THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, January 6, 1904 CABL COVE ORES ARE SUCCESSFULLY TREATED Credit Largely Due to C. R. Townsend, Former Superintendent of The -California. tbo industry than over before iu tbo history of the plant, and all Indica tions are that the acreage will bo larger iu 1004 than in 1003. The labor in harvesting the beets is not expensive and the harvestings Is generally done by Japanese and Indians. Thorn wnn hnrrllv nnr white help employed this last season, as It was so scarce In eastern Oregon. La (Jrando Chronicle. C. It. Towimohd Iiiih iosigncd lint Hiiporinlomloney of thoCalirmiila mid will take charge of I ho development of (ho Gold Hill in nouf lift ii Oiegnn, in which bo ,iml associates inn inter. 'Htcil. .Mr. TmviiHiinil ciimn in fiom the California Inst night mill will. leave tomotmw fur t lit Colli Hill, IIIh HiicciiMHiir, Mr. Giohc, foimeily of KohhImiiiI, Iiiih taken chaigo of the mill. To Mr. TowiihiiihI in liugoy ilim the (irillllt llf establishing II HtlffOHsflll mill practice for Cabin Coin ores. Ho Iiiih, after numb oxpiuimoutiitiuii, defined ii treatment, which Ih now roil ogulyod iih eminently successful. Tho California mill, which Ih tho cuiisum matloii ofJhlH Ideas, Ih tho notable example. TIiIh plant Ih now iu huo (tcHHful npoiatluii, dually proving tho HUCCOSH Of till) plllCOriH. Mr. TowiihiiihI, however, is not gone for good. Ho expects tu re-' turn iu the Hpriug to take charge of i tho construction of the custom mill In the Cable Cove district, In which, Mr. TowiihiiihI hihI the llaby McKcoj people aio interested, ami icgiirdlngl whlcli 'I lie Minor hart already niailo extended mention. Ho wiivh: "1 will return Iu the Hpriug to take olllirifn of tlm ciihIiuii ml I Im ulileli " -... ........ ...... (( , aro to bo placed in the Cabin Cove j district. I have ilemoiiHtrutod the miiccchh of treatment, and I hco an op portiiully to hcuollt myHolf, my asso ciates ami at (ho miiihi I Iiiih piollt the iniiio oporatotH of the district. It Ih pincticiilly ii fact that these iiiIIIh will go iu. Moreover, It Ih probable that tlm machinery will be Hhipped thiri winter for early spiing cniiHtiuc. tlou." Mr. Tnuuscud HtatcH that two of those iiIiiiiIh will be built, one near the I.iihI Chance, ami the other at Kid Chief. Mr. Lllley, of the llaby McKee, will look utter the former, ami Mi Townsend after tbo latter. A Hite lor the one at lied Chief Iiiih aliemly been leaned, ami act ho work will start with tho opening up of fpriug. The iiiIIIh aro to bo of 100 toiiH capacity, and coiiHtructcd along tho lines of tho California. TIiIh will give a plant on each divide. which will gio eiiHy IiiiiiIh from the majority of ('able Coe propel IIch. Mr. Tnwiirtoud Ih a llrm believer in the ultimate grcatucHHH of the Cable Cove dlsti let. Itegnrdiug this lie mivs: "Tho Cable Coe Ih one of tho bent leaning districts Iu the entire camp, notwithstanding the fact that Home of the hlggcnt ami best inlneH them have been given a black eye, and it Ih dilllciilt to get mining men to liivHtigato. The fact Ih that it will hold lis own ullli miv In the Htate. When the matter of sue- ceHHful treatment on tho ground at a minimum cent Ih settled, and 1 am inclined to the belief that it Iiiih been, Cable Cove Ih going to take a place among the bent and iiiohL pros peroiiH mining district iu the country." MISSING MAN POIND AT GRIZZLY MINE. Tho non-appearance of P. D. Healy, who is engaged iu developing the Grzzly property on the divide be tween hero and Granite, to spend New Years with bis family, caused serious alarm, and last' uigbt Al Jones, A. J. Stjnsou and Jack Kreuan woro dispatched to ascertain the causo of the delay. They found that both Mr. Healy aud Jack (lerriu. a miner workno C-Akl FDAMriCrADEADl C ' wltn "''" ,lll(1 "eon injured to an ex OAN inAlltlotUrtUrLLT tent' wlilcfa niado it impracticable for . I them to walk iu from tho property. While picking iu the crosscut whore work was being carried ou, ii boulder rolled on Mr. Healv'a right foot, badly crushing it and making it impossible for him to return as ex spooled. , 'Gdrrln' Vas caught by a llgurcH or to spcclllcallv designate I4-'""-'" ""u had his leg badly tho,property, but, sijyH tlio new peo- , un."s,,'' ui ""lies wer broken sermon PROPERTY GOES TO F. A. K. Starr, who returned it day i or so go from Portland, has turued al dual for a Greenhorn minim; nroticrtv I iu which he is Interested, to Sun Francisco people. ' , ' Mr. Starr declines to mention nnvl j pie wl start work on it soou, and prosecute "development on u good t-calo. GOOD VALUES AT THE GOLD HILL. J. C. Worley, of ihiker City, re turned HiIh morning from tho Granite district, where ho has been supervlp- iug tlio assessiiient work ou tlio Gold Hill property. During the process of tho work, 100 siickH of shipping oro wero sacked. Mr. Worley brought back witli him samples of tho rock, which, from their appearance, carry high values. bruised, but no bones wero aud the injuries are not of a imturo, though for the time they render locomotion a-foot impossible. The wounded men ate expected to .return next Tuesday, ami In mean time their comfortH are being looked after. The faearcthiug party left hero about 0 o'clock