Wednesday, December 2?, n)o$ THE SUMPTER MINER ) ADVERTISING WOULD PREVEN1 FRAUDS Tla New York stock exchmmc will not permit oiiit of its tneinbeis In ad vertise In imy way, suve liy t lie ltiiwt forninl hit-dues-' enid in neui-piipeis or iniimiiiHw. No luokeils permitted to employ n stillr-ltor. nor to send out iiilveitisJtm lileintiiie or peisonul lotteis that will 1k in any way edit ciitiminl. Tliu Consolidated stock oxchiiiiKu of New Yoik has u nilu liardly less eoinpiehensive against udvortisiui:. . Tin' obvlom result Is (lint tlio speeiilutlvo ndvcrtlslni.' Held Is led open for 11 preponderance of fake, frmid mid Ket-rich-wlille-you-wiilt advert lers' who depend on the ! noriiui'o of tlin uL'iHMiil public of loKltliim o HtH'Ciilntvt Investments. Tliu vnat minis ot n.oiiuy tlmt huve Koliu into the collets of thee mi crpuloiw udvertlsers shows .hut the Hold of spcciilultou in Inirdly touched I IV tliu legitimate HtlK'k UM'llllIIUL'H. An ml vert Ini iiu imtlioilty estimates tlmt 8100 000.000 yiwnly is eon trihutod to tliu iiistioiiiilil() piomntcr most of it thtouuh tlu pulling powers of printcis' ink. How much liottcr if tliu meat exchnuues would cuter the Hold of publicity mid nun pi'tu with tliu frtiuds for a shine of tlio intcstnrs' money. Tliu same if lun cull Ixi applied to luinlim adveitlslin,'. The concern tlmt Inn tln most money to spend In iidvcitisinu is not ulwuvs tliu licst. Tlio iidicitlsctiicuts Hint lull only Kuuuiulitics mid Hint piomlso enor mous dividends on tliu spot lire In tended tor tliu unlllble. Tliu public is net dim edticnted ns to inllilnu propositions, pnrtly limn experience mid pmtly fiom systematic and edu cut he work of n leu- ii.tninu pnpers, mid sumo of tliu li(ine-t mid lutelli Went promoters, of mining cimipnnles. Tliu peat stock u.NclimiueH enn aid this work liy removing the linn on Jcultiinulo speculative uthcitieiin: mid niilinu In cilucutiiiK the pulille as to uluit mi honest speculation is. West et 11 Minimi World. J. NAT HUDSON IS HAVING HIS OVERDUE RUN OP LUCK ,7. Nat Hudson, editor, tanner, nkiitlnu link piopiictor and attorney, of llaket City, accompanied hy his cousin, llcilieit Hudson, 111 rived this inornlim to stmt usxcssiiicut work on tlio Lost Hnit-c. in the Wind Cicek distiiut, a piopeity they hold under judgment, Mr. Hudson says that he is Dually ImvliiK his run of luck, which was Join; over duo; that lie Is makiuu a barrel of money iiuiiiIiik the only first class ice skatluu' link in linker county, mid is leiidliiu his wealth 011 farm ninrtmiKes; Hint last fall at dtlierent times the lust 11 monkey wrench mid a frying pan mid re covered b.;th viilimbles. Hut Ills most fortunate transaction was when bo juried looso from the newspaper business in Similiter. Ho promises to kIvo any of tlio local craft a home raised, homo cooked meal If they will cull at Ills rural rotroat us they iiro "walking out,." The "Bad Man" is a Back Number. "Tom" Horn, choking to deHth at the oud of 11 well Rreased ropo in Choyenno, tlio other day provided furthor proof that the "bad niuu'Mias no lounor any place in our civllla tiou. Douhtlosa