The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, January 20, 1904, Page 6, Image 6

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Wednesday, January 20,1904
Doane And Gleason Bring Actions
Against The Balsleys And
J. N. Doane ull W. II. Gleason
Imvo Med action against Jerry C.
Ilaialey itud-M. A. Halsloy for the
possession hiiiI ownership of tbe
Huokoyo hiiiI Dixit) Quern quartz
claims, located on IIih divide be
iween I took and Little Cracker
creeks, an the recovery of damages
for unlawful entry to ho extent of
5,000; and hIho, against J. C. Halo
Icy ami K. M. I'aytou, under tbo
Name head, and for the recovery of
the aame amount of damages.
The complaint seta forth "that do
fendauta herein are cloHely related to
inch other hy marriage and have buou
ho related at all Union hereinafter
mentioned," and theu goes on to
atate that on or about the month of
June, 190'.!, plaintiff were negotiat
ing for the aaln of the property for
the mini of 1(1(1,000 to repouaihlo
purchasera, and were ready to givo a
good and aiiltloieut deed.
While theao negotiation were
pending, the aaid Jerry C, Haisloy,
fot the purpoae of clouding title and
fraudulently compelling plalutllfa by
blackmail, etc., and during the tem
porary ataMDcn of plaintiff ataked
mod olaiBid the ground lit questlou.
It la also olaimnd that there waa
collusion between the defendant and
that Jerry C. Ilalaley should act as
aoot or employe of hi co-defendant.
Then followa an alienation which
la quoted :
"That aaid defendant. .). C. Bail
ley, baa repeatedly committed the
mi mo ,fraiid on othera, and ha for
years laat paat, habitually made it
hia disreputable IiiihIukim to clcud
lu I ll I iik tltlea by jumpliiK thu lawful
mining location of othera for black
mailing purpose, art in thin In
tttiiium. "
The location in quetlnu aie
known as the lluckeyu group, Includ
ltK the Huckeyo, Crown, descent
iind Dixie (jiimm iiiartz claim. It
wit on the lluckovu that a rich Htrike
wit made last Hiimmer, attiactiug
much atteutlou.
The rnn.ton alleged foi relocation
In that llm hhhchhiih'IiI work ha not
lieen completed iiiTiirdlug to law, and J
that in one iuilHiice too much ground
la claimed. Mr. Gleason I now In
linker City, but Mr. Duaiic. tli other
plaintiff, wtatoa that not only Iiiim
tbe aHHeaameut work beeu done, but
that In the iutauce where llalsley
olaliim too niuuh ground I Included,
It fall HO feet abort of being
uuough. Mr. Doane Hay: t
"Tin man llailey i a chroulu
claim jumper, lie doe hi dirty '
work in the name of M. A. Hailey, i
hi wife, and K. M. i'aytou, bla sister-in-law.
He ha now sixty-two i
location that I know of uljacetit to I
our property, he la trying to hold. I
lu the aumnier of 'M)'l he located u
tunnel alto on our lluckeye cliiim. ,
V informed him that he wa ou our j
ground, and he moved farther down,
but still within our Hues. We unti
tled bl in to get otf, aud It was theu
he set up the excuse that we bad too
much ground. We had the claim
tiurvoyed aud found It was 111' feet
too short.
"Later be went, and., located, the j
DiamoDd fraction and tbe Treasure
Vault, on Dixie Queen around, belonging-
to tbe aame group. Last
fall, after we bad completed our as
sessment work, be wa there making
a ahow at doing h'la. He is u cbrouio
Klmer Cleaver If bere today. He
is just back from tbe Myers group,
near Medical Lake, operated by the
Indiana Mining company, in which
he is interested.
Tbe now bolst, recently Installed
on tbe property, was started up last
Frday, and Mr. Cleaver says Is doiug
good work. Pumps were also in
stalled. Tbe hoist has a depth ca
pacity of r00 feet. The shaft was
sunk eighty feet by baud on the ore
body beforo the machinery was put
in. It is tbo present purpose to con
tinue sinking. J. W. Messner is
geuorul manager of the company, and
also of the Prairie Diggings, opeiated
by practically the same people.
L. Van Hecke, of Soiux Kails,
South Dakota, a director in tbe Mid
way company, and W. II. Rogers,
oue of the stockholders, were out
yesterday at tbe property with Harry
Heudryx. They are both highly
pleased witb the management and
with tbe mine itself. Tbe crosscut
from tbe 100 foot station in tbe
ahaft, cut into tbe foot wall of tbe
vein while tbe party was there yea
terday. The distance driven to reach
the vein was forty-eight feet, lioth
Mr. Van. Hecke and Mr. Hogera vis
ited several of tbe neighboring prop
erties, and aro well satislled with tbe
general outlook. Mr. Van Hecke
"I am exteuslvely interested In
mining property iu both California
and Utah, iu fact more so thau 1 am
here, but 1 pin my faith ou my
Humptur holdiugs more tbau I do ou
tbntti in either of tbe other states. I
wa hero u year ago iu February, aud
the progress of the district has vastly
exceeded my calculations With
good management aud proper devel
npmiMit, in my opinion Sumpter in a
few years will be one of the lending
gold centers of the country."
G. M. Anderson, of In wood,
Iowa, president of the Keystone Mill
ing company, orearatiug in tbe
Quartzburg district arrived here this
morning aud will remain several
days. The Keystone, it will be re
membered, was taken over by the
(lulser-lleudryx company last sum
mer. Mr. Aulerson Intend spend
ing some time at the property before
Have Gone East.
