COVERS THOROUGHLY THE GOLD FIELDS of the INLAND EMPIRE EASTERN INVESTORS , IN OREGON MIN.ES Pay for AND READ IT i. i PROVISION OF THE LAW ON PAYMENT OF TAXES Complicated System of Rebates And Penal ties, Based on Date You Pungle. If you pay your taxes on or before March 15th you will be hIIowocI ii rebate of three por cent. If you pay your taxes botweou March loth and up to and Including the first Mouday',iu April, there will not be any rebate, and neither will there be any penalty added. If your taxes aro not paid on or before the first Monday in April they will become delinquent, when there will be added a penalty of ten per cent, ami the tax will also draw In terest at the rate, of twelve percent per annum in addition to the pen alty. If you pay one-half of your taxes ou or before the first Monday in April then the remaining half may run up to and Including the first Monday In October following but if the last half of tax duo Is not paid by the first Molality of October it be comes delinquent, ami there will be added to such balance a penalty of ton per cent, and Id addition such will boar interest at the rate of twelve per cout per annum from the first Mouday in April until paid. Ou all personal propeity taxes, if ono-half la not paid on or before the first Mouday in April, the law com pels tho sheriff to levy upon and col lect the saruo after May 1st; bonce to proveut a levy upon personal property after May 1st, it will bo necessary for ouo-half to be paid as above stated. ' ' Tho law compels tho sheriff to sell all lands on which taxes have not beeu paid,, and that such sale shall not bo hold later than March 1st of 'the year succeeding tho year I In which the tax levy is made. Tho property will bo sold to the porsou bidding tho lowest rate of In terest, ami certificates will he Issued therefor aud deeds Riven to sucb proporty sold, unlets redeemed within three years from the date of such salo. Democrat. WADE'S INDEBTEDNESS OVER HALF A MILLION. The list of O. II. Wade's creldtors have been filed with the referee in bankruptcy. Ills Indebtedness ag gregates more than a half milllou dollars. Only four claims aro se cured; Ha I four, Cluthree & Co., 150, 000; V. 11. James, 110,000; estate of U. A. CralK, f 1 4,1:10; J. R Tem ple, 17,700. Ou the last note J. A. Howard, of Bumpier, Is the surety. Among the Iouk list of creditors the following are of especial Interest to Miner readers here In Sumpter: i). 11. ltobblus, nluu notes aggregating MB.UMI; ltobblus A Kobblus, (O. O. W, V.) three notes for 1'J,000; First National Hank, of Maker City, M.UUU; Ultlous' National, 5,1)00; 1. llin-oho, S10.U00; D. W. French. en. ooo. Itegardlug Mr. WkdoM assets, tho Pendleton llunt Oreguniau fays': -Mr. Wade's assets make a longer list than the liabilities, but this is caused by the real estate descrip tions, of which there are a great many. The cieditors will probably be glad to net leu cents on tho dollar before all tho strands of the problem are raveled nut. Nearly every miuiuic camp in this part of tho state Is represented In the stock that Mr. Wado owned. He has one aud a half million shares In the Uoloouda, a large amount of stock Id the Red Uoy aud scads of paper in those which have loug since been burled aud forgotteu. In faot, most of the assets repre sent this kiud of securities and prop erty. A Rreat mauy of the "get-rich-quick" "concerns of the east,' the bubbles of wbiob have been pricked by the law lu the past short time, are represented, everything In the calen dar nearly, is lu the list, and are worthless lu part or in whole TRAIN LATE ON ACCOUNT OF SNOW. Tho Sumpter Valley passenger train was about two hours late this afternoon returning from Whituey, ou aooouut of the snow which fell last night aud this morning. There were about eight iuches additional. The snow plow, was put on tho track this morulug, but It made poor headway, hanging up frequently, aud It was after - tuts atternnou when (he train reached Whitney. T. F. Thompson, bf Durut river, came lu last night with auother load of beeves, which he sold at ouce to tho Sumpter Meat compauy. Mure liurnt river people will be here lu a day or so. I Map? Syrup IN BULK ATi F. E, O'ROURKE & CO. ! YOU CAN GET A A PINT, A QUART OR TWENTY GALLONS ' j Fresh Dairy Butter cts. PER ROLL Also Strictly Fresh Eggs Photographic Supplies ' MERCER DRUG COMPANY ' j -i ; it .i; i " 'n Dqup and Stationery Special Sale & i THIS WEEK ON HAMS, BACON, SIDE MEATS, LARD, CANNED CORN AND TOMATOES PLENTY OF APPLES AND POTATOES AT OLD PRICE J. P. Holland '&23umSZS&2M rtii4,l,'H