VOL. V. luxncaECTiKrvKCzviMi TajM?niWKnfroitLCTjKaawatqjHBia jn SUUPIER. OREGON. UliCMlihK i, u;o$ NO. 1 6 MAGNOLIA DEAL WAS ia llniilMiitlu mil'. Hi' knows of iv- era I mill- being talked of, I hi t is not in ii id?-1 1 Ion jut now to suy much iiliont them. CLOSED LAST NIGHT stole ore from HOMESTAKE DUMP CALIFORNIA MILL BEGIN OPERATIONS Option Taken by (George J. Barrett in The Interest of urch & : Irie of Spokane, The Magnolia deal wbh closed last night at liakor City. The bond whh prepared by Charlio Johns, who 1m attorney for tbe English owners, andTnude"lbHonrue'o,"rg6"Jr,narrett; of (Jraulte, who negotiated tho deal in tho interest of Huron fc Uruhrldge, Spokane, who it in understood will ultimately take over tho property. In fact Mr. Huroh when hn was here some time ugo stated to a Miner representative, if tho deal went through, it whh the intent inn to operate the Magnolia in connection with ho Independence, an adjoining property, which Is being developed by his tlrm. The exact llgures which tin- trans action represents have not been made public, but it is stated that tho price named is in the neighborhood of 880,000. This was mentioned by Mr. Jiurch as the approximate amount involved when ho was here, and Mr. Jiarrett, who returned from Maker City this morning, states praotioally the same, though he declines to givo i out the exact llgures. According to tho terms of tho contract a substantial payment la to bo made on January 25. and tho future amount Is to be paid within a period of fourteeu months. "Mews. Huron A Hurbrldge will bo bore about tho Hint of the year, it is stated, to mako an i examination of tho property, with a view to determining the changes I needed and for tho purposo of taking over Mr. Barrett's bond, slncii it was for tlieiu that the deal was negotiated. Operations will bo stinted soon after the beginning of tho new year. Tho ten stamp mill now on tho property is to bo remodeled, it U stated, and a cyanide plant installed, , which in addition it Is thought will furnish successful treatment for the ore. llurch iV lliirhridgn have shown ; their preferenece for the district by I tho late acquisitions they have made, including the Independence, iiud tho I Crane Fiat pincers, and now tho ' Magnolia. A. K. Dagnny and J. V. Morrow, owners of tho Ilomestiiko In tho Cracker Creek district, think they i must Do getting a pretty good guide of ore, if It is worth stealing. Mrs. O'Douough, wife of Dan O'Doiiough. who is employed at tho property, camo iu this morning and reports that four Hue sacks of ore were stolon from thediunp last night. Tho owners feel moro elated that put oiu over mo manor, since, it mo ore is worth stealing and carrying away it must be h better giado than they had thought. TO DO EXTENSIVE WORK NEXT YEAR V. K. Kurd, of Portland, general i malinger of tho United Kxploratlou company, operating several (iieen horn properties, camo In from them this morning and left. this afternoon for Portland. Me reports ' good progress, I Mr. Ilurd will leave Friday for the' least by way of Los Angeles to meet Itheseveial companies which ho rep resents anil get things in shape for 'extensive work next year. 60LD REIT COM- WILL START TOMORROW PANY ELECT OFFICERS FORCONTINUOUS WORK i FORMATION GROWING SOFTER AT SCANDIA At the meeting of the stockholders of the Sumpter Cold Dolt Mining company, held yestoiday, tho fol lowing otllcers were elected: F. C. Ilrodie, prerldout; M. F. Muzzy, vice president; F. O. Duck num. secretary. Charles II, Chance and C, II. Fe liner, with tho above otllcers, constitute the hoard of di rectors. It is tho purpose of tho company to start extensive operations on its tireeuhoru properties in tho spring. Mr. rluckuum expects to go east iu a short time iu the interest of tho company. I A report from tho California states that (ho mill was stinted up jester, day, but on account of certain changes and alteiations to be made it was found necessary to stop for a i short time. It is understood that the plant will resume tomoriow for continuous npeiatious. The formation at the Kcaudla Tun nel iu tho (irauito district, Manager Wade reports, is growing decidedly softer and greater progress is, there fore, being made. i The long cinsscut is now in 'J. (100 'feet, and it is thought the main lead ' of the propel ty will be leached within the next .'(10 feet. Steady wink is being in i i li t it i life t . The California mill will begin permanent operations today. Manager llellinaii has Ih'OH greatly delayed on account of tho non-arrival of tho chemicals to be used iu tho cyanide plant, lie has decided, how ever, to wait no longer, though tho consignment Is expected In a day or so, and to resume work. Tho cyanide plant will doubtless be started hi n dray or so, Mr. liellman lliluks. The California mill has a capacity of fifty tons, and arrangements as to space have been made that with tho addition of rolls and tablea tho ca pacity, with a comparatively small outlay, may be ircreased to '200 tons dally output. It la modern through out, and embraces tho late methoda of ore treatment. The crushing Is done by rolls with tho usual methods of concent tat ion and oyanldlng. Tbe practice baa been thoroughly tested on California ore, and Ita success Is n foregone conclusion. Work proper on the California mill was started last June, Tho plant was completed and operations were begun about the middle of August. After a run of two weeks, it was decided to put in n reverbera tory furnace and cyanide appurten ances. This necessitated a close down. The additions have now been completed and the mill is ready for u continuous run. Practically all the while the Cali fornia management has been blocking out one, ami the supply on hand Is sutllcieut to keep the mill going for several years, ORE VEIN CUT AT THE OVERLAND TO START WORK ON M. 11. Haiti, general manager of the Overland Iu the ('able Cove ills tilct, who came back from the prop erty, repoits satisfactory progress. The crnwt-cut leceully started Is now iu thirty feet and while Mr. Iliiill was theie a two foot vein whh caught. It is climated that it will take some ceeiity or eighty feet yet to get the main lead. Kcwtral in tervening veins will be cut, however. GOLD HILL GROUP! Well Developed Properly. Big Things Coming Next year. ' Millwright W. J. Potter, came iu from the liloe iilrd, where he has I charge of the mill now under con 'structlon, and left for his home in ' liaker to spend the hnliJys. Mr. Potter thinks next season will bo i . i Hoi Camp will leave louionow to I start work on the (Sold Hill group, i near tho Magnolia, In which he towns an Intel est, I ' The purpose Is to complete astesx. ' nieut work for the year and continue ( development after this has been done. ( ,1. S. Hughes, of (Juartbiiig, olio of the stockholdeis iu the Klandaiil and the original locator of the prop eily, letiirued jestenlay from a trip to Pendleton and left this morning for the mine. He says the Htaudaid Is rapidly becoming a well developed property.