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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1903)
i- Wednesday, December 23, 190$ THE SUMPTER MINER SPECTACULAR CAREER OF AUG. HEINZE. The story of August Heinzo Ih unique. Iu the tlilrtecu years ho hua boon iu Montana ho. hits come to ho ino of tho colobrated characters of tho country, says tho PortliiiKl Ex proas. JIo has fought tho tho mtiltl niillioniilre. Sonator Clnrk. iia ho hua fought the Standard Oil people. Ho hua battled iu orory court iu tho state, aud has carried his cases to the United States Supremo court, ills career has boeu ouo of blttor litigation carried on uncompromis ingly aud engaged iu without regard to consequences. Ilia weapons Imvo boon tho courts. Ho has suod out Injunctions on claims ho bus bought, aud tied up proporties that wore worth millions and wuro producing millions more. Ho has played politics with aud Against tho leaders in tho state, has Leon ropublicau aud doinocrat, lias bought nowspaporg, imported writers and artists, boon charged with liribory of tho judiciary and has. Jived a tumultuous llfo lu every way. Through It all Holuro has main tained a marvelous ucrvo aud an assurance that has paralyzed tho peo ple with whom ho dealt. Ho is always atfablo, always smiling, but has unshaken courage and a mind that is always working for Heinzo. His shrewdness started him ou a croer toward millions, and It has uevor failed him. JIo has fought the. gcatest lawyora iu tho country; has struggled through court after court, fias used every sort of tactics to carry his points, aud lio hua beaten tho Standard Oil com pany. His victory Is so complete that tho Amalgamated has dosed down its mines aud smelters, claming It can do nothing else until tho supremo court has had a clianco to pass ou tho Heinzo contentious. Ho is a dupor littlo chap with a round, pleasant face. He looks morellko a clerk than a man who has made millions iu less tbau teu years, aud who Is in a posi tion to make millions more. He is a few inches more than tiro feet. His bauds aud feot are small. He dresses lu excellent taste, aud is known throughout Montana us "Tho Dude." Ho Is quick, onorgetic, positive in bis oplulous and is afraid of uo man. He spouds his mouoy freely. Ills eutertalumouts aro the most lavish iu that town of lavishuoss, Butte. Ho is a born gambler aud will take a cbauce at auy true in auy way. Dude though be may be, here aro a few of the things bo has dene: Born December 0, 1809, In Brook lyn, bo graduated from Columbia iu 1880; tblrteeu years ago he was a laborer iu the Moutaua copper mines at $5 a day. He is called tho greatest emelter expert in the country. He bested the Standard OH company, aud won a verdict of 810,000,000 from the Amalgamated Copper com pany, which will indirectly tbrow 10,000 meu out of work. He wou the Minnie Healy miue, worth 810, 000,000, aud Las defeated Senator W. A. Clark iu many legal battles. Au account of ouo of his first encounters is interesting. It was with II. H. Rogers, of Staudard Oil aud copper fame. Heiuze bad a copper claim between the Boston and Montana initio and tho Anaconda mine. Ho contended ho could follow tho dip of the vein I in his copper mine even into the other two mines. Heinzo went to tho courts and brought suit. Ho obtained injunct i ions. Ho was tireless. As fast as ouo injunction was vacated ho sued out another. The Standard Oil I magnates were embarrassed. Rogers sent for him. I "Well," said Rogers, "how much do you want to quit?" i Heiuze smiled. "Why. Mr. , Roges," he replied, "I did not come hero to make a proposition. You sent for me, you know." Rogers was nonplussed. "We will give you 8'.!.r0,000 to settle all your claims, give