v Wednesday, February 24, 1904 THb SUMPTER MINhR DISASTROUS SNOW SLIDE AT MAXWELL Room and board at Bumpter Hotel for 110 per week and up. 81 ..J it6a0Wmf WILLIAM .WELLS ELMER , ' CON8ULTINO MININO CNSINtCR Oftc Hot) Sutor, SUMPTER. OREGON BCOrOMD MaNIILL'S COOK wfMNa Mill Completely Destroyed And Damage i Estimated at Between $25,000 . And $30,000. . M. H. Knapp, of Baker City, vine -president of the Highland, came op thla morning with definite informa tion in regard to the disastrous elide which swept away the mill at the Maxwell, In the Rook Creek district, yesterday morning. Mr. Knapp con versed with men who came In from the property and has the account straight from them. - 'The slide occurred . about 11 o'clock yesterday morning, and Is by far the most destructive this season. A rest body of snow, loosened by the thaw, came thundering down into the guloh, taking everything before it. The ten stamp mill of the Maxwell was In the path, and suffered almost complete demolition. The plant, together with connected build ings, was carried far down the moun tain and left In a atate of ruin. The CUT RATE BROKERS NOT ON TO THE JOB Playing a System Against Human Nature That is Sure to Lose. There are many people handling mining stooks Iu the capaolty of broken who are deliberately and sys tematically biting off their noses to spite their faces, although they elthnr do not realize the faot or elue are intentionally blind to it. Hardly a day passes that the dally papers and trade journals do not contain cut-rate quotatloua from cut rate brokers. These quotations are in many oases so absolutely mislead ing that Instead of attracting general capital they repel it. An Investor's interest In any one particular com pany, be It a mining company or not, annot be awakened by continually implying that the company la not worthy of confidence. This Is prac tically what la done when the quoted prloe of a stock Is kept down to a low level. There are stocks quoted today at almost exactly the same prices that they were a year ago, yet in the in terim the properties have developed 'finely, and are just about to enter the list of dividend payers. In view -of these faota, the stocks are certainly worth much more now than when the properties which they represent were hardly more than prospects. boarding bouse, bunk hrnse and other buildings were not iu the path of the slide, and consequently escaped. Fortunately no one was in jured. The snow was banked up at one of the Highland tunnels, but no damage was done. Mr. Knapp thinks that the amount of loss at the Max well will amount to between 125,000 and $30,000. Incidentally, he remarks upon the unfortunate mill site, chosen ,.by the Maxwell company. The mill Is lo cated In a gulch directly in the traok of snow slides. This is by no means the first one within the memory of residents of this locality, and it la unfortunate that aucb a aite should have been selected. The configura tion of the country makea these dis asters possible, and the course taken by the last one la the favor ite route. This is the way an outside investor figures. Consequently, when he is approached with a rosy tale of how good the the present condition of a certain company, U and what brilliant 'proapects.tHe future haa in store for it, he is utterly at a loas to understand why the price does not advance In like proportion. There fore, instead of becoming Interested to the point of buying, he becomes suspiolous and dismisses the whole business from his mind. Huch an aotlon la perfectly natural and in absolute accord with human nature. How much better would it be for these brokers to consider the average human nature aa It is, and mold their Hoes of business accordingly. They would find that not only would their business increase, but their own In dividual atandlng as brokers and up right business men would be ' raised In the eyes of "the business world In general. If an Investor baa decided to Invest In a mining stock at a certain price, and nlbtiu a abort time Is offered more stock Iu the same company by some one else at about one-balf the price be o'riglnally paid out for It, luatead of eagerly grasping the op portunity of increasing hia holding at a lower prk. he puts on his thinking cap and says: "What's the matter with It?" eventually refusing to buy. He feels exactly the same aa a man who is offered a horse at 1100 when be kuowa that $200 had been the price ordinarily paid. He la not im pressed with the Intended bargain. If, on the other hand, the price asked had been $250 he would not feel suspiolous, because he would know that a profit was being asked, implying thereby that the animal waa perfectly aatiiifaotory, and waa being parted with as a matter of business. American Mining Review. C A. H. STARR. MININO INVESTMENTS Ovtr Auitln Mtti Mtffcct Suapur. Onto PHTLBRICK .- &' TENNER i MININO 4 CIVIL ENCINEERS U S. PKPUTV MINERALBURVEVORB EXAMINATIONS AND REPORTS ON MINES NULL SLOO.SUMPTCN OREGON. QHAS. H. CHANCE AT ORNEV AT LAW I . Ctamiultur Rooms a and , First Natlcnal Bank of Sumpter Building, SUMPTER, OREGON Hotel Griffin FIRST CLA88 MEALS AND ROOMS RATES $1 AND $1.25 PER DAY O. M. EVEN8TAD raoPBiiroa Opposite Depot 8umpter, Oregon mmmmmmmmmmmm I HOUSES for SALE '"W1 i $2000 New Ten Room i House. S500 Cish, Balance ft Ntonthly Payments. $800 Two Houses and Three Lots, $200 Cash, I Kent win ray me near,. See BERNARD FLYNN lstawlSBattMBiimaMlilil THE HOTEL SUMPTER IS THE EST IN eastern Oregon JMJ r 38 STLAM HEAT ELECTRIC LIQHT TELEPHONE TELEGRAPH ROOMS WITH (BATH FREE BUS TO ALL TRAINS RATES $2.00 to $3.50 a Day A. H. OATHS PROraiKTOR 23 f Only transcontinental line passing directly through jSalt Lake Qty JLeadville tColorado Springs and Denver Three splendidly equipped tra aa daily TO ALL POINTS EA8T. Through Sleeping and Dining Oars , and free Reclining Chair Oars. 1 The most Magnificent scenery tnt , America ny aayugni. ! Stop overs allowed on all cli of tickets. ! For cheapest ratea and descriptive literature, address : W. C. MilMIE, liuril Ht RIOaRANDCIUNCS ; PoRYLSNO, OnieeN t OsJPlt OREGON Short Line ano union Pacific TO Silt like. Denver, bias City. HTCICO ST. LOUIS NEW NIK Ocean steamers between Portland and 8an Frauoisoo every five dap. Low Rates I Ticketa to and from all parte of the United States, Canada ssd Europe. Through Pullman Standard aad Tourist Sleeping Can dally to Oaaaha, Chlcago,x8pokane; Tosnst Mawplag car daily to Kansas City; throaga Pullman tourist sleeplag cars (per aonally conducted) weekly to Chi cago, Kansaa City; reclining chair cars (seats free) to the East dally. For particulars, call on or address H. C. Bowna, Agent, Baker City, Ore.