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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1904)
Wednesday, January zj k;o4 THh bUMPTER MINhR RICH ORE IN PLACE Shoot at I. X. L Gives tvidence of Permanence Says One of The Owners. Here is Where The $8,000 Ore Comes from Mill Running Well. Charles Doughetry, nuo of the owners of the I. X. L., mid Fred Kelly, general manager of tho prop erty, wore ou tho train this morning, returning from Ilakor City. Mr. Kolly wont down several days ago, Jiud Mr. Dougherty wont down yea tordny. Probably Mr. Kolly wont -down to take tho clean up from tho now mill. Probably ho did not. On this point his romarka wcio, "Woll, if I did, I did, uud if I didn't I didn't ." Mr. Dougherty reports tho now rich oro shoot looking bottor than cvor. When hn left thore was every evidence, bo aays, that it was in place and that it would prove u permanent body. The shoot was nnoountored on the drift from the 200-foot lovel, and it was from thin locality that fluob high values have been reported reoeutly. It was from this shoot -that ore going up to $8,000 a ton was disolosed. Ilotb Superintendent Kelly and Mr. Dougherty confirm this statement. The new mill is going all right and tho cyanide plant is giving on tire satisfaction. LITIGATION OVER MINING PROPERTY. Tho caao of J. M. Doylo against W. C. Correll. came up In Judge Allen's court this morulng, but was -continued by stipulation. Tho action involves a miulug claim which was purchased by Doyle from Correll in the Rock Creek dis trict. It is.alleged that the property does not contain tho amount of ground represented, and tho litiga tion Is baaod ou this allegation. JOHN DAY GOAL LEAVES LITTLE ASH WHEN BURNED A number of residents of this placo went out to the shaft that is bolng suuk in proapeottng for coal near here, and brought In samples of lig nite on last Sundav. They have since been trying it in their stoves and grates and flud that It meets this praotical test very creditably. The specimens taken were found .within a few feet of the surface, and are consequently too full of moisture to burn as briskly as desirable. The samples obtained at a greater depth are more satisfactory in this respect. As there are no coal stoves provided with ventilating and draught grates, the experiments were hardly fair. But iu spite of all these drawbacks tin coal iu quantity bums ullh a good steady heat, and shows excellent combustion. A most remarkable fea ture of the fuel is its almost complete combustion, burning with almost no ash. Postmaster Johnson, who hail ln bornusly lngired over a sack full, was very well pleased with bis samples, having burned them iu a range with reversible coal and wood grate. Grant County Nous. MINING EXCHANGE FOR NEW YORK. Will Make Another Effort After Numerous failures. Tho Wall street correspondent of tho Spokesman lioviow writes that papor as follews: This week's announcement of a now mining exchange for Now Vork directed attention to tho number of failures lu this lino. Why Is it? Ono would think that a largo city liko New Vork could support two or three of them, if numbers counted for anything. Hoston thrives on copper stocks. Tho Bostonlau build air caatlea of copper In their dreams out . of their prospectlvo proflts in the shares they bought the day before. An Englishman, In ex plaining tho timidity of foreigners to trade in American railroad stocks, said that tboy thought of things here as a long way off, fooling that they could not get iu touch with actual conditions aud be in a position to decido upon tho merits of our seenrl ties as investments, or as spoculatlro possibilities, for that matter. Now Yorkers, in a snnso, look upon moat mining proportios as a long way off, in liko fashion, aud seem to want au affidavit with a largo flaring seal, indicating that everything is all right. A good reason for this is that so many attempts havo been made lu this generation to float miu lug hubbies here. "Once burnt, al ways timid," has been an exper ience whlohjutlueucea many traders aud others in this community, as applied to mining investments, al though it Is curious to observe that people havo lost ten times as much in other promotions, Including rail road investments, during tho last ten years, as tboy havo In mines. It is to bo noted that after a long exhibition of stock markot gyrations Amalgamated Copper has'como to be regarded with much favor among speculative interests. This stock now stands in much tho same position that Sugar Refining shares did sev eral years ago, when fortunes wero mado or lost within a very short porlod. The Rockefellers, who con trol Amalgamated Copper, soem to have used every effort to make tho stock popular, and as a IJoatou dis patch puts It, they oould, if thoy de sired, have made a fortune oporatiug iu Amalgamated, rigging the market to suit their fanuy and catching vic tims both ways. They aud their friends, of course, dony that they have anything to do with Amalga