The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, February 24, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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Wednesday, February 24, 1904
It Not Infrequently
That a Western mini' i advertl-ed with inucn (ri'iilmu in tin Kat than it is
nt home. Where this in done tin'ri' i" rlpi! indication of lack of (null. While
a prophet limy not lie without Imiior except in hi own eotintiv, u mini' must
in its own vicinity, or it N dcllficnt in worth.
. 1 1 1 1 . . 1 . . 111 it 1 .
meiitcd with honesty from the irrass loots down, or, to be exact, with values that will be sutllciently profitable
to make the property mi earner for all interested in it.
Those who live fn Oregon, and whose interest is centered in minim:, know tlmt the uianni:eiuciit of the
CltACKKIt JACK CONSOLIDATED HOLD .MINK CO.MVANY is tried, capable and of reputation. They
are not novices. They are not pushing operations on the Cracker .lack uroup on hearHiy. What they do is
based on study, investigation and fact.
The Cracker
Is not n mine, hut a (.'roup of minium clainiH, possessed of just as much to recomuiei
it us. mnv be found on the North l'olo or tho Cracker-OrcKon. The property is "vnunif
1J..1.1.. 1 ...11. .. 1 ...1 .1.1! '.i.... r
.. 1,
iv an iiiii v ou 1011011 uu inc .im in i oiij or iiiu iinicixcr-wrcKoii. i lie properly is - yoiiiiic.
A little Inlnr mi the eoiiiiiiiiiv run till W of iIssiivh. mill other tliinuM 1 1 ml uill titltil In
cnluulco tlu; selllnn price of sieek. At pro-out it is a mine of opportunity. It In a safe place to put one's
money. It will not earn rijiht awav. If it could the stock would lie selllni! at par, and it would no longer
wen 10 ten iiihiih ine cracKer v;rcen
mines, but out here in the Milliliter Ileitis tho story oi these properties Is too well known to call tor repetition.
I'jjnn people know,
money. 11 win 11111 enrii nui mniy. ji u i:ihihi uiurii'uit mihiiii in nt'ioio; m uti, turn n
be a liiino of opportunity for small 'investors. In the Kast 1 would lie well to tell about tli
mines, but out here in the Sumpter Ileitis tho story of these properties" is too well known to en
What has been iloue on the UraeKer-Ureiton ami what is being iluue in 'thai mine most urcgnii people Know,
Those who will investigate will llnd that the continuation of the veins (northward) carry the values tip into
tint Cracker .lack. This means intrinsic, worth in the Cracker Jack group. It means prollts later on, ami prollt
means dividends. This is tho story in u nutshell. , t . ('
Three Tunnels
Three tunnels have been' HtarVe'd on the Cracker Jack. Work in two is helm;
prosecuted. hen these working thnvt; (been driven u little farther we can talk
of values. Hut is it not better to buy Mock now and l in1) lit by the uueoverinu of
those values that every miiiiiig.ciigihcer in the Sumpter fields knows ,are there? Is it not wiser lo
put your savings in a corporation that insures, the safest kind of security and be among the '"eharleri
members" when the time of dividends arrives ? To be brief,': Is it not wiser policy to secure thitr
stock while it in low, in order to realize returns on your money when the day of prollts arrives', than buyout a
higher price and receive less than ym can secure now '.'
As One Knows,
You Realize
That such towns as .Sumpter are built on mining success?. To talk of Kastcrn
conservatism to you would be time wasted. Notwithstanding, became you the
know, where sheer luck wins once, method and business management win a
mes Therefore, the safest wuv is to follow the successful banner. Tlie ineii
1 i l'cr nee to uiiiilu them. They have had trdo with the California, over in Cable Coe
district; they have ne. on., uown through the Crae.kcrOregon, ami their excellent service for the (!olconda
established ii record in inhibit! annul. Now they say ,thut the Cracker .lackl-is all that any of tin other mines
could lie, ami they declare that the day i- not far distant when this property will be one of the big producers of
the district. They claim that it will be a dividend payer that no stockholder need he ashamed of, and they are
telling stock in the Cracker .lack for the same rcaspu they sold stock in the others. They do not w ish lo per
mit anything to lag about opening and equipping Uio property. 'They are not growing careless because the
treasury of tho company ife well supplied with capital, l'hey are looking forward to the time'whcit they will
need much moie money for eiiiiipnient, ami when that time arrives they intend to be found prepitred This
company is willing that ou should reap your reward from the e. minus of this mine. He one of tlm wealthy
investors of the reL'iou if ou like. Tlie pioneers of other camps made their money. throiiL'h correct invest
ments. Thev didn't-make it by wondering, nor by blaiuiiiL' fate for missed opportunities. 'I hey sought likelv
propositions ami linked their loriunes with iiiem. ll is h
gate. The property is with you, and the reputations of tl
I likely
It is simple enough if you will but take the time to invest!-
is with vou, and the reputations of the men who ofler you this stock are represented by
three monuments that will withstand u.uch discussion the California, the Cracker-Oregon and the (ioleomla.
You know Imtter than vou can be told that, once valuable ore or extensive on bodies chance to be opened,
the stock has a skyward 'endenev, and it geiicrnllj stays; up there. When the Cracker Jack has been devel
0 ed jou will be positive that it is worth your confidence, but the stock will be beyond its bargain period. Now
your opportunity is that of becoming interested in one of the best properties in the district excepting none.
Grasp that oppoituuity. Iluy stock, liny it today.
If you doubt, there is tlie property, and in the same neighborhood are the substantial testimonials to tlie
woith a hd integrity of tlie men buck of it.
If tho Cracker Jack croup could be exhibited in New York, tlm necessary funds would lie forthcoming
in a simile day.
Were yon Knst you would appreciate tliix truth.
Then why not appreciate now V
What you invest now will help the Cracker Jack, and the development of the Cracker Jack will help you
altera while. Tlie beiielit is mutual and the reward will hi worthy.
Should you wish to procure a copy of the comp iny's prospectus, address any of the ollices named below.
Also make your checks payable to
r fl'
't '
Writ MA at Any if Thi ArfrfrauM'.
fttw York Office, Suit 134, 3S0 Broadway.
Women's Tmr.
Si. Louis OffJc', 417 04V Fallow BuliJfris;. Btiii Offlti. ttil Bear: of TratT.
Main Office, 34 Merrill Building, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Chicago' Offlc.