The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, March 02, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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Wednesday, March 2', i9H
Wcl Known Property Will Probably Resume
Operations on Extensive Scale
Before Long.
Omiiliii, see
the Psyche
.Ipdgo i. 1. llrnen, of
rotary and treasurer o f
com puny, uccnniiuuiuil Ijy his hrotli
nr, 10. .1, llreen, of Fort Dodge,
limit, and (loorgtt H- Woodhoiiso,
iroirli)tor nf Hotel Orleans, nt JOhIit
vlllit, lowii, were 011 tliu I nil 11 IIiIm
iiinriiiuir going nut In (In- mint.'.
Judge llrenu in just back tinin
Omaha, mill ulvi'ri II iiri dirt up I ti t on
Unit dm Psycho litigation, now pend
ing, will reach 1111 early iidjudlcii
lion, bringing iilinut u losiimptinu nf
operations 1111 nn cxlcuslvc scale.
Wink Iiiih been continued under (lui
receivership mill 11 Hiniill force in uinv
ougiigod lit t lit property.
log on bnman weaknesses, dazzling
human cupidity.
The fakir knows all tbla aud more;
that It la eaaier to Ret gold oat of
eaatero pocketa than western mines,
aud for thin reason conflnea himself
to the former kind of mining. Toe
last time Letaon Balllet was In Baker
City, the writer heard blm aay to a
gentleman wbo had tried to sell stock
in a valuable, developed mine by
telling the unvarnlabed truth which
waa good enough to aatiafy any In
vestor who underatood the business
and failed: "Yet, I watched your
boneat methods, your efforts to catch
the intelligent investors, and knew
that ynu were waating yourygood
money. Now. you bad figured it out
that there were enough sensible peo
ple who wouldn't bite at tbe ordi
nary, exaggerated mJuing stock ad
vertisement, yet wanted to buy Into
some conservative proposition. They
went the people you were after. You
learned that there are not eougb of
that class to open up a lime etoue
quarry, ami paid dearly for tho In
formation. I could Imve told you
that two, three, four years ago, aud
wouldn't have charged you h ceut for
it. In order to raise any consider
able amount of money by soiling
stuck in hiiihII blocks, you lmvo got
to fiiko 'em."
lielicviug this to be true, tbeiu 1b
no great mystery In tbe fact that tbe
miiiurity of operators ubn promise
spend several daya nt the property, i everything, perform Utile or uotblug.
mid will stop nt Similiter on their
i it is the first visit of the other two
members nf tbe party to tbe district.
, When they alighted from tbe train
jtbls morning, during the nail at the
station, they remarked about like
I ".Similiter seems In bo quito n busy
place, judged from the people coming
and gtiltm nt f'-o stiitinn. There is
lots mine iiclhi'v nt the stiitlon hern
I him we taw tii linker City, while
coining thrum.!', according In the size
of tliu tow Dr. we should say that
Sumptcr is by tur tbe liveliest." i
Tbo party nt Psycho people will
Is it Necessary to Promise
Impossibilities in Order
to Sell Mining
l. I In
issuance of prospectuses to
tbe stile of mining stock Is
many other tilings, in tbe fact
it is. legitimate and proper If
conscientiously aud Intelligently
done. Tbe sale of stork for the pur
pose, of securing money to develop
mineral giouiid Is all right If rightly
lniin; ami tbo sending out of udver
llslug llleiuliirn is a legitimate mcaiiit
of promolliig Hid sulii nf stock if no
falsi) pretenses are mndo. One man
will make represeiitatlous Unit nppenl
In the judgment of those who know
somnlbliig of mining; iiuu(lur's rep
resniiliitiuiis will appeal to tliu cupid
ity of Ibosn who know nothing of
lulling. Tim former will invent Igitte
liefort) buyi.ig and shoulder their own
share of (be respousiblllly; tbe bitter
usually iiiu'ui no Investigation, 1 nt
denounce I lie mining Industry for
their loss nf money. Misrepresent!!
linns are neither In be excused nor
condemned, but the advisability of
looking into tliu merits of a proposl
tiou before Investing in it applies to
mining Investments with the same
force as to other Hues. Nu one iu
this day should allow himself to lie
nuuti win kimi ii- exiravnaaui iiiiKiisgei
qualities. Mining lleporter.
There is not a word in tho above
but what is tine and honest. Hut
there are mining promoters who
secure their money through slock
sales, whoso Intentions are cntiicly
legitimate, who have a good property
and are pulling the money secured
from stuck sales into intelligent de
velopment, who declare that a plain
statement of fuels iu a prospectus
will nut sell stuck. They lmvo
studied the investing public; finiu
experience have learned how to in
terest them in a proposition and
secure their money.