Mr. aud Mrs. W. L. Killon aud
children departed for tbe east this
afternoon. Mrs. Kllleu will visit
her old home iu Nebraska while. Mr.
Kllleu goes further east to visit tbo
various brunch otllces of tbe com
pany. They will probably be goue a
H. H. Ames, oue of tbe owners of
the MorntDg mine, In the Greenhorn
district, came in yesterday afternoon.
Tbe deal for tbe transfer of the
Morning property to eastern people,
Mr. Ames states, has not been com
pleted, but be thinks it will be with
in the next few days. As stated
gome time ago, tbe papers are In es
crow, and all tbe details of tbe
transaction bave been arranged, but
tbe papers have not yet passed.
A report from tbe Alamo today
states that tbo mill will begin opera
tion tomorrow. Tbe matter has been
delayed ou account of tbe water
freezlug in tbe flume. Wbon J. R.
Cassin aud his party went out some
days Bgo. it was expected to begin at
ouce, but the flume was frozen tight
and tbe dolay was due to this fact.
Tbe report states, however, that
tbe water is now through tbe flume
aud everything In readiness to start
"Butte mines produced $35,000,
000 this laat year and will produce
100,000,000 this year," aaid General
Cbarlea S. Warren, of the Montana
metropolis, yesterday. General War
ren ba.i beeu a pioneer In most of tbe
western mining camps, back almost
to the time "when tbe memory of
man runneth not to tbe contrary."
His experiences bave included most
of tbo vicissitudes of western mining
life. Despito bla gray hairs be re
talus a cheery optimism aud bubbliug
enthusiasm rarely equalled. He can
make as hopeful guesses on output
as anybody. He added:
"Take tbe Pacific oceau aa a west
ern boundary, Mexico as tbe south
ern Hue and draw a line north, 400
miles east from tbe oceau to tbe
north pole, aud the little territory
within three miles of tbe court bouso
at Butte last year produced more
thau half of tbe mineral wealth of
that vast section.
"Today there are 9,500 men em
ployed underground iu the mines of
Butte. By May 1 this number will
be swelled to 12,000. AH tbe
ground that lloluze aud tbe Amalga
mated Copper Mulug compauy are
fighting over could, be forgotten with
out interfering witb this output,
ileiuze iu tbe Cora baa 150,000,000
os ore iu sight. Tbe Amalgamated
has 9100,000,000 in sight iu ground
that is not iu litigation.
"Should some third persou get all
the properties that tbe two interests
are lighting over, it would be tbe
best possible tbiug foi Heiuze aud
tho Amalgamated aud tbe camp. Then
tbey would bave to treat tbeir own
ores aud uot spend so much time try
lug to see bow much of the other fel
low's ore tbey cau corral. Neither
of them are saiuts. I am a Heiuze
mau. 1 kuow that tbe A. C. M.
compauy is uo saint aud I bave a
suspiciou that Heiuze la uot oue,
.Responding to the quest jou of a
market for such Increased ouptut, in
view of recent reports of overproduc
tion of copper, General Warren said:
"There Is plenty of market. Copper
is about 12 li cents now, isn't it?
Well, tbey can produce copper for 7
cents in Butte." Spokesman Re
Bradstreet's makes the interesting
statement that of the number of per
sons iu business in this country iu
1003, only seventy-six one-hnu-dredths
of one per cen.t failed, this
being tbe smallest percentage re
corded in twenty-two years.
This ought to put a quietus on tbe
Dotion that baa prevailed in some
quatera that tbe consolidation of in
dustries and growth of department
stores, wblcb has been going on iu
recent years, were bringing ruin to
mulititudes of small business con
cerns. It is noteworthy, too, that 1903
was a year in which busiuesa in many
lines fell off materially. It waa
marked uot only by curtailment of
production in many braucbes of man
ufacturiug, but by the laying off of
many railway employes and by an
epidemic of strikes in nearly every
part of the country.
His further significances Brad
street's points out, that while there
waa some increase in tbe total liabil
ities of insolvents In 1003 over those
of 1002, tbia increase waa due chiefly
to tbe suspensions of financial insti
tutions and ," heavy manufacturing
These facta are commended to the
prayerful consideration of those poli
ticians who bave beeu making a great
hue and cry over the cruel and crush
ing effects of tbe "trusts" on small
tradesmen and shopkeepers. New
York Commercial.
G. W. Boggs came in from the
Golden Fleece this morning, where
he has beeu looklug after tbe work
now under way at tbe property. The
Golden Fleece, also knowu as the
Anderson claims, it will be remem
bered, was turned over a short time
ago by Mr. Boggs to Tacoma people.
Tbe operations at preseut, Mr.
Boggs states, are confined largely to
prospecting with h view to getting
everything in readiness for inaugu
rating exteusvie devlopmeut work iu
tbe near future
Mr. Boggs weut to Baker City thia
afteruoou, but will return iu a few
S. A. Pelkey and Guy E. Pearson,
owners of tbe Yankee Girl, near Bear
Gulch, came iu today from the prop
erty. Tbey bave been cutting the veiu,
and are now in ten feet without
reaching tbe wall. So far tbe ledge,
shows a good quality of milling ore.
High values, however, are expected
ou tbe foot wall, as iudicated by the
surface showing. Work is to be,
To Rent Large bouse on High
street. Low rate to tbe right party.
Apply F. O. BUCKNUM.