The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, January 13, 1904, Page 6, Image 6

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Wednesday, January ij. 1904
A pin t v of Aliiiiio people from
Hpokimo was on llio liiiia TImiimIii.v
Kollig mil to Mhi mini1, ultli (hit
new mill mini, In stint . operations.
They woto .I11I111 K. I'lmin. hccictii-y
mill ti ennui cr of tin I'litiipmiy, II. I).
Trouhnlin, W. It. nii-i'iiliiiur, slock
Jiolili'iH, mill (tuigu II Dean, llin lien
mill innn. Mr. Kipoiihnui In also
KOtiitMil niiiuagor ol the llig Piniliii'ur.
Tim stinting (if llio Allium mill Iiiih
1)1)011 (ll)lliycil HllllOWllIlt 1)11 llCCtlllllt
of a mill mini expected fiiim Ailnun.
JIu fulled to miitci lullo mid tliu fDin
pimy could unit 1111 lougoi. Mr.
Cousin said: "Wo could not very
uiill niroiil to til) up a 100,001)
plant ami properly witiUiig for a
tardy mill mini to put in an appear
nee. Tliniu in i) others jiiHt iih guod.
IIDll WO llllM) SOCIIIod tllU HLTVleCH of
.Mr. Doau, of Spokane. Wo nro go
ing out to Mtart mill operations at
Spunking of Hid Interest which
Spokaui) mining people aru taking lu
llio Bumpier illHtrlci, Mr. CiimsIii
mild :
"It Is beginning t look liko
Hpnkiuiti niiiiiiiK midii aio exhibiting
1 ti t to a good iloiil of, concern regard -Iiik
Huinptiir mining proportion.
Tlmy aro putting in their mniiey nil
right, and am reaching out uftur
now proportioH. Whllo I am from
Spokane, ami It Ih porhapH iiuhouom
Iiik to Hliy a posoy at Spokano mill
liiK folkH hi general, inasmuch iih a
few of tlio petals might alriku my In
dividual person, but my observation
has lixl inn to tlio conclusion that iih
general pnipoHltiou thuy moan bus
inew nnil aru to tin fotiml In dlHtrlotH
which imirlt development. In (IiIh
respect, while t Ih quite initiiiiil for
me to think no, I believe Hpokano
operators urn far in advance of tliOHu
who uomii from I'ortlaud, and aro
oaloulatod to do the mining Indus
try an iutluitoly gi outer amount of
In thin connection, It might hero
lio Htatod that there Is a rumor cur
rout to tlio otfect that Larson A
XSroouuugh, of SPokaiio, amini tlio
largest mini oporatorH and lallroad
rout melius in Iho WohI, will pioha
lily takn charuo of one of tlio big
mines In oiih orti Oregon at no ills
taut day.
(louoial Manager Wright, ot 'tlio
llliio lliid, and iiIho of tlio lllaek
llutto, hud a telephone message last
night fiom K. (J. Alton, superintend
ent of tlio lattor pioporly, stating
that tlio work of nicrhauliiig in tlio
initio and getting li In shape for
oporatiuii Ih proceeding uit'oly.
It Iiiih I10011 several years since tlio
iiliiok llutto wan opoiutod and iih a
result tlio workings mo sadly out of
repair, and It will do some t lino ho
foro thoy fan ho rotimlioiod and mado
ready for dovoliipmont. Upon tho
completion of thin proliiuiuary worko
it Ih tho purpose of tho company to
install a hoist with a nOO-fmit depth
capacity. Thin will piohahly lo
ilono. Mr. Wright Htaton, in tho ourly
Tho pIhii of oporatiuii aftor tho re-
tlmlioriuK and overhauling Iiiih been
completed, in tu make a -raise from
the main rkiK U o Jhe ,
face. 11 dlHtiiueii of some eighty foot.
thou install tho hold aud jjegin,sink
Iiik. TIiIh pioporty Ih Ino'iited in tho
I'raiiio City dish id ifud was tjikdu
owr Hfliui' miiiiiiix ago ny w noisier
and cotiiinuiy. of Now Vurk.
, At tho Mho Hlrd, Mr. Wright
'states Unit tho underground foiru
I Iiiih hooti lncioued mid iooil work a
j liclm- (Iciim! in 11 il('M'li)init'ii't way.
diHiiati'h, dated yenter -
A Chli'iiKO
day, hiij'h:
l''runk JiiKor aud John
JiiKei. well
known throiiKliout the United
HtateH iih mliiiiiK ntoek lirokern and
proinotoiH, worn arronted on the com
plaint of PohIoIIIco Inspector Ketch
am on the charge or iitdtiK the iiiiiIIh
in a Hchemu to defraud.
Tho arrentri wero ordered hy tho
Kovurniiieiit oIIIcIhIh after an liiuulry
had lieeu made into thu hiiHlueHH
uiuthodH or thu Model Cold Minion
company aud thu .Inner Oil com
pany, ol which couceiiiH Frank .lner
Ih pruHlduut mm treiiHiirer and John
JaKer HL'cretary.
Moro than 8800,000 Ih involved iu
thu chho aud thu federal aiithorltioa
declare that Honnutlotiul riMolatlona
will Ijo iimdo whou the prisonerH aro
arm tuned in court.
Tho two brothorH were taken bo
foru h United StuteH commlsaioner.
Their liouda wore fixed at :i,000
each and they wort) released on bail.
