"TJ- " 8 THE'SUMPTER MINER- Wednesdav, March 2. 14 rsr 1 r WONDERFUL ROAD UP JOHN DAY HILL Necessary to Travel Four Miles to Reach a Dis tance of Less Than One. Uimitillii county boasts (i 110 of tliu most picturesque ntiil skillful wagon roHil engineering reals iu thn West It is h grado loading down into tho lohii Day canyon, in the extreme southern portion of tho county, bo t woo n LTkliih mid Dale, ni'Hi' tho (itiiiit county Hud. From tho tun of tho mnnntiilu down into tin John Day river, it Ih nlioiit '1,1100 toot, or noiirty ono nillo, ho steep mid abrupt that It causes tho person beholding it fur tho first time, to draw hack In horror, from tho iiltiiuxt frightful descent. From tho top of thin hill, whoro tho road begins to wind downward, like a serpent, around tho sharp jut ting points ut thn til 11, and over tho gorges that make Into tho Htroam bo low, tho silvery ,101111 Day rlvor can In plainly hooii, and if a toimi should ko ovor tho Krado, It Ih safe to Hay Unit It would roll to tho hot torn of thn OHiiyou A, 000 foot liolow, an thoro Ih hut a scattering growth of scrub tlmhor at any point on tho hill. Illlt tilll tlllploHMIIlt SCIISatlnUH Of tho llrnt. sight aio Imiuodiatoly dis pelled on starting down the descent. Thn lino skill of tho engineer hn laid out a routo doivu tho rugged iiioiiutiilu hIiIo, by1(, tortuous aud wliidliiK ways, that iniikoH it possible for a toam to trot, with light loud, all tho way up the mountain side with but llttlo fatigue. Tho Krado sweep to tho eastward on a lovol, or perhaps n slight do olluo, crosses it doop ravine. tuniH abruptly to tho right, mo Htiddonly, that with an eight-horse team the leader am coming 'wok nu reverse curve boforo tho wagon Ih oh tho eastward Krado; loads hIoiik the mountain side, still on a lovol, and oroHHoH tho same gorge, just a fow yard liolow tho first crossing, and coming to a sharp blulf, turns to the loft, aud uiakos tio same reverse ourvo iMistward iiKaiu, swooping iiIoiik a niKKod niouiitalii side at a oompitr ativoly oiisv Krado, without a hard pull or a slim p, steep incline at any point. From tho point whoro tho road turns abruptly to tho right, to mako tho Hist harp turn, four sections of road i'iiii bo soon boluw, wludliiK in and out of tho norm's. Tho plan was so nicely dinwu that ono of tho most precipitous mountain cauvons has been traversed with ease, heavy loads; can bo drawn up this lout detour without weariness. In making tho descent from tho top of tho high blullh to the ,lohu Day rlvor 5,000 foot below, a ills (mice of four miles N traversed, by such easy uncles that the mountain Is scarcely noticed. The Krado Is blHsteil out of a solid rock lor a con siderable distance, and the roadbed is hard aud Imperishable, with heavy rip-rapping of logs and tlmtiors at tbo outer edge of the Krado. This Krado was surveyed by W. L. Lair, now of Walla WhIIo, in 1888. Tho stiito of OrcKou appropriated 812,000 for tho purpose or building roads down to tho John Day, Iu (!iii nt aud Uinatlllii county, aud a commission, consisting of J. It. Keoney and Cohort Sargent (now deceased) of this county, aud a mnn iiainod DiivIh from (Iraut county, to expend this amount of money ou road construction in tho two counties. Owing to some misunderstanding, as to tho provisions of tbo contract, (iriuit county refused to take part In tho construction of roads from lh state appropriations aud tho total amount was practically expended ou romls iu Uiiiiitllllu county, about 80,000 or tho amount being spent ou constructing this John Day grade. It Is regarded as one of tho most remarkable wiigou muds in the West and has boon commented ou by engineers far and wide. East Oregonlan. SPOKANE BOYCOTTS BOTH NORTHERN ROADS j5ivirtikliianimmiiiiiiwiimi . For Sale Hpnkauo shippers lmvo boycotted tho 'iieat Northern and Northern 1'iielllc. railroads in favor of the O. It. ic N., until satisfactory rates aro mado by the two former lilies. A row days ago a mass meeting of the Spokane Shippers' association was called for tho purposo of taking action a nl unanimously decided to discriminate against tho Northern Securities roads, until they fix a tianscontinental rate, which will uot exceed the coast rato, plus 2 per cent of tho return local ruto from the terminal point. A ringing resolution setting forth tho demands of the shippers was passed by a majority, which repre sents 05 per cent of Spokane's heavy shippers. The following resolution was passed : "Whereas. We know that rates of freight to Spokane from eastern points should never justly exceed prevailing rates to terminal points, plus 'ia per cent of tho corresponding prevailing rato from terminal poluts back to Spokane; "Therefore, lie It resolved, That until such hii adjustment of freight rates can he elfected without in creasing any rates uow iu effect, we agree to give all our business to the O. K. A X." A Business Proposition. If you are going east a careful se lection of your routo Is essential to (ho enjoyment or your trip. If it is a business trip time is tho main con cen con siderateon: If a pleasure trip, scen ery aud the conveniences aud com forts of a modern railroad. Why not combine all by using tho Illinois Central, tho up-to-date road, run ning two trains daily from' St. Paul aud .Minneapolis, aud from Omaha to Chicago. Free reclining chair cars, tho famous lluiret-Llbrary-SmokinK cars, all trains vest I billed. Iu short thoroughly modern through out. All tickets reading viu tho Illinois Central will bo honored on these trains and no extra rare charged. Our rates aro the same as those or Inferior roads why not got your money's worth? Write for full particulars. II. II. TKUMHULL, Commercial Agent, Port laud, Oregon. J. C. LINDSBV, T. P. & P. A., Portland, Oregou. PAUL IS. THOMPSON, P. Jfc P. A.. Seattle, Washington. Six Placer Claims, covering nearly all the! ground on a creek emptying into Burnt River. This DroDeriv is near to and parallel with the noted placer grounds of Pine and Cow Creeks in Baker Coumv. All equipffor work, with reser- voirs, ditches, flumes, pipe and Giant. For particu-j lars see the undersigned. $2000 1 $2000 Buys the most sightly ten roomed residence and ground in the city. Nicelv finished inside and; out. An ideal location. This property will readily i bring a rental of r$ per cent on the investment. Will buy one of the most desirable Homes in Sumpter, consisting of an exceptionally desirable lot qo by 150 feet, nicely improved, barn, and house of six rooms with the complete furnishings. A Piano, and other choice pieces of furniture goes with this. This property will bring 20 per cent on the investment. $1000 Will buy another six room house and lot de. sirably located. This propeity is now bringing 18 per cent as rental on the above price. $200 A choice resident lot near the center of town. $75 For a desirable building lot on the hill. if you are seeking safe and remunerative in vestments call and see us, as we have some snaps in the way of Business opportunities, Mines and also mine prospects, on which considerable work has been done, Houses and lots, and also vacant lots, on whicn good money can be made by improving the same. If you have not money enoiiQh to bin a vou a home, we wi hem von. and put you in a position, to put the rent you are paying others in your own purse. f CALL ON OR ADDRESS I I li Inland Empire Investment Co. JESSE HOBSON, Manager f r.rr.Miwmiltititam WWWinuuiWmW 2l : isfea5ayifcfTO'ag5