Wednesday, March 2, 1904 1 THE SUMPTER MINER The Sumptei; Miner Of FICIAL?Xftnt OF IHE CITY OF SUMPTER FUtllSHCU IVMV WIONIIDAr V J. W. CONNELLA T. Q. CMrVVMNE. EDITOR Entire at tin yottaOca In SuapUr, Of ton. lor Iransatlsilon thnsuffc Ox "alia aecond (lit alter. acasceHmon atu .Oat Year iltMoarha..., ...Mm...- Aiw m AOVAnca. 1.411. 00 ... Ml ' I Dr. W. A. Ilanilryx, after letting hlii cyanide nrocesa at tbe Mountain Lion mill In (ha Republic district, wired Bpoknue frlenda that hla ays tern haa arttived a complete success. proHtable Biid ii, of course, in that way, increasing "the output nf the yeilowfmetal. For thia reasou it sees probable that gold mining will he more prominent than ever and invest ments Id ml ulna more common. Tbe Miner Iihh never reculvud more enquiries about miuiiiK properties from prospective buyers of stuck in eastern Oregon for thu hriiiii length nf time, Ihuit during Mm ihhI mouth. If there Ih in icallty u well iincud compensation in niiture, to thlN section Ih due mi curly spring this year. V Iiiivii been denied our iiHiiul midwinter thaw mid have hail 'more snow tliiui for many yearn. Kvou thn old timer hiIiiiUh iih much. Tbe prospector, tbe newapaper and tbe promoter are tbe leading factors iu the upbuilding of a mining dis trict, aaya an exchange. The proa pectnr makes tbe discovery, the news paper advertises his find to the world, and tbe promoter interests capital to develop the property. .They... are, all. essential in tbelr various sphere, and' without them tbe country would remain unproductive. Of tbe three tbe promoter comes in for tbe most abuse, and as a genearl thing it is undeserved. The promoter, like tbe proHpector. is an enthusiast, and it Is well that he Is, for no man can talk up an euteipriae in which he lacks faith. The mining sections of the west oho much to the promoter. If n pioperty turns out woll be makes but little out of it. If it is a failuro hi! Ih held responsible for it. Ilia llli- in full nf cures Htid he is often mute dcncivirg of sympathy than censure. Tim llrnt uidor for thn now Louis laua I'ltiohuse exposition stumps calls for tlm piloting of Ml, 00(1, 000 one cunt HtiimpH, bearing the portrait of Itoliert II, Livingston, anil 225, OOtl, (100 two-cunt HtutiipM, hearing TIioiiiiih .lelfemuii'H portrait. The Htamps will im piaumi on hiiio hi every Slates iioNtollli'ii on May I. Uuiteil Thn Long Creek Light editor Ih Hocused of introducing a diMtiuct in novation in journalism, by blowing up hlri esteemed miiitnmporary with dyuamitti Instead of with IiIh trusty lead pnnnll, which niistum hhiio.Ioiim. If guilty, which The Miliar hopes Ih nut tho cane, of course it was a do pruvej nut, Hut nvoii that Ih not ho (inwardly, ho despicable n to contin ually "kuoitk" mid lit about a rival behind IiIh bnolc, nut having thn nerve to wlmt he atliigsa'wltli IiIh mouth. And now i liilug stock exchanges aro ahailng v. lib cut-rate brokers tiio adverse, con i. lent of influential mining papers. Tho criticism Ih that they aro iiHed by olllccrH and directors to dispose of tbelr own worthier stocks. Men In charge of mining companies pay, further, that when they huro complied with the riilea of these exchanges and had their stock lifted, tlm members of exchanges hare HyHtomatically begun to hammer auch atock, for tlm pur pose of fencing the company to con stantly produce money to keep tho iiuotatinus up to the advertised fell ing price of treasury stock. Iu other words, they are brace game, and when an outsider goes against one of them, bo gets tho worst of it. Tho exchange at Los Angeloa ia named as a conspicuous example of IIiIh charac ter. Had not the Portland concern been a failure from tho start, It would hare been another. Id the price of white paper. The names of those who united in a memorial to congress asking that this trust, "this organization for the re striction of trade," be investigated, are prominent in tbe list of advocates of a high protective tariff and apolo gists for tbe trusts. Tbey go eo far as to ask that the tariff be removed from wood pulp, a large per cent of which comes from Canada, and have raised a fund of $50,000 to be used iu fighting