The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, March 02, 1904, Page 9, Image 9

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    Wednesday, March 2, 1904
Some of The Triumphs of
The World Have Been
Scored Here. ,
In the early history of California
and the Pacific coaat atatea and terri
torial, they were practically jaolated
from their older relatives In the
aat, aa there waa no railway com
munication with the 'MiaaiiMippI val
ley and the Atlantic coaat, and only
alow and expensive transportation
across tho Isthmus of Pauama, or
around Cape Horn.
It was uutural, therefore that with
the stimulus of atrooK demand to
urge them forward in their struggles
for comfort aud fortune, the Invent
ive Renins so generally arauted to
Americana should be rendered super
active and greatly strengthened by
.such environment and incentive.
When the fino aud spnrsely scat
tered gold dunt In our hydraulic
mines hud to bo sifted out by some
method both rapid mid inexpensive,
our engineers came forward with the
"monitor," that powerful leveling
aud destructive agent that they had
developed from the humble "stove
pipe," and with whoso enormous,
-concentrated erosive power, derived
from a high bead of water, they
washed down by the new process of
"bydraiillcklng" entire bills aud
mountains. The steep and rugged
cibrb of tho Sierra Nevadaa had to be
surmounted for the passage of the
great continental railroad, the Cen
tral Pacific, that, with the Union
.Pacific, was to form a lino tho
lougest aud most ditllcult to con
struct in tho whole world. Hut tho
geuiua of California engineers, of
Judab, MontRgue. Arthur Hrown, and
others, ovirjame all obstacles ;rrndortd
practicable grades beforo unboard
railway; guarded against snow and
avalancnos, previously doomed fatally
impenetrable, aud drew succoss from
seemingly Impossible conditions.
.And then was established auotbur
era; tbat of railroud locutlou and con
struction in tho hlghost aud most
-rugged of mountain chains.
The grout concrete dnm near San
Mateo, CiiMtoruin, built of a material
before distrusted and feared by on
glnucm, but now pioveu to bo on
tiroly roliublo and very successful,
Is, in itself, a moniimout to tho gen
ins of tho oiiginoer of Sail Francleso
who deslguod and constructed it.
Wo liavn 011 tho Pacitlo coast moro
high, mussivo aud scientifically do
signed and constructed dams of ma
sonry than aid found in all tlm re
mainder of tho United States. The
wouuerful Hear Valley curved dam
has exulted the profouiidest astonish
inent of the engineering world; yet
it stands as a column commemorating
the bold, original gonitis of u young
California eugiiiuer.
Our irrgutiou ciigiueorlug on this
coust, our water distribution, aud
our exporimuntH as to tho best meth
ods of using wutor in tbo production
of crops, are in too world's front
rank of such investigations aud up
pllcatona. The greut "suction systom" of
dredging, or that known as "Interior
delivery," has revolutionized tbo
art, the machinery, the practice, and
the price of dredging. It is the In
vention of a Callfornlan engineer.
The first cable car for street trans
portation waa Invented and success
fully ruu In San Frauciaco. aud has
there been brought to Its gieatest
Many other triumphs of weatern
engineers might be mentioned, such
a the Pelton water wheel, the thor
ough reclamation of our 'overflowed
"tule land," and tbo universally
adopted method of timbering mines,
tbat brought the Kimberly diamond
raises out of bankruptcy Into enor
mous wealth. The young engineer
who weened the Kimberly mines
from'(faitareand ahantkaimJt,t...
born, educated aud tralued in Cali
fornia. But the list is 1 long one
and-f need not-eoatlnuelt.
In fine, the Pacific coaat baa no
reason to blush for engineering
and Invention records; noi to take a
bumble seat back in a dark corner of
the temple of fame. Mho has done
her part In the engineering work of
the world, and will continuo to do
so. Flank Soule In California
Technical Journal.
Tho following instruments were tiled
at tho Baker county court liousu during
the week ending Fob. 23. 1004.
Jan 2 V. A. Usher aud husband
to J as. M. Moore, lot 8, Usher's ad
dition to Richland; flOO.
Feb. 20 Oscar Jacobsou and wife
to Chas. McCurry, 200 acres lu Sees.
2 and 3 Tp. 7 R. 3!) E; 05,000.
April 20 A. W. Ellis and wife to
Juo. S. Maddox, 500x05 feet in N.
W. li N. E. H Sec. 32 T. ! R. 37
E.: 8140.