At the requent of Fmuk Jimer, who
Huld lie intended loavlnn CIiIciiko a
few bourn tutor with u party of ntock
holdern to attend the annual meutiUK
of thu company at I'roHCott, Arizona,
CouiiulHHiouer Fonto continued tho
heariiiK of thu ciiho to Jautiary 15.
Charles II. Wade, cashier of tho
First National bank of Pendleton,
and one of tho niuut piomluoiit men
iu tho state, yenterday aHslKUed his
pioporty to F. W. Matlock and T.
C Taylor for the bouetlt nt his cred
itors. It is eHtimated Wade failed
lor 8-200,000 or $'.!r0,000, althouuli
W. F. Matlock, one of the trustees,
duos not helioto tlio liabilities will
exceed 8 lot). 000.
Wado Iiiih lenlnned his position aud
is at homo Htiickeii with nervous
Mr. Wado has been a heavy In
vestor iu eastern Oregon mines, and
It is Hinted the heavy drain of uupro
iluctho properties lias occaMoned his j
euibarrasH.nont. His friends state; ,u;u,u'' ; K V , .
that his lluaucial troubles are only , '",. " Kreck and John Day, and
temporaty. The rumor that Wade's;''" ' ' '0H employed conttu-
airalrs were involved was circulated "" tl10 wotk-
Saturday aud it caused n ruu on the' m
bank, which was only stayed by the
aiiHouucemeiit from the stockholders
that Mr. Wade's atfairs wero entirely
separate. Senator Ankeuy is presi
dent of the bank.
Completed Assessment Work.
W. S. llalley, foreman at the Over
laud, returned this morning after
mukiug proofs of labor on vaiious
Cable Coo properties, where he has
been dolim assessment work. Iu all
Mr. llalley Iihh completed work on j
(even Cablo Cove prospects. His
It is roportod in town today that
CluirloH Hull Iiiih j him pud tho Fico
CoimiKo cnlini-j, two in iiumljor, out
ill thn Crai'kcr Crook dlntik'tj and
1 that Arthur I'liilluiuk Ih in on tlio
I pluv with him
L Hall Ih thu man who jumped tho
l CJruy KuKfu claim of tho Iinpurial
Kro,upa year no, and cnut-od tho com
1 puny uoiiHidorahlo troulilu aud ox-
poiiHO. Hois reported to hare a de
cided leaning towurdri-Htich truiiHuc-i
I tillllH. j
riiilhriuk Iiiih iiIho been mixed up j
' in uvornl hiicIi deala, fractional)
icliiiina heiiiK IiIh Hpeuialty. lie Ih a
jHiirreyor mid in this way necures in-t
side Information. It Ih related that
had he appeared on tho labor fruc
tlon Now Veai's niht, he would have I
IihiI his fiioo spoiled; as one I)r
miner, so current rumor says, had
i, ecu offered a combination purso of
675 by three different parties to fix
him plonty. Ho Ih accused by both
sides in that coiitovorsy of being the
ciiiiho of tho trouble.
Tho Free CoIuiiko was sold five
years ago to Vic SchlllliiR, then city
passoiiKer ngeut of tho O. It. & X.
at Portland, by Bert Husk. He
organized a company, put on a hoist
and did consldorblo work, hut uevor
showed up any ore of much value.
Tho claims are said to be on ono spur
of the Cracker Creek Mother lode.
Homothlug over two years ago Mr.
Schilllug disappeared very suddenly
and mysteriously, and, so far as the
public knows, has never been heard
from since. Ho spent considerable
time tu aud around Sumpter tbreo
or foui years ago and was popular
with every oue.
Ed Cannon, who was nt oue time
interested with Seymour II. Dell in
the electric light plant here, is in
charge of Freo Coluago Mining com
pany affairs at present. The Miner
is Informed reliably that ho paid for
the assessment work last year, aud
Hurt Husk stated today that a notice
is posted on the pioporty, stating
that thu work had been completed.
SPENT $4,000 ON
From reliable sources it is learned
that the statements made iu tho linker
City Heiald that neither Mr. Mo-
Naii(ihteu nor Kemp JIiiih made any
well dellued attempts to dereolp the
Straw borrv water rights, aro untrue.
McNaughteu spent last fall, it is
"-' u" reliable authority, 84,000
r jn.r, pAN AND onrUfD
j Tho methods of tho placer miner
are being used by the Chicago po-
j lice in recovering valuables lost iu
I the Iroquois theatro disaster. Three
big wagon loads of dirt and ashes were
taken from tlio theatre tire yesterday
aud to the basement of a store near
by. A placer mining outfit, iucliid
, tug sieves and gold pans, was erected
aud City Custodian Creiger started
the search for valuables among the
JnnuaL$tbQkhpfder.s. Meeting.'
Tn Whom It Mar Cencern: No-
tiQe is hereby Riven tbut the regular
annual stockholders meeting of tho
Colcouda Cciisollduted (lold Mines
company will bo held at the otllco of
the company in the Pendleton Sav
ings Hunk Iiii lid I hi.', iu Pendleton,
OreKon, nt 10 o'clock a. m. on Tuen
day, Jiiiiiiiuy 1'J, 15)04; at such
iiunuiil meetluK nil election will bo
hold for the election off, Diiectoia of
the said coiporatiou, and all other
and Kcneral buHinecs pcrtnli)ii! to
tho affairs of 'the company will bo
tiaiifactcd tlint iniiy come before Mich
C. U. WADE, Piecldent.
.1. II. UAI.KV, Seciotary
Dated Dec. 0, lilOIJ.
If you w nut to read a free aud inde
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