The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, March 09, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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Wednesday, March 9, 1904
i 1
Company Says Its Transmission Wires Will
Reach The Big Mines 'in
Tho Rock Ciouk Power and Tians
iiiIhhIoii eguipiiny has been bonded
for ? 10,0110.
Waller rtirinild, nf llukoi City, had
purchased tho I10111I14, which lire He
ciirod by 11 llrsl mortgage on the
piopeity of the company
'I'll I h mortgage wih filed .March I,
with the county recimler.
'I'lm ImiuiIh 1110 eight in number
mill draw interest tit the rate ot !
per emit per milium.
WImiii noon about Hid matter
morning, Manager Welch hiiIiI:
"Vim, tho money him been refilled
and tho work of extending the line
to lloiirnn Iiiih practically already
begun. I'bi! 1 f Mlit of way In lining
olemed and thii torco of men will be
luornaxcil iih wn huvo tieed for them
11 h the woik prUglCSHOH.
"TIid oxtiiiiHlon will be made from
the ciimpany'H power plant on Itock
creek. From that point to llourno
Ih nbout twelve mile. From Hotirne
the transmission service will be ex
teuded to Mil tho mine hi the
Cracker Minion district In time. A
number ot the mincH have already ar
ranged for tho line of the power and
ho moou an the work Ih completed to
Uoiirne thii other extensions will be
made. Wo expect to complete the1
work of. extension to llourue by t'ie
T. F. Tbompson, ot lliirut Itiver,
chiiio in lact night with another load
of iM'i'f, which he sold to the Humptei
Meat company, lie purchased quite
11 lot of supplies, and left for home
thin morning, well satisfied with his
Messrs, Chamberlain and White
head me expected iu tonight with
IoiiiIh of lliirut river stutf. The
In disposing of their prolncts heie,
..... ..,i,i.....t ... ......,.,.. ....
mill ,,. mi1 ..iiiiiiiii ,' M rin it. 11 I'll- 1
11 1 m .1 . 1 1 .1 . I
I It nuliiul lit nt'iit tltik Irtiilii nil tit Isiliti I
tiiiiniimiin ' i atii iiiiiiu a i
t Iiiih being established.
L. (I.
Lilley, ucncral manager of
the Ruby
McKee company, operating
the Last
Chance in the Cable Cove
district, spent Sunday with his fam
ily at Hotel Kumpter.
Notwithstanding the deep snow iu
the Cove, Mr. Lilley says effective
woik Ih being done at the Lust
Chance. Tho crosscut fiotn the 100
foot level has proceeded about sixty
lint nf dime at the
"We will also build reservoirs in
the meantime along Itock creek, to
store water for emergency in certain
sen-tons. We have ample water at
prosi'iit for nil purposes, but will
build ie-erviirs to Hccommndatii In
cieifed ileniandii which will neces
partly wise at certain yeusnu of the
j ear.
"In the e.te iiou of the variouH
Hues ml the lulldingof lesetvolia
thiriiwe will uecHF-iirlly employ it
.. .
force of men. Thin will necessitate
the paying I'l't of large sums of
money through the spriug.which will
Mow to linker City. All of the work
will be completed by .Hue."
The bnuda of thin company aio ml-
I vortlsed forsale in Industrial Ago of I
February '-"i. a Chicago publication,
by the C. ti. Pratt llond company.
In this advert Iseeut are the follow tun
"The property of tho company ia
situated at and near linker City, Ore
gnu. A conservative engineer of
this city estimate the value of this
property at 2,000,000.
"The company has long term con-
tracts for furnishing electric power,
The gross earning-i are approximately
200,000 per year "
feet, and it is all In ore, without an
opposite wall.
Mr. Lilley is an advocate of the
secession from Gruut couuty nf the
districts heretofore mentioued iu The
Miner, but he does not favor llaker
aine.vat o : he wants a uew county
parcelled out of the territory iu ques
tiou. Hetty Green's Investments.
Hetty lireeu, the richest woman iu
America, wealth consists largely of
uovcrumeut bonds, railroaJ stock,
p anil mortgages. She says she Is not so
I fond of government bonds since tho j
finances ot the nation have become'
ii.i ... 11. 1
polluted with politic
ilium mortgages ot any l.'linl are
now her favorite form of investment.
If all the mortgages she holds were
foieclosed tomorrow twenty eight
chm dies of various denominations,
in utmost as many states, would In
come hers, aud four cemeteries would
be milled to her real estate, llesides,
ttiere would be blocks of great busi
ness buildings and slpondid city
houses, theaters, livery stables aud
hotels, country residences, farms and
factory buildings, aud thousands of
acres of valuable lands iu all parts of
the country. Several years ago she
made a tour of Inspection of all the
property on which she held mort
gages. She spent two years traveling
aud stayed at forty hotels lu as
many cities. Since then she baa
added largely to her holdings of this
kind. The tuost conservative esti
mates pIhcb Mrs. Green's wealth at
8ti0,000,000. but it ia probably
more. She herself wont' discuss the
mutter except to eay that it ia over-estimated.
