PVlH THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, March 2, 1904 . I COLONEL GRAYSON DROPS DEAD IN CINCINNATI. Brief Telegram Says Death Last Night Was Due to Either Heart Failure Or Apoplexy. An Associated press dispatch from Cincinnati lust night announced the midden death Micro of Colouul John Temple (Iravson. It says: ".I. ''. (Iraysiiu, of Portland, one of tint wealthy mining men uf the norllnvcHl, dtopped dead In his room in I ho Ht. Nicholas hotel here to- night. Heart fulliire or apoplexy Is Ijoliovod to be the cause of IiIh death." Colonel (Iravsoii came to eastern Oregon In 1 Mini, Ho had pioviuusly inadn Now Vmk his heailipiarlei-K, lint I1111I operiiteil In various parts of Ihn west, lie Induced the invest lliulit I11110 of sevoinl hundred thnti hiiiiiI diilliiis ot Cliiuiiiuiitl niouey; Hist in lluliy Mi'Ken and Last Chance mid later In tlie Alpine. He has liaiMrinilili) with his associates In the lluliy McKfii of 11 legal nature, which, it Is thought, has not yet been ad justed, Two years ago he went to liiitidiiu to finance a mining deal; tiuf fill led tu bring back any consid erable amount of English money. Colonel (Iraysou is reputed to have made several lingo fortunes at dllfor out times, and Is always spoken of as 11 "wealthy mining man." His name appears among tlin list of Oregon LARGE SUCTION DRILL FOR JOHN DAY DREDGE Tim most modern ami accurate methods of ascertaining tho gold values In prospective placer ground will soon bo put in operation by the Empire Diedglng company. The midline is a suction drill, mounted on a traction gear, and was tiroiight into town Satuulay by I'rolulilers Ciawfiird and Middles worth. With the boilers and ma chinery dismounted the prospecting iiuiiihliie weighs over seven tons, and was luggeil lurouuli I lie mud liy a ten-hurst! team. When supplied withi nil appaiiitus the weight is over ten tons. Tho nine line not only works rap idly and cciiiatcly, but does I ot injure the uiniiud whem It Is em ployed, as Ilio upenliiL' will not ex ceed a six-Inch hole. It can lie driven by its own power and without damiigo to the soil Into Ileitis, lots and meadows, wheio ilie test may iilckly be made and the machine moved on with no Inconvenience to tho owners of tho ground. It is likely Hint a considerable area till bo prospected, after which the oompauy will lie able to compute , tures iu the presence of the oxide.) ol quite accurately what it can alford to, manganese, when It had been exposed lo iu the way of future development, .to tho air for u week or two." Cou (Iraut County News. Iditioii can readily be Imagined to inilliniiaircH in a "financial liluo hook," recently published: but peo ple hero who are more or less familial with his business h Hairs pay that his estate will not pay hi a dolits. Ills assets consist largely of stock In tlio llaliy ,McKee and Alplic mining companies; wl'lch, though prosper- lively iiilimlil . could not now be ' readily iciill'o i upon, and an equity in 11 haiidsoiin !:ouio In Portland. Personally, I was an iitlablc gen tleinau, n pleii-iint. companion, who loved the good things of life, and his death will be regretted by many tie- iiualutances in eastern (Jreuon. It ulll ...) ii.i...r..n. ulil. ..ill..,,- nf n, mining companies ho Is t.,,,,,,,.,.,,.,1 1 '"t'dles the must. 10.000 tons; tho with, as they havo received little of i ' ecl 'V loh L,,ko ,,n"' w,,,ch ,'"' his personal attention. I rL' "Pl-roxiiiia oly ,,r,00 tons per Hick Adtloms. supcilutcudcut of lly for Ilio Cnlumot A: IIimsIu mine, the Alpine, can... In today iinm the ly wlildi It Ih owned, ranks second; mine. The news of Colonel (ir.iy- ' t.l'H-r hange. serving tho South sou's .tli was shock to him. Mr. Il"u triel. Is third, with a ton- Addonis hail a letter from Colonel u"" ,)f "000'1 "'" tho ,"""nt tr,,U9 (Iraysou dated at Portland. February l,0lm, ,,.",,y l? thf (i',hlcy M,l,,nB 111. In which the Colonel stated Hint he was much liupruved. Mr. Addoms - knew (hat ho contemplated n trip east, and thinks his leaviug at this time was duo to a change for tho liot tor. PREPARING TO START THE E. & E. MILL. Tho new lathe, which arrived the other day for the E. and K. machine shop, was loaded up this morning and taken to the property. Tim Intention of the company, as stated a few days ago, id to equip a llrst class machine shop aud make the necessary repairs at the mill, with a view to early operation. Things, it is uudeistood, will be put In shape as speedily as possible and Hie mill will be started up perma nently In tho near future. Gold Dissolved And Precipitated. Theio have been occurrences of gold underground that can only be explained by supposing that Hie gold had llrst