The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, January 13, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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    Wednesday, January ij, 1904
The law of cause and effect is tin-I
changeable, being the same today, to
morrow and forever, and la under
stood only in oart by many. To arrive
at a better understanding ol this law
has been the aim of science, as well
as of every thinking mortal who
would know the truth. The effect
may look strange, mysterious, even
marvelous to us, but If we under
stood the cause that produced it, the
event would appear as natural as does
the result of two multiplied by two.
There have been periods of build
ing activity which tho dispensers of
lumber at retail have beeu uuable to
nccouut for. Not ulvvays huvo they
accompanied general business activ
ity, and often buildiug has beeu
lively in one towu while in the
neighboring town nothing was going
on. A retail dealer wus recently
heard of to remark tbnt trade In his
town had beeu at a low ebb this sea
sou while iu auohtor less tha'n twonty
live miles distant it had been decid
edly lively, the conditions iu both
cases hinging ou the volume of build
lug, nud that ho could not nccouut
for it He said there wore In tho
sprlug no more empty houses iu his
towu than iu tho other, but that
building iu his town had literally
beeu nothing.
In n enso like thla it is reasounblo
to look for a cuuse that was brought
about through tho medium of a spe
cies of psychology tho actlou of
hi I nd upon mind. Evory mini is In
fluenced inoro or less by what his
neighbors do. Ho is disposed to go
with thnin to the circus, to a revival
mectiug, to war, mid to some extont
follow thorn iu a businci-ii way.
Iheru am retail points iu which every
lumber shed is of tho samo type for
tho reason that nil have followed tho
man who Imilt first. A house going
up is 11 reminder to those who uihv
huvo boen thiuklng about building
for n while thnt they, too, may hh
well begin activities It is thltt way
iu rcpulrs, tho retail dealer often
ntllrmiiig thnt titers are brisk poriods
for repulrs while at other times llttlo
is doiug in this Hue. Tboro is such
n quality us prido in tho meutul
make-up of the most of people, con
sequently 11 houso owner wants his
homo to look us neat as does tho resi
dence of his neighbor. If that neigh
bor adds u porch, lays new sidewalk
or ropalnts. It is an inspiration for
otheis to do llkewiso. Tho pnst
seuscu a yard man sold tbiee porch
bills which were used on one block,
and it was his belief that hail not tho
first porch been built tho other two
would not huvo beeu. Tills is very
likely, as It is characteristic of peo
ple to follow suit iu other things
than iu games of cards.
Tho samo propensity Is observed in
tho country, thero being barn build
ing periods thero as thero are houso
buildiug periods iu towu. Tho
erection of a bum by a farmer is io
gurded as u sign of prosperity of tho
mnn who built It. and others would
have it kuown that they as well as
he are on the high wave and build
barns to prove it. A retiail dealer
who a year ago the present season
bad as many barn bills as be could
well furnish expressed surprise that
they came in such a bunch. The
farmers had needed the barns for
years, be said, for a long time they
had been able to build, .yet while
the year before be did not sell a tmru
bill of any consequence, iu 1002 he
sold fourteen. It was probably the
result of the influence of the action
of one farmer upon others; the arous-1
ing of a spirit of rivalry, mild per-1
haps in its character, but important I
so far as it affected the handlers of
lumber. The tiniest spark will fire
a quantity of powder, so our untures
of love, ambltlou, hate, are aroused
by causes so slight thut on the sur
face tbey can not be observed.
A retail dealer Iu the southbwest
says he has demonstrated tho fact
that a mild builldug boom 'can be
oreateted, as he has beeu a creater iu
such an event. That building
operations should take their owu
sluggish way bo emphatically denies,
(let behind nud push, ho says. To
start tho ball rolling be would offer
somo inducements. His way of ad
vertising is tu talk directly to the
prospective builder, iusteaud of ap
pealing to tho general pubcio to buy
lumbor. He makes it something of
an object for two or threo men to
start nouses and ho says thnt more
will follow as surely as morning fol
lows night,. This dealor may have
overlooked tho Inw of coincidence;
ho may huvo over-rated his ability
to Induce the people of his towu to
build nt the samo time ho desires
they shall do so, yet without
doubt, there Is a principle iuvolved
in tho courso he has pursued.