tbe paper trust In a political way, in securing desired legislation. . .Id this, connection, following close on tne( beeis-of- this actic-n .news paper publishers, picas dispatches re port that there Is a great scarcity of white paper in tbe market; that tbe Indications are that soon the great dailies will not beable to secure a sufficient supply at any p'rice. The trurt has evideutly decided to make a fight and la endeavoring to get in tho first solar plexus blow. County, Oregon, within six months from tbe date hereof. Dated this 24 tb day of February, 1004. ALVIN P. JONES, Administrator of the Estate of Samuel I. Jones, deceased. The present year will doubt Imhm witness all record lunkmi ill of proline! Inn of gold, says Mining World. The mines of Houlh Allien am nlnvuy, but Hiirnly. iuortmsllig llmlr proilmillou, and tlm labor con ditions piovaillim iu tlm United .States and Aiiritralin bespeak a year of niitpiisslng output. Willi Cripple Clock, Coloiado, iu full activity throughout the year, no illntui banco pioveiitliig, our gulil pindiicliuu will exceed several mlllnii dullain that of lilO.I, but without Clippie Creek' assist alien we cannot hope fur any icmiiil yea-. The i' va lile process was lltst Intro iluccil In .South Atilca, being tliein applied In tailing, but 1(4 ptao ticablllty iu appllcatluti to me wan Hint ilcinonstiiiteil iu thin country. Thin piucenn can be lined with piollt ill all low grade ores uhcio tluie Ih no copper picrieut. Tbeie Is. even a large prollt lu ores containing only c2 of gold to tlm ton. The I'aelllu Count Miner says that this fact is working : gieat change In gold lulu- Alfred Henry Lewis Is the most accomplished, delightful mnlnpulator of tho Kuglish language that writes fur tho American preHS today. His prone is more than poetty; it Is music til Hie Kill' h.iiI uiuinnillv nniirliipiiiir pillllt . ,i .I.. ill hniinlni sWelehns of prominent men iu public life are classics, wonderfully accurate pen portrayal. He should, however, eon- Hue bliimelf to tlm work iu he which Kqulty mill will c.xccln, above all other, lu the! I'losldont ,1. W. What has tbe war in the Orient to do with tbe mining industry lu America? There are no guns power ful enough to carry as far as tbe un derground workings of a western mine, and the gold in the ground will be worth just as much, no matter which side wins. Listed mining stocks have declined lu sympathy with tbe decline on the industrial exchanges. Some prospective Invest ors in uulistcd securities are display ing a little attack of cold feet. Any tlgbtoiiiug of money on tho ncoro of thu win can only be but a temporary development. When the investing and speculating public fully realizes tbe fnot that if this country Is atfected by tho war It must be benefi cially, the bulls will quickly got ou top agniu Ly tho big demand for securities of all kinds, and especially good mining securities. There Is a silver lining to every cloud and tbe unanimous opinion la that tbe war cloud in the Orlont has a llnlug for us over which we should be hopeful rather thau pessimistic. Daily Miu lug Itccord. WILLIAM WfcLLS ELMER CONSULTING MININO CNOINCKN Office Hotel Sumpter; SUMPTER. OREGON BCBPOHD MeNIILl'S CODE TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE t, ilrl-NOTlCl for PUBLICATION. United Sum Land Office. "I ' Li Grande, Oregon, February y6, iqai Nolle l hereby given thai In compliance with the provisions ol the act of Congress ol June i. tlit en titled "An act for Inn ule of Umber lands In the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton Territory," as extended 10 all the Public Land States by act of August a, ii. HENRY A. CARRIS of Canvun City: County of Cranl Stale of Oregon, ham fhlt Jjii' filed In thlc nfticp tils sworn state ment k8, for the purchase of the S W K SE section No. (,; HEX NWtf and N)i N E ! ol section No, t Tr- Nn. south R. No )? CWM. and will oHer proof to show that Ihe land sought Is more valuabta for Its limber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land belore Chas. If. Chance, U. S. Commissioner at Ms office al Sumpter, Oregon, on Monday, the oil) day of May, lv4. He names as witnesses: