The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, January 13, 1904, Image 12

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of the
Pay for
Says There Is No Possible
Chance For Any Town in
Oregon to Get
Infliction of nil patrons of the office
for several years, having resigned.
Lee A. Duncan is appointed us
assistant.. -Democrat.
A gentleman who recently had
occihIod In consult with Represent
ative WlllhiiiiHou on another mutter,
lafiirniH The Minor that the congress
man resents the blame whiuh hoiiiu
eastern Oregon paperH have attempted
to II on til in. because he In nut en
denviirlug to secure mi nssny office
for linker City.
A few (liiyn nii lie tend a clipping
selected for the introductlnn of a hill
for the same, whether it in linker City,
Portland, Shaulko or HurnsY When
the trim facts are known does not
Mr. Moody, or his friends assume
the role of a demagogue, when thuy
undertake to foul the people in any
community in eastern Oregon into
linllevhiK that if he was JuhI hack
there In WinMntln once more, it
fr tflm linker City Democrat, stat-! " l' ,lu l"'stlon of daya
iiiK Unit "U'lllliiuiHon hud forgotten
the interests of the people of linker
county, etc.," touching IiIh action in
reference tn mi nssny olllco In Oregon,
until they would hnre assay offices
while you wait? . Such a proposition
Ih too nliHiiul to put before thliikitiK
people. If there wiih the least glim-
When he rend t hut nitlcle. he almost "wring shadow of a chance for Ore-
wished that he lind continued the ,'" K '" """' office, would It
pulley of trilling with the good t '' reasonable to suppose that
neoideof linker Cltv. minuted bv hlsl"""" 'Vent could come nearer
predecessor in thih connection. Hiuth ' brought nhoiit ly the united j
a couise, however, Is contraiy to his '' "' delegation, than liy each
nature. He does not vine to estab- ""' ,f ,h" IntmduelHg u bill for
llsh a reputation of playing upon tlnj,,,M "w
ciedulty of any community in this "" """"tors will not now,
district. Ho far as an assay olllcc at wither will they ever favor t.u assay
linker City Is concerned, or tv..i at "t Unktr City In preference to
Portland, there Is just as much show Portland. They do not dare to do
to uet It at the present time as there ' '' rensonulilo man who will
U in if.ii i. riiilriiml I.. give the subject a iiiuiucnt thought,
.!..- .1.1. ,b r i.f... , 'can understand why this is the case.'
-pi... v ....... i .'. Under such circumstances, what oh
.liiu.tcr million dullurs for the Lewis JH, ! kmi. L there in a repro
After a thorough inspection of
northeastern Oregon aud Couer
d'Aleue district, Idaho, P. ii.
Hatubliu, of Chicago, bus deoided to
put In a large smelter of at least GOO
tons capacity. This morning, after
J ho had returned to Portlaud, be said:
"I bare for tho past ten years en
deavored to find a place where the
situation was such that our people
could put up a large plant, aud be in
dependent as far as ilu.xiug was con
earned. I believe, aud am satisfied,
I have found that location. Hereto
fore the conditions were such that
we could not bo independent in
the fluxing line, aud now wo have
fouud it. The ores of the Coeur
d'Aleuo country are what are known
as wet ores, or those carryiug little
silica. Across tho river ou tbo Ore
gon side is a dry ore, or that cary
ing a heavy percentage of silica.
The lead ores of Idaho mixed with
the copper and silicious iron ores of
Oregon have solved the problem. We
are uow investigating the process re
cently patented, aud will In all
probability close a deal.
"Welser will bo tho point of con
structing the plant, aud wo can
secure all the good lluxiug ores nec
essary for running the plant.
"The people of Chicago, at least
thoso who are interested with me,
have turned tholr attention to mining
instead of tho stock exchanges, and
huve invested much money in other
parts of the country, but uow they
will turn their attention to this sec
tion. C. W. Dtimout aud Harry L.
Hiugham, who are well known in tho
ceutral metropolis, are iutersoted
with me. 1 will euadeuvor to havo
the plant in running order by
July 1."
Mr. Hambliu will establish au
office here aud make Portlaud his
headquarters. Telegram.
To Kent Large house on High
street. Low rate to the right party.
Apply to 1 O. HUCKNUM.
Ore Encountered Which Averages
$25 to The Ton In
Lead Proper Measures Five Feet
And Carries Good Milling
mid Clink fair, to get an eiiul
amount fur the mouth of the Coluiii
biu iler; to get anywhere from one
to four million dollars for the canal
at IVIilo fulls, mid other uppropriu-
llmw I'll mi t iil lulu mllllmw nil In
Oregon. Suppose eeiy slate in the H')! !', , . ,. ,,
it. ,i i.i i. i , I It therefore reduces itself
WlNHIl 1,1111111 ll'llll' PHI'll llllHISS
seiitutive claiming tlmt he can get an
assay office liullt in some eastern
Oregon town over the bends of both
the senators from Oregon mid the
administration thrwou In? There
could be but one object to fool the
blllties of their coliglesioual delega
tions. How could iinv iciisoiiuble
man, under such ciicumstmices, blnine
them for doubling up In the mat
ter of Introduction of bills in certain
matteis, in order to keep tlicmsclws
from appealing ridiculous In the
eyes of their colleagues there?
At the present time, tho Secretary
of the Treasury is. and has been for
some time, pronounced in opposition ;
to building au amay office in Oregon.
Under such circumstances, what
difference doea it make what point is
to a
question of whether or not the credu
lity of the people of linker county is
sufficoititly developed to allow them
selves to be successfully played upon
in this manner. This Is all there is
of the case. No other analysis can
be made of it, when all the facts are
New Post Master For Haines.
J. P. O'liryant is uow postmaster
of Haiues, having received the ap
pointment Ust,week. Davis Wilcox,
who has held the position to the'aat.
FOR KENT New four room oil
lluished house. Enquire of C. It.
Superintendent Gardner, of the
Red Chief, in the Cable Cove dis
trict, reports one of the beat etrikes
wbich has yet taken placo at t he
pro poity. He came in today ou hia
way to North Powder to visit his
In the drift on the main lead, Mr.
Oarduer states, a six or eight Incb
stringer was encountered which aver
ages about 825 to the ton. He had
some samples of tho oro with him,
the appearance of which fully bear
out the statomout. Tbo lead proper
measures about five feet carryiug a
good quality of milling ore as far as
has been explored. Tbo drift is now
in over 400 feot.
A full forco is at work, aud
(iardnor's policy la to dovolop
property as speedily as possible.
is on Ked Chief ground wbero
Tnwusoud mid LI I ley people hold it
lease for a custom mill site, fhla
new enterprise will add greatly to
the valii of tbo Red Chief as well as
other Cable Cove properties.
Leap Year Dance.
Tbo Sumpter Social club will hold
a Leap Year dance Saturday evouiug
at tho K. of P. hall. Anybody found
guilty of being accompanied by her
own iiushaud will be fined 82 aud
costs. All members of tho club are
invited to attend.
Room and board at Sumpter Ho. el
for 810 per week aud up.
Capital $250,000 The Coming Great Mine of the Cable
Cove District. Recent big strikes show values of over $181
per too. A sure Producer. An Investment la Vallev
Queen will many times double youf money. J J J
Capital $500,000. Will be a Greater Blue Bird. It has
the ore bodies oi this famous property. An Investment
la Buck Horn is like finding money J J J J J J J
Write today for Prospectus and full information. Men
tion No. 60 and we will mail you free six months the
WHEELER & CO. lukirs 32 IMAIWAY, N. Y-