Wednesday, December 2$, iox THE SUMPTER MINhR 1 1 AMONG CAYUSES ANY OLD THING IS MARRIAGE tliii Woili'V, in tln Ciiccnhmus, was heto 11 diiy or so, lctmncd this iiunii iiiK Hi bus n turci' oT men nt wotk sinklm,' mid state Unit coed pn.ress Is helm made. WILDEST CAMP IN WEST WAS FLORENCE, IDAHO Tim 'tnli' Siiii(ini eoutt has icn leic I a dicUioii in (ho o:ie of Kahtoti vci.-us Kiilytnu, ln olvlnu 11 tract of Indian n I tot t m) Intnl. tint title to which tested 011 tin' validity of tiilinl niaiihu:'. Tim pliiintill olulmcd to- lie solo heir of .lint Kiilyton. :in linllim of the Cayiise trilif. About Apiil ill. I SHI, )oe luil.'ui was allotted in sevetalty ITiT JiCtes of 1(111(1 ill I lit Ullltltillu ICM'rVIl- tiou Ho thereafter I hid with tint plaiuUlf's mother mill 1 i l intestate about .Iriiiiinry. 181111, seized of the real ptopetly allotted 111 111. mill nftcr 111., ilc.itli iilniiitilf was liorii. Tin; defendant, who Is ,I(io Kitlytuu's sister, i-lniiiiiiif! lo li(t hiri nolo heir, t nuk pii'-Mi-i-ion of tln ptcmiscs mill .-ecuied (lio icnts Uictcfrom. The I'oinplniiit nftcr nllcKiiitf tint facts iilmvn staled, avers Unit In 1 SHU plalutiH's mother nmi lied Knlyton Jicooiil Iiil; lo tint customs mill laws of tint trill'1 to which t lii'v heleiiKed: tint thi'iit!iflir 1 1 1 1 v lived mid co linliitol us liiihlimnl nmi wife, mnl Hint plnintlll Is llio i 'no ot such nimi'ini'it mnl the nolo heir of tint di' cets'd 'I'lio nnswer denied tint iiiiirit'il itllciillnns of complaint ami incited Unit tint iaiiiriiiin was not pei funnel nccorillim to law nt'il wns tli"i'iiitt wild; iiIho, Unit Knlyton mid plaint ill's, mother, helm: nllntlccs of land in severally, wute fit iiMis of this, state, and Unit ho died milium led without any lineal descendants. A demtiiinr to the Hist defeiiit wits ovemiled ami aftei dial a decree was rundeied in favor of the ulster, Mary Knlyton, and plaintilf appealed, Tim opinion of the supreme court iclciri to tint 1 1 city of 18r,"t, tecomil I in the Ciiynro Indians as a tiilie, whleh treaty, r.tfllled in IS.V.I. net apart for t hum the the Umatilla leserviition, also to tin) act of HH.'i niitliorllni' allotments In severalty, tint "Dawes" act of I SH7, decltiiiim nllotees to ho citicus, and the net of ISD1, which provide that when over any male or tcmttlo Indian shall havo colialiited together as husband and wile neciirdiiu. to tint custom and manner of Indian life, the issue of hiicIi eiihiililtntiou shall lie (for the purpose ot inlieiitance; taken and deemed to lie the legitimate issue ot the Indians so living tou'etlier. The le-tiiiMiny in this case shows that tlieie was no ieillnr foim of nnirriime Minonc (ho Ctiyuse Indians, tint .loo Kalvtou asked Louise to live with li I in, she consented, and did live with him, mid that other Indiiins, IneludiiiK Knlyton's sister, wein married in the sumo way. The supremo court concludes that since thin was the tiilml custom, the inar rinses as valid. It was contended that the iniirrliiKo could no lx k'cal Locinito Louise iirlemly had two living IiiihIiuiiiIh. Louise, tcritillvil, however, that he foro murryitiK J"" Knlyton, sho hail eoparatcd from the former husbands. in the Indian way, and it in held that this wad sullleient to show Unit she bud been divorced. The decision ileclHre Ariios Ktily tou to bo the hoIo heir of Joe Knlyton and entitled to possesion of the propetry of