The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, January 06, 1904, Image 1

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. I90
NO. 18
J, W. Scriber, in Close Touch With Money
Market Says "All is Well'
J. W. Scriber, of Lh (Jraudo,
director of the First National bank
here, an o HI cor of banks in the Urand
Rondo and John Day valleys' tban
whom no man in eastern Oregon
occupies a more commanding posi
tion in the fluauolal world, nor is in
closer touch with eastern and coast
financiers, is in town today, ile
brings with him a choerful mossago
regarding the monetary condition of
the country at large, and custom
Oregon especially. To a Miner rep.
roseutative this forenoon be said:
"Sixty days ago, even thirty, we
feared the worst. Now all danger is
past, aud tho bunkh of tho country
are feeliug secure; absolutely no. As
the now year approached, it becamo
moro appareut overy day that the an
nual January settlements would be
made with the usual promptness.
This foreshadowed event has now be
.came a reality, and there is nothing
in the present llnanclal condition of
the country at large that indicates a
tightening of the mcnoy market.
"My advices from Salt Lake, Mon
tana. Colorado, and especially from
Portland and Puget Sound points,
are all satisfactory as to tho prosout
and optimistic regarding the future.
In fact, J will not bo surprised even
If the usual comparative dullness at
tending a presidential election is
omitted from tho program this year.
All branches of biisinoss is improv
ing, aud within thirty or sixty days
tho normal condition of lluauco and
I'ommorco will be restored. Of
courso, you know that nil eastern ro
ports are eutirely encouraging.
"Locally, by which I menu in east
ern Oregon, in which Sumpter Is an
important factor, everything la all
right. No oue need feel any appre
hension for the future This is euro
to be a particularly prosperous year
In the mining regions, as was last
such frequent occurrence that It
scarcely excites comment. Hut
here's just one more.
The other day W. Lougwell pur
chased a New Year's goose at the
lllllmau market. Yesterday he
killed the goose, and found Inside
tho bird a gold nugget worth II. So
he practically played eveu as far as
the gboso feature of his Now Year's
dinner was couuernod.
GOES $8.000.
Morris Sullivan came back last
night from bis claim adjoining the I.
X. L., where be was paying oft for
assessment work just completed, and
reports a fabulously rich strike In
the lower workings of the I. X. L.
Mr. Sullivan says:
"The ore goes 18,000 to the ton,
and is among the richest ever en
countered at this property, which is
remarkable for Its high grade stuff.
1 saw the rock myself, aud it was
hardly possible to put a pin point on
it without hitting free gold. It's
just full of free gold, as its value
would indicate."
Mr. Sulllvau has an adjoining
claim on the same lead, which he
thinks will become equally valuable
with development.
lie also reports good progress at
the Lucy group, in the tireenborns,
where he is also interested. The
main Lucy ledge, be state baa been
eocouutered on the crosscut, and
satisfactory values are shown.
The Milwaukee officers and stock
holders of the Luoy company are ex
pected here January 15- when the
annual election will take place.
Manager Howard, of the Uolconda,
who roturned from Pendleton a day
or so ago, states that the story re
garding the improvements at the
mine, published in the Kast Oregon
Inn, was eutirely unauthorized.
There was no meeting held, as one
of the directors was sick and another
east, making a quorum impossible.
A meeting will bo held as soon as a
quorum can be gotten together. Mr.
Howard had nothing to make public
relative to any contemplated im
provements at the mine.
Found Gold Nugget In Goose's Groo.
The finding of gold naggeta In the
true Inwardness of fowla in this sec
tion of country baa oome to be of
A koy to tho business situation in
Sumpter aud tho tributary mluug
districts for tho past twelvo mouths
is to be found In tho amount of
freight handled by tho Sumpter Val
ley Hallway company for this period.
According to the statements mado by
Joseph Uarton, general froight aud
passenger agout, who was ou the
train to Whitney this morning, to n
Minor representative, the froight ton
uago handled by tho road for the
your ending Decern her :il, was prob
ably heaviest in the history of tho
company. While his reports are yet
incomplete and exact llguros fur this
reason cannot ho mentioned, he states
that tho incoming and outgoing
freight exchanged between tho O. It.
& N. and tho Sumpter Valley up
proixmately amounted to 15,01)0
tons. This, however, does not in
clude shipments direct from linker
City, aud way stations, which will
very largoly lucreeeo the figures.
Speaking of the matter, Mr. Barton,
said :
"The year has been oue of unpro
cedeutod prosperity for tho railroad
company, as shown by tho business I
have outlined. Other departments
show slmlar gains. Tho passeuger
trafflo has been unusually brisk
throughout the year, aud the ex
press business good. We have uo
kick coming as far as our year's
work Is concerned."
Incidentally a little figuring ou the
side will show that Mr. liartou is
giving out straight facta when he
Breaks of the prosperity of the Sump
eor Valley. The amount of freight
exchanged between the two rouds at
tho prevailing rato amounts to an
annual revenue of approximately
01)0,000, or a daily income of about
1250, not to mention otbor freight
hauled, aud the passenger aud ex
press business, which no doubt
would more than double the receipts.
A. llurch, of Iluroh & llurbridgo,
roturned from the Magnolia yester
day and left for a short trip to Ilolso.
It is understood that there Is uo doubt
but that tho firm will take over tho
property. Mr. Ilurbridge remaiued
at tho mine, and will at once procood
to sample It.
it is stated that they will put in
it sampling and testing plant for tho
purpose of ascertaining values and at.
the same time determining the kind
of treatment liest suited to the ores.
Tho fact that slnkng at the Inde
pendence shaft has lieen temporarily
abandoned, looks very much as if
tho firm lias practically dcoldod tu
take over the Magnolia. Indued lit
tle doubt was entertained on this head
by Mr. llariot when he took a bond
ou the property, it Is uuduerstood
that the Intention Is to sink ou Mag
nolia ground iu the gulch between
the two and work both mines from
tho sanin tdiaft. The two can in
this way be worked much more economically.
Pete Healy Back from Grizzly.
P. D. Healy and Jack (Jerrln, who
were hurt at the (Jrlzzly mine ou
McCully's Fork the other day, came
In on the stage from Uranlte today.
Mr. Healy ia one of the owners of the
property and Mr. Uerrlu was em
ployed by him. Neither was seri
ously Injured.
$250,000 WORTH OF ORE
The Ladd Metals company are
employing all the teams tat apply
for work at .Mineral, and are going
right along with the work of getting
material on the ground fur the big
smelter at the Mineral ferry, saya
the Kichlaiid News.
General Mauagei Adams has re
turned from the Seven Devils moun
tains, where be spent some ten days
in looking over the posalhlltlesof tho
camp. While there be coutraotod
for two hundred and fifty thousand
dollars worth of ore from the Poa
cock mine, to be delivered to thej
Homestead smelter.
This does not look much like a
suspension of operations by this
company. They are pursuing tho
eveu tenor of their way, aud whon
the time comes that the demand for
railway transportation is imperative,
or the furtherance of their other
plans, they will build tho Snaku
Itlver railroad Ihemi-clves rather
than suspend operations. Iu fact,
It is known that Mr. Adams linn
stated emphatically that work on tho
Snake Hirer roud would he com
menced in the near future.
Will Put in Extra Shift.
J. W. Wilson, manager of tho
Listen Lake property, came 'in from
the mine this afternoon. The shaft
is now down sixty feet aud the ore la
looking better than ever. He i
Drenarlna to nut on another shift anil
' rush development along.