mated stock, except as Investors. Wall street doe not share in this belief. lu the mutter of mining Imcst men's, what was said uliov o applied to tho public at large. Home of the leading lluanclnl Interests have gone eueiihlvely Into mines and havo greatly increased their investments of this character during the last two years. Such is true of the Standard Oil contingent, the Whitney, (lug geuheim, (iould people and others. Interest iu mining operations prom ises to Increase year by year. Per haps the time Is not far olf when n mining exchange will prove a specu latlro attraction and that Hoston will eeaxe to bo a primary market. TO ENLARGE STATION AT BAKER CITY. Joseph liartou, general freight and passenger ageut of tho Sumpter Vnl Joy, was horn today. Mr. llititon says that extensive improvements of tho company's station at linker will bo undertaken about March 1. A rearrangement of tho S. V. and O. It. & N. tracks at linker will take placo, and tho former company will nulurgo its station by au addition HOx'25 feet. This will alford extra waiting aud baggago rooms with more ample oltlco space. HARNEY COUNTY WILL PUT WILD WEST SHOW ON ROAD The proposal of Mr. Miller, of Drewsey, to organize a "Wild West Show" with Haruoy county men aud material as tho component parts, is worthy of more tfaau passing atten tion. It la an Idea that It would be worth tho whllo of our peoplo to on courago ana pusn forward to tiio higbost pnsslblo point of success. It is well known that from our ranches, both largo and small, can Ih gathered a company of men, who, as typos of the trained aud export raugomou, could not be beaten. At home wo are wont, because of famil iarity, to think llttlo of or entirely over look tho results that might bo obtained from this craft in tlio way of a feature of entertainment. Together with tho display of agri cultural and other products, also tho oudloss variety of strange specimens pf ancient handwork, of fossil relics, Mr. Miller's Idea, If thoroughly car ried out, would lend a strong featuro to a display which for attract I voness to those unused to tho distinctive features of tho bordor countries, would bo hard to eclipse. ilaruey County News. Land Office Will Soon Reopen. V Tho La Grando land olllco is fast assuming a business basis, aud lu a very few days Unole Sam's real ostate ottlco will again be lu proper running uoudltlon, 'The latest acquisition to the machinery is the arrival of special agont J. II. Alexander from tho Hose burg district, who comes here to tako tho place mado vacant by tho transfer of McNutt. Mr. Alexander is really from Minneapolis. He won the dis tinction of hnviug been the principal factor lu placing Mayor Ames, tho municipal boodler, boblud tho bars. Ho has bad many years of experience lu tbe government employ, during which tlmo he has bad much import ant work intrusted to his care. La Urande Obsorver. -j SPECIAL NOTICE If you want to read n free and Inde pendent paper, devoted to the Inter est of milling and current events, which is not controlled by any pro moting concern, such as most of the papers lu the east are, send for a free sample copy of NEW YORK BANKER Jit UltOADUAY, NKW YOKK THE NATIONAL BANKER It I l Sail St. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS A journal of National circulation. Is read by hunkers, capitalists, in vestors, retired merchants. If you want to reach a good class of buyers and the moneyed and Investing pub lic, advertise lu the National Hanker. TIioiimiiiIn of copies of each issue of tho National Hanker goes to investors throughout tbe Middle West, Kastcrn and New Kuglaud states. The Itest journal iu the country iu which to reach investors. Sample copies free Advertising rates on application. THE SUMPTER BOLD BELT MINING COMPANY CAPITALIZATION $100,000 F. C. I1UOD1K, M. F. MUZZY, F. O. HUOKNUM, G. II.CIIANUH, O. 11. KKNNKU, President Vice President Sec. and Tress Attorney P.nginoer BKIATES IWE8 II TNE GREENHORN AND SUMPTER DISTRICTS Supter, Oregon ATTENTION! Do you desire to sell stock lu your (lold, Copper, Mining or. other In dustrial companies? If so, you can not lind a lietter advertising medium than THE DIXIE MANUFACTURER IIUMBHIlll, HMIM. It is tho leading industrial and financial paper published in tho South. It reaches that class of read ers who are interested in financial and industrial affairs. It Is old and established. Published semi-month-ly. Guaranteed circulation 10,000, Subscription price f'.'.OO per year. Advertising rate reasonable. Send for sample copy and advertising rates. Address, RoHHtni Publishing Company rnbiflhaM, Alabama. 3 MONTHS DIMES j To Introjucr The BEST MINING NEWSPAPER Published to a large number of new lenders nn will Kind the American Mining: News $ A Every Wrck lor J 3 Months J 3 Issues 4 Tor Only THIRTY CENTS V In Silver or Sump, Reliable Information in regard to mining stocks rKKK to all Subscribers j jt jt Address, Department S. AMERICAN MINING NEWSCO. til Ilroadway Now York City. 4