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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1904)
COVERS THOROUGHLY THE GOLD FIELDS of the INLAND EMPIRE EASTERN INVESTORS IN OREGON MINES Pay for AND READ IT I. I BRIGHT OUTLOOK FOR GRANITE DISTRICT. It is (iiiMiimmy at, tint clu-ai of (he year lo look back mill mile thn ptn grexH tlmt Iiiih Ih'hii made, also In look forward Into thn coming year ih lo Hut prospects. In ii mining country, iih wo are hern nil uostinuH of prngii" natiirally hinge on mining. Tin year lOIKI Iiiih pant mill tin pmgicHH made during tlmt time Iiiih boon tillo satisfactory. While In future pro pcots there Iiiih never been 11 Hunt in tliti histniy of (intuitu wlimi they worn In ightor. On tlio head of Denver creek iiliout four miles from (Intuitu 11 now anil rich mining district Ih being opened by tint (KiinpMiiy now operating tlio (inldeh Fleece CoiiHolidntcd group, and u nniiilinr of proHpootorn who nr developing tlinlr proportion iih rapidly iih pohhIIiIo iih their llinltfil ciiplliil will permit . There are other good properties on Denver mock. Capital Ih learning tint fad anil Ih beginning to Hllk llllllll. On tint othitr nitltt of (intuitu fiom Heaver eieok Ih tint (Intuitu crook iIIm trlt, In whlitli there mo hiii'Ii well known prom tins iih tint Independence, Magnolia, Cougar mitl lliiltiiln. Kor over two yearn work In HiIh locality wan pratlciilly nt :i hIiiiiiIhIIII, mill It has only boon In lint hint seven or eight inontliH tlmt now lifit Iiiih been noticeable. Tin Imik of mitlvlty lime uiim not lii'i'iiiiHit thn people liml lot fnl I It In tlit pinpoitlcH. Hut owing lo tlio mitlniiH of prnmoteiH iiinl mill die limn who obtained long 1 1 in t op tlotiH on tlm best pioprtliH mill played a uniting game, in hupei ol making ii hiiIii itl fnlitiloiiH price In several liiHtnni'iH limy oon Imli'il to ptiforin tilt' iimci'hiiiii'IiI woik, mill tint owners wore itnmpollcil lo tin the work or Idmi tludr propoity. I.iihI HpriiiK Hon. (ieo, ,1. Hurt ott. of I IiIh idacu, Hold tho Independence to Muhhih. Iliirltrltluit .1- Hindi, of Spokane, who have npeiit thotiHiindH of dollitrH In developing the prop erty. Thexe Kent lemon have pur cluiMed the JoIiiihou placer iiiIiioh on Umne I'lnt and next HprliiK will erect a lurKe dnnluer with which lo work tho Krurol. A few days iiko Mr. Ilarrett whh Hiiccessfiil In seciirluK the Muunolln for llurliritlrfu A Unroll, o that now extensive operation of Ibis iiiHKnlHceut property Is assured for the coiniiiK year. The working of three largo crews where a few months ago not a man was employed Is sure lo menu much to Craiittu. In the Ued Hoy district things, or course, at present are quiet, owing to the lluiiiiolal straights through which tlnil company Is panning. The " .......... .. ... t-. -..... ..-. ntfnliH of the lied liny nro being lap ' Idly reudjtittted, ami by mitl summer the iihiiiiI force of fifty or sixty men will have tint machinery going again. Woik at tint other proper tics in this locality Is continuing as it has been for povcrnl inontliH and by spring all the proportion now working are sure to materially in crease the forces now employed. lit the Alamo district the mining industry is making strides toward permanence. The Alamo mill has been completed aud In a few days will be producing bullion iu good r-li'il I- lii i -ii'Ii month I'lieio mil inn i iv utiii'i' i inpfilirri near Alamo Hint hid slimwug up butler mid lift ler iilh'r each stint. Wo lejolco in blddiig wel I'oiiut to uliut Ih sure to prom n luippy iiml prosperous year, (iiuiiltit (il'lll. HIGH-MINIMUM WAGE. AND INFERIOR WORKMAN If nil tlu nmii Kiiiimi ill inn tttele lonuiiiicd in stonily eiiilmiiiiuil nlii'i tlm I'hiiilillHliinciit nt' thn high mini muni wages, tin liilVieiiiM uiiiihl tin jiihII.v drawn that tliu infurlor workman whh protutttuil anil limit'lllcil liy hiiuIi whku ri'Kiilntlon. Hut it iiivariiilily Inippi'iiH in piui'tico that, whi'ii HiIh iiiIu Ih imiMM'il. uiuployitiH hiiiiii I mi i n to uci'il mil tlut-ii wiirk ini'ii who 'lo mil i miIiii moiikIi In III' I'll! I'll ll til I III- Hlltil'l hll lllllll'll. "A' hill Im'coiihh of I ln niiloi IiiiiiiIu mil's t Iiiih iiii'iil?" tin own mil ot