No mutter what we may do wo
show tho way, as generally thero are
others who will trail after us.
Americnu Lumberman.
to nrrnngo for sending a surveying
ciow iu charge of E. E. Forshay to
niTrnin i iftinnniirrw go over tno lino ana mane an esu-
IYIAILKIALLT llTirKUVI.U mato as to the cost of completing tho
i ditch, when a contract will bo lot.
The first work will ho done on tho
Superintendent Tom C. tlrny, of iowt,r pHrt f the dltob, as It is do-
the Valley Queen, today lecoived a BrP(- to get tho wnter on Dead Ox
most encouraging letter from Wheeler1 flt time for Irrigation during tho
A Compuuy, of New York, fiscal ;ooulng season. Welser Signal.
agents for the Valley Queen and I
other well known Sumpter mining' """""""
Annnrriltiif (it thn ntnlpniAnle f thn
Arm the stock depression, which has
prevailed throughout the east for
some months past Is brokeu. The
advices to Superintendent Gray stato
that there have been greater sales In
Valley Queen stock, and more In
quiries during tho past ten days than
thero have been for the four months
preceding. Besides tho strengthen
ing of tho market. Wheeler A Com
puuy attribute the change for tho bet
ter to tbo merits of Sumpter gold
properties now being exploited.
From tho touo of tho communion
There has been a strike of under
ground miners at the Snow Creek
mine. Tho mill mou huvo not gone
out and tho mill is operating at Its
full capacity. There is a largo
amount of oro iu sight and no shut
dowu will be necessary.
W. W. Elmer, consulting engi
neer for the company, returned from
the initio Inst evening. This is bin
version of tho treuble:
"Tho mluors from Suow Creek aro would bo inferred that tho (circulating a report that tho dlllloiilty
llrm entertains tho belief thnt the hi tmiiproporry arose neeuiiso me uiau-
dulliiess of tho market ns far us min
ing securities aro concerned, is ut
an end. Tho local muiingemout Is
complimented upon tho development
policy now being curried out, and as
sured thut ample funds will bo pro
vided ns In tho pnst for u continu
ance of tho work nt this promising
Cubic Cove properly.
While it is a dldloult matter to
got ut tho exact fuels concerning the
amount of concentrates now being
shipped f i oni Sumpter nud tributary
i points iu tho district, it is believed
' from reliublo information that tho
shipments will aggregate between
1 forty mid fifty tons Iu u day.
j What appears to bo a just, uppor
I tionmout among tho different piop
lories and districts iu view of tho
I lack of moro reliable statistics shows
tno follewing: Cracker Creok, In
cluding tho North Polo, Columbia
nud (jolcoudu. fifteen tons; lludgor,
Siisuuvillo district, ten tons; Honnnza
tlvo teus: Suow Crcok, Greenhorn
district, two tons; Equity, Quartz
burg dlsitiot, two tous; liitisley-Elk-horn,
fifteen tons; giving u total of
forty-two tons. This of courso does
not Include such properties iih tho I.
X. L. and California and others,
which cyiiuldo their oro concen
trates. Tho Cracker Creek concentrates go
vory high iu value and what is
thought to bo a fair average is 9100
n toil, muktng tho output of the
properties mentioned over S 1,000 a
day iu concentrates alone.
Tho oro nud concentrates shipments
over tho Sumpter Vulley from hero
will uvorngo iu tho neighborhood of
ton cars ii week, and probably two
thirds of tho amount is concentrates.
Tli" curs average between ten and
twohn totiB euch, which bears out
the statement relatito to tbo amounts
produced by Cracker Creok proper
ties, as this is tSelr nearest point of
shipment. Iu the iustauco of the
others the figures attributed are per
baps equally as reliable.
