The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, March 02, 1904, Image 1

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NO. 6
tiu reading pnhiiu into i'iIh "I'li-'CTADM UINC I FftTF
kiint, liv sityltiu thiit ho .lot' nut do-1 0 I "111 VI IVIIlU LLUUL
sire to meet with tlin ininiHtriittoiiH ' -,.... ... -aaiv tr
of the Oregon knocker, iilinut whom J f T !U HOiIII flnF
ho has read u bit and hi'tuil 11 .KM'iit1 Wl mUUUI VHL.
(I fill more. Herald. 1
Indications Are That a
Manager Nepple Went Out Today to Super
vise Installation of Hoist And
C. C. Xepplc, of linker City, imiu
agor of the Xmv York group, in the
(iroouhorns, wont through this morn
ing to superintend tho installation
of now machinery at tho property.
This machinery consists of a hoifit
having 11 500 foot depth capacity,
two steam stamps, pumps and hollers.
A car load, including the last con
signment, went ovortho road to Whit
uey tndny. Mr. Nopplo hm made
arrangements tu havo this transferred
at once to tho mine. The distance
from Whitney Ih uhout tlfloon miles,
lint tho roads nro well broken, and
no (llUlculty will bo experienced in
making tho transfer.
Tho foundations for the machinery
are now under wuy, and all tho
buildiiiKH are practically completed.
Tho work of installation will start
as soon as tho last car arrives. Mr.
Nepple thinks that in the oourso of
fl.xty days, or loss tlmo, everything
will bo in readiness for operations.
It la the purpose nf tbo - management
to go to a depth of 000 feet without
cessation. Tbo two stamps will
handle from seven to eight tons of
ore a day, and it Is tho policy to add
tu thee as dovolopmnnt proceeds and
couditous wnrrant. The additional
capacity of tho holler will run forty
stamps, and u material increase of
stamps is the oud In viow.
Tho Now York adjolim tho (. X.
L.. and is regarded 113 one of tbo
most promising of (Iroenhoru prop
erties Its location will at once
justify such a conclusion.
Dan Norman, of Portland, for
merly of C'bioaKO, who is largely In
terested lu thu (Jolconda, arrived
here this morning and will spend
several days iu tho city and at the
property. Ho and Manager Howard
will go out to tho inino either
tonight or iu tho morning.
Mr. Norman was greatly surprised
upon arriving to Hud such 'Hue
weather iu Similiter. "Why," said
lie, "when I left Portland ponplo
told mo that I should take my heav
iest oveiocoat with mo, hut I find I
do not need it at all Tho fact is
that very fow persona hero appear to
have any use fur this garment. And
why should they, for the weather is
like spring. It is vastly preferable
to the eternal rtfln of Portland."
Mr. Norman left Chicago iu Jan
uary, and therefore Is lu close touch
with the eastern situation. The
thing, however, wbicb strikes blm
most forcibly Is tho heavy tide of
bnmeseokers and investors coming
west this spring. Ho says:
"I am familiar with 11 good many
railroad people and I know that they
are expecting the largest immigration
this spring to the Pad do states in
the history of tbo oounrty. People
are' coming to Invest in homes, iu
mines and various lines of activity.
Already I have been Informed Mint
the cash receipts dally at Irrlgou for
Irrigated land la 810,000, aud this
represents only 11 ono-twoutletb payment."
New York Millionaire Here.
Alexander Chandler, of New York
City, a millionaire steel magnate, is
iu liakor City, having arrived from
tho east last evening. He expects to
remain here a week. Ills mission is
count I'tcd with mine Investment in
this loglon. It Is rumored that if
pending negotiations are consum
mated 0110 of tho biggest deals in' the
history of the stato will have been
pulled otf. Doing a millionaire Mr.
Chandler has loug sluco learned the
efficacy of saying nothing. He ob
serves a golden silence with reference
to his plans in tbla part of the world.
He exouses himself for nut taking
Tho Victor compressor plant , it is
thought, will lie ready for operation
by tho middle of the month. Tho
buildings uro pratclcally completed,
aud tho delay lu stinting Ih now
mainly duo to tho foundations.