iimploy. . I iii'v I'lionoi nhMivH, Hiiyn tlm .inn- iiki ('ii-ii'i '!, tidiipt theillHolvoH to new 1 1 ' inns In oilier tindiiH whore Din in 1 11 1 tiiiiin wnuu Mile may not lie npciiit io; iiml rwn if thny could ho niliipl Hiemci'lM'H, I hey would not ciitlilv Iiml Milltililn poxitloiiH. Tlio iihiiiiI lentilt Ih idleliesH, illM'ounme mi'iit, povtti'y mid 1iih of M'lfie npuct. I'Viiui an economic Htiiiitlpoiul It in to I lie employerV ndvatitiiKU lo ke epiicu in IiIh Hhop lo tlu ipiickt'Ht mill lienl woikmeii. IliHiiiiit of uspi'UHO Ih 1 educed when hit IncreiiheH IiIh pur inpilii out put. If ho iiIIowh slow iiml old men in whom he Iiiih become Inteii'Hteil to occupy poHitiotiH that pay them the Mime proportion of n insert for tluilr lalior iih Ih received l,y H.iperlor work.uon, mid suiro- NW fRflGHT ROOM (hit loss which comes from tholrrerl cttiaj diiceil output, where, then, is the in-j AT THE S. V. STATION justice or Injury of the workmen, ' .iSOph Urton, goueral freight and hy a rule of their own contrivance I passenger agout of the Sumpter Val which alms to force tho payment ot , eyt Bpont tno tjme tojay betweeu purl ly unearned wages to these u-1 trains In the olty. He was here to dor-average men, cuuso such omlar 1 authorize a obaoge at the station. rassmi'iit as. theditchargoof the latter would tiring ahoutY Is this benefit ting the weak? "Ves," says tho hearty supporter of the high minimum scale: we ad mit this hardship, hut we must look to the greatest good for Iho greatest uumlier. In the march of progress the weak must drop out." This sounds very well, hut in the matter of wages catiuot the grontest gootl to the greatest number ho brought about without the sacrltlce of those who need protection most? Artitlcial barriers In tho way of tint j ... ..... easy workings of economic laws are very apt to bring injury in the long run. Were tliu canes of inability to earn tliu Hit-called minimum wages rare, namely, to make exception iu favor of the slow- aud the old, might answer; hut the earning capacity of men has a wide range, ami the high minimum wage crowds out not a few Individuals, but usually a minority class of workman. If the demand for help happens to lie very great, and there Is work for all, the em-, ployer Is often forced to pay the low wnrkuiaa more tbau they earn, ana in couulcilinliiuco lhi.4 Imui'iiM'il out I cr Valley, nt Hh shops in Baker i.iy, lie in npt'lo ui iih'D uo nt tin lily. U building ti lirst-class refrlg e.xpcnsc of tlm hotter wniUuicii lv cmlur car tor Phillips, ltrowu & (led limitiug tliu pay of tliu latter to (hit ties, to tin lined In shipping meats. to stipulated iiiinltmiin. i tint Similiter branch of tlio compauy, - l known iih tlio Sumpter Moat markot, OFFICIAL RECORDS. I formerly tlio Austin market. No' .. Infill slaughter Iioiiho Ih to be used- Tliu follow inn iiiHtrnuuMitH wufc tiled it tin llnkir ivinnlv roinl Iioiiho iliirini; ilm ui-k untliii.' iiih -i ItHII, UKAI. KMAIK TUANSKKKS. IIKKIIH. Sunt. 'J(! U. S. A. lo A. I.. VViIm. Mill iii'iuh in Solv. M mul l.'i, T 10 I. :I7 II. Dec. II .Suniplcr TmviiMito ('o. to II. A. Otavct. lot 1. 11. A., bjikII ciiIu'h third adn; dTU. Supt. !l Mary K. Myers and Iiiih liiiml to Mary O. Coulter, lot 7, 1). 10, Parker's adn; 850. Out. .'10 L. Kmipp and wife to V. A. Knnpp lot 1, II. 7, Sumpter llitlhtH adn; 8:150. Dim. 'J!! Kriink A. Mvitb to L. .). Chutu, lots l.'l and 11, II. 2, Pa- uHluatlu SI KiU Vp. RK. 1 mul OIiiih Ii. Ciis- tor to Juo. Touov iiud F. S Hoard, lot 11, 0. 'J. Rock Creek; 50. Sept. 'JC--M. J. Ooodhoart to Mae C. Miioller, lots 7 aud 8, 11. 7, 10 and weHt 00 foot lot 0. L) Similiter HolKhts; 8:1.500. MINI NO MrVTT ERH. IIKKDM. .Ian. 2 M. It. Iluiley to .1. lot 4, Ii. X. C. 4 .Suit. .'il.T. 7 H. .1!), and Homo Htako tiiiirtz claim mid and l-.'l In tereHt North Star and Northern Lleilit tiuurtz clalnis; 81. Dec. 211 iIiih. Couloy to I'M ward Iltinilllmi 1 - liilnr. in 'Trliimtih' IIIIIIIIIIOII 1 HlloroHl III irillllipn (llllirt. claim; 2 JO. ' ,, , . . .. ouin. in .1110. Lti'KKUii 10 1 uiury 1. linker. 