The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, February 10, 1904, Page 11, Image 11

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    Wednesday, February 10, 1904
this arrangement would not fnioot
with your uuquaIifledlendot8enicnt, I
so 1 meroly suggest tho matter; I do
not tirgo It.'
Shot line
Want Certain Districts That
Are Tributary Annexed to
Baker County
Both the Baker City papers have
taken up thn matter of annexing to
Baker county tbo several mining dis
tricts now inoluded In (..rant county,
but which are necessarily tributary
to Sumpter, owing to the topography
of the country as woll as tho googra
pby of county lines.
Tho Democrat quotes a number of
tlie promiuent residents of tbo dis
tricts so situated as being violently
in favor of tbo proposition.
The Herald has much to say on
the subject in recent Issues. Last
evening it published an alleged in
terview with the editor of The Miner,
which an irresponsible attache of this
paper dares to reproduce during bis
temporary absence from the office,
knowing tbo while that it will offend
-that dictator around this shop. But
lie ought to be here attending to
business himself, instead of leaving
it to a suoordlnate. The Herald
Thomas Garlic Qwynne, the brainy
editor of the Sumpter Dally Miner,
one of the newsiest little newspapers
published in any town the slzo of
Sumpter in Oregon, is down today
from the hills.
"What's all this I hear about se
cession In Urant county?" he asked.
"Why Is the whiohness of this big
noise? What baa Urant county ever
done to the Herlad that you should
lambast her and throw dire threats
in the way of robbing her of a big
chunk of land? Lot me iu on the
Inside of this thing. I am all oars
but my feot. "
"Peace," said the Herald editor.
"Peace be with you. War has not
yet beeu declared. Tho mtuem and
the miuing camp merchants of tho
north end of Urant county waut whnt
thoy waut. In view of tho fact that
tney are entitled to something thoy
haven't got, it is but natural that
the Herald should make known their
-wants and announce itself as willing
that they should want things."
"Thank you," said the Sumpter
journalist. "You are as plain and
coherent as a diplomatic note. Lis
ten, Alamo, Uranite and Greenhorn,
likewise Susanvllle, aro undoubtedly
isolated. They are In close connec
tion with the couuty seat of their
county only by wireless. They are
compelled to undergo hardships In
making necessary journeys from their
cloud-kissing hills to Canyon City.
This is to be regretted and if it
can be remedid,everybody even the
aheepherders of Grant county
should help toward that end. But
why Alamo, Granite, Geenborrn and
Susanvllle? Why this Invidious dis
tinction? The camps montloned are
not tbo only opon cuts on tho ledgo.
"Tako a map of the Sumpter min
ing district What's that? O, all
right tbo Baker county mining dis
trict and traco the lino which
meanders aluug the heavon-ollmbiug
grauito divide between Cable Cove
aud Lake creek, ton miles as tbo
crow iIIob, from Sumpter. This line
is the Urant couuty Hue. Jt was
located by some ono with a predilec
tion for Mazama work. He only
wanted to hit the high places. He
put the boundary line wbero uo one
could conveniently out It down and
coll It up. He strung It up above
the timber Jlne where only the clouds
and Tom Gray ever go, except on
compulsion. The Crown Point mine
tunnel starts in Baker county and is
now In Urant county. The Unole
Sam tunnei starts in Urant county
and tho breast Is in Baker county.
Miners In the Crown Point and Undo
Sam never pay poll tax. Whon the
assessors come around they simply
move forward or back as the case
may be.
"Every miner In Cable Cove, Lake
Creek, La Bellevue, Monumental,
Crane Flat and contiguous d 1st riots,
trade in Sumpter. When they are
compelled to go to Canyon City via
Granite, they climb over two or three
dizzy-pinnacled summits, stage It
from Granite to Sumpter, rail It from
Sumpter to Whitney, stago it from
Wbltney to Prairie ( accent over
that portion of tbo road which com
pels walking) nnd Dually thou enter
upon tbo last stago of thoir journoy
fiom Pralrio to Canyon by stiiuo. If
thoy linvo any money loft, and by
baud if they aro broke. It takes
three days to make tbo trip under
favorablo conditions, and costs
enough to keep an uutomobllo aud
steam yacht In commission for n
"If by any hook or crook there Is
going to bo auy county division,
Cablo Covers and Lake creekers want
to get into tho game. Thoy need it;
they are entitled to it. aud they will
probably got it.
"The real proper way to settle the
question would bo to move the
county seat of Baker county from
Baker City to Sumpter, and then add
Cable Cove, Lake Creek, the La
Bellevue, the North Fork of the John
Day region, all of Uranite, Alamo,
Greenhorn and Susanvllle and settle
down to make a greater Baker
"I am well awaro, however, that
Tho Miner recolvod a lutor today I
from J. M. McPhoo, dated at El
Paso, Texas, February 2, In, which
ho state? that bo expects to roturu toj
Sumpter within from two to four
He states that tho eastern officials
of the Golden Wizard have written,
urging him to return hero aud take
charge of the mlue again. To this
request he replied that he would do
so on one condition; that his author
ity, so far as dictating tho work doue
at tho property is concerned, should
bo absolute, without intorforoncn.
ills return dopeuda on whether or
not this demand is complied with to
the letter. -
Mr. MoPhee intimates that some
tinhorn exports have boou hammorliig
him during his ahseuco, and bo Is
anxious to got back aud faco 'thorn,
declaring that tho Golden Wizard is
a miuo aud ho will mako it a pro
ducer if tbo stockholders will lot him
As ovory ono knows, there has boon
considerable talk horo, to tho etfect
that tbo gout Ionian left hero uudor
sumo sort of a cloud, uo ono ever
moutiontug tho nature theroof.
President Miller says ho has beeu in
constant communication with bim.
Mr. McPhee requests Tho Miner to
inform bis friends here that the
baby, on account of whose III health
he left, la much better aud entire
recovory la hoped for.
Roy H. Clarke, of the engineering
Arm of Juessen k Claike, loft this
afternoon for Pine, Idaho, where this
Arm turned tbe Franklin mlue re
cently to eastern clients. This
group ot claims was bonded to east
ern people through Juessen k Clarke,
and Mr. Clarke was retained as super
lntendent of the property.
According to Mr. Clarke's state
ments made to a Minor represent
attve, tbe group Includes ton claims,
aud tbo oastoru pooplo havo already
begun work with a forco of fifty men
aud contemplate continuous develop
ment. There is something like 1,'JOO feet
of tuuuol work done at tho Franklin,
aud thero Is a ton stomp mill located
on the property. Mr. Clarke says It
Is the policy of tho now people to
Inaugurate vigorous development.
A report from the United Elkboru,
formerly known as the Balsley-Elk-born,
states that tbe company is now
shipping daily fltteeu tons of concen
trates. The property is equipped with a
five foot Bryau mill, which is stead
ily operating. Superintendent Fields
Is exerting every elfort to bring tbo
property to tbe frout.
and union Pacific
Silt Like,
Diner, Kims City.
new romt
Ocean steamers between Portland
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Low Rate I
Tickets to and from all parti of
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Through Pullman Standard and
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For particulars, call on or add;
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Only transcontinental line
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1 Three splendidly equipped tra ns '
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M " 1 -V-.
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