which lio died seized. . Good Progress at Worley. J. II. iluuter, aupcrlutoudeut of SOME KICK ON NUDE FIGURE FOR FOUNTAIN i ., The Hiieiijnwea Hltituo iw?oel itlen, now conipi i-iiiK s'i'M'uil llinn-nnd of the Icadlnu. pntiiotic cltiyens ot the Xoithwi'st, lins iiilieil mi oliiei'tioii to the model a-, a pulilie liitiiitiiin,, to lie made liy II. ,1. Ilauett, tint I'oi i Itiinl sculptor, lor the Lett is and Clink o position, in which tint Hume ot Siicn jawen, the Shoshone it I who uulded Lewis and Clark iicnifS the Hueky moutitains, is picscnted as a naked, ungraceful simiuo. The foil nl it I it rcpic-mnts a Hum o ot "Clvlliiilon," mounted, nccuuipu tiled liy ii naked Indian, which he has called Snciij'iwcn, and in not atlistic III n liiyli debtee. The cnucepllon of tlm fiiiintniii Is veiy i:ood, hut the idea of lepiesent inu the Imllaii Kill Ktiidu in a nude llumo has inised a stoim of objec tion, mill it is likely the Lewis and Clark connnls-iiiii will not accept the model of the founlnu, iim tlm olllcinl ideal. Tlm SarniawiM ussoeiution Issliiv iiii to pletuie tint ut as near like uiituie us liistoiic'tl tindltiou will permit and there Is nellilin: in ti lilstoiy of the ohiliiliou which will allow the aitistic. coucepliou to bo stietched to iilctuie her im a naked lluuie. Tito (txploiers speak nt her bucUUIn dress, hei cmelul attention to lnendlin; and tuakiuu luir urn' incuts, and lepiiiriiiK those of the evploieis and her husband, Chalioueau, and it is tliu intention of tliu statue association to follow the tiutli as clo.-ely ns titidition will permit. The mnmbeis of tlm Kacajiiwea Mouiimeut asMicintiou will be held icspnnsihlf lor all the puhlicily t; I ven the I ml Ian utilde, and they wish all the histoiic matter couceiu iiic her to lead to a hlyli and ele V'lted ideal of their heioitie. The membeis will nialsit eveiy elfoit to have Mr. Ilauett change Ids model, and clothe Siicajnwea, as she leads the hiusu ou which the Hume of "Clvilbiitllini" pushed towmd the We-t, in the tiaditioual buckskin Uill li of her tribe. The statue of tlio uirl, which will stand near those ot Lewis and Claik In the exposition bulldiuu, will lieu typical Indian lil, clothed in Urn pletuieKiie umliof the eaily Indians, and nil the Huuies of Kiicajnwea must confoiin to this Ideal or they will not meet with the appinval ot Hid inoiiii iniiiit association. Miss Alice Cooper, a sculptiess ol Denver, will ciinii t lit) Sacitjawea Maine, which will stand with those of Lewis, and Clink, and the Hymn will bo typical of the Indian of 101) yearn uro, with their tastt'3 in dre-H ficHlieued and stimulated by their contact with the dashliiK French voy litems of the eighteenth century. l'lie stiiteiiieiit miide In tlie 'I'lib unit Sunday that lilstoiy ncei edited Kltttenee In t In sliunede da.swith beilif: the wildest ciiiup in the we-t Is tine," Mild tut old niniiitcr yestei ilnv In lecltim: instances of Urn eiuly tlii.s when he was a ic-idcut of the old Idilio ciiiiuty eiiinit "It Is ii fnct," lie continue I. "Hint the hum of bullet" Meet inn down ' I lie sheets could bit lietlld dililnu lint entire nilit, mid onl. Hie etieinel, catcless or tlio fnllow who was join- Inu the liomliaulineiil ciituied out. , II is impossible lo nle mi aeemale e.