1 '1 lnl..,.t..ul In "0lf.,nl l-.l llllltriOHl III CJIIVOr Star" ininiiiK claim; 81. An express room is to be provided. A partition will be run4 In the freight room aud another wiudow cut, thus giving better facilities for handling express matter. Mr. Uarton stated that the Sump- WORTH READING YOU CAN VAKK MONEY IF YOU BUY 1 MhSE STO.KS VALLEY QUEEN-PRICE 9 CENTS $?50,000 The Comtne Great Mine of the Cable Cove U. i it Rcrctil big strikes show values ol over $181 per ton. A sure Producer. An investment in Vallev Queen w.U nunv tinvj double your money. J J J J BUCK HORN-PRICE 10 CENTS Cap- I 'POCOO. V llbf a the er r. I i' Is iv o III UikK torn u ik. linOit tf Wnie toit Ifr Pr pi.ius je-i 'ul n Mini nn. Men lion No b() tid we wnl man ) u irre stx niimihs the NORTH AMERICAN MINER WHEELER & CO. linkers 32 IRIUWAY, N. Y. 1 hy the now concern. Mr. Dnrton also stated that wbeu tint ii'friKerator oar Ih completed, the I'tinipany will coiiHtrnot a mail and i'.iicHH car to replace tho one now I'l'int; iiu'd on the road. I'lMIIKU l.ANI), ACT.ll'NKH, 1878. NOI'ICU HMI I'l'III.U'ATION-. Unllf J Slates UnJ Officf. I La GranJr, OrcRon, October 16, igot. ( Notlct It hrrrby given lint In compliance with th provisions ol the net ol corir ol June 1, II7S, en title J "An act for the ate ol timber lands In the states ol California, Oregon, NevaJa and Washington Ter ritory, as extenJeJ to all the Public Land States fey act ol August 4. l&p, ROBERT C BAKER, of Sumpter, county of Baker, state of Oregon, hat (ins jay niej in mis ornce nis sworn statement no. 9461 for the purchase of the swW of section No. ), In township No. 11 south, range No ir l.w. and will offer proof to show thai the ' land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said lanJ before Chas. H. (!hanr. I . S. CTnmmllnnr. at Humnbr. OrirMi. I on Saturday, the oth day of January, 1004. lie names as witnesses: Meter J. soirjs, 01 sump ter, Oregen: William Salmon, of West Superior, Wiscensin: William Kelly of Sumpter, Oregon; Robert Patte'son. of Sumpter, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the atove described lands are requested to file their claims In this office on or before said 9th dav of Jan.. I004. E. W. DAVIS, Register APPLICATION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE In the County Court ot the State of Oregon for the Countv of Maker. In the mailer of the application of John Darlletl fur a County Liquor License. To the Honorable County Court of the County of Maker. State of Oregen: I. John llartletl, do hereby make application for a Itfenit to sell splritous. mail and vinous liuuors lor the period of three months, torn January 1st to March list. 1004, both dates Inclusive, at what Is known as the llalf-wav Mouse. In Hourne precinct. I ker couniv. uregen; sau nau-a uouse being s,uated on the couniv agon road between the City I bumpier and the Town ol Bourne, in the County Hi llaker. State of Oregon, and being situated about ... ...1.. .....- 1 halt wav between jumpier and 11 urne mat mere s no mine witninone mueoi sau ifair U... l... TI..I Ih. lrn.,nl ll.l. nll!l,.n fon, .. . . .... .. . ...... stltute a majority of the voter ol Bourne pre ..-7 ..-... ...-......-.....--. ,.. ...... ,w.. cinct. JUIID IIA"ILCI 1. Sumpter Oregon, November 371I1, iooj. We the undersigned, constituting a majority of the legal voters ot Houtne precinct In Uaker Countv, Oregon, do hereby respectlully ask that a Liquor I Icense be granted to John Barllett, of the Half-Way House, In Bourne Precinct, Baker County, Oregon, for the period beginning January first, 1904, and ending March list, 1004. J M Dotle. Thos Connolly. I C Burton. W Hanra han. M S McLee. O E Bu'nett, Al Young, Asa Rob rtson, Koberl M Slmms, Thomas Doyle, Thomas Tobin. Ed Haley, ti O Kempfu. Ed Turk. A L Mc Brayer. U II Tabor. Tom Moore. J I"- Titus, J T Stevenson, r arlev Smith, Walter Self. Arthur Rees, l-red C Barrett. J T Mahoney. Jake (irecn, Ed Mc Klnle , Harry Allen J J Crabb, Tom Jones, R S Jenkins, Tom ll.ilev, Cliff Hacked, (juv Hair It, Thos Tat lor I Duikee.J Ii Hall, FM Andersen: Wm H Lme. J I) AU Donald, lirorge Maurln. Chas Wil liam, A II Wr.iihcttotj, J f- Ruk, Jas McGhet, W Kellotri;. I W Sin Pett Mdcev, S A Abel. CltJ-Tnu, D lonrs l.lmcr ralor, J R More. B IIuiIOm, John SVliite. I.en Woods. '. y id nicy ' f . HI It has At meet . . k J v J 0K; jS-b, - va-t-"-