xwntJusjie isMsrsff-rj-w' Wednesday, March 2, 1904 THb bUMPTER MINhR PREPARATIONS TO OVERHAUL E & E MILL Machine Shop Being Fitted Up And All Repair Work Will Be Done On Ground. Tbe E. and . ia makiug extensive preparations to overhaul ita mill, with a view, it la understood, to early operations. A machine ahop ia to be fitted up and tbe necessary repairs are to be made at once. Macbluery for this purpose has beeu arriving for several days, nud today a macbiuiat turniuK lutbe came in to ftirniab part of this equipment. Export workmcu will be employed and the changes to be made and the repairs ueeded will be done on tbe ground. Tbe mill baa RECALLED ON ACCOUNT ZACK MARTIN'S DEATH Frauk E. Hobsou, tbo milling on giuoor, was on tbo train this morning going back to Canyon City, to atteud .a meeting of the Oregon Development company. Mr. Hobaou took fala family to Portland a abort time ago aud waa going east, but waa recalled by wire on account of tbo auioldo of Zaok Martin, treasurer of Urant county, aud president of the Oregon Development company. Mr. Hobaou .ia vico president of tbia company, .aud the death of Mr. Martlu, necessi tated a meeting of tbe stockholders, .and aa tho next highest executive officer, Mr. Ilobson'a preseuce waa demanded. Tbe compauy owns water rights on Reynolds aud Indian .creeks, aud Mr. Hobson'a mission east waa iu connection with their development. Regarding tbe rights claimed on Rail creek and tbe upper Jobu Day river by both tbe Oregon Develop ment company and McNaugbten, of tbe Strawbony Lake proposition, Mr. Hobsou says bo auticipates uo trouble. Ho is perfectly willing to coucedo McXaughtou'a claims with out auy hard feelings, if the same are legitimately substantiated. LUMBER MARKET IS PICKING UP. W. R. Mauaou. aunoriuteiidcnt of the Sumpter Lumber company, re-1 turned today from a visit of several weeks to Souud cities. Tbe coast lumber market, Mr. Mausou says, ia t decidedly dull, but he sees eigns of improvement, aud does not think lumber inactivity is deetiued to last much longer. Mr. Manson'a return may bo Inter preteJ as an indication of an early resumption of tbe mill bore, which Jbaajooeu cloaed for some time. been idle for a number of yaw, and in consequence of tbla fuel will re quire uonalderable overhauling and improving before it can bo started up agaiu. The mine ia employing a big force of men aud tbo high grade ore takon out ia being ablpped. Thla old and well kuunu property will eoon bo in its former producing bnala. Since operations worn resumed tho com puny bus pushed steadily ahead to tliis end. TO OPERATE ON A LARGE SCALE THIS YtAR N. E. Imhaus, of Maker City,rwbo ia cxtoualvuly engnged in mining operations, waa here bo t ween trains today. Mr. Imbaua has tbo Camp Carsou placers, Iu tho Uraudo Rondo, thoClark Croek placera, placers on tbe Snake, besides being interested in tbo Flagstaff quartz property, which baa beeu bonded to an eastern syn dicate. He contemplates exteuaive opera tioua tbe coming aoasou. His work ing forces will bo largely increased Iu a short time. Mr. Imhaus ia of tbo opinion that wars and preaidon tial elections aro not good for the mining induatry.aa a general proposi tion, but he expects to seo a revival before long. MACHINERY SENT TO BIG CREEK. J. K. Zimmerman, gouoral manager of tho Hig Creek placers, near Susau ville, left tbia mornlug for the prop erty, after having made arrangements for thetranaportatloii of tho machlnory roccutly purchased from tho Golden Wizard company from MoEwou. Tbla macbluery. as stated a few dnya ago, constats of a hoist, pumps and hollers. It was loaded today aud tho start waa in ado. It will require about thrco days to make tbe trip. Mi. Zimmerman says that tho ma chinery will bo installed imme diately upon its arrival, and that operations will be prosecuted on a good scale. Mr. Zlmmoimau spent tbo wiuter iu Portland, but will lie at tho property from uow on till tbe close of tbe season. Gold Mining In lhe Days of Pliny. Iu Pllny'a Natural