it to you iu cash this afternoon," ho announced. Heiuze was still smiling "Mr. Rogers," he said, "I had thought you were a man of broad views, accustomed to great negotia tions." "In heavens' name," gasped Rogers, "how much do you want?' "Teu million dollars," said Heiuze. WHY THE BICYCLE WAS LIKE TEDDY ROOSEVELT Judge Rhea, of Kentucky, tolls what ho called au Illustration story. "Tnere was an old man iu my town," said tho Kentucky member, "who had threo sous", each of whom wanted a bicycle. Ho could'nt airord to buy thieo bicyles, so ho decided to buy ouo, allowing all tho boys to iiso it, but making it tho proprety of the ouo who would select tho best name for the machine. "When tho bicycle arrivod ho called tho boys Into tho yard aud told them that each should tako. a ride, following which ho should christen tho machine Tho eldest boy rodo llrst, aud, dismounting at tho wator trough, sprinkled tho now wheel, auueuncinug: '1 christen theo Coorgo Washington, the father of his country.' "Tiio old man tliougtn this was pretty good, but when the second boy liad taken his turn, aud hail an uuiiuced, 'I christen thee Abraham Lincoln, who died that men might bo free,' the fathor was still hotter pleased. "Not much was expected from tho youngest boy, aud in fact, ho had considerable troublo with his ride trial. His legs were so short that bo could hardly roach tho pedals and bo waa'nt ublo to stoer at all, tho wheol bounced over rocks running Into trees mid fences. Ho was pretty well disgusted when ho reached tho watering trough, aud, seizug a bucket, ho gavo tho wheol a good snaking, making his announcement at tho timo; ' "I christen thee Theodoro Rooso volt,' ho said, 'bocause nobody can tell In what blamed directiou you aro golug to go.' "Tho young'ost boy got tho bicycle," Judge Rhea declared. Exchange. SNOW GREEK MILL IS GOING GOOD. Fred D. Smith, genoral manager of tbe Snow Creek, came iu from tbo mino last nigh'. Everything is golug good at tbo now mill, Mr. Smith says, aud the macbluory is glvlug entire satisfaction. He has tho proporty now in shapo for continuous production. IN THE RICH GREENHORNS ARE LOCATED THE PROPERTIES OF THE SmugglerGoldMining Company Nearly 1,000 Ft of Development Work, Tunneli, Shads, and Cross cuts have Proven a Continuous Ore Body (or a Length ol 3,00 Feet. The Ore Assays From S4 to $150 per ton, and in Place the Vein Is 48 Feet Wide. WE WANT TO SELL 100,000 Shares of Treasury Stock at TWENTY-F1VE CENTS Per Share, to Imtall a Sinking Plant. J For Full Inlotmatioa Regarding This Really GlH-Edged Proposition, Address ELI ROWLES, - Fiscal Agent 409 Hayden Building, Columbus, Ohio. Or SMUGGLER GOLD MINING COMPANY SUMPTER, OREGON. A Beautifully Illustrated Pamphlet of 16 Pages FREE Showing dt OREGON'S Great Dividend Paying Mines Any person contemplating a mining Investment should not lie without tho information contained lu this valuable tmuiphlut. WRITE TODAY (Mention No. (SO and it will be promptly mailed you.) WHEELER & CO. 32 BROADWAY. N. Y. (mt) OF SUMPTER, Capital Stock J- Surplus, $500 $25,000 omental J. B. STODDARD, Praaltfant ED. W. MUELLER, VloaPraal4ant R. H. MILLER - Caahlar H. S. OURGAN? . . Aaalatant Caahlar Safety Deposit Vaults Gold Dust Bought Does a General Banking and exchange Business &ra f GEMM THE SCENIC LINE Through Salt Lake City, Lendvllle, Pueblo, Colorado Sprlnga and Denver, ami the Famous Rocky Mountain Scenery by Daylight to all polntH Kant. 3 FIST TRAINS DAILY BETWEEN OGDEN AND DENVER 3 MODERN EQUIPMENT, THROUGH PULLMAN AND TOUR ST SLEEPING CAPS AND SUPERB DINING CAR SERVICE STOPOVERS ALLOWED For rates, foldorIand other M. C. M'BRIDE, Gen. Agent, Information, address 124 Third St., PORTLAND, OKK. i