Van Rensselaer Mead, Ralph M-a I, of Sumpier, Oregon; Lemuel King, Lemuel Darnell' of Audrev, Oregon. Any an.1 all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims In Ihls onice on or before said ith day of May. toot. L:. W. DAVIS. HecWcr. TIMItN LAND. ACT JUNE S. ISTS. NOTICE PUIMCATION. FOR Equity Will Strike Back. The temporary injunction recently I as u on by Circuit Judge Clifford at Cauyou City against the Kqulty Min ing company, restraining It from ex tracting ore from disputed territory, was dissolved yesterday hy Judge Clifford and tho Kquity company Ih again busy taking out ore. according to long distance, telephone advlcen to the Herald from Canyon City. The start up at once. Hughes, nf the United Sia'es Land Olhce, La Oran le, Oregon, February tsth. ivm I Notice Is hereby given thai in compliance with thd provisions of the act of congiess nt June . 1878, en titled "An act lor the sale 01 timber lands In Ihe slates of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter ritory." as extended to all the Public Land nates by act of August a. i8ut, ARCHIBALD T. VEDDER. of Sumpier, county ol llaker, state of Oregon, hit this dav Med In Ihls office his sworn statement No. jgoj, for Ihe purchase ol the MS bw, Pie;, dw and Sell Nwi; of section No. j? In tonshl No. ii south, ranee No. 17 EWW, and oner prool to show that tne land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land be lore Chas- H. Chance. U. b. Commissioner, al Sumpter, Oregon, on Tuesday, the rtth day of April 1904. He names as witnesses: Peler J. Soarfs, William keely, Robert Patterson, Robert W. Riley, all of Sumpier, Oregon Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims hi th s uftice on or belore said th day ol April. 104. H. W. DAVIS, Register i)ie. wirT 1 Sut tit tiny Kveuiiig Pont of thin week, 'writing of llryaii ax tho Iago of tlcinnciiicy, be nut of bin rumbles olf, twiy, Into Kiiuity company, is authority tor tlu statement that suit for henry dniiiiigcs entirely against Hie Keystone company mid national jtlm tielner-lleudryx Investment com- lliiauce. Ills t rent incut of tbe nubject Is the merest dilvullng idiocy, 11 dis play of ignorance that in humiliating to bin Milliliters. He himself acknowl edges, lu the story, that tlm con.- pitrlson of llryaii to Iago In a "vile, (Kipiity mine, clumsy llguie. " And it is; in fact, the whole nitlcle can with lldellty lie ho cliaiaclerieil, To the leader tlm Impulsion is conveyed that the "liter In engaged iu a distasteful tusk ft urn necessity and, try as he puny, the plaintilfs iu the injunction proceedings, will be imitltuteil by the Kiiiity. He miiliitnlns that there went 110 grounds whatever for the 'null which tempoiarily shut down the Herald. NDMINISTUATOU'S NOT1CK. Notice Is hereby given that tho FDEEI FREE!! FREE!!! 85.00 Certificate of the bent Oil Stock absolutely given away. Writo tit once for plan how to nccuro Five Dolliin' worth of fully paid anil iion-n-'H's.-alilc Oil Stuck without ca-li. INVESTORS' LISTS COMPANY Jiooui 7'J!) Talk Unw Iiltl-. XKW YORK MXl. 4lil4tl4ttatt4tVlelt'alla1 I HOUSES for SALE I will, caniiut tlo h.uii-ell justice, only turn nut a liuiiglhig job. can It all deeutls on whose o is gored. There is nothing more unlver.-iilly true. J'be ntateiiieut was given lug. It Is, for one thing, putting the striking proof a few days ago at a business 011 tlm basin of a iiiiinufin;- meeting of newspaper publishers in turiug Industry. It Is, moreover, New York. The paper trust has been uuilemigtiuil hits been duly appuuitetl l by tho County Court nt the State of Oregon, for tbe County of linker, administrator of tho estate of Samuel 1 iloiies, deceased. All persons hav ing cliilim against said estate are hereby requited tu present the name to me, properly verified, as by law required, at the ottlce of Chas. 11 Chance, attorney. at-law, First Nil- s INSTALLMENT 5 PLAN $2000 New Ten Room g House, $500 Cash, Balance J Monthly Payments. g $800 Two Houses and Three Lots. $200 Cash, Rent Will Pay the Rest. See BERNARD FLYNN making many iilmudoued mines putting the screws to these publishers t ounl bunk building, Sumpter, llaker RttKKRMUWRttiuuKKW -