The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, January 20, 1904, Page 11, Image 11

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    Wednesday, January 20 1904
Wont Talk of Future Policy
But Every Thing is
All Right
Manager Howard, of tbe Golconda,
Mho came back from Pendleton
Monday, where he went to attend a
meeting of the directors, confirms the
statements made in Saturday's Miner
relatlre to tbe continuance of work
at the property.
Although tbe Qolconda was slight
ly embarrassed by the Wade failure,
Mr. Wade being president of tbe
company, and the largest stock
holder, It waj thought for a time
that the mine would have to close
down temporarily ou this account;
but the tide has been stemmed, -and
Manager Howard states that the com
pany Is now in better shape, 6nan
oially, than it has ever been. Matters
were adjusted most satisfactorily, and
operations at this well known pro
ducer are on Ja firm financial basis.
purpose of the company, he states,
to install machinery just as soou as
tbe present development work will
justify it. Sinking will be con
tinued by hand for a short time, and
at au early date a hoisting plant will
be put in. Mr. Anderson brought in
with him a fine line of samples from
the mine.
S. U. Williams, aged 67, superin
tendent of the Midway, died at Hot
Iiake last night at 6 o'clock, after a
brief Illness. About three weeks ago
Mr. Williams contracted a severe
cold, which, with rheumatic compll
cations, he, sought to relieve by
taking treatment at Hot Lake. He
left for there about a week ago.
He leaves a wife, who is now liv
ing at Los Angelos, and ono daugh
ter, Mrs. Ueorge Peet, of this city.
Mr. Williams was one of tho best
known mine superintendents in tbe
district, having had charge of the
Bonanza during tbe Qelser owner
ship, and later of the Gem. A few
months ago he took charge of the
Midway for tbe Uelser-Hundryx com
pany. In bis younger days, Mr.
Williams was a cattle inspector in
Texas and New Mexico, and a we.l
known ludian scout
Tbe remains were taken to Maker
City this morning, wbero they will
be buried by tbe Elks, of which
order Mr. Williams was a member.
Tbe funeral services will be held
Mr. P. A. Brady, superintendent
of tbe Belcher and Red Lion in the.
(Jreenborns, was on the train 'this
afternoon ' going to Baker. Mr.
Brady says that mills for both the
Belcher and Red Lion will arrivo in
a few days.
It is his purpose to get tbe ma
chinery In over tbe suow and start
construction work on tbe plants early
In tho spring. In the moantlmo ho
will carry out a well planned devel
opment policy at both properties.
and Mrs.
at 2 o'clock
Peet left this
p. m. Mr.
afternoon to
G. M. Anderson, of Inwood, Iowa,
president of tbe Keystone Mining
company, and Harry Hendry x, re
turned Saturday night from tbe
-Quartzburg district, wbero they were
looking after operations at the Key
stone property.
This is Mr. Anderson's first trip
here, and while he does not profess
Of all pursuits, that of gold min
ing has the greatest fascination, and
we think brings the most intense
pleasure. Even Eden, according to
the sacred writer, bad its gold mine,
and "tbe gold of tbe land was good."
Anolent and modern history is full of
tbe aotive results of the Industrial
pursuit of gold. The pursuit of tbe
Uolden Fleece baa been actual as well
as mythical. The life of every argo
naut, tnclent and modern, is Itself
au Iliad.
There never has been any civiliza
tion in which gold has not been a
prime factor. Egypt, Carthage,
Rome, Spain, all in the height of
their glory were prominent in gold
mining, and decayed when they had
lost tbe control of their mines.
Every historian has recognized the
energizing effect of tbe discovory of
gold in California ou our own re
public. It is now claimed that tbe
gold resources of Manchuria and
Korea are some of the causes that
have created the present conditions
between Russia and Japan. It is
not at all Improbable.
Tbe faot that like the objects of all
ambitions, gold mining frequently
gives more pleasure in tho pursuit
than in the possession, is nothing
against tbe occupation. There Is not
as much happiness in leaving a for
tune to be quarrelled over as to die
poor, but oonsoioua of having enjoy
ed tbe good things of life. Pacific
Coast Miner.
Model Mine as an Object Lesson.
to be a minimi expert, he ears ho is
greatly pleased. wlthjbe K'eyHnehVap'sortation of the, product' to tbo
and tbe camp generally' ' It'l'a'lwUurtice. Pacific; Coast Miner.
The latest, and probably the most
novel apparatus adopted by a college
for tbe scientific Instruction of its
students, is tna model mine which is
to be constructed by the School of
Mines, at Birmingham, England.
Tbe mine, which will be conveniently
located, will be constructed at a
depth of about ten feet below tbe
surface, and will have an area of
nearly one acre. The tunnels, drifts,
stations, working chambers, etc.,
will be arched with brick and tho
aides aud bottoms will be so con
structed as to resemble aotual condi
tions in a working coal mine. The
mines will be completely fitted up
with all tho latest and most approved
apparatus for mining aud will dem
onstrate to the students tbe best
methods for oporatlog a coal miuo,
timbering tbe oponings and tho
An Ordinance providing for the
inourring of an indebtedness by tbe
City of Sumpter, In Baket Couuty,
ureaon, 01 m,uuu for tbo purpose
of constructing a sewer system in
accordance with the map and draw
ings thoreof, entitled: "Map of
sewer system of the City of Sump
ter," and specifications thereof, en
titled "Specifications for Sumpter
sewer system," prepared by C. II.