Those have not yet dried, aud it will
require some little tlmo for this to
tako place.
Tho Victor plant is 11 live drill
one. Al ti'oUor, of tiolsor it 1 leu
dry x, tbo company having tho man
agement of the property, and J. X,
Esselstyn, consulting engineer for
tbo firm, went out to the property
today to look after tho work.
Stranqe Elastic Marble.
In one account uf Jtomo an author
mentions live or six slabs of elastic
inarhlo as being iu tho possession of
Prince Durghcsc. Doing set 011 end
tlujy bend backward and forward.
When laid horizontally and raised at
end they' form a curve. If placed on
a table and a piece of wood or any
other substance Is laid under them
they fall Into a kind of curve, each
end touching tho table. Tho Aline
Portls was told that they wore dug
up near tho town of Moudragou, in
the kingdom of Naples. Tho grain
is like that of Hue Ciarara marble, or
perhaps of tho finest, (ireek. They
seem to have sulfered somo attack of
lire. A slab of marble similar lu
every respect to tlioso described aud
highly polished has been exhibited
for fears at tho Drltlsh museum.
M. Kleiivlau do llelviie succeeded lu
making common granular quart com-
pletly flexible by exposing It to a 1
coital 11 degree of heat. In Lincoln
cathedral. Kiiglaud, there is 1111 inch
built of white iniirlilii which lu 1111II1,
eli.stlc. yielding to a heavy tieail mid'
returning or leboui ding to its orlg '
iiiul position on elastic principles.-
Psyche People Back.
Judge J. P. Dreeu, of Omaha, lie I
comauied by his brother K. .1. Dreeu, '
of Fort Dodge. Iowa, and (Seorge II. 1
Woodhouse, of Hstorville, Iowa, who
are interested In the Psycho returned
from a mining trip to tho Ornouhorus
today. Judge Dreori stopped off lu '
Humpter aud the other two went on I
to Portlaud. j
Vast Ore Body Will be
Opened up in this
A telephone moHssago was locolved
Sunday from tho Advance company's
properties iu Cable Cove wbicb stated
that tho hanging wall on tho Storm
King ledge had just been cut, expos
ing a lino looking body of quartz,
similar to tho shoot opened up lu tho
drift, --ri toot higher up tbo iiiuiiu-
tain. Ah tho urosHCtit strikes tho
lodge at least '250 feet to the west of
the old workings, tho chances nro
that, a vast body of ore will be en
countered while drifting under the
old tunnel. It la the purpose of tbo
mausgement to double shift 'on the
Storm King until the ore body la
opened up lu the best possible shape,
thou the work will be dlrcontlnuod
at this point, owing to tho fact that
no preparation has been made to caro
for tho ore, and It might us well re
main iu the mine until such tlmo
when tho one handling will place it
lu reduction works.
Mauager Costello has bad somo of
this ore just opened on the Storm
King assayed, the two assays giving
tho gratifying Kresnlt of illl.UO and
MO. 10. iu gold and silver, the
former predominating. This Is at 11
depth of only fifty feet.
Tho work lu tho Honest Dollar
drift Is progressing very nicely, and
with most encouraging result, the nro
looking better than over. This Ih
undoubtedly owing to the fact that
greater depth is being rapidly gained.
This, In turn, has a tendency to
straighten the lodge Into place, 11
slightly wider width becoming more
manifest ouch day, as the work pro
gresses. The Jessie and Ooldeu Utile arc
being explored lu a limited manner
by shaft. At pi ennui tho shaft la
down about twenty feet, with tho nro
looking better each day. This Is u
very big ledge; so far as prospected
it is more than sixty feet lu width.
It Is highly probable tho shaft will
bo sunk at least fifty feet before tho
molting snow will cause enough water
to How lu 10 stop the wink.
Of all tlin possessions belonging to
the company, of which they are justly
proud, tbo one that they are placing
fill Hi iu is I he I r uuigulfli'out water
rights on tho John Day river. They
hare more than enough for future
Improvements as at present outllucd,
but as time goes 011 ami they open up
tho different minis, li Is highly prob
able uses will lie found for every
Inch of water.