History, writ ten in the first ceutury of our era, occurs tbe follewing: "Gold la fouud In our part of tbe world, uot to nieutlou tho gold extracted from the earth iu India by tbe ants, aud iu au.YiuiH uy ura grunua. Among, ua it ia procured in three different' ways; the first of which ia iu the' shape of dust, found In running streams, tho Tiigus in Spain, for in stance, tho l'auds iu Italy, tho Hebrus iu Thracla, the Pactolua in A8la, aud tbo Gauges iu India. In deed there ia no gold found iu a mor perfect state thau this, thor oughly polished as It is by tho con tinual attrition of the current." TAX ROLLS EOR 1903 Tho Uakor county tax rolls for lilt)!! woro turned over by County Clerk Combs to County Sheriff llrowu aud Tax Collector Lachuer today. The rolls show an increase iu tho assessed valuation of the county of approximately 8:100,000 over liHl'J. Tbe grand total of taxes to bu col lected under tbo 1U0H levy la P'JOT, OHO. 117, segregated as follews: Poll tax, 8411'J. State, county aud county school tax (levied on valuation of 81.010, Itin) 8141,401. County road tax (levied on same valuation) 810,1(10.00. County tax (levied on valuation of 8i,u:ui. 185) di2.iioi.H5. Special school taxao for tho '24 dis tricts in Maker county, (lovicd on au aggregate valuation of about 82,H00, 000) 8:10,788.02. Tho abovo levy provides a til Ho ovor 810,000 for county roads. Last year tbla segregation waa about tho samo. Peoplo may begin paying thoir taxes next Monday. Deputy Assessor (1. F. Johnson baa bad an arduous taak. Ho has bad to segregato tho sum of S207.080.iJ7 into 28 different funds on a pro rata basis aud bo Is delighted over ita completion. The abelrff'a office la busy sending out notices. At least fi.000 of these will have to be mailed by tbe tax collecting department of tbe shelrff'a office. On noxt Monday tbo offlco will be ready to recoive money from the tax payers. Herald. Mineral Smelter Nearly finished. Word reached Portland yesterday that tho Ladd Metals company, which la opo-ated near Mineral, Idaho, baa about completed tho now smelter beiug built on tbo patent of tho Im proved Mineral Smelter company, aud will have it blown iu liy March 15. The plant la to bo of a fifty-ton ca pacity, and will bo tho Ilrst of Ita kind to be in operation since tbo test was made at Oswego and that plant dismantled. Tho Ladd peoplo have secured tbo right to erect live plants throughout tho, west of 100 tons ca pacity, but this is tho llrbt they have undertaken. Much interest is being manifested In tbe success of tbe new amolter, aaprooof of ita practicability will cause a great cbaugo iu tbo smelting world, and will very ma terially reduce the coat of treatment. It is couteuded by tbo luveutois of tbo furnace that ore which now coata 84.50 for smoltlug can be bandied by their process for lets than 81.50 per ton. Coal la tho fuol used and ita cheapness over ooko la au impotraut factor. Telegram. s 49t nrat;PID0RAN0F UtfUft t Only transcontinental line Jiiasalng directly through jSalt Lake Gty Leadville Colorado Springs and Denver Tlrefl aiilnndidlv pnulmtod tr nsf dally TO ALL POINTS EAST. I Through Slcenimtand DininsCare land free Reclining Chair Cars. The moat Magnificent scenery In! I America by day Unlit. I Stop overa allowed on all claasw of ticketa. For cheapest ratea and descriptive literature, address W. G. MoBRIDE, Giniril tout J RIO GRANDE LINES Poa TirD, Orcoon OREGON Shout line and union Pacific TO Silt Like. Denver, Runs City. CHIG1G0 ST. LOUIS NEW YORK Ocean steamers between Portland and San Francisco every five daya. L.ow Rat I Tickets to and from all parte of the United States, Canada and Europe, Through Pullman Standard mid Tourist Sleeping Cars daily to Omaha, Chicago, Spokauo; Tourist Sleeping car dally to Kansas City; through Pullman tourist sleeping cars (er soually conducted) weekly to Chi cago, Kansas City; reclining chair cara (scats free) to tbe East dally. For particulars, call on or address H. O. Bowui, Agent, Baker City, Ore. 5 RIO am