Wednesday. February. -24, 1904 THE- SUMPTER MINER 15 CENTS PER SHARE 15 CENTS PER SHARE MINING FOREST CO ' - '' We have iteclded to place upon the market 100,000 shares of the treasury stock lor the solo purpose of preparing the "STORM KING" group in condition for a mill in the early spring. We will quote you extract from the reportn written by the best mining authorities in Oregon, which will show conclusively the wonderful rirhuHgs of the STORM KING group of seven claims situated in the Cable Cove Minion District of Eastern Oregon, operated by thf FOREST MINING COMPAKY of Sumytor, Oregon "In makingmy report I will commence with the Eureka and Honest Dollar claims. The development on there consists of an adit Ninety-seven feet'in length showing two feet and ten inches of ore in the top; and a little over three feet' wide in the bottom. With assays ranging from f() tW to $70 per ton in gold. About four hundred feet in a southwent direction there is a shaft on the vein ten feet deep, showing the vein to be twelve Inches wide In the bottom, from which I dug averago samples from which I secured from $9.70 to 40 in free milling ore. "Considering the shallowness of the work done. I confidently expect this ledse to develop into a lino producer. (Signed) CAPTAIN A. M. PAUL, Mining Engineer. Salt l-ako City, Utah. "Wish to call your attention to the fact that on the Eureka, Honeet Dollar, Storm Kink and Or.ono, I find true llssure veins. ' "The character of these veins vary in width from THREE FEET to TWENTRTHREE FEET as found in the bottom of the shaft on the Eureka ledge (See Note) 'Mineralogy', the pay quarts is characterised by arsenopyrite, anil also by pyrito iu minute particles. "The ore contains sulphrets both In arsnopyrltea and pyrlte torm. "Gold predominates In the FOREST properties, and is of almost universal occurrence. The free milling gold being that part amenable to plate amalgamation and will vary from 40 per cent to 00 per cent per ton. , "I find some gray copper, und considerable cuprite, or oxide. The copper which this ore carries is valuable; and with depth there io little doubt but these values will increase. In the many assays made the copper was found to run from 6 to :W per cent. "Ore values from the Eureka and Honest Dollar ledge, assayed at follews: No. l Sample Wold litos; Niver; total 181.28 'From the Storm King ledge: No. 2 Sample Gold No. 3 Sample Gold No. 4 Sample Gold 'From the Jessie and No. 5 Sample Gold No. 0 Sample Gold No. 7 Sample Gold Golden Rule ledge: No. 8 Sample Gold 8.48; .7fl; 48.00; 12.40; 70.28; (12.(18; 4.48; Silver Silver Silver 1.00; .75; 1.25; Silver 3.60; Silver trace; Sliver 1.26; Total Total Total Total Total Total D.48 10.61 411.25 16.VI0 70.28 03.113 (Signed) Professor Silver 65; Total 5.03 W. S. EBERMAN, Mineralogist and Geologist. We will not bother you with theories, nor fanciful language to support our contention. Plain facts is what you want, and plain facts is what Me will offer you, to induce you to become identified with us in the making of one of the tlnest properties ever offered to the public. Organize a club, then send an expert to examine the "STORM KING" MINES, he will easily satisfy you of this richness of our property. ...... -- "Note" The increased depth of the Bhaft mentioned in ProfessorKhcrman's report was dono in the interval between his ex amination and that of Captain Paul. It, was orlly d,one' to -prpvq Conclusively the permanency of our ledges. All the ledges can be easily worked by tunnels, thereby saving vast Bums of money. Full reportn and other data furnished upon application, A D V A N C E MINING COMPANY LOCC BOX 243 ;um FINANCIAL AGENT ' ., OR iM Rooms A and 8 Dank of Sumpter 15 CENTS PER SHARE 15 CENTS PER SHARE DEAD GAME TENDERFOOT Dr. Walters of Wisconsin Takes a 400-foot fad on Rapid Transit Contrivances. Went Out to Have The Storm King Mine Experted And Is Satisfied. Tom Costello, general manager, Dr. F. A. Walters, of Stevens Point, Wisconsin, a large stockholder, and W. J. Keough, came In Saturday evening from the Storm King, a property in the Cable Cove district owned by the Forest Mining com pany. Dr. Walters wanted a disinterested, expert opinion on the merits of the mine, knowing nothing of mining himself, that be aud bis friends who are investing their mouey In the eu torprUe may know just what they are going up against. After keeping his eyes and ears open around town for a few days, be deoided that Mr. Keough would All the bill and was fortunate In