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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1904)
Wednesday, Febiuan $, 1904 THh bUMPTEH MINbR FIRE AT THE NORTH POLE Two Bunk Houses Burned at Tunnel No. I Beyond Bourne, Yester day Afternoon. Not Known Definitely How it Origin- ated And Impossible to Estimate The Loss. A couple of bunk bouses at tbo North Polo's No. 1 ttiunol, half milo boyoud Oourne, wore burned between 1 and 2 o'clock yesterday aftoruoou. Tbo loss of the buildings Is about 3300, but it Is impossible to estimate bow much the miners lost iu the way of clothing, bedding, mouoy and other tbluKs. Ouo miucr lost a watch which bo valued at 800. Sov oral bad various small sums of money iu tbelr trunks and valises, but it is diUicult to obtain what amount is represented. How tbo II ro uriKluated is not known. Joliu Fox, suporintcudeut of the North Polo miuo, la hero to day, but bo 1h at a loss to acpauut for its origin. Ho thinks probably a caudlo was loft buruiug, or the stovo was allowed to get too hot, and it caught liro iu this way. There are three bunk houses and a boardlug bouse at Tuunel No. 1. The third bunk bouse is situated aomo distauoo away, aud at no tiuio was in danger of catching tire from the others, but it was with difficulty that the board ing house, situated nearer, was saved. Mr. Fox does not attempt to estimato the loss, either of the buildings or the miners' effectH. Others say that it will take perhaps 8300 or 8100 to roplaoe the buildings, while of ourse, it is harJ to toll tbo cash value of what tho minors lost in per sonal offeots. Tbo buildings will havo to be replaced at once, it is un derstood. SPECIAL EDITION OF MINING WORLD A. 0. Illllon, special representa tive of tho Mining World, published at Chicago, is bore for tho purpose of securing data to bn used iu a special edition of tbo World, to bo issued in August, on account of tho meeting of tbo American Miuiug congress at Tort laud. Mr. Illllon will cover tho eutlro state from a mining point of -Teiw, giving exhaustive information relative to tbo industry In Oregon, lie will make bis headquarters at Portlaud during tho meeting of the 'Congress. The special edition of tbo World containing a recapitulation of mining for the year 1003 issued early in January, met with general favor here, and Mr. Hillen says that the spoclal August number will be equally as attraotive. Gold Found In California In 1829. The first discovery of gold in Cal ifornia by Americans, it is now -claimed, was In 1820, near Meno ILake. This, as will appear, was twenty years before Marshall's rediscovery-at Coloma. The discoverers were hunters aud trappers, com maudod by Jedodlah S. Smith. Crossing at tho bead of the Truckeo liver they traversed the Sacramento and Sun .loaquiu valloys, aud headed homeward iu 18'JD. They reeroscd tho mouutaius at Walker's Pass, aud skirled the base of the Sierras until Meno Lit leu was reached; from thenco they turned eastward to Salt Lnko. This was the party Iliidiug gold at Meno Lake. Uancroft mentions the fact in hia history of the Pacific coast. Pacific Coast Miner. COMPLETE COAL MINE AT ST LOUIS BIG FAIR A St. Louis World's fall liullotlu says: Down iu a coal mint, under neath tho ground, tho visitor to the World's fair may waudor aud explore to his heart's couteut. Ho may, at his luxurious easr, peuotrato drifts aud tuuuols of great lengths and soo tho minors dolvo iu tbo ground aud bring forth tbo black diamonds that havo fain for couutloss ages awaiting tho domauds of civilization. Ho may sec tbo coal as It lies in its natural state; ho may soo it loaded into cars iu tho mines and haulod by mules to the shaft where by tbo latost machinery it will bo hoisted to an up-to-date coal breaker, aud may wituoss the bieakiug, wash ing aud sizing of cnul. Every pro cess of mining will bo shown and all of tbo methods for transporting tho coal will bo oxbibltod. This exhibit, which will bo ouo of tho many Interesting features of Miu iug gulch of twelve acres at the World's fair, is beiug Installed by the coal operators of tbo Pennsyl vania antbraclto Holds aud tho manu facturers of mining macbiuory and equipment. The coal breaker will bo the only part of the exhibit that may bo vlowod from tho grounds abovo. This will bo a typ'cal structure aud will rlsp about eighty foot. Tho rest of tho exhibit will bo under tho ground. Couuocted with tho hroakor will bo a novol electric railroad that will fol low tho main tuunel aud tho visitor may tako a round trip via this novol routo, and ou bis underground jour noy be may got a kunnlcdgo of everything pertaining to coal min ing as it la carried ou iu tho famous Pennsylvania districts. Tho tunnel in its entlru !:igth will bo walled with blocks of ual taken from tho Pennsylvania miner Tho timbers will ho leal aud will show exactly how tho "roof" of a miuo is propped. There will bo rooms leading off" from tho main tun uol whoro tho visitor may see the real miners in their mining apparel, car rying tho smoky Ittlo lamps iu their caps, at work drilling and preparing to blast. Air shafts will appear at intorvals to Insure at all times a plen tiful supply of fresh air. Much of the routo will bo brilliantly illumi nated with electric lights, but