Feuner, City Engineer, of tho City
of Sumpter, aud providing, for the
sale of bonds of the City of Sump
ter, in Baker County, Oregon, to
tbe amount of said sum ot 115,000
for said purposes and providing for
the time aud manuer of salo of said
Tho City of Sumpter does ordain
as folllews:
Seo. 1. That an indebtedness of
fin, 000 be incurred by the Cl'y of
Sumpter, Baker County, Oregon, for
tbo purpose of establishing and con
structing a sewer system in sulci City
of Sumpter In accordance with tho
map and drawings thereof, entitled
"Map of sewer system of tho City of
Sumpter," and the spec! float Ions
tberoof, entitled "Specifications for
Sumpter sower system," prepared by
C. H. Fenner, City Engiueer, all of
which are now on file in tho ottlco of
tho Reoorder of the City of Sumpter,
Baker County, Oregon, and are heio
by referred to and made a part of
this ordinance.
Seo. 2. That said City of
Sumpter, Baker County, Oregon, be
bonded for said sum of 915,000 for
the purpose of provldng funds for
oouairuowng said sewer system as
hereinbefore designated.
Seo. .1. That the Mayor of the
City of Sumpter shall Immediately
procure bonds of suitable design,
aud cause the ..aamo to be properly
filled out In amounts of $100 each, or
any multiple thereof, up to 11,000,
eaob of said bonds to bear dato April
1st, 1004, aud to be mado payable In
payments of Ouo Thousand Dollars
yearly until the full sum of Fifteen
Thousand Is paid. Said bond? to
bear Interest at the rato of six por
cent per auuum from such date, said
Interest to bo paid semi-annu
ally, prinolpal and Interest on said
bonds when due, to bo paid at the
banking house of tbe Farmers' Loau
k Trust Co. at No. Twonty, Williams
Street, in tbe City and State, of New
York, said bonds to be Issued on
said First day of April 8, 1004.
Sec. 4. That said bonds ahull be
placed In the hands of tbe City
Treasurer of tbo City of Sumpter,
who shall keep a" register lu which
shall bo entered by blm the number
and amount of such bouds and the
dato of tho Issue thoreof, aud tbe
name of the person to whom Issued.
Seo. 5. That said bonds and
each thereof shall be signed by the
Mayor aud Rocorder of tbo City ot
Sumpter under tbolr namo of office at
tho time of tholr Issuance
Seo. 0. That tbo oxpenso of mak
ing any estimates of the cost of said
sewer system and the expenses of
making ouy estimates under said bund
Issuo, shall be paid out of tbo pro
ceeds of tbe salo of said bonds, aud
tbo sumo shall be deemed a pert of
tbo expenso of said sewer systom.
That said sower system shall bo con
structed and said improvement made
us soon after tbo issuunco of suld
bonds us pructicablo, and within ouo
your from tbo date tberoof. ' Suld
sewer system and suld, improvement
is to be made by contract let to the
lowest responsible bidder therefor at
provided by tbe charter of the City
of Sumpter, and such ordinances and
resolutions as may be made and
passed by the Common Council of
said city in regard thoroto.
Sec. 7. That tho said Mayor and
Recorder of tho City of Sumpter, are
hereby authoilzed and instructed to
advertise said bonds for sale in tbe
"Bend Buyer," a paper of geueral
circulation, published in New York
City, Now York, once caoh week for a
pirlod of two weeks, making three in
sertions, aud that sealed blda for
said boud issue shall be forwarded
by persons bidding for the same to
the City Recorder of said City of
Sumpter, and that said bids' shall be
opened by tbo commou council of
said City or Sumpter, at tbe hour
ot Eight o'clock p. m. on tho 1st
day of March, 1004.
That said bouds shall be sold at not
less thau par, nor otherwlso than
for cash, and shall be sold to the
highest bidder for cash. That all
bids must bo unconditional, other
wise they will not bo conslJered.
That s'iid City of Sumpter reserves
tho right to rojoct any aud all bids.
That each bid shall bo accompanied
by a certified chock payable to the
older of the City Treasurer of the
City of Sumpter In the sum of I7G0,
as au evideuoo of good faith of said
bid aud iu caso of tbe acceptance of
any bid by the City of Sumpter, It
shall bo tbe duty of tbe Recorder of
said city to immediately notify the
successful bidder of such acceptance
and said bouda shall be Issued to the
party or parties whose bid shall be
ao accepted, provided that aaid bid
der shall deposit within twenty days,
after the acoeptance of bis or its bid '
with the Treasurer of aaid City of
Sumpter in lawful money of the
United States of America, the
amount covorod by his or its bid.
All other certified checks shall be
roturued by said City Treasurer to
the person or persons who deposited
the s mo.
That iu case any person, firm
or corporation, to whom said bonds
uro awardod shall fall, neglect or re
fuse to pay Into the bauds of tbe
City Treasurer of tbe City of Sump
ter tbo purcbaso prlco of the same
within twenty days after tbe accept
ance of his or its bid, the amount of
tbo certified chock so deposited with
his or its bid, shall bo forfeited to
said City of Sumpter, Oregon, aud
shall bo treated as liquidated dam
agos for tbo failure, neglect, or re
fusal of said biddor to purchase said
bouds, aud shall be accepted by the
said City of Sumpter, as completo
satisfaction for any aud all dam
ogo and Injury sustained by said
City by reason of such failure, uog
loct, or refusal.
Boo. 8. That the Mayor aud Ro
corder of said City of Sumpter, Ore
gon, aro hereby authorized, directed,
aud instructed to porform and do
buy and all things that they may
deom advisable, not In conflict with
tbo ,)rovisious of this ordiuanoo and
tho Charter aud Ordinances of tbe
City of Sumpter in the matter of the
advertising said bouds for salo aud
furnishing prospective buyers with
iuformatou and data to the end that
said bonds may bo negotiated for tho
boat price possible
Pussed tho couucil of the City of
Sumpter, Oregon, this 4 th day of
January, 1004.
(Attost) S. S. START,
' Recorder.
Approved this 4th day of Janu
ary, 1004.