securing bis services; fortunate because that gentleman is not what is known as a professional expert, looking for jobs of this kind. He has mined practically all of bis life; in Colurado until he came to eastern Oregon u dozen or moro years ago. lie xbb mine superintendent at the Bonanza for three years; then went to tho Red Boy iu the same ca pacity and has boon with that com pany ever since, until It closed down a few months ago, more tbau nine years in all. Just what his report in detail Is, The Miner does not know. Dr. Wal ten says he Is satisfied that be Is getting better than a good run for bis money. Mr. Keough, who like most men who mine gold from the ground exclusively, has a horror of newspapers exploiting what be con siders the private business of a min ing company, so be "gave down" reluctantly to a Miner representative, saying: , "I was engaged to make a report, which I will do; not to furnish ma terial for a newspaper story. AJI 1 can say to you is that the Storm King Is the making of a mine. The work ings are in ore, carrying bigb values. The ledge Is a strong, well defined true Assure vein. Of course, the property Ib now In the development stage, but the showing Is a good one and I believe that it justifies extensive development. Money and good judg ment will make It a producer." Tom Costello says Dr. Walters Is as game a tenderfoot as he ever took Into tue bills, covered with ten feet of snow. He walked from the end of the wugon road to the mine, a dis tance of four miles, and roturu, on webs, without making a klok or ex-1 pressing a regret that he was not In ' bis office back in Wisconsin. Com-, lug home, they found a pair of skees stioklng in the enow near the trail above the California, and the Doc tor's sporting blood was aroused at once. Ho mounted the lunocout looking, deoeptivo rapid transit con trivanoes and shot dowu the moun tain side 400 foot. In as many seconds, and disappeared. Wfaon found by Messrs. Keough aud Cos tello, bis foet aloue were visible; the remainder of his ample leugth was jammed bead foremost Into a snow bank. Ob, yes. he looked pleasant and declared that he enjoyed the ex perience, but knew when be had enough of a good thing and didn't cry for more. GOVERNOR CHAMBERlAhN HOPEFUL FOR CELILO CANAL Governor Chamberlain expresses himself as confident that the negotia tions in progress for the acquisition of a right of way for the Celllo canal will result successfully. "I do nut feel at liberty to go Into details," be said this morning, "but I am satisfied that we shall secure the right of way. We have givou the canal precedence over the portago rnud, and our efforts are concentrated upon the former. It takes time to reaoh an agreement with the nrnnertv owners, but I am quito sure that wo1 eball succeed In getting the right of i way." Misleading statements havo been . published to tho effect that tho nego-! tiatiuns have boon for a right of way Xor the portage road and not for tho' canai. xnis is not tliu case. If a right of way is secured from tho property owners it will be imme diately available for the canal, and there will be no legal obstacles to the commencement of work. Journal. TO TAKE CHARGE OF SNOW CREEK PLACERS Lafo Farmer, tho veteran miner, loft this morning for tho Greenhorns, to look after the placer ulaima owned by the Snow Creek company, adjoin ing the quartz property of this com pany. Mr. Farmer will assume charge and take steps toward the Improve ments necessary for spring operations. Fred Smith, general ' manager of tho Snow Creek, Is expected back from the east In a few days. A Business Proposition. , If you are going east a careful se lection of your route Is essential to ine enjoyment of your trip. It It la a business trip time is the' 'main con sideration; If a pleasure trip, scen ery and the conveniences aud com forts of a modern railroad. Why not combine all by using the Illinois Ceutral, the up-to-date road, run ning two trains daily from St. Paul aud Minneapolis, and from Omaha to Chicago. Freo reclining chair cars, the famous liuffet-Llbrary-Smoking cars, all trains vestlbuled. In short thoroughly modem through out. All tlukolH rending via tho Illinois Central will be honored on thesn trains and no extra faro charged. Our rates are tho same aa those of inferior roads why not got your money's worth? Write for full particulars. II. II. THUMIiULL, Commercial Agent, Portland, Oregon. J. C. LINDSBY, T. F. & P. A., Portlntid, Oregon. PAUL H. THOMPSON, F. & P A.. Seattle, Washington. a