cer tain sections will bo lighted only by torches, and tho lamps that the minors o rry. A unique feature of the exhibit will bo a restaurant deep down iu tho ground. Not a ray of natural light will ever penetrate this eating place, and the ouly light will bo from torches and minors lamps. Tho wait ers will be dressed iu mining garb. Room and board at Sumpter Hotel (or 810 per week aud up. BEEVES AND EGGS SOLD IN A JIFFY W. M. Chamberlain aud II. C. HI Hot, of Uurnt river, in rhed nuro at noon "toduy over (hi' new road, te ceutly opened to travel, with live beeves aud twenty iltmn eggs, which they disposed of iu a couple of hours at good prices. They sold tho eggs at tlfty cents a dozen cash The iieef wont equally as well. Aiid tho peo ple are clamoring for more. After ovorything was sold out, a string of eltbcns appeared at Tom Taylor's llveiy baru, whoro the Ilurnt river ranchers stable their teams, aud de manded moro stuir. Messrs. Elliot and Chamberlain got spot cash for eveiy pound and dozen they brought, and could have sold many times tbo amount thy had. They my that the people of Sumpter aio treating thorn' its well as could bo asked, and tn(Veturn they aio purchasing supplies of various kluds of the moichauts here to take back with them. Tliey have made arrangements tube heto again with another load next Thursday or Fri day, and those who failed to get ac commodated on this trip, have been ptumlsod stutr next week. Tho trip wiih made uver tho new road all right. They left Mr. Elliot's place, four miles south of Kings' ranch at 8:30 yscterday morning, camped last night at Pheasant springs, aud arrived hero at noon today. Tho trade relations between Ilurnt river aud Sumpter aro beiug gradually established, aud it Is the geuoral sontimeut that this en tiro soopo of country will look to Sump tor as its market. Chamberlain aud Elliot will return early iu tho morning. UNEQUALLED OPPORTUNITY TO SECURE A PIANO TREE. In atiotbor column of Tho Miner is published u most attractive subscrip tlon offor. Arrangements bavo heou made with Tho Twico-a-Wook Spokes- mnn-Roriow. the most popular family newspaper iu tbo Northwost, to club with it and permit Miner readers to participate In the contest for a band some piauo aud uumorous cash prizos which it olfors. Sucb au expensive contest can bo conducted only by a paper of largo circulation, one that; - no country paper could atrord Itself, unaided, to Inaugurate and Miner lenders aro fortunate Iu securing this opportun ity to participate iu this ouo. ThL Is no guessing contest, tail puiely a trial of skill Head tho adveitisement ; It explains tho sys tem fully, ami you will surely try to count tbo diamonds. Good Development Progress. Judge W. H. Chambers, of tho Dig Producer, accompanied by Mrs. Chamhors, camo iu this morning on his way to Spokane. Judgo Chambers reports satisfactory deve lopment progress at tho property. Shareholders Meeting. Notice is boroby given that thero will bo a mooting of tbo shareholders of tho First National Dank, of Sump tor, Tuesday, February 10, 1004, at tbelr baukiug houso at 1 1 a. in. It. H. MILLEK, Cashier. Dated Jan. 11, 1901. SPECIAL NOTICE If you want to rend a free and inde pendent paper, devoted to the inter j I of mining and current incuts, which is 'inf controlled by any pro moting concern, such as most of the papers In the east are, send for a free sample copy of NEW YORK BANKER '; MIOADWAY, NEW YORK THE NATIONAL BANKER 14 II It Sail St. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS A journal of National circulation. Is read by bankers, capitalists, in vestors, retired merchants. If you waul to reaeli a good class of buyers aud tho lunuojcd and investing pub lic, advertise iu tbo National Hanker. Thousands of copies of enci issue of tho National Hanker goes to investors throughout the Middle West, Eastern and New England states. The best journal iu the country iu which to reach investors. Sample copies free Advertising rates ou application. THE SUMPTER GOLD BELT MINING COMPANY CAPITALIZATION SIOO.OOO F. C. ItRODIK, M. F. MUZZY, -F. O. IIUCKNUM, C. II. CHANCE, C. II. FENNEIt, President Vice President See. and Treas Attor ney Engineer mum mi w the fiREENNORN 4NB SUMPTER DISTRICTS Smnptir, OrtgM ATTENTION! I)o you deslro to sell stock in your (old, Copper, Mining or other In dustrial companies? If so, you can not tind a hotter advertising medium than TNE DIXIE MANUFACTURER UUHHHAM, AUIAIU. It is tho leading Industrial aud tliiaucial paper published iu tho Son tli . It reaches that class ol read ers who aro interested iu financial aud industrial affairs. It is old aud established. Published seiui-iuouth-I v. (iiiaranteed circulation 10,000. Subscription price 2.00 per year. Advertising rate reasonable. Send for sample copy and advertising rates. Address, RoHRtrti Publishing Company Birmingham, Alabama. . q MONTHS q DIMES k J To IntrnJuci Tlitf BEST MINING NEWSPAPER I Published to a large number of new readers we will send the American Mining News J u Every Week I'or Months 3 Issues 0 For Only j THIRTY CENTS V In Silver or Stamp Holiablo Information in regard to mining stocks FREE to all Subscribers j jt jt Address, Department S. AMERICAN MININ6 HEWS CO. a II iiroadway Now York City. 4