-llni.ile ot the number killed .luiiiii; tin1 two jeais Unit I'Moienee was at its best. Kllllnus went mi couuiioii Unit they attiacled little or no attention evcept ontlmp.iit ot the victim's. Iieinls. and his only lecouise was In use a Kim utid itieieiisit the , nninliei of liiueiiils. II was smply a IciiMiofaun beiiiK Hid law, ami if j nu wanted to be the cum I, tlm en- I lite camp would iiiako loom tor , bilijint; your dead, if ill the mean- , linm Miiuebody hadn't located ,ou. I "It is no ovum-eiatlon to state i Unit men wein more dcspiiiito lu I those days than tliey inn today. I'hei, 'seemed to be a teat less swln to ' owiylhiiiK. I Kuess it was due to the nutul IhoIiiUou ol Hiluus. Lveiy- body was away liom home; eeiy ' body wan n stranger, and eeiyhody wan in luck or out of it. Kucli con tlilious would mtike men teclde.-.s. especially when thete wits no stttyim; hand, ami you slinplj had to shoot' wlieu the play ciimc up iluht. It wiih the only aiKumeut and the only com I " I'lio only t-nelnl meelim plnco wits the u'litiiiliK table and hete men ot all cla--es null to plav Hie limit. I'll popiilaHoti of I'loi.'iice was eitsilv 10,011(1. l'ciiph) simply came ttoiti CM'ivwhere l'lie lute Seuntot tleoryo llemst, Ihe toitudet ot Hie 1 1 em si. tot I in it, ami (lampiin Miller, the poet ol the Kiemis, wete milium Hut timedou! lesidentH ot the ciimp, bill such ebiss did not coultol. Tho siilotnis, the dance hulls mid tlio mimhliui; mimes sustained Hut ilesiieindo class and they in dim sustained I'loieuee, That in t liny dellued inuiiicipal law ami that law was Huht. 'I'd Mil wits simply nu epidemic. "- Lcuislou Tillniue. Mysltrious Mvlul I mind In C.ilifornla 'l'lie slate inlueinl hutcnu lepoits the ilisctiM'iy of n new anil mysterious, meliil in ii mine in Muilposa county. The metal citnies u (jood petceutai'o of uold mnl auHuiiiiiv mid It aces of copper. When scinteheil it tiparkles mnl shines. It is soil nmi cuts, awuy with a kuil'i). If scialcheil with the linger nail spin lis mo eiuillcd Hm same as il Hint was shuck with u piece of liielal. The tiliiwislty labuialoiy Is making mi inestl4ii Hon, Men woiklnu lu tlm mini) Htriko Hie with eveiy blow of tho pick, thus nnikiuu a weitd display. I! .11 How to Get Interest If you wish to difosil iiioinr for o sinrifici lihw ami get, hitig il to this ; ;. oiti'ol our 'Tinw G'lliiirah'S BANK OF SUMPTKR MINI'TUK, UKIKHin . . dOSS. I'lrvlJrnl dlij L.ishlir SM'M S. I (tsll I', M. (ihlrl- WILL RESUME WORK ON 16 TO I IN THE SPRING (5. T. Kelly, one of the owners of tho 10 to 1, In tho (ireoiihoru dis trict, left this afternoon for Spokane, to spend tho winter. Mr. Kelly will return In the HpritiKl when w0-"1 '" bo renmuod ut tho property. Operu tiouH for tho whiter wore closed aoino time ugo. His First Complaint ' "The writer regrets tlie necessity of lodging complaint concerniuu" voin usual exrellont service, but in a tiiendly spirit begs to submit the follewing: Yesterday you sold me lower nine, far three, on The Pioneer Limited. But you neglected to advise me that it would be necessary to have the porter waken me in the morning, and as there was so little motion to the car, I overslept. I have covered a large area on some of the famous trains of the United States and this is the first complaint ol this character I have made. I trust you will see to it in the future that passengers are advised." The Pioneer Limited runs daily from St. Paul to Chicago via the Chicago, Milwaukee 5c St. Paul Railway S;s.rAw2L 134 Third St., Portland, Ore. ZI