment uf your trip. If It is
a buslnesrf trip time Is the main con cen con
siderateon: if a pleasure tilp, scen
ery aud tho conveniences aud com
forts of u modern railroad. Why
uot combine all by using tbo Illinois
Central, the up-to-date road, run
ning two trains daily from St.
I'aul aud Minneapolis, aud from
Omaha to Chicago, 1'ieo reclining
chair cars, the famous JIulfot-Llhrury-Smoking
cars, all trains vestlbulcd.
In short thoroughly modern through
out. All tickets reading via the
Illinois Central will bo houoied on
these trains and no extra faro
charged. Our rates 111 e tho same as
those of inferior roads why uot get
your monoy's worth? Writo for
full particulars.
U. II. TRUMHULL, Commercial
Ageut, Portland, Oregou.
J. C. LINDSEV, T. V. & P. A.,
Portland, Oregou.
A., Seattle, Washiugtou.
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oiegon for the County of Raker.
The Sumptei Light A Water Co.,
A cot pornl Inn, I'laiutiff
A. J. Stlutcu uud
lames A. Grainger, DefendautH.
To the aloxe named deftudatit, James
A. Giaiuger:
Iu the uame of the Statu of Oregon
you are heteby lequired to appear
aud answer to the complaint tiled
against you lu the above entitled suit
on or befote the lltth day of April,
1U04, which Is the last day of tho
time prescribed In the order made by
the County Judge of Maker County,
Oregou, for the publication of tbla
summons; aud if you fall so to
appear and answer, for want thereof,
the plalutlir will take judgment
against said defendant, James A.
Uralnger tor the relief prayed for lu
the complaint, to-wlt:
That a decree ot the above entitled
court be entered adjudging and de
creeing that said plulutitf, aud tin
successors, have aud are entitled to
a perpetual right of way for a pipe
line across the lauds of the said de
fendants, described and set forth in
tint complaint herein, us the linn of
said pipe line is now constructed
acinus said lauds.
That tbo plulutitf, aud Its suc
cessors, and It aud its otllceis, ser
vants, agents, and employees have
tho right tu enter upon said laud,
and construct aud maintain said pipe
Hue across the sumo, uud have tbo
right at ull times iu the future whllo
said pipe Hue is maintained serosa
said lauds, to enter upon said lauda
for tho purpose of repairing, renew
iug, replacing, ninintaiug uud caring
for the same, uud for that purpose
to dig up the surface of such land
to such au oxtout as may be neces
sary. That it be further decreed that tbo
defoudats aud each of them aud auy
aud all persous acting by, through,
or uuder them aud each aud every
persou be forever restraiued and en
joined from iu auy muuuer Interfer
ing with said plaiutitf, its officers,
agents, servants and employes iu tbo
construction, layiug, and establish
ment of said pipe Hue across the said
lauds of said defendants, as now laid
out aud partially constructed there
on, aud that salil dereudsnis ana
each aud every person acting by.
thiough, or under them be fuievar
restrained uud enjoined from iu auy
muuuer Interfering with said plpo
Hue, after the same Is constructed as
now laid out, or obstructing, or de
stroying the some, or doing any act
or thing that may interfere with the
free use uud enjoyment thereof by
said pluiutllf aud its successors.
That plaintiff have judgment
uguulst said defendants for tho sum
of SliOO damages for heretofore ob
structing said woik aid for Its costs
uud disbursements heiolu, aud that It
have such other relief as to the Court
may seem meet with justice aud
And you are hereby notified that
ou the 'JUtli day of February, 1004.
tho Hon. W. W. Truvllllon, Comity
Judge of llaker County, Oregou mudo
an mder that service of summons iu
this suit be made upon said defend
ant by publication of this summons,
uud that the date of the first
publication thereof is March 2nd aud
the date of the last publication
thereof is April liitfa, 1004.
Attorney for Plulutitf.