The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, January 20, 1904, Image 12

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of the
Pay for
Keystone Company Alleges
Disregard of Temporary
Restraining Order.
Contempt proceedings wore to bo
inntitutud nt Canyon City toilny hy
tho KeyHtouo Mining company,
iiKHitiHt tho Equity Copper and Gold
Mining company, of Qartzbiiurg, for
alleged disregard of tho temporary
restraining onlor granted liiHt week
hy Judge Clifford, forbidding troHpatm
on tho property claimed by tho Key
Htouo ootnpmiy, ponding h hearing
for permanent Injunction nt tho uo.xt
torm ol Circuit court in (Hunt
county. Tho nuoimtmry papers woro
propiirod hero hy tho company's at
totuoy, N. 0. Kiohiirds, and trans
mitted to Hh legal roprwontutlvoH at
Ciiuyou City.
Thl uuw feature of tho ciiho grnwH
out of tin' allegation that tho Equity
company paid no uttoutlou to tho
order of tho court In tho mutter of u
temporary Injunction, hut wont
ahead taking oro from ground claimed
hy tho KeyHtouo company and in
volved in tho litigation recently In
augurated. In the llrnt place, tho KeyHtouo
people allege that the Equity com
pany Iiiih an overlapping location,
doHlguatcd iih tho Oregon claim, on
KeyHtouo ground, from which a lurKo
amount of valuahlo ore Iiiih hveu ex
tracted. Tho KeyHtouo company,
therefore, liiHtltucd an action to per
mnncutly rent ruin tho Equity com
pany from rcmovliitf oro from tno
KeyHtouo claim and nuking 'JO, 000
for damages alleged to have been
done tho property already.
Am Htated, a temporary restraining
order wan granted by Judge Clitford,
ponding the hearing for it permanent
Injunction. Now, it Ih churned by
the KejHtone people, and they stabi
that ample evidence can be bimiKht
forward in mipport of the charge,
that the Faulty company Iiuh totally
disregarded tho command of tho
court, and continued to remove oro
from tho KeyHtouo. Hence, the In
stitution of contempt proceed I huh.
In IIh aiiHwer to the llrnt complaint
the Equity company mukeH Frank
WatHou, of Portland, from whom the
(iclHor-lloiidry.x company acquired
the KeyHtouo claim, and who organ
ized the old Keyntoue Mining and
Milling company and the prenent
Keyntouo company, ol which (i. M.
Anderson, of luwood, Iowa, Ih presl
dent, partleH to the unit. An at
tempt Ih made to -et up a state of
factn hIiomIiik that the iiHsentmient
work on the Kevstono claim wan al
lowed to lapHo and that the ground
wuM subject to relocation. Un tho
otbet baud, the Key nt one company
olalniH that there Ih utiuuduut evi
dence to prove that the assessment
work haB been performed accordliiK
to law.
President Andersou, who has beeti
hero Huveral dayH on nccouut of tho
litigation, loft for homo this after
noon. Ho will probably return, he
states, when tho ciiho comes up for
Shareholders Meeting.
Notice Ih hereby given that thoro
will ho a mooting of tho sharoholdora
of tho First National Hank, of Sump
tor, Tuesday, February 10, 1004, at
their banking utilise at 1 1 a. m.
K. II. M1LLEK, Cunhlor.
Dated Jan. 11, 11)01.
LOST LurKo silver bolt pin, Sat
unlay evening. Return to E. P.
Ilorgmau and receive reward.
J. B. Fryer, of the Case Furniture
company, returned from Greenhorn
HtOi.'IOlast night with the body of
J. W. Keeso, tbe vlcltm of the explo
sion at the Virginia mine. It 1b not
known yot what disposition will be
mado of tbe remains Tbe Green
horn Miners Union wired a brother
of the deceased at North English,
Iowa, for instructions, and a tele
phone message to the Case Furniture
company from Greenhorn late last
night, stated that a reply from the
brother had been received, and that
tbe body was 'to be held until his
arrival. He will probably be here Friday
or Saturday, and it is not known
whether the burial will tako place
bore, or whether the remains will be
taken back to Iowa for interment.
Reports from Baker City state that
Weeden, tho other victim of tho ex
plosion, is getting along nicely at
the St. Elizabeth's hospital, and It
is thought he will recover.
Room and board at Sumpter Ho;ol
for 810 per week and up.
III Lindsay's Cash Store jj
w , .
r I t ,
We have Imitators, but no Equals, on
the Genuine cut in Values we are
Making During this Month on the
Highest Grades of
III What We Advertise To jj
Do, We Do
III Lindsay's Cash Store
Granite Street
Sumpter, Oregon