Sept. 250. P. Isou et al to
Josephiuo Isou, N. W'.li Sec. 28. tp.
8 R. 39 E. ; 85.
Fe. 0, '02 S. Grlor aud wife to
C. O. Fleonor. 120 acres in Sec. 10
T. 8 R. 40 E.; 11,000.
Fob. 3--W. B. Willoughhy to
Auua E. Willoughby, lot 5 block 15
lu Boyd's adn to Ilakor City; 91.
Feb. 23 A. P. Gobs and wife to
Roy II. Miller, south half of lot 4
block 11, Stimpter, aud Bauk uf
Sumpter, business; 117,500.
July 3, '02 U. S. A. to Cornelia
Browu, W s S. W. li Sec. 20 Tp. 8
R. 43 E.
Dee. 1, '02 Bmimo Land and
Improvement Co., to J. F. Lloyd,
lots 0 aud 7 block C, llouruo; 0200.
Jan. 12 Nellie Perkins ot al to
II. C. EaHterlirnuk, W. 4N. W. li
Sec. 3T. 8 It. 42; 91.
Fob. 17 Chas. Ferry and wife to
4. II. Lawrence, aud S. E. Pin lies, lot
10 block 4, Suuuysidc; adn to
Sumpter; 1,400.
Juno 7, '!)8 E. F. Cranston and
wife to II. II. Cianstou, 100 acres in
Sees. 21 and 25 Tp. 8 15. 42 E;
Jan. I, '02 M. iliiidiuaii et al to
( j Mice lliudmati, lots 1 aud 2 block
10, Paikor's addition to linker City;
Fob. 24 Van Moron and wife, by
sheriff, to Waterman & Sohmitz, lots
2 and 0 block !) Piuker's addition to
Baker City; 000.
Feb. 25 John Waterman to John
Schmltz, oiio-half interest in same as
last; 81.
Feb. 23 J. II. Kiuck aud wife
to John Nagel, tax Interest lu lots 24
aud 25 block 5, Stewart's addition to
Baker City; 81.
June 8 E. Ueiser to L. M. Mani
lett, 30x123 feet corner Centre aud
5tb streets, Baker City; 11,000.
Feb. 25 C. Wilson aud wife to
Jaa. B.Wilaon, Kill acres Sec. 0 T. 7
R. .18 E. ; 1500.
,lau. 25 L. Koamlusky to R. W.
Service, truatee, Miner Creek
ditch; 1125.
Feb. 24 Emma Moore aud hua
band to M. and A. Holllngswortb,
luOxlOO fwt In towu of Halfway;
Jan. 210. R. & N. Co., to John
Brant, 8. W. Sec. 35 Tp. 0 R. 03
E.; 9720.
Jan. 21 O. R. & N. Ry.
Chris Johnson, W. 14 8. fi.
Co., to
20-Tp. 0 R. 3d E; 1000.
,.,Feb. 18 W..J.
May, wife, lots' 1
Mas to Carrie O.
and 2ublock
to Uaker City;
Paclflo addition
Jan. 12 P. P. Munu and wife to
L. M. 8tout, 70x21)0 feet lu S. W.
li &. W. H Sec. 10 Tp. 13 R. 37 K;
Nov. 23 T. J. Elms aud wife to
CI. (I. Nelsou, 70x200 feet lu S. W.
4 S. W. 4 Sec 1U Tp. 13 R. 3 E;
Feb. 5 E. S. Scbafuer estate
Alice McDouitull. New Era and
quartz claims; 83,000.
Aug. 20, 1000 U. S. A. to W.
S. Taft aud C. Suyde, Blue Moun
tain quartz claim.
May 20, '02 W. S. Tuft and C.
Suydo to E. J. Godfrey, samo as last;
May 31, '02 E. J. Godfrey aud
wife to Eastern Oregon M. Co., sumo
aa last; 830,000.
Dec. 24 U. 8. A. to Eastern Ore
gon M. Co., Hydraulic placer claim.
Feb. 14 A. L. Lougstreth to vV.
C. Sanderson, ono fourth interest lu
May C. quartz claim; 91.
Nov. 7IL Wlnden to M. B.
Fuller, oue half interest in Mystic
quartz claim; 91.
Feb. 0 B. F. Lewis and wife to
Wm. A. Lewis, Lottie quartz claim;
Foo. 3 John and wife
to Wm. A. Lewis, and R. I'assmnre,
Rosa quartz claim; II.
