Wednesday, February 24, 1904 THb bUMPTER MINER 11 MACHINERY PURCHSEAD FOR BIG GREEK PLACERS Golden Wizard Hoist, Pump And Boilers Will Be Transported to Susan-. . . villa District. J. K. 'Zimmerman, of Portland, manager of the Big Creek placer, arrived here yesterday to make ar rangement! for transferring ma chlnery to the property. He has purchased a holit, pumps and boilers irm the Golden Wizard company, and will more them to, Big Creek. at once. The machinery Is now at Mc Ewen and will be moved overland. The' hoist-has ' depth 'capaoltyVot 400 feet, which Is more than Is needed for the placer proposition. The shaft is now'down to bed rook, which was encountered at a depth of 150 feet. With the installation of the machinery and the coming of spring, Mr. Zimmerman will be pre pared to carry on extensive drift work. It is the purpose of the com pany, Mr. Zimmerman says, to carry on extensive operations daring the coming sesson. This machinery was Installed at the Golden Wizard, used a few weeka only and was found that the pump VsS'hbt bt suffloltat capacity 'to 4m) the abaft dry, so a more powerful outfit was substituted. The' Big Creek placers are In the Susan vl lie district. COLUMBIA SOUTHERN BUILD TO LAKEVTEW. That the Colombia Southern stilt has as Its objective point Lakevlew aad opening op tke whole southern Oregon district east of the Cascades, waa confirmed by President Lytle today Id vMnswer to a question from the Telegram; "I know of no reason for obanglng the original aim," he said, "though our, energies are now being devoted to carrying out plans to build as far as Bend. That is where our stake is set for. the present aad-to which we must build before setting another take. ..further- beyond. v But 4Jt waa out -original intention to ouua to Xakevlew, and I know of nothing to ohange our purpose. We feel that the country la naturally tributary .to Portland, and this oity should have aoeessto the trade." A. Y. Beach, editor of the Lake County Examiner, wno has been for' years dilllgently at work In every possible direction to promote the development of that country, says: '"Nothing short of the extension of the Columbia Boutborn will ever make Lake oounty a portion of Ore- gon, aud make It build up should. California has our trade .and will keep It until this or a aim liar road is built. "The Union Pad Bo company sur veyed a line through this county In 1800 and we understood Intended to construct a line through our virgin empire, but It has not done so. "The N. C. O. branch surveyed a illne from Reno to Lakevlew before the Columbia Southern was thought of, and gave out information that it would build here, but has not done ao. Now the fact remains that no roal penetratea Lake county." Irrigation and agricultural enter prises In process of organization or .already almost accomplished leave no doubt of the value of local business In the vast territory east of the Cas .cades to any railroad that builds to that section. The Columbia South ern has evinced its determination by bnilding to Its present terminus and the positive announcement that the road will be extended to Bend aa ooa aa possible. When the line la completed to that point passenger and freight automobiles will be operated to provide rapid transporta tion to the interior nntll such time aa the track can be extended. The polioy of the management of the road la weU'deflned in the toieftatterance of President Lytle. Promises have not been recklessly made, and the management has consistently striven to push construction only when cer tain of Its ability to complete the work to a gl ven-objebtive point,' after which plans for further extension Jiave -received lanaedlata cqMidera- tlon. Telegram. . Black Sand And Placer Gold. ''The almost universal association of black sanda'witb gold In our place? mining districts has led many per sons to imaglue that the presence of black sand in old river beds is a sure Indication of gold. While It Is Almost "always true that placer gold occurs together with black aands, yet the converse' is by no means true; that Is, olaok sand Is not always gold bearing. The, black grains are oxide of Iron, usualy magnetic. Prao tlcally all Igneous rooks are eroded; the, oxides are carried off by running" water. Being heavier than the quartz partloles the iron oxides collected are concentrated. If the black sands are In a placer mining country they may be taken as indicators of gold; If In a country where there are no veins or placers, the occurrence of blaok sand means nothing so far as the presence of gold Is concerned. Mining Reporter. Timber aad HomiUsd Fillets. Timber and homestead filings, as well as final proofs, can be made before Charles H. Chance, United States Com missioner, office in First National Bank of Sumpter building, Sumpter, thus sav ing applicants expense of a trip to Ls Grande. r iMMttwtiflstatrti I For Sale "Six Placer Claims, covering nearly a.ll the ground on a .creek emptying into Burnt River. This property is near to and parallel with the noted placer grounds of Pine and Cow Creeks in Baker County. All equipt for work, with reservoirs,- ditches, flumes, pipe and Giant. For particu lars see the undersigned. ". $2000 Buys the most sightly ten roomed residence and ground in the, city. Nicely finished inside and An iaeai' location. 1 nis property win reaauy out. bring a rental of 1 5 per cent on the investment. $2000 .' Will buy one of the most desirable Homes in Sumpter, consisting of an exceptionally desirable lot 90 by 150 fdet, nicely improved, bam, and! house of six rooms with the complete furnishings. A Piano, and other choice pieces of furniture goes with this. This property will bring 20 per cent on the investment. $1000 Will buy another six room house and lot de. sirably located. This propeity Is now bringing 18 per cent as rental on the above price. $250 A choice resident lot near the center of town. $75 For a desirable building lot on the hill. ' 'is .,'. . t IS I 1. -.1 a:: If you are seeking safe and remunerative in vestments call and see us, as we have some snaps f in the way of Business opportunities; Mines and! aiso mine prospects, on wmen consideraoie workl has been done, Houses and lots, and also! vacant lots, on which good money can be made I by improving the same. If you have not money enough' to build you a home, we will help you, and put you, in ,a position, to put the rent you are paying others in your own purse. CALL ON OR ADDRESS Inland Empire Investment Co. JESSE HOBSON, Manager J fawwtiwiwwiwwiitiMm