last night aud io turned at '2 this mornng. EAST ON IMPORTANT MINING BUSINSS. TO LOOK AFTER GOLDEN FLEEGE J. W. llnggrt, of Tacoiiui, who en gineered tho Golden Fleece deal a short time ago, an I veil lieie this morning ami will go out to the prop erty tomorrow. Work was started up a few days ago and Ih being steadily prosecuted. Three shifts are being worked and sinking near the ore body continued, Four feet a day Ih being made, with frequent crosscuts to the teln. G. Hay HoggH, son of G. W. Hoggs, who perfected the deal, Iiiih charge of the development work. The present uwnerH will carry on operations con tinually. Mr. Hoggs' present mis. stun Ih to Inspect the work. heiiid lately. Ho has had two men at work de veloping the prospect during the past week and they have got out u tine looking lot of coal. Mr. alker and his associates have recently secured control of 1,100 acres of coal lands In the vicinity of where they are working and are full of coullilouco that they have the best coal Held in the west. They are going to put on au in creased force of men and a big drill at work during the coming spring. Fossil Journal. A. L. MoKwoii, u member of tho llrm of McKwcu, Arthur A McHweu, proprietors of tho Similiter Testing aud Sampling works, left today on u business trip to Detroit, Michigan, to be gone about three weeks. Mr. McKwon, it is understood. Is going back ou an important mining doal which ho will probably consum mate during Ills absence La Grande Beet CroD Netted (95.000 GOOD COAL PROSPECTS NEAR FOSSIL. OREGON Mr, J,. Walker, the man who i. bought Charles .Miller's Interest in the Fossil coal mines, situated about il fourteen miles south of tuwii, wiys in lie has h better prospect than that near 'Heppuer, of which so much is The sugar hoot crop of tho Grande Hondo valley has uetted the growers , 1 11,1,000 tills season, according to the reports recently made out at the fac tory. The yield of beets was l'.'.OOO tons this year, while last year it was 0,000 tons. One ton of beets will ( produce 240 pounds of sugar. The 11', 000 tons produced '.288,000 sacks of 100 pounds each, or 2,2B8,000 pounds, and this sugar sells fur live ' cents per pound, thus giving the gross I output at the sum of 1114,000. , The acreage planted this year was .much larger than the year of 100:!, There are more farmers entering into Telephone Line to Bend. A cotupauy composed of W. A. liooth, I. II. Davis and G. M. Cor nett, with a capital of 610,000. has been Incorporated for the purpose of building a telephone Hue between l'riilovillo, Heud and Sisters. It is the present Intention of the company to build to Cline Falls by tho way of tlio 1'orest ranch, t hence to Sisters ami from there to Hend. Later it is expected to extend' tbo Hue from For esfs place Into the Haystack coun try. The proposed line will bo about sixty miles iu length aud will meet decided apnroval bv the differ. eut communities through which it passes. Crook County Journal. Satisfactory Progress. Walter Crone, who bus charao of the development work at tbo Gold Hug, who bus beeu spend lug soveral days Iu the city, returned to tbo prop erty today. Ho reports satisfactory progress Iu the way of opening up the mine. j Value of Various Copper Ores. I Tho following estimate has been ! made uf the values In tho ores of tho great copper mines of tbo country; ! The Calumet aud Ileela ore curries .'I per cont copper; the Tamarack, l.Sl percent copper; tbo Wolverino, 1.1 per cent copper, aud tbo Atlantic, a litto more thau one-half of ouo per cent copper. These Michigan mlnoi yield no other uiotal iu considerable quantities, aud tho ores from those properties do not equal In copper values the ores from our western cop per mines. Tbeso western mines bavo also big values iu lead, sold aud silver. Tho Auacouda carries about 4.5 per cont cupper; the Cop per Queen, about 8 per cent Cenner: tho Uuitod Verde, 7 per cent copper. Iho Mountain Copper company iu Califorua produces au 8 per ceut copper. Facts About The Old Comsotck. Ground was broken for tho excava tion of the Comstock-Sutro tunnel on October 10, 1804, and on July 8. Iain, Adlopb Sutro crawled through the connection made with the Sav age shaft on that date tho first man to pass through that opening. Sutro was tbo. first to Introduce powor drills in Nevada, and mado 1)00 feot a month progress for over two years. Wheu the face of the tunnel was Hearing the Comstock lodo tho tern- Iperaturo averaged 114 degrees, and tbo nieu ouiployed could uot work three hours out of eight-hour shifts. From the mouth of the tunnel to .its connection with tho Savage shaft j on the 1,740-foot level tho distance ila 20,480 f.ot and tbo north and south lateral tranches have combined a lougtb of 12,820. Pacific Coast Miner. To Open Boarding House. Mrs. K. K. Kenuedy has resigned her position as boarding housekeeper at IhejNorth Pole, aud will open a house at the E. aud K. ou Jauuary IS. MANAGER PARKER BACK FROM NEW YORK. Mauagor Parkei, of the Phoenix, was uu the train this morulno. return. Ing to the mine. He is just back from Now York, where bis family re sides. Mr. Parker says that money ( is rather close In the east, but busi ness men look for a general revival I'early iu tho now year.