Their theory Is, based on a knowl
edge of (bis phase of human natiito,
that tbe mini must lie convinced that
Ibis particular mini) is better than
any other on the market; that there
is almost a certainty of making enor
mous prutlls, compared even with the
big money made In other mining ven
tures. A gentleman living Iu Sump
ler but not now In the mining busi
ness, once informed tim writer that
while ongHged in selling stock for a
milling company before coming here,
be kept accurate account of the liter
ature which be sent out aud tbe ad
vertisements placed in papers In va
rious parts of tbe country; wlththol
result that the more bo prumised'atid J
the more Muttering reports bo sent)
out, the larger were bis sales.
This class of advertising, of tills I
variety of bait, as It were, catches I
the averago of Immunity wbo know
uotblug about mining, aud that
means more than ninety iu every 100 '
who Invest. Of course, tbe proper. I
safe way to invest money iu a mining
company Is to ascertain if tbo mau-
agemeut is honest, intelligent ami
experienced, ami if the property jus
titles development. Iu that case,
little money would ever be lost iu
tbo business, but to induce prospec
tive investors to do so would iuvolve
Mineral Smelter Soon Blow in.
John Cierbicb is a visitor in the
city this week from his Iron Moun
tain properties at Mineral, lie re
ports matteis running smoothly iu
aud around that famous old camp
and tbo outlook generally is exceed
ingly llrst-class. Tbe new furnace,
which Is being installed by the Ladd
Metals Company, Is about in place
and will probably be blown in about
March -1. 1'hls new furnace la of
tbe iuclinod revcrberatory type of
100 tons capacity. With tbo addi
tiou of t!iis now furnace, tbo com
pauy call easily handle 100 tons per
day. The company is increasing its
foices and will prosecute operations
very extensively. The compauy is
also contracting for ore to bo de
livered from a number nf near-by
properties, aud the outlook for a
very busy season Iu Seven Devils aud
surrouudiug camps la Indeed flutter
ing. Welser Sigual.
At tbe annual meeting of the
directors of the Oregon Trading com
pany held in the offices of tbe com
pany here tbla fternoon, a dividend
of ten per cent waa declared for tbe
year 1003. The old officers were re
elected and' the names nf Em II Mel
zer, general manager of the North
Pole, and Albert Geiaer, of the
Oelser Hendryx company, were added
to tbe directorate.
The official roster stands as fol fel fol
eows: Mela Kadlsb, proprietor of tbe
Haker City Sampling Works, presi
dent: Frank llaillle manager of the
Columbia, vice president and secre
tary; John T. Dnuuclly, cashier
First National Hank of llakcr City,
Tbe above officers, with the addi
tion of Messrs. Melzer and Gcisor
constitute tbo directorate. A. II.
McKwen. who has had the general
management of tbe company for sonio
time, wiih retained in this capacity.
The affairs nf the compauy worn
found to he in excellent shape, with
bright prospects for un Increasing
business during tbe coming year.
All the officers named were Iu
atteudauco at the meeting. Messrs.
Douelly aud Kadlsb came up from
Haker City this morning. After tbe
meeting they left with Manager
llaillle to spend Suuday at tho Co
lumbia. M. Melzer went to llakor
City on tbla afternoon's tialn.
A lady cook wants post tiou at
mine or miuiug boarding house.
Kuiiilre ui address Capital hotel.
Room aud board at Sumpter Ho el
for 810 per week aud up.
Snmpter, Ore., Feb. 24, 1004.
Sealed proposals will bo received
by tbo recorder of tbe city of Sump-
ter until 8 o'clock p. m. April 1,
1004, for the furnishing of all ma
terial for aud tbo construction of a
soworago system in tho city of Sump
ter, Oregou, in accordance with the
plaus aud specifications on tile iu tho
recorder's offico. The total estimated
coat of tbe system is placed by tbe
city engineer at 815,000.
A certified check for the amouut
of 2 per cent of the bid, made pay
able to the city treasurer, must ac
company all bids as evidence of tbe
good faith of tbo bidder.
Tbe council reserves tbe right to
reject any aud all bids.
S. S. START, City Recorder.
I au educational campalgu, to success-
which ia sometimes used to conceal a, fully carry out would require uuited
Minus (iiautity. I'laiu, simple, clear effort of operators and the mining
phraseology (a usually adequate to. press, so complete au organizlatiou
point out tho merits of a mining J that most men hesitate to attempt It";
.property if it possesses auy such preferring tbe easier method of play-
Capital $250,000 The Coming Gnat Mine of the Cable
Cove District. Recent big ttrikci ihow values of over $181
per too. A sure Producer. An Investment in Vallev
Queen will manv time double your money. J jt jt jt
Capital $500,000. Will be a Greater Blue Bird. It has
the ore bodies of this famous property. An investment
In Buck Horn is like finding money Jt j jt jt jt jt
rite today for Proepectui and full information. Men
tion No. 60 and we will mail you free six months the
WHEELER & CO. lukm 32 IMIIWAY, N. Y.