tlio dim o novel swashbuckler had his small sphere of u-etulness hi- little time to ei ve his little puipoe in the woiklnu nut of the new woild's problems. Hut theie is no uioie ttoutlei in the I'nltcd States, s ve that upon which the ocean heats. Nor I" theie loom between the seas for the "laid 1111111' . lie has been oideitd to "uioe on" hv a limn with a slat on his cst, the uic-fCimei ot the one jiiticc that we 1 know, And it makes no dilleieuce whether the limn with the star lie eowaiil 01 "name," no tlilleicnee whethei the justice whue po'ecs he selves lie enthi oued In 11 pi limed coiuthoiise of fimilte 01 In a lou 'sliuuty with loof ot "shakes," the "had man," belli"; seldom a tool, knows that society has the "dtnp" on him mid he either iiioncs 011, us requested, or turns !ooil. Hun Finn elsco News Letter. SUSPENSION ORDER ON TIMBER LANDS REVOKED Accoidiiiu to a Washington press dispatch. Secretary of the Intel lor Hitchcock has completed the ptcpaia t i 011 of evidence on the laud traiid cases and Commissioner Kichaids, of the ueiieial land olllce, ycsteitlny tevoked the older suspend I in; timber mid stone entiles in Oicunu, Washington, California, l't h, Wyoming, Idaho mid -Mont nun, which weie helil up pendliiK Imestlijiitlon. The laud claims under the timber and stone act will now take (hell icmilnr eouise. Wind comes triini La Gimido that Asa II. Tlinin-oii, suspended leeeiver of the laud olllce theie, left .Sunday uiulit tor Wn-liiimtoii. wlieie lie will seek an Intel view with the mvi etui y of tliu Intel lor in his own behalt. It is stated that .Mr. Thomson will demand to see tlio chill Cfs piefeircd against him by lusieetor Giecno mid when he ascei talus what they 11111 will meet them befiue the secietmy, or riijiie.-t a oppoitunity to fuco them in soiiii) other tiibiiual. It is said that he will bo backed by Senator .Mitchell ami I'ulloii in his attempt to secuio leinstatement and that they will never suiieiider until Mi. 'l'houipson has had a fair healing ami in either iciiistated or ousted foi uood. OIHCIAL RECORDS. The follow ini instruments were tiled at the lluktr county couit Imu-c during the week emlinu Dec. LS. I'.Ml" UKA1. KTATK TUANSFKHS. IIKKDH, Dec. Ill lleruimi Fuchs to linker City, N. W. ', S. W. U Sec. LI Tp. 0 I?. 10 K. 81. Dec. 0 J. Henry Louyiimid to Daniel t'liint, lot II block C, lloiiine; 8100. Dec. 'J I Oeo. W. Iliilick to Claude. K. Ileiinett, 100 acres In Sec. lit Tp. 8 l. 'l K; 8:1,000. July IJeceiver to Joel (S. Shan non, deed in full for Hit) acres In .Sec. 1!) Tp. 11 It. :iH E; 8400. Dec 8 N. C. Haskell et al to May tirniit, lots 4 mid r block 8, Hnfikell adu to linker City; 8Lr.0. Oct. 17 Receiver to Frank K. Punrce, deed in full for 1(10 acres In Sees.. 1 and '1 Tp. 7 R. 17 R; 8017. Oct. 10 J. H. Kaiitrinan to Fred (lundelack, lot 1 block .1, St. Louis adu to Sumpter; 8.r0. Dec. II Ins. V. Groy to A. J. Tonoy, X. K. '4 Sec. 22 Tp. 77 II. 119 E; 800. March 1 A. Willis and wife to A. J. Toney, 100 acres In Sec. 5 Tp. 8 R. !l!l K; 81. Dec. 18 A. Wolcli and wlfo to Dukor City It. E. and Home Co., tillvlno feet in block "J I, Atwood's mill to Huker Cll : i? 1,100. Dec. H. 