been dissolved and then pieclpitated from solution. How the solution of gold may oc:ur Is i suggested by the tests of a Now Zea- I laud chemist-geologist. He states that "every sample of chalybeate mine water analyzed by mo acted as u precipitant of gold when tskeu fresh from the workings, but as a .solvent of gold at ordinary tempera- exist underground similar to the Inst conditions quoted, when gold can be dissolved to be Afterwards precipi tated on mine timbers or on rusting rails and tools. Cases havo been common whero mine timbers and rusted Iron curry considerable gold. Pacific Coast Miner. DAILY OUTPUT OF ORE 27,000 TONS Railroads Handle Over Eight Million Tons Annually Of Michigan Copper Rock. Each working day In the year an average of 27,000 tons of rock is transported from the various in I lies in the Michigan copper country to tho' stamp mi I Is, there to bo pulver ized nun tue copper contents ex tracted. Of this amount the Mineral '"" road of the South Hhoio system H'ni.iy riuiroiiii, ioo ijuiucy ri i. r .. i. a .. .. i . iorL" 1""1B ,U,),B "" nuo"1 'uuu 1 " .' iu" "re" r,,UK nlu,0l0' " ,ou' ,uea, ,or m T' nurea Hl ,,uu working days is 8,100,000 tous, ap proximately, trom eacn tou of wnlch a fraction of one per cent to four pei cent copper is obtained, tho aver age being about 1 ?. In mining the rock sumo 10,000 men are employed, with a smaller army ou tho payrolls of the railroads and at the stamp mills and smelters. The Mineral Ringo road, which next to the Chicago A Northwestern lii'o, serving the Mouomlue, Mar quette aud Oogenic Iron oro ranges, is tho largest handler of "ore" in the state, is now supplying over twouty-two stamps with rock, these being tho Mohawk, tho Wolverine, Osceola, Tamarack, Krankllu, Mass and Michigan. And it is doubtful if there is anywhere else in tho world a railroad operatiug every week iu Hie year upon which .the conditions are so unfavorable as upon tho lines of the Ml not a I Itaugo north of tho .Calumet, or the "Arctic Clrclo Koute, " us the trainmen call It. There are the lines upon which tho Wolverine, Mohawk and Kearsargo portion of the Ot-ceola mine aro located. In that exposed stretch snowdrifts, hard aud many feet high, during every hard storm run the operatiug expenses ton high figure, lly tho use of rotaries, heavy uose plows, extra crews to keep the switches clear, and an army of sbovelers, aud by operatiug smaller trains, however, the service is nialutaiueil ou a regu lar basis, dcsplto at some times tho margin of profit is more than wiped out. As far as the railroad is con cerned, the stamps never lack for rock to keep them busy. Miuiug World. SPECIAL NOTICE If yon want to read a free and Inde pendent paper, devoted to the inter est of mining and current events, which is not controlled by any pro moting concern, sucli as most of the paiiers in the east are, send for a free sample copy of NEW YORK BANKER 23 BROADWAY, NEW YORK THE NATIONAL BANKER 14 II U Still St. CHICAGO, - ILLINOIS A journal of National circulation. Is read by bankers, capitalists, in vestors, retired merchants. If you vant to reach a good class of buyers and tho moneyed and Investing pub lic, adwrtise iu the National Ranker. Thouoaiids of copies of each issue of the National linnker goes to investors throuuliout the Middle West. Eastern mid New England states. The best journal In the country in which to reach investors. Sample copies free Adverti-ing rates on application. THE SUMPTER GOLD BELT MINING COMPANY CAPITALIZATION 5100,000 F. C. MIODIE, M. F. Mt'ZZY, F. O. RUCKNUM, C. II. CHANCE. C. II. FENNEK, President Vice President Sec. and Treas Attorney Engineer OPERATES NINES IN THE GREENHORN AND SUMPTER DISTRICTS SvnptBr, Onion ATTENTION! Do you desire to sell stock iu your Gold, Copper, Mining or other In dustrial companies? If so, you can not find a better advertising medium than TNE DIXIE MANUFACTURER It is the leading industrial and financial paper published in the South. It reaches that class of read ers who are interested in financial and industrial affairs. It is old and established. Published semi-monthly. Guaranteed circulation 10,000. Subscription price 12.00 per year. Advertising rate reasonable. Send for sample copy and advertising rates. Address, RouHtrM Publishing Company Birmingham, Alabama. ms t J 3 MONTHS 3 DIMES j To IntroJuct The BE ST KIKIIB NEWSPAPER Publish .1 to u largo number of new renders wu will send the American Mining News $ I'vcry Vk For 4 3 Months J 3 Issues J For Only THIRTY CENTS In Silver or Stamps Itelinble Information in regard to miuiug stocks FItEE to all Subscribers j jt j Address, Department S. t AMERICAN MININ6NEWSC0. 1 11 Broadway New York City. 4 v