The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, January 13, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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    Wednesday, January -; igo4
Salaiies piild to public officials in
tlio ricbost countries often compare
lioorly with those which public func
tionaries rcculvo in tlio realms near
rtt bankruptcy. Tlio Turkish minis
tor of fluauco has 810,000 11 year.
Even ho, however, is less wo II iaiil
'tlititi tlio olllehil who it iti chargo of
tlio admiralty. 11 Im salary it) 885,
000 a year, unci tho pickings arc so
plentiful that tho present holder Is
.said to haro piled up tho neat iittln
fortune of 812,000,000.
Without doubt, however, tho host
jiald statesman ou earth is the grand
vizier of Morocco. Hon Hamod, tho
recently deceased holder of the
-vizierate, left a sum equal to nearly
-820,000,000. It was stored in gold
Aiulllou in tho collars of his palace at
Compared with riches such as tboso
of these eastern statesmen, the 830,
4)00 which tho president of the
United States recelvos is a poor sum,
.evon though it Is backed by free resi
dence in tho White House, and a
handsomo allowauco for outortaluliiK
foreigners of distinction.
A very few years ago the great In
comes of state officials were looked
upon with envy as quite unapproach
able by salaried workers in private
Jlfe. Today there are a number of
the latter whose emoluments abso
lutely dwarf even auch a salary as
that of tho president of the United
There is a man who received an
offer of the large salary of 1200,000
a year, and, incredible as it may
eem, refused it. This is Herr
Ballin, the gifted Herman, who is
managing diicctor of tho Hamburg
American line of Rtoamora.
A dozen years ago the public bad
uovor heard of Clinton Dawkins, of
lioudou. Then ho became Mr.
Goschon's privato secretary of flu
auco in Egypt. There, and later ou
lu India, he mado a great uumo as a
Unauclal expeit. His famo attracted
tho notice of J. S. Morgan & Com
pany. He uow draws 8200,000 a year
in their service. His is said to be
tho biggest salary paid by any bank.
Tbero aro not moro tbau three
iiauk mauagers in England who got
ouo-llfth of Mr. Dawkins' salary.
Tho great life iusurauco compauios
pay very high figures to tho men who
coutrol tholr investments. Tho two
Jargost in the world each allow tholr
preosideuts 8100,000 a year.
The richest corporation iu the
world Is said to be tho Standard Oil
Trust. Jobu D. Rockefollor is presi
dent. Uut the 815,000,000 which
forms his yearly iucomo from the
holdings is not salary, but luterest.
His vice-president, however, Alex
ander McDonald, u Scot, with mar
velous head for tluauce, receives a
regular salary of 8200,000 a year,
aud has bis faro paid to Russia or
lJurmah whenever bo wishos to in
spect the oil fields of rival compa
nies. Railway companies are not stingy.
J. Plerpont Morgan paid Samuel
Spencer 850,000 a year to give ex
pert opinions on the ruilway proper
ties be was buying up.
As managing director of tbe Con
solidated Holdflelds of South Africa,
Ltd., Mr. Rhodes used to get about
9225,000 a year.
The sugar. 'trusts pays its officials
well. A notable instance is tho
850,000 a year which tholr chemist,
.1'. O. Doner gets. Hut Mr. Douuor
has to work hard for his money.
Sugar f i oin every part of tho world,
cant 'and' beet', comes befoio lilm,
mid ho lias to express expeit opinion
ou it.
Tlio ureal experts In all of the
principal eoimnereinl lines mo well
paid. 1'lt teen thousand dollars a
your is the saliuy of tho chief tea
taster and blender of oui gieut Hilt
IhIi tea firm. This gentleman has all
tho expenses of a three mouths' holi
day paid yearly. Mo needs lt,bi(dly,
for tea-tasting i- most trying to tho
nerves and health.
Twenty thousand dollats a year is
tho remuneration of n luhoicr, A. J.
Day, who is employed as "roller" at
tho Pittsburg mills of the Steel Trust.
Ho Is the best man at his special
work tho rolling of stool rails and
is paid accordingly.
Greut singers llko Pattl have
reached tho astonishing record of
85,000 a night. This she did at
New Orleans. Hut uolthcr she not
any other prima donna ever kept up
that sort of thing at a steady income
Tho amounts to bo mado by lectur
ing rival tho salaries of prima douuas.
