VOL. V. SUMPTER, OREGON, JANUARY 13 ffit NO. 19 SMELTER COMPLETES A SUCCESSFUL RUN. lest Shows Thorough Adaptation of Machinery to Ores of The District. The test run at the smelter was closed last night, and It baa demon strated beyond any question the suc cess of the process. General Man ager Mueller stated today that his most sanguine expectations regarding tbe operation nf the plant were fully realized. The run Iihb shown to a nicety tho adaption of the machinery to tho treatment of tho ores which the dis trict furnishes. Further, it Iihh re duced the matter to on i.bHolutely scientific basis us far ns the percent of coke and copper needed in tho chnrge, nre concern!, uud hus clear ly established tho high saving which can be effected A very low percentage of coke is required, and the amount of copper needed to clean tho slag Is also com paratively low. Tho slag'so far has been practically clear, thus fully establishing the high degree of sav ing. On tho whole the test run has beon au eminent success from every point of view. The muobitiery, notwith standing the fact that it was new, and breaks might naturally be ex peeled, has goue smoothly from the very start, without Incidental hitches worthy of mention, and tho success of its adaptation to the ores treated Is without qualification. senators have not conferred over this appointment but thoy expect to sub mit a new name to the President early next week. Thompson, who Is still In Wash ington, Is sore disappointed over the decision of Seroretary Hitchcock, ilo bad hopes of bolng cleared of all charges and of being reinstated. His hopo was strougtbeued after his con ference with Secretary Hitchcock, but ho now realizes ho must givo up tho oltlco ho hold so short a time, lie will return to Oregou soou. DRIVING FOR COPPER SHOOT RECEIVER THOMPSON'S LAST CHANCE GONE. A late press dispatch from Washing ton states that Oregou senators havo concluded to accept tho final decis ion of Secretary Hitchcock lu tho case of Asa B. Thompson, and witblu a few days will recommend some oue else for appoinmeut as Receiver of tbe La Grande laud office. While neither senator is satisfied with the secretary's action and both are con vinced no reason has been presented wby Mr. Thompson should not be reinstated, they recogulzetho futility of prolonging the contest. Tbe two Zooth Houser, vlco presldeut of the Standard oompauy, who is looking aftor devlopment work at the prop erty, camo lu last night on his way to Poudloton. Regarding develop ment, Mr. Houeor states that aotivo work is bolng done, on tho Cleveland drift, carrying it forward to a rich gold and copper shoot, which has been proved on tho surface The dis tance yot to drivo before encounter ing thiH shoot is between fifty mid J Hcvonty-flro feet. The surface values i indicate that exceptionally good ore may bo expected at depth. In addition to this, a lower cross cut is belug driven to tho Standard vein, which will give 1(10 feet added depth. This crosscut is lu about soveuty-flvo feet, and Mr. Housur thinks tho -'haugo of forma tion now taking place indicates that the vein is near. and left for tho Magnolia. Mr. Uurch stated that the firm is pio ceedlng as rapidly as posslblo lu tho matter of sampling tho Magnolia, but that no conclusions have yet beeu roached. He thought tho small sampling and testing plant being installed for this purpose, was probably completed by this time. BORNEITE AT THE COPPEROPOLIS. TtSING PUNT IS PROBABLY COMPLETED A. Burcb, of Burch & Burbrldge, returned "from Boise this morning W. W. Glbbs, mauaglng director of the Copperopolls, left this morn lug to resume work at tho mine, after the holiday suspension. Mr. (Ilbba spont bis Christmas vacation with his family in Portland. Ouo man was left workiug at mo property during the tlmo. Tho rest of tho crew will be collected at ouce, Mr. Glbbs states, and ontlvo operations resumed. Just beforo tbe holidays a bornito lodgo was encountered, which showed high copper values. Regarding this Mr. Glbbs says: "A short shaft from tho surface. somo tlmo ago encountered a borulte ledge and lator in following a fault ou tho main lead it was again met with. Tho vein 1h between three and four fcot lu width, and by reasona bly closo concentration it shows thlrty-flvo per cent copper. While the ore I do not think is straight bornito, it vory closely resembles this mineral, and It carries the char acteristically high coppor values found in bornito, which am vastly bettor than tho average chalcopyrlte values of tho dlsrlct. "We aro putting on a good devel opment force and it Is our intention to put ore lu sight as rapidly as pos sible. Some of our stockholders havo boon clamoring for a mill, but I think 1 convinced thorn whllo 1 was in Portland that the first thing to be done in a mine, is to block out ore. It is a mistaken idea among a great many operators to rush into iiiIIIh at the behest of stockholders who aro anxious to realize early dlvl deuds, when tho ore in sight will justify no Mich pioccctlliig, " Speaking of the Quurtyhiirg dis trict lu general, Mr. Glbbs said: "Qoiiartzhurg Iiiih received a few good hard knocks from Huinpter stock dealers, but notwithstanding this fact we are going steadily ahead. I am advised that it has boon told here that there are all kluus of snow over theie aud that It Is next to imppoesi bio to get in, when the facts In the case are that tho climate Is much milder there aud there is less snow fall. These piu beads should realize that tbe welfare of Sumpter depends upon tbe welfare of all tributary dis tricts. And I believe that Quartz burg is one of tbe coming districts." TO RESUME WORK Auburn Deep Mining Company Will ' Start Operations In Two Weeks. Will Drive Crosscut to Lowest Point In The Hay Channel. At a meeting of tho directors of tho Auburn Deep 'Mining company, hold lato yesterday afternoon in tho office of Mayor McColloch, It was de cided to resume work at the Auburn placers, owned by this company, within tho next two weeks. Thorn woro present at the meeting, Mayor McColloch, A. P. (loss, Priiuk Jewett, C. K. Do Nolle, William Kitchen unit Joseph Reed, superintendent. Tho immediate development policy outlined at tho meeting, and practi cally decided upon, involves the run ning of a crosscut from the 100 foot level In tho shaft northward, in inter sect tho pay channel at its lowest point, lu sinking the present iMO foot shaft, at a depth of eighty-seven feet a pay channel was encountered. This was covered to the depth of about three feet with a black loam, which, from tho presence of charred timbers and vegetable matter, gavo evidence of a wash at some former period, lleueatli was soiiio live or six feet of gravel. The channel pitches about tin Ity degrees north, and it Is argued that by driving under it from the 100 foot level. It will bo encountered at its lowest, point, where the best pay may bo expected. This is the policy which will probably be Inaugurated upon the losuiuptinii of operations. It Is piobable aim that the com pany will install a Keystone drill lit the spring, and do extensive prospect work. To Visit Listen Lake. J. Win Wilson, general manager of the Listen Lake company, George Poague, of I'argo, Ureal agent, and J. S. Johnston, of Idaho, oue of the directors, left this morning on tho Whitney train for the property, in tbe Greenhorn district. Tbe party will remain several days at the mine. Active development is belug carried forward. 1