'OS -C. C. Fisher mid wife to Ixces llios. 1(10 acres in Sees. S and 0 Tp 7 15. I 'J K; 8:100. Nov. '11, 'W U. P. l'eikiiw and wlteto.l P. Peiklns lilMOO feet in uoithwest coiner ot block i. At woods adu to llnkei City: 81. Dec 1!-Tlins. lioiich ami wife to 1 .lohlisou et al, I'OlM'JOO fiet ill N. W. coinerS. K. 1 I Sec. U T DJ K. II K. ; $100. Dec. 1) - Htitnptcr Lumber Co. to Chun Winhoti!. lots I'J. and II. II. 1, T11c011.11 iidn; 81."iO. June I'J .Inn. Sheinian to l-'ied D. Nodlne, SO ncics in Sec. HIT. S i;. Hi K. ; 81. Nov. 1 (!eo H. .lanney to Julia 1, Costello. '1 I'J acies near linker City puuipiui; station; $ 000. Dec. 1- tirucc Liiiusou In Aura M. Vermillion, lot I, II. tl, Atwood's iidn ; 8'J.')0. Dec. lo-Clius. Newman to J. K. 'mid K. K lliicon, lots 1 and 'J, II. H, 'Stewart's adu; i?l,:i00. I Dec. 10 D. C. Simmons and wife 1 In M. Simmons, Hi ueies adjoining 'south pint of Sees, II nod LI Tp. tl I!. In H; 81. I Nov. ! Jus. K. (iiiiduer ami wife 1 to A. Hutchinson, K. ' N. K. I 'i Sec. 7 Tp. 7 1!. IIIIS ); i'.Vltt. 1 July i llccclvcr to Luke Walton, I S. ). Sec. 11 Tp. 11 It. HO K; iI00. July Jl--Krceher to John M. 'Hamilton, N. K. '. Sec. 'l', Tp. U I!. :i!l K; 8100. Dec. 1 I Win. Hint to Port bind iTnidliiK Co., 100x100 feet ill Hints 'iidn to Pine, Oieeu: 8100. I Muy 1 S IT. S. A. to Win. I'.bel. H'.O ncies in Sees. -Jrt ami 'JO T. 7 It. his k. I April 'J!l -C. M. .lohlisou et al to '.las. A, Lance, Uosetle mid (I oilier ' 1111111. elnlms; i'Jmioo Dec. l W. A. Owen nil. I wife to D. Wilcox mid I-'. L. Mueic: :i.7 lelmlns in Sec. 'HI Tp. 7 It. IIS K; 8:i(l. Oct. I Win. Pollman and wife to T. II. Duiiphy, lot :i, II. M, S pter: 8'J,0tl0. MININH MA'lTKItS. Not. 10 L. A. Kipps to Gen, O. Conner, oue-thlid lliteicet in Muk nulla iiiarl. claliii; 81. Sept. 12 C. A. Johns mid wife to E A. Dummy, interest in Delta and six other ipmrtz claims; 81. Dec. IH--Thos. Costello to Over I11111I G. M. Co , 1 '... stoiy btilldiiiK Railway Equipment Including New and Second Hand Locomotives, Gars, Logging Trucks, Relaying Rails and Fastenings. Sawmill Machinery, Stationary En gines and Boilers. & & & & MINING MACHINERY OF ALL KINDS A. J. McCabe. TACOMA, WASHINGTON on Oickoii iUiutz claim and lcasu of suid cliilm; 8'JOO. Oct. '.'I - P. .1. Motpin mid wife to .Mutatet mid Mabel Alnswoith, "Dolly Vmden" iniml' claim; 8t. Auk. -JS- . A. Kolnp-iy to M. V.. (iniiiei, Kutie, Sylxln and (lenrwln iiuuit elnlms: 81. Dec. 1 S. A. Illshop mid liil-hind to P. J. Atwood and J. T. WUdom, lied liuby and l'i other iiuirt. claims; 81. Dec. 1 I Kichuidsou (i. M. Co., hv Sheilll to W. J. Mutes, Ticmlwcll and Tesas iiunt elnlms mid a mill site of fi ncies; 81,711. Dec. . 1 L, It. liusk et al to llniiine (!. M, Co., Alaska innrtz claim: 8'J00. Tl.MltKIt LAND. ACT .H'NK'I, IhTS. NOIICi: IOII I'l'III.ICATIIIN. l'nll...l Sui lanJOltur. 1.1 lir.niJf, Ori'Kn, O, Inlet if, t S'olltr Is hi'irl'V Khrn II1.1I In imnplLinci ullh the piinlsiotu nl II 1-flit itl conutrsMtl Jimr t, If 78, rns llll.'