Ian Maclareu ouco made 85 0, 000 In
six weeks. Sir 11. M. Stanley did
evon hotter. Exchange
Tbe smelter force has been lu
creased to tho extent of six or seven
men within the past few days. Tbe
management baa been operating
ratbeer abort banded, but now baa a
full quota and this handicap has
been lemoved.
Superintendent Nool stated this
morning that tbe plant is in itno run
ning order and is giving out ire satis
faction. Tho initial work of blow
ing in and getting thing under way
has not been atteuded by tho usual
breaks and mishaps incident to start
ing up now machinery.
Hurch Hurbridgo, who aro now
engaged in making an examination
of tho Magnolia, aro getting brick
from Sumpter preparatory to putting
iu a small roaster aud testing plant
at tho proporty, for the purpose of
determining tho valuo of tho ore aud
the kind of treatment best suited to
its reduction.
While this preliminary work will
be goue through with systematically,
It Is understood that there is littlo
doubt eutertaiuod but that the .firm
will rollove George Harrett of tho
bond which be took ou the Muguolla,
iu his interest.
California's Gold Production.
California ban produced, up to tho
eud of 19011, 81,400,000,000 worth
of gold, tho greater part of this
enormous wealth having boon extract
ed from auriforous ground. Thero
is much of a similarity in California
and Victoria, Australia, as regards
gold production, Victoria, according
to published statistics, having pro.
dUced In gold to the end of 100.1,
the vast 'sum of 81,350,000, and,
like California, mainly from placer
mines. Excbango.
An Ordinance providing for the
Incurring of an indebtedness by the
City of Suinptor, in llaket County,
Oregon, of 815,000 for the ptuposc
of const met lug a sower system lu
lu'conlntico with the limp
lugs thereof, entitled:
and dinw
"Map of
of Sump-
sower system of ,the -City
tor, "'Mint specification's
thereof, en
titled "Specifications for Sumpter
sower; system, '''-pi owned by C. II.
Founer, City Engineer, of the City
of Sumpter, aud piovidlug for tho
sale of bonds of tho City of Sump
tor, lu linker County, Oreguu, to
tho amount of said sum ot 815,000
for said purposes and providing for
tho 1 1 mo aud manner of sale of Mild
The City of Suinptor does ordain
us folllews: '
Sec. 1. That an Indebtedness of
815,000 bo lucurred by tho City of
Sumpter, linker County, Oregon, for
tho purpose of establishing and con
structing a sower system lu said City
of Sumpter In accordance with tho
mop and drawings thereof, entitled
"Map of newer system of tho City of
Sumpter," and tho specifications
thereof, outitlod "Specifications for
Suin'ptdr sower system, " prepared by
C. II. Founer, City Engineer,- all of
which aro now ou file Iu the offico of
tbe Recorder of the City of Sumpter,
Hakor County, Oregon, and aro hem-
by roferrod to aud made a part of
this ordinance.
Sec. 2. That said City ot
Sumpter, Haker County, Oregon, bo
bonded for said sum of 815,000 for
tbe purpose of provldng funds for
constructing said sower system aa
hereinbefore designated.
Soc. .'1. That tbo Mayor of tho
City of Sumpter shall Immediately
prucuro bonds of suitable design,
mid causo tho sumo to bo proporly
filled out iu amounts of 8100 each, or
any multiple thereof, up to 81,000,
each of said bonds to bear duto April
1st, 11)01, and to be mado payable lu
payments of One Thousand Dollars
yearly until tbo full sum of Fifteen
Thousand is paid. Said linud to
bear Interest at tho rate of six per
cent per annum from such dato, said
Interest to bo paid semi annu
ally, principal aud interest on said
bonds when duo, to bo paid at the
banking Iioiiho of tho Farmers' Loan
& Trust Co. at .No, Twenty, Williams
Stroot, lu tho City and State of New
York, said bonds to bo Issued ou
said First day of April 8, 1001.
