The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, January 20, 1904, Image 1

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    VOL. V.
NO. 20
W. C. Galder And J. N. Doane Will Leave
Tomorrow to Break Way
V. C. Culder aud J. N. Dobuo
will leavo early In the morning with
a couple of toRma to break the new
Burnt River road, through to King's
ranoh. They have telephoned to
King's ranob, and secured tho prom
ise of several people with tennis to
meet them from that end aud (insist I
in the work, Tho entire distance
from hero to King's ranch is fifteen
miles, but some six miles of the road j
this warn completed lost fall, is.
broken, aud in good sbapo for travel.
About all thero is to be done ou tho
remaining distanco to put it in con
dltiou, is to drive over It a few times
iu order to bicuk the snow.
At King's rauch the new rood con
nects with the Unity road, aud puts
Judge Newbury ha1 communica
tions today from two well known pro
moting firms in New York, stating
among other things, that the market
for unlisted securities is rapidly im
proving in the east, and urging ex
pedition if he has any sort of a prop
osition to submit.
The firms iu question are in touch,
it is stated, with the big money in
terests in both New York and Lou
don, and appear anxious to take bold
of some business movement in Sump
ter. They assure ample capital for
financing any feasible proposition.
Sumpter in touob with a vast scope
of tho , productive llurnt river coun
try, which hitheito has looked to
liaker City as a market, making a
forty-soven mile drive lustoad of fif
teen. The llurnt rivor poop to will
como hero to trade. They aro
anxious to do it. Messrs. Billot and
Chamberlain, who woro horo a few
days ago, were tho advanco guard of
nn army of ranchers yot to come
Ihoao early ones fared well. They
sold thoir stuff without any diffi
culty, and will bo back next week
via tho uow road. They hud to come
by Whitney, out of tbolr way, but
when the news of the opening of tho
uow road spreads, the entire scope of
the llurnt River country will bring
its products to Sumpter.
The sixty horse power engine being
taken out to the Victor, in the
Cracker Creek district, by Clint
Haynea, toppled over on the moun
tain between the Columbia and
Bourne yesterday, and rolled down a
considerable dlstanoe. The mountain
was scarred up, and it is thought was
injured internally, but the engine
was unharmed.
Ropes will have to bo usod to get
the engine baok in the road and start
it on its jouruey again.
Iu view of tho death of S. U. Wil
liams yesterday, Richard Eckman,
former superintendent of tho Colum
ola, has been appointed to tho super
Inteudeutoy of the Midway, the posi
tion held by Mr. Williams.
Mr. Eckman, has been in tempo
rary charge since Mr. Williams left
for Hot Lake, and the Ueiser-Heu
dryx compauy, which has tho man
agement of the property, has made
the price permaneut.
Looking After Mining Interests.
Dr. Samuel Illume, of New York,
Is here to look after his various min
ing interests. He contemplates a
trip to Europe in the near future,
and before leaving conoluded to vUlt
Sumpter. This Is bia first visit here.
He will remain here about ten days,
and visit the properties in wblob be
is Interested. Ho 10ft this afternoon
with Harry Huudryx to visit the Vic
tor in the Cracker Creek district.
I. X. L. HAS
$8,000 ORE
Fred Kelly, superintendent of tho
1. X. L., who was nu the train this
afternoon returning from linker City,
couflrms tho reports regarding the
rich oro recently disclosed at tho
property iu the south drift from tho
200 foot level.1. Mi. Kelly says the
oro shoot is from six to olght Inches
wido carrying oro which assays ,as
high as 88,000. It la vory similar,
he says, to the tellurldo ores of
Cripple Creek, so, ho Is 'Informed by
old Cripple Creok miners. fo all tip
pearauens the drift is Just skimming
the top of the shoot, and oven bottor
values nud greater strength may bo
expected' with dopth. Ho intends
going -00 foot deeper tl(l summer.