Feb. 24 -A. L. Lougstreth to
Samuol dough, one-fourth iutorest
In May C. quartz claim; II.
Nov. 27 II. Winder to
Christie, "Mystic" quarlz
A Business Proposition.
If you urn going east u careful se
lection of your route Ih essential to
lliu enjoyment of your trip. If It is
a business trip time is the main con
Hldeiatliiu; if a pleasure trip, i-coii-my
mid tho ooiivoiiIoiicch and com
forts ot n modern railroad. Why
not combine all by using Dm Illinois
Central, tho up-to-date road, run
ning two trains daily from St.
Paul and Minneapolis, mid from
Omaha to Chicago. Fieo lecliiiiug
chair curs, the famous Huffut-Lllriir.v-Kmokitig
cars, nil trains vest I billed.
In short thoroughly modern through
out. All tickets reading via the
Illinois Central will bo honored on
those trains and no extra faro
charged. Our rates nro tho samo us
thoso of inferior roads why not get
vour innuoy'a worth? Write for
full particulars.
B. II. TRUMBULL, Commercial
Agent, Portland, Oregon.
J. C. LINDSEV, T. F. & P. A.,
Portland, Oregon.
A., Seattle, Washington.
Iu the Circuit Court of this Stat
of Oregou for the County of Baker.
The Sumpter Light A Water Co.,
A corporation, Plaintiff"
vs. f
A. J. Stinaou and ., . . '
James A. Grainger, Defendants.
To the above named 'defendant, James
A. Grainger: ' ,
In the name of the State of Oregon
you are hereby required to sppear
and answer to the com plaint Died
against you in the above entitled salt
on. or before the 13tb day at, Aorll.
,1004s,' Mch (a tbe'.Jast day.. of the
time prescribed in the order mad by
the County Judge of Baker County,
Oregon, for the publication of this
summons; and if you fall to to
appear aud answer, for want thereof,
the plaintiff will take judgment
against said defendant', Jamea 4.
Grainger tor tho relief prayed for lu
the complaint, to-wlt:
Tbat a decree ot the avow entitled
court bo entered adjudging and de
creeing that said plaintiff, aud Its
successors, have aud are entitled to
11 perpetual rigm 01 way tor a pipe
Hue across the lauds of the said de
fendants, described and set forth in
the complaint herein, as (ho Hue of
said pipe lino Is now constructed
ncrois said lauds.
That tlm plaintiff, aud Its suc
cessors, and it aud its officers, ser
vants, agents, aud employees havo
tho rightr to enter upon said laud,
and construct and nialutalu said plpo
Hue across Hie same, and havo tho
right at all times iu the future while
said plpo lino Ih maintained acroaa
said lauds, to outer upon said lands
for tbo purpose of repairing, renew
ing, roplaciug, malntiilng and caring
for the same, and for that purposn
to dig up the surface of such laud
to such 1111 extent as may be ueeea
sary. That it liu further decreed that tha
defoudata aud each of them aud any
aud all persons. acting by, through,
or under them and each and every
person I in forever restrained aud aa
joined from in any manner Interfer
ing with said plaintiff, its officers,
agents, servants aud employes In taa
construction, laying, and establish
ment of said plpo lino across tbo aalal
lauds of said defendants, as now IslsV
out and partially constructed thora
on, aud that said defendants and
each aud every persou acting by,
through, or under Ihnm lie foiover
restrained and enjoined from in any
manner interfering with said plpo
lino, after the Mime is constructed aa
now laid out, or obstructing, or de
stroying the same, or doing any act
or thing that may Interfere with tlm
free iihii mid enjoyment theieof by
said plaintiff and lis successors.
That plaintiff havo jiidgmnut
agauist said defeudautH for tho sum
of 8500 damages for heretofore ub
htiucting said wink md for Its costa
and dlsliuiH'iiienls heielu, and that It
have such oilier lelief as to the Court
may seem meet 1 1 1 1 justice ai:d
And .von aie heieliv tint I tied that
on the 20th day of Feliriimy, 1004.
the Hon. W. W. Tiavlllini, County
Judge of Baker County, Oregon madn
an older that trrvlcu of miuiiiioiih Ih
this suit bo made upon said defend
ant by publication of this summons,
and that the dato of the first
publication thereof is March 2nd and
tho date of the last publication
thereof Is April 13th, 1001.,
Attorney for Plaintiff.