I 0 ii 1 I THF. SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, January 27, igo4. FREE $850.00 FREE $150 in cash $700 in prizes 2. c "2 B II o c mmwm -3 3 rf a. B rr 2. .3 I 2. I "8 3 Thin in tint greatest offer iwr made to the ptople of tuln ci unty. Not Ki take ndwintagu of it siinplv ineaiiH you limy loose $700 by vour carelessness. Hy Hpct-iiil iirranuciuontH wc tire able to offer The TwUt a Week Spokesman-Review of Spokane,' Wash., the bent family paper published in the northwest, mill The Dally Miner for six. mouths, oi thc.Wcekly Miner lor one yuir lor $2.50. mill give our subscribers nn opportunity to win some very valuable priy.es. An upright plinio uml pinola mid HM ilollnrH in cash will In; given away free to tin; people w bo tun count above diamonds. Tin piano ami piuobi will lie given to Hie subscriber counting (be nearest correct, or. in imm of n lie, to tint one lining the bent method in counting. $150 in cash prizes After tlm piano mid pianola are awmdrd. the next best eoiint "ill get 50 in cash, next fJH, next flfi, next flO, next fft, the next leu will get 1 each, the next 15 will get f each ; and to the pet con 111 thin enmity -endiiiL' best omit or, In vane of tic, best plan, anil not winning at least a flO nriz.u. will lie awarded a Hue mantle cluck. A total of III' prizes. Suiely mil 01 nil these yi.11 can win one. Awards will be made as fullowsi The jier-jon lomiug nearest correct number and suggesting best plan of counting gets Hrst prize, the next nearest second prize, mid ho on down tlm list The Piano will be awarded to (hose who count neatest correct to the number. If there should be a ti" In the count for any prize it will lie awarded to the person suggesting best plan of counting tie deli. Tin- tries vour wits. An Elegant Upright Piano and Pinola, Valued a $700.00, Free Bought of and Upon Exhibition at .the Store of the Simon Piano Co., Spokan:, Wash. An Elegant Melville-Clark Piano and Apollo Piano Player After all arreaiH are p.ud, fl! M pay for one car's stihcriptinu to The Twice-a-Week Spokesman-Hoview and oil" paper mid entitles yon to one count, or $1.75 paVH for IhiIIi papers for two cars mid entitles ott to three counts, and by taking one on each side of what you think is: the correct number vou are more lively to win, and, besides, if you win,. you 'get the grand special prize of f 15, which yon do not get if vou only have one vear paid in advance. tirand special prize To the one winning the piano mid pianola will be given an additional cash pri.c of f5, providing tliey have thiee advance subscription counts entered. That i, have all m reals paid mid two cnrs in advance to the '1 nice a iek Spokcsiuan-licvicw and ourpapei for the two. If oii win the piano and pinola, mid hae paid one year at t'J.oit. the judges will give you the piano mid pianola only. If you win the piano and pianola, anil I'axo two yearn' subscription paid for in advance, you net $15 extia. It will pay to have the llnee advance counts. Plcuse note There Is no element of chance, of gucs work or Mterj about this. It is a test of skill, pniu and simple. If you can count the dia monds correctly you win. The number of prizes are so large ou are bound to hit it somewhere. Condition The contest is open to all, both old and new suhcrihcr. Old subscriber- in am ars hum p.iy arrears and in advance to get counts a abuxe. Advance sub-criptiiui must be at fL'.5l) I or year, which pas for one year to the Twice it-Neck Sookcsuiiili-ltcview and nix months to .he I)llv n one year to the Weekly Miller and entitles you to one count ; fl.75 pas for both papers two years and entitles you to three countH and makes mi eligible for the grand flft special price. H or Publisher Pear Sir.-1 wish to enter Kuclo-ed llud on arrears, which pays me up to date. Also llud f for years' subscription to hot! and theTwice-a- Week Spokcsin.in-Hcview, SHikaue, Wash,, at your special rate of $. counts. Ilae Twice-a-Week Siokesiuan-Kcview addressed to Time, 1 or two years. NA.MK. !'.(. , . .for the two. This entitle- me to Whether new or old SI'Ai'K subscription to the Spoke-inan-llcview. (Subscriptions in the SHikennaii-l'eviow can bc'sciit to p.u'ties liiin- in the country if the party contest iug Ilxes in-town, or where you pay two e.tr The Spokt suuiu-ltevieu may go to twit aihlresses oiie year if you prefer. Due of these may go to you or both to friends if you piefer.) My name i ... '. .'.....'...I'. 0....' Co State My counts aie I U Mv plan of counting is thl- . . . :.. 10. Certificates The Twice-n-Week SmkeHinnn-Ueicw will i-sue you a certificate receipt, hIiow ing nunibfr of your counts, certifying counts have been turned over to the judges. No counts not receipted for by The Svokesnmn-Itovivv will be entered in the contest, hut do not send your countH to the The Twice-a-Week Sxike8 niaii Itevicw. Send them to us. Contest Closes April 30, 1904 Positively JUDGES Hon. uko. w. iritxKi:, Alaska (.'ommisflioner. HON. W. W. TOI.MAN, State Senator. HON. I.. I'. HOY I), .Mayor, Sokiine, Wash. VQST?