Last week!, Mr. Kelly says', water
connection was mudo between tho I.
X. L. workings, uud tho Hidden
Treasure, aud that the shaft ou tho
lattor Is now being drained through
tho I. X L.
The mill Is iu perfect working or
der, he stutes, aud the cyanide plaut
Is giving entiro satisfaction.
Lowest Reading of Mercury Last Night
The mercury reauhod its lowest
reading of the winter hero last night.
In faot, the "oldest inhabitant," is
slightly up agiaiust it to recall a
tlmo when It was ever much colder.
The lowest yet reported was thirteen
degrees below zero at the Sumpter
hotel, about two o'clock this morn
ing. From this various thermometers
In dllforeut parts of the city ranged
to fivo degrees below. It Is stuled
tbut tbermometeis registered seven
below ou the coldest day lust winter.
A report from tho North Pole mill
states that it was eleven below there
early this morning.
Very little damago is reported ou
account of tho freezing of water
pipes. Iu a few instances, where
folks forgot to turn the water olf,
tho pipes frozo, but not to any extent
worth mentioning.
Despite the fact that It was admit
tedly pretty cold, very little Incou
venlenco wan felt fiom it. People
weut around lust ulght without their
overcoats, and were not really awaro
of any great change In the tempera
ture until they consulted tbelr ther
mometers. Owing to the extreme
dryness of the atmosphere here, cold
is not fe'lt to the extent'' that it is in
damper localities, and while the mer
cury on rare occasion does creep
down bulbward, the winter days are
usually bright and auusblny.
L. Viirn Ilccko, of Sioux Fulls,
South Dakota, a director in the Mid
way company, who roturred homo
yesterday afternoon, -cannot under
stand why Sumpter does uot support
some sort of a commercial or busi
ness men's club. Iu conversation
with a Miner representative regard
ing tho mutter, Mr. Van HoeKosuld:
"This is one of the things I am
uot able to understand. With tho
amount of business centering iu
Sumpter, tho big m In It kg district
tributary and other varied iute'rests,
this proHcutH niio of tho fluest tlelda
for elfeutvo work by a well organized
busiiolss moil's oluli I have ever seen.
"I have been officially connected
with sevnrul such orgiinlntlouH.nnd I
am familar with tho amount of good,
in the way of Interesting capital and
bringing in new Industries, that can
bo accomplished.
"Iu my opinion, one of tho
greatest drawbacks to the district,
uud 0110 which I believe could bo
counteracted ill u measure by n
commerolul club, is tho conflicting
statements made concerning well
known mining properties. A t ranger
coming here usually goes away guess
ing. As many times as I have been
here aud as familiar ns 1 am with
the mlulug interests 0MI10 district, I
sometimes have my faith shaken by
tho array ot unsolicited information
thrust upon me. Even ou this trip
I was told by one man that tho
Columbia had worked out all its rich
oro bodies, and that thoiubio is prac
tically valueless. Another volun
teered tho Information that tho
Columbia' is producing $100,000 it
mouth, and that the property is con
servatively valued at 11(1,000,000.
Similar reports and just as uou-
trudictory woro given In regard to
tho (iolcouda. In neither case, I
am persuaded, did the pori-oiis havo
tho remotest idou as to the truth of
their statements. Hut iu the caso of
strangers who hour such conllictiiig
stories regarding properties, what un
they golug to think t You havo
them guessing, and the chances aro
that many of them will keep ou
guessing and never arrive ut u con
clusion us fur us inventing their
money is concerned.
"Now, u business men's club could
do much to counteract this Influence.
It could give out reliable iuforma
tlou, as fur as obtuluuble, which
would bear tbe stamp of honesty aud
authenticity. Tbe truth about tbe
Sumpter district-is .Muttttiiflut to at
tract iuvettora, but between tbo
knockera and the hot air peddler,
tbe prospective investor does not
know wheu be la bat or cold."