.l "An icl li'l tl i- v.i'i' l llml rt l.m.K In llif lltt ul l..illtiinli, Dii'koii, Nov .i.l.i .11U Wnslilni;i,m ! illiii,n I'McnJi'J to nil Hip I'ul Hi I iinj M.ilrs ly .ut ut August 4. I&H. HOtlfHT (.iiki:u, t Siini'lf t, I'nunli nt IliUrr, sl.ili ul Oii'Kun, li.t lhUli lili'.l In llil nil cf Ills snutn M.lU'inrllt Nu ,! lilt tlirpiitihisr ot llii" 'j ut seillnn Nu. a I, In limnttilp No tl tiiulli, i.iiik" n It IWM, nnJ will otter ptiHit In slum lli.1t tin ImJ miiikIiI Is iiioii' .ilnil'li- lot lis llmli-r or slunr 1I1.111 Ini 'iimios, nn.l In 1'IMi tils cl.ilm In s.ili l.i 11. 1 lf lure (.Ins. II. (.Iniui. I S Ciiiniiilsslnner nt Sumpivt. Urrgnn, imSilurJ.n, llieglli J11 ot l.inuii, 1004. He 1111111 .isultn.'ssis Peter J Sumi let. Oifint Willi mi Nrtliiinn. nt West Superior. W'lsinnsln WIIILiiii Kelli ut Mimptir. Oregun; Kul'eil IMtte nn ul Sumpter, Diennn. An .ml nil peisnnml liming ,ijersel the jlme Jrkrill'eJ linls.iiereiuesteJ tu die llielr clilmt In llilkiilti.eun ur tetiirv silJblliilu ut J.111., I4114. I . W DAVIS. Keclsler AI'I'HLAIION I OR IHJliOK IICINSl'. tn llie ( iiunu ( nurt nl die Stile ul On gun ln Hie Liiunli ul H.iUr. In the milter nt Die. irrll.illt1 ut J1.I111 U.11II et li t .1 Liniiil) I litini I U'ense. In the llneur.ille Cuuni Luurl nt llie C.iiunle ut linker, Sni,.ii i.)reiiiii I, Inhii llnillett, J'l heiel'V ninke .ip IU.1H1111 l.rn I k 1 use In sill spit Huns, in.ill nn.l 1111111s llU.irs tur the 'eilu.l ul llirec in.uillis, t nm J.1111111) 1st tn Mniili list, nt- 4. 1 tilli Jill's liulusUe, nl Is kllumtl .Is the lllll-.l llnllse. In llullllle pirillHt. linker ciiiiiil.Oirii n sjI.I ll.ill .i Ilnuse I'elni; klluite.1 mi the iniiiiu ni;iiii rml leiuten the Lily ul sumpter .nu lite luAiiut itiurne, in llie i.niiutv nl llikir. siite ul Ori'Kun. anj I ilng slluiteU .itiiut hull mi I'emeen uinpter .11U II time tlifle 1111 milieu lllilu une mile ut s.ilj ll.ill W.i Ilnuse Tint ttie sljuers ul ihls pellllnn enn stllutv.1 nuiiiilw ul llie Irt'.il uti rs ul Itnurne pre cliKt. JOHN HAIIII:! I. Sumpter Oreirun. Nmemper vrlti, rii.. We Hit- uuJeisli!iirJ, iniislllulliii; .1 rn.iiirllt ut llie li'H'il M"i Is nl lliiiiine preiliulln Hiker t.iiuritv. Oreutl.Jn lerel lespnllulU Ask Ih II n I lililuf I Uense he i;iniile.l In I11I111 ll.iillelt,ul the IIjII-Wjv Ilnuse, In llnurne I'ricluct, Hiker (.uuiii), OieKun, lur llir peiml leulnnlnt; lunu.iry Inn, 1g.11, jiiJ enJIiii; Mirth list. ivm. IMDuile. IliusCunnnllv. I L lluilmi. W llnniu' hail, M S Mitre. CI I llii rirlt, Al .null'. As I7ul tlsuu, I'nlelt Al Slmms, lluiin is Pmle, I linin.1, luhln, I J Hnlr, HO Kemrlii, I J link. A I. Ale llr.ier, (ill Tnlur, turn Alume, J I lllus, I r Siesensun .irlrs Smith, Waller Sell, Arthur Hies, I rej (. Hirrell, J 1 Alnliuiie, . Like (ireen, I J Mc Klnli'l, Ihirv Allen I I (W.ihh. rum Innes, H S lenklns, I urn Hilei.UIII llnkelt, (.uv IIjiiIs.TIios T.iilnr, ! Durkee, I II Hill, I Al AnJersun; Win II lines, I I) MdlnnilJ. liroiue Aliurln. Wil ll.iins, A II Wejilierlur.', I I Husk, Jus AUCihee, WKMhi);K, I W Smith, I'esi Almi, S A AM. (.ItJe lllus, I) Innes, Miner I . tur. J l Aline, II Huitun, I11I111 While, Hen WcmiJs. "SJ