Sec. 1. That said bonds shall he
placed I u tho bauds of tho City
Treasurer of tho City of Sumpter,
who shall keep a register lu which
shall bo entered by him the number
and amount of such bonds and tbo
duto of tho Issuo thereof, and the
namo of tho person to whom Issued,
Sec. 5. That said bouds aud
each thereof, shall bo signed by tho
Mayor aud Recordor of the City of
Sumpter under tholr uamo of office ut
tho time of their issuunco.
Sec. 0. That tho oxponso of mak
ing any estimates of the cost of said
sewer systom aud the expenses of
making any estimates under said bond
Issuo, shall bo paid out of tbe pro
ceeds of the salo of said bouds, aud
tbo sumo shall be doemod a part of
tbo oxponso of said sower system.
That said sewer system shall be con
stiucted and said Improvement mado
as soon 'after the Issuance of said
bonds as practicable, aud within oue
year from tbo duto thereof. r Maid
sewer system t ml said improvement
is to .bo made by conduct let to tho
lowest responsible bidder therefor at
prnvided'by the charter of tho City
of Suiiipter, and such ordinances and
lesolutiotis as may be iiinde and
passed by the Common Council of
said city iu icgiml theieto.
Sec. 7. That tlio Mild Mayor and
IJciniidor of the City of Sumpter, aio
hereby iiutlioiiml and instiiieted to
'advertise said bonds for sale in the
'"lloud lluver," a paper of geiieial
eiieiilatlon, published lu New Yoik
City, New York, ouco each week for a
porlo I of tun weeks, making three In
sertions, mid that sealed bids for
said bond issue shall bo forwarded
by persons bidding for the same to
I bo City Recorder of said City of
Sumpter, aud that said bids shall bo
opened by the common council of
said City of .Sumpter, at the hour
of Eight o'clock p. m. ou tho 1st
day of March, 1001.
That said bonds shall bo sold at nut
less Mhau par, nor otherwise than
for-'Cash, and shall bo sold to tho
highest bidder for cash. That all
bids must bo unconditional, other
wise tliey will not bo cousl.lored.
That s'lld City of Sumpter reserves
tho 'right to reject' any aud all bids.
That each bid shall bo accompanied
by a cert I lied check payable to tho
otdor of tho City Treasurer of tho
City of Sumpter in tho sum of 8750,
as an evidence of good faith of snld
bid mid In case of the ncooptanco ot
auy bid by tbe City of Sumpter, it
shall bo tbo duty of tbo Recordor of
said city to immediately uotlfy the
successful bidder of such acceptance
and said bunds shall bo issued to the
party or parties whose bid shall be
so accepted, provided that said bid
dor shall deposit within twouty days
after tbo acceptance ot bis or its bid
with the Treasurer of said City of
Sumpter in lawful money of tbe
Uuited States of America, tbo
amount covorod by his or Its bid.
All otbor fortified checks shall bo
returned by suld City Treasurer to
tho person or porsous who deposited
tho h mo.
That In caso any person, firm
or corporation, to whom said bonds
aro awarded shall fall, neglect or re
fuso to pay Into the bunds of tho
City Treasurer of tho City of Sump
ter tho piireliiiKo price of tho same
within twouty days after tho accept-
unco of his or Its bid, tho amount of
tho certified check so deposited with
his or Its bid, shall bo forfeited to
said City of Sumpter, Oregon, and
shall bo treated as liquidated dam
ages for tho failure, neglect, or re
fusal ot said bidder to purchase said
bouds, and shall bo uecepted by tho
said City of Sumpter, iih complete
satisfaction for" any and all duni-
iige and Injury sustained ny suld
City by reason of such failure, neg
lect, or refusal.
Sec. H. That tho Mayor and Re
corder of said City of Sumpter, Ore
gon, aro hereby authorized, directed,
and instructed to perform aud do
iiiiy and all things that they may
doom advisable, not in conflict with
tho provisions of this ordluuuco unil
the Charter aud Ordinances of the
City of Sumpter in tho matter of tho
advertising said bouds for sale unil
furnishing prospective buyers with
luformuton aud data to tho otid that
suld bonds may bo negotiated for the
best prlco possible.
Passed the council of tho City of
Sumpter, Oregon, this 4th day of
January, 1004.
(Attest) S. S. START,
Approved this 4th day of Janu
ary, JU04.
. Mayor.