This Is the time of year when tho
eye-"growH tired of the snow-clad
mountains, overshoes become monot
onous, nud tho soul of tho average
mining magnate yearns for an orange
grove, perpetual sunshine, tho song
of birds, green hunks by gurgling
brooks and such like pipe dreams of
winter resort literature.
It Is doubtless somo such feeling
ns this thut is actuating General
Manager Hutu, of tho Overland, iu
his present diligent Investigation of
tilings agricultural, pertaining thereto
Intimately nud remotely. Ho being
both of utilitarian and original cast
of mind, bus Introduced n slight vari
ation into this annual dream of u
sixty-day paradise, and Is negotiat
ing for a scholarship iu somo tench
it nil correspondence school, to learn
tho hidden mysteries iu squab, gin
seng and mushroom culture, thut he
may have a profitable us well us
pleasant retreat from tho suow white
lundbciipo when IiIh soul and body
cull for recreation, for change.
agcmeiit wauled to change to n ton
hour day for threo dollars. This la
utterly without foundation. Tho
scale ut Snow Creek Is nlue hours
day nud night, at throe dollars for
each shift.
"Tho s oic smau of the uoiumttteo
which waited upon Manager Smith
said: 'Wo huvo decided to demand
:i. fit) per day for-all miners, ' and
whun told that this could not ho
granted, heflsked': 'Then will you
pay on tho basis of 111.00 per day
for nine hours? '
"This being refused, tho strlko
was culled.
"Hoard Is charged ut tho rnto of
twenty-eight dollars per month."
FOR RENT New four room oil
finished bouse. Enquire of O. H
That work on tho completion of
tho Malheur lliittu Ditch will bo lie-
gnu nt an early dale, nud pushed ,,,,. ,)f ,,, ,., nil 1oyH H
sought to lie vacated, and for '-00
In tho mutter of tho petition of tho
Hiimptor Towusito company, Ltd.,
for (ho vacation of certain streets)
and alleys in tlie Sumpter Towusito
.Syndicate's Second Addition to tho
town, now City of Hiimpler, Ore
gon. The above entitled mutter coming
ou to ho heard lief oro the Common
Council of I hu City of Sumpter, In
meeting duly and regularly asseni
bled, this iMMh day of December,
HIOII, nud tho petition of said Suinp
lor Towusito Co. Ltd., having been
duly presented r.iyiug tor the vaca
tion of certain sheets mid alley iu
tho Sumpter Towusito Syndicated
Second Addition to the town, now
City of Sumpter, Oregon, together
with tho proof of tho duo publication
of Iho notice of tho application for
such vacation by advertisement
thereof for four consecutive weeks tu
the Siimptor Miner that said petition
would ho presented, and also tho
consent of the nw'ncrs In fee simplo
of all tho properly front ing on both
through to completion us rapidly us
men mid tenuis can do it, theio seems
to he no doubt.
Messrs. N. ). .lenson, .loiteph .leu
sen and Moses ('. Davis, I he purlieu
who aro to furnish tho sinews of war,
feet ou each side thereof, and said
petition and proof being iu nil
respects regular,
It is ordered that the li!th day ot
January, 11)01, ut the hour of seven
uccoinpuiilcd by Contractor "wirgo;,,.,,),, .. m ut Iho City Hull iu
Thompson, returned Saturday from
u tour over tho lino of tho ditch,
Tho gentlemen were satlslled, after u
thorough inspection, thut tho propo
sition Is a paying one, and are will
ing to Invest their money iu it.
Messrs. Jensen and Davis ure from
Utah, and are thoroughly posted ou
all matters relating to Irrigation,
aud are convinced that the ditch
will open op a flue section of coun
try. The gentleman have gone to Holse
said City of Sumpter, is hereby llxeil
us the time nud place for hearing
said petition and any objections or
remonstrances thereto.
Done iu open Council this iiOtli
day of December, 10011.
(Attest) S. S. START, .Recorder.
Approved December 'JU, IflOH.
D. P. I1HADLEV, Acting Mayor.
Room and board at Sumpter Ho:ol
for $10 per week and op.