IO THE SlUVPTER MINER Wednesday, January 20, 1904 FREE $850.00 FREE $150 iticash $700 in prizes c 2 V . & A 3 S -2 a e 1 3 ?i I 9 3 C c o S o I I 2. 3 S- c 3 a s. o. SI r I 2. -a ?.? 1 S a e. 1 o 8 Thin is thu greatest oflcr ever imulu to tin people of this county. Not to take advantage of it simply means you may loose 1700 by vour carelessness, lty special urranicements wo are able to offer The Twice a Weak Spokesman Review nf Spokane, Wash., thu best family paper published in the northwest, anil The DallyMlnar for six tmmtliH, or thu Weekly Miner for one year for $2.50. anil give our subscribers an opportunity to win some very valuable prizes. , , An upright piano ami piuola anil 1 150 dollars in cash will Iks given away free to the eople who ran count above diamonds. ' The piano and pinola will lie given to the subserilier counting the nearest correct, or. in case of a tie, to the one using the best method in counting. .'50. In cash prices After the piano mid pianola nre uwurdrd. the next best count will get 50 in cash, next (15, next $15, next $ 10, next $5, the next leu will pt t.'l each, the next 15 w ill get $1 each ; and to the person in this county sending best count, or, in case of tie, best plan, and not winning at least a $10 prize, will lie awarded a line mantle clock. A total of H2 prizes. Suiely out of all these you can win one. Awards will be made aa followsi Thu person coining nearest correct number and suggesting best plan of counting gets first prize, the next nearest second prize, and no on down the list. The Piano will be awarded to those who coiintuearest correct to the number. If there should be a ti in the count for any prize it will be awarded to the iers6n;suggesting I test plan of counting the dots. This tries your wits. An Eegant Upright Piano and Pinola, Valued a $700.00, Free Bought of and Upon Exhibition at the Store of the Simon Piano Co., Spokane, Wash. An Elegant Melville-Clark Piano and Apollo Piano Player After all arrears are twid, $2.50 pays for one year's subscription to The Twice-a-Week Spokesman-Review and on paper and entitles you to one count, or $4.75 pays for Itoth pcr for two years and entitles you to three counts, and by taking one on each side of what you think is the correct number you are more likely to win, and, besides, if you win, you get the grand special prize of 115, which you do not get if you onlv have one year paid in advance. Grand special price To the one winning the piano and pianola will be given an additional cash prize of $15, providing they have three advance subscription counts entered. That is, have all arrears paid and two years in advance to the Twice a Week Spokesman-Review and our paper for the two. If you win the piano and pinola, and have paid one year at $2.50, the judges will give you the piano and pianola only. If you win the piano and pianola, and have two years' subscription paid for in advance, you get $15 extra. It will pay to have the three advance counts. Please note There is no element of chance, of guess work or lottery about this. It is a test of skill, pure and simple. If yon can count the dia monds correctly you win. The number of prizes are so largo you are bound to hit it somewhere. Conditions The contest is open to all, Imth old and ueWtorbacribers, Old subscribers in arrears must pay arrears and in advance to get counts as above. Advance subscription must be at f2.S0 per 'year, which pays for one year to the Twicb-a-Week Spokesman-Review and juc months to ihe.DaiJy. or one year to the Weekly Miner and entitles you to one count ; $4.75 pays for both papers two years and entitles you to three counts and makes vnii eligible for the grand $1R siccial price .on arrears, which pays me Publisher Hear Sir. 1 wish to enter Kudosed tlnd $ up to date. Also tlnd $ fur years' subscription to both and theTwice-a- Week Spokesman-Review, SKkane, Wash., ai'yo'ur 8H.'oialrate of $ for the two. This entitles me to counts. Have Twice-a-Week Sokesnian-Revlow addressed to Whether new or old Time, 1 or two years. NAMK. , P.O. STATK. subscription to the Spokesman-Review. (Subscriptions to the Sx)kcsiiiaii-lteview can be sent to parties living in the country if the party contest hit: lives in-town, or where you pay two years The Sixikesninn-Revicw may go to two addresses one year if you prefer. One of these may go to you or both to friends if you prefer.) My name is I'. O Co State My counts are 1 2 3.... 4. tl 7 8 9. Mv plan of counting is this , 5. 10. Certificates The Twice-a-Week Spokesman-Review will issue you a certificate receipt, show ing number of your counts, certifying counts have been turned over to the iudges. No counts not receipted for by 'he Spokesman-Review will be entered in the contest, but do not send your counts to the The Twice-a-Week Spokes man Review. Send them to us. Contest Closes April 30, 1904 Positively JUDGES HON. GKO. W. TURNER, Alaska'CothmiMiorier. HON. W. W. TOl.MAN, State Senator. HON. L. F. BOYD, Mayor, Spokane, Wash.