The Alamo mill has closed down
temporarily to permit the installation
of a cvuiiide pluut. The men were
paid ott yeserday, and chiiio to Sump
ter Ihrtt niubt.
It wad stated in The Miner a few
I days ago, on the authority of John
it. Cassiu. secretary and treasurer of
the company, that a change iu the
lore treatment whs contemplated, Iu
view of the fact that the present
method did not save a stttlldontly
high per cent of the values. The
cyanide process, it is thought, will
remedy the defect, and to this end,
it in understood the shut down is due.
Messrs. Cassin and Kfsciihour, the
latter beiug one of the largo Alamo
stockholders, are still at the property
witli (1. W. Hoggs, whom they took
1 with them when they went nut to
! report on the additions ueeessary.
Tlie shut down Ih only temporary,
j according to the statements made by
I the men who came iu last night, to
give time for the chunks which are
je,UK ,,ec,de(, U(10U
Joe Heed, superintendent of the
Auburu Deep Mining company, re
turned last niuht from a mining trip
to Cauyou and Prairie cities. While
iu that part of the counrty, Mr. Reed
says he heard that Major iiouta has
begun clearing the right of way for
bis railroad, aud also that some grad
ing has already been done iu that
vicinity. The people, bo says, are
extremely jubilant over the pros
pects of the road, aud entertain hut
little doubt iu reard to Its beiuj
Mr. Heed says the roads are iu a
very bad cnudltlou, especially beyoud
Flyun's station. There the snow
stops aud it's mud aud water for the
rest of the distance.
Word was received hero today that
the horses being wintered for outside
people, ueur the Noyer lancb out the
Susauville way are iu a starving con
dition. The repoit Is uot very specific but
the Inference Is that thero ia a short
age iu hay aud other feed, aud that
the starviug of the animals is due to
this. The snow Is so deep that there
is little to be had on the range iu
the way of horse feed, and the sup
position is that the supply of bay has
run short.
Several Sumpter horse owners last
full sent their horses to ranches uear
Susauville, aud the information lu
regard their condition, it is under
stood, was for the frieudly purpose
uf lettiug them know the existing
state of affairs.
A telegram from Portland last
night to the Ilnise Statesman saya:
It ia expected that the contract for
the construction of the Lewistou
Hlparla railroad will be let durluK
the present month and that nctlvo
work will commence early iu tho
President Mohler, of the Oregon
Railroad and Navigation company,
who ia also president of the Lenta-tou-Itiparia
road, had this matter
under consideration when ho wub
culled to the east on account of tho
sickness of his family.
At a recent meeting of the stock
holders held In Portland, tho plana
for huildinu the mad were discussed
and practically all questions wero
settled. The coutruct tor construc
tion work would probably hare been
let befoti) now had it not been for
Mr. Mohler's absence.
City, Is
M. L. Olmsted, of Hakor
herb today as attotuey for
the Pyx Mining company, taking tea-'
tlmouy before Heferee W. J. Cole
man, olllcial court stenographer of
Harney county, lu the Pyx litigation
now peudlug. C. C. Nepple, of
Uaker City, one of the owucrs of tho
property', is also here In the matter.
The suit iuvolvea the question of
ownership and Is directed against
George A. ilailey. who is attempting
to set up a claim to certain mineial
holdings heretofore controlled by the
Pyx people. Bailey's attorney Is F.
A. E. Starr, of Sumpter. The case tried at the uext term of tho
(rant county circuit court.
Notice la hereby given that tho
undersigned baa been duly appoulted
by the County Court ot tbe State of
Oregon, for tbe Couuty of Haker,
administrator of tbe estate of Samuel
I Jouea, deceased. All persons hav
ing claim) against aaid estate are
hereby required to present the same
to me, properly verified, as by Ian
required, at tbe office of Cbas. H
Chance, attorney-at-law, First Na
t oual bank building, Sumpter, llaker
County, Oregou, withiu six moutbn
from the date hereof.
Dated this 21th day of February,
Administrator of tho Estate of
Samuel I. Jones, deceased.
So.OO Certificate of the best
Oil. Stock nliyohitcly given away.
Write, at ontv for plan how to
.ecure Five Dollars' worth of
fully jmiil anil iion-asjcssablc
Oil Stock without cash.
Itoom 